《Epoch》5. Repeat
A loud crash echoed through my room, snapping me awake in an instant.
The debris! My body! Lyra! I… I look over myself. No injuries, no pain and I seem to be in my bed. Seriously? I'm fine? I looked down at the floor. My airship had fallen again. Damn it. Wait again? I never repaired it the first time.
The door to my bedroom cracked open and Lyra popped her head in. "Hey Feathers! It's too early, keep it down!"
"Lyra!" I shot out of bed, running towards her. I embraced her. "You're okay!"
"H-hey!" Lyra said before pushing me off of her. "Don't get all touchy feely with me!"
"Sorry. I'm just glad you're okay. We almost died yesterday, me especially!"
Lyra gave me a confused look. "Died? Feathers we only sparred. That wasn't even the worst time I've whooped you."
Now it was my turn to have a confused look. "We haven't sparred since the day I got back."
"Which was yesterday. You okay? You did land pretty hard."
"I'm... Fine." I said. I wasn't sure of it at all though.
Lyra pointed at the ground. "Isn't that your airship? I thought you left it at your parents."
This is getting strange. "No I didn't. Haven't you bothered me enough? Get out!"
Lyra stuck her tongue out at me and left.
Deja Vu doesn't even begin to explain this. I reached for my side, looking for my journal but found nothing. Oh. I only just noticed I was still in my nightwear.
With how things were going I had a feeling where my journal was. I went over to my shelf and sure enough there it was. Right between the dictionaries. I grabbed my journal, I flipped to the last page.
"It's gone." I said to myself.
My entries, drawings and everything up after the day I got back. Nothing about the rats, the dumb duo. Gone!
This made no sense. I sat back down on my bed, idly flipping through the pages. It's not like the pages were ripped, I would notice the tears. It's more like what I wrote was just gone. I didn't just dream up the last few days. After all I remember it quite clearly, not only that but things seem to be repeating.
I didn't repair my ship. And I know Lyra wouldn't go out of her way to fix it and then not gloat about how I owed her. Not to mention I doubt she even could. And then my dia- journal. My journal.
I racked my brain trying to think. Nothing logical could explain this. I went out, I was crushed as much as a living being could be and I'm pretty sure I died.
Was this a second chance? Maybe a premonition Or I could just be going crazy.
"That man!" I said outloud. “He did this! He had to have!”
Saying all that ominous stuff about the end. Who else could have done it? My mission was set. I had to go confront him. I quickly changed clothes and made my way out of my room.
"Lad you're up!” The Master said, pausing from his work to greet me.
"Hey Master, sorry but I can't help out yet, I have something I need to do."
"Forging your own path? I like it! Here, take this and buy a couple things while you're out."
The Master tossed me a bag of coins. Just like last time.
"Okay! Bye!" I then quickly left the workshop.
I stormed down the street, nearly shoving other Fallen out of my way. I was on a mission damn it! Nobody is gonna stop me! Messing with my head, giving me visions of the future I'm gonna give that guy a piece of my mind!
I made it to the street corner and… nobody. He was gone! But yesterday he was…
Oh. I smack myself in the face. Technically it wouldn't be a couple days until he was here.
I took a deep breath. Alright, no longer worked up. I don't know what got into me. I'm usually calmer than that. Let's think about this logically. The guy was more than likely screaming his stuff somewhere else and hunting him down in a city this big isn't really feasible. Plus in hindsight I seriously doubt a religious fanatic caused… whatever is happening.
What the heck is even happening? Am I dreaming? Or did I somehow travel into the past? Or a saw the future?
I let out a tiny scream. The crowd around me now starts visible staring and walking around me. How embarrassing.
I remove myself from the area. The Master still gave me errands to do after all. While making my way towards the shops, my mind wanders to what happened yesterday, or what will happen in a couple days.
The Tower exploded. Heck, exploded is an understatement. The entire thing was obliterated. What could have caused that? A terrorist? A monster? Maybe the gods really were pissed and decided 'Hey look at this place! What an eyesore! KABLAM!'
Nah, none of those make sense. I mean for one, if there was a terrorist they'd have to climb really high up the Tower is an extremely short amount of time. The number of Fallen who could do that in the world I could probably count on one talon.
Not only that but there's no way any Fallen could make an explosion to cause that much damage. It's a known fact that the Tower is nearly unbreakable, even attempting to chip it is a feat in itself.
So that leaves a monster. Well if it's a monster there's nothing anyone could do. Could you imagine how terrifying something must be to do that?
"V..y te.rif.i..g, I'd i..g..ne."
I froze.
I looked around me. Nothing. No one. No sign of the source of the buzzing in my ears.
Now I'm hearing things. This is stressing me out. Alright. The reason why aside the Tower exploded doesn't matter. The fact is it happened. Or at least will happen…
How do I even stop something like that? Can I even stop something like that?
I looked towards the all imposing Scala Tower in the visible distance. I gotta at least try, it’s the right thing to do… right? Yeah of course it is. I clench my hand in resolve. If it’s not me then who else can help? Still, I doubt anyone would believe me if I just started to go around saying the Tower was about to collapse, and then there’s still the problem of not being able to stop it directly… But I think I have an idea.
“Lad your back! Realized I didn’t give you a list, huh?” The Master said as I entered the door to the workshop. I walked up to him and handed him the bag of goods.
The Master opened the bag and had a quite surprised look on his face. “Well would you look at that! Have I been predictable in what I needed or did you get good enough to tell what I need from a glance, boyo?”
“Maybe a little of both.” I said with a bit of humor in my voice. Future knowledge is kinda fun for this sort of thing.
“Either way, thank ya.” The Master pats me on the back. Ouch. “Do you have any plans for a design by the way lad?”
“I do, but I’m gonna need some enchanting dust, the shops sadly are out.”
“Ah, attempting to dabbling in some enchantments are you? I’d normally spare some of mine but my project is using it all. Maybe ask the lass if she has any left.”
I nod my head. I know Lyra has tons of crystals but won’t share. Maybe if I asked super duper nicely though she would? I doubt it though.
Begrudgingly, I walked over to Lyra.
“Hey Lyra is there any chance-”
“Not happening, Feathers.” Lyra said in between hammer strikes. “I need my crystals.”
“How you’d even know I’d ask?” I said.
Lyra gives me a dumbfounded look. “You do realize you were standing only a couple feet away from me while talking to the Master right?” Oh. Right.
“Y-yeah! I knew that.” I cough and quickly change the subject. “So anyway can’t you spare just a few of them?”
“No way! What would I even get out of it?”
“I… um…” I trailed off.
“Exactly. I earned mine fair and square by going out adventuring. Unlike you who barely spars with me let alone set foot outside.”
Adventuring. Right! “Hey Lyra, I’ll help you with your sword and tag along with your group if you give me some help.”
“Oh? Really now? Hmmm… If you pull your weight out there tomorrow you got yourself a deal.” Lyra said, before handing me the metal she was working on. “I already did most of the work but you can finish it up. Don’t screw it up though, I plan on using it when I go out.”
The imagine of her sword breaking and Lyra tumbling into a wall flashes in my mind.
“Maybe I could remake it?”
“Remake it!? What are you trying to say that my craft isn’t as good as yours or something, Feathers?”
Uh oh. “No! No! I mean I saw you used a cast that usually causes-”
“I fixed that problem I’ll have you know, It’s not gonna crack that easily anymore see?” Lyra said, taking the metal out of my hand and slamming it into her anvil. The almost finished bladed cracked into two.
“...Whatever make a new one.” Lyra grumbled. She sat back at her working area and started to fiddle with something else.
That fixed that would be problem. Hurray? I went to my own working area. Time to make a sword. Or at least the blade itself.
I grabbed a piece of long metal. Iron to be exact. We normally keep supplies of various metals within the workshop. The Master lets us borrow a finite of his own supply to work with but when I say finite I mean finite. For the most part he expects us to gather materials ourselves, whether it be going out to collect them or buying them from shops.
That’s why I’m only using Iron for Lyra. Anything more I’d kick myself later!
...Then again I don’t want this to break on her, even though it wouldn’t I’d rather be safe than sorry. Not to mention with the looming threat of an exploding tower that may or may not have been caused by a monster/terrorist, I would like her to be well defended.
I put the piece of iron back and grab one of steel instead. You better appreciate this, Harpy!
I place the sheet of steel into the roaring fires of my furnace. The tips quickly turn a molten yellowish-white. I take it out and start forming a pointed tip on the top.
With the tip finish, I flip the blade around laying it on it’s flat, I then strike these portions, lengthening the blade and making the edges narrower. This should help with it cutting ability and give it a bit more length.
I repeatedly reheat, and strike the blade until it’s reached my desired length and thinness. With that the basic shape of the blade is achieved. Now for the finishing touches.
First I want to add a fuller to it. Lyra would probably kill me if I didn't knowing her fighting style. I stick the blade back into the flames, letting the entirety of it reach into a moletable point again. Taking my chisel, I strike a long channel down the middle of the blade. This is to help lighten it so it’s not so heavy to swing… Plus it makes it look way cooler in my opinion.
Letting it cool, I take it over to the grindstone and sharpen the edges. I also take a handheld one and smooth out the flat and fuller of the blade.
I hold it out in front of me, a nice and shiny steel blade! Woohoo! I wonder why Lyra didn’t go through the trouble of just making one herself in the first place.
My eyes glance out the window and realize it’s already pretty late. Oh. Right it takes forever to actually make something the right way.
“You done, Feathers?” Lyra said.
I turned to her and smiled. “Sure am! Here you go one refined and awesome looking blade if I do say so myself.”
Lyra took the blade away from me and inspected it. “Nice job, and you even used steel for little old me? Looks like you care about your best friend after all. You earned a spot on my team!”
“How about a crystal for doing such a great job?”
“I suppose you can have one. But only one! If you want more you have to earn it like the rest of us… on the battlefield!” Lyra said, striking a pose. The look of humor on my face must have been apparent as she quickly recomposed herself. “A-anyway crystal! Here you go! Meet me in front of the Tower tomorrow!”
Lyra handed me a crystal before retreating back upstairs, presumably to her room. I was left alone in the workshop now. I guess the Master retired off to bed and I didn’t even notice. Man I do get hyper focused sometimes huh?
But! I have a single crystal now! That should be enough to at least test try my design. I sit down and get to work.
I stood with Lyra while waiting for her friends. I was sketching various people. I eyed the tea shop for Amelia but didn't see her. Probably inside dealing with something or other. I did see some interesting Fallen I missed the last time around. My eyes drift, looking for details before they just grew heavy. I closed them for just a moment…
“Bwak!” I jumped.
“Don’t go sleeping on me now, Feathers. We still got the entire day ahead of us!” Lyra said.
“I just closed my eyes I swear!” I said. I might have briefly drifted off to sleep only a teeny bit. Can you blame me? I was up all night finishing my project.
“Uh huh, likely story” Lyra said before going back to fiddling with that little device of hers.
What did she call it? A ru-cube? I still want to take it apart. I should ask her that spare she had when I get a chance. What a strange object… but speaking of devices though I should set mine up. I pulled a metal tube out of my pocket.
"Hey what's that? A secret weapon?" Lyra asked.
"No, it's not a weapon." I half lied. I guess you could probably consider it a weapon. I took my failed lighting rune and modified it onto something that in theory should give off some harmless smoke and a loud noise.
Of course this is all a theory I tried to place a timer on it but… I’m not sure how well that would work. In fact I don’t know if this thing is going to outright explode on me. I was a bit hesitant in making it but I figured with the Tower exploding and all, a little explosion of mine wouldn’t be so bad in comparison… right?
A terrorist? Me? No way! This is to save lives! ...Hopefully. Honestly even if I do clear out a crowd or two, there will be more destruction than I can even manage to fix.
It’s not even a solution, just a small thing someone like me can do. Maybe if I were The Master I could do something. Or some cool, awesome adventurer or something like that. Heck I’m sure even Lyra could figure something out.
I’m just a runaway with no idea what to do.
“You okay? You look kinda down.” Lyra asked.
“I’m fine. No worries.” I say, faking happy expression. “Why are you even looking at me so closely creep?”
“Creep? Wow! I just might have to kick you out of my party now. And to think I let you join me in the first place! Hmph!” Lyra said, crossing her arms and turning her head away from me.
“You’re acting like a child, you Harpy.”
“Now I haven’t heard that name in awhile. I thought you forgot.” Lyra said.
I gave her a puzzled look. “How could I forget? You still call me, Feathers. Much to my ire…” I said, whispering the last part.
“What was that? You wanna repeat it?”
“Nothing! I said nothing!”
“Exactly. Appreciate the person who named you!”
She’s been even more obnoxious than usual. I will admit it did cheer me up a bit though. Was that her plan? Nah. I doubt she’d be that kind to me. Lyra jabbed her elbow into my side. See? Not kind!
“Look alive, here they come!” Lyra said. Sure enough to her word a big brute of a Fallen and one in robes approached us.
"Sup Lyra." Gruce said.
"Hello." Ariel said.
"Hey Gruce, Ariel, right on time!" Lyra grabbed me. "Feathers, you remember Gruce and Ariel right?"
I nodded. This time I did remember them. More than I wanted to. I even remembered their names after I said I wouldn’t! Dang it!
"My condolences," Ariel said. "I'm not sure why your parents would be cruel enough to name you, 'Feathers'."
“It’s not my name, just a nickname.”
“Yeah, his real name is Squirt!” Gruce squaked. I’m already over this. Going out again with these two was a terrible idea. Exploding tower just come take me already.
As if answering my calls something unexpected happened. The Tower exploded. There we go! Just what I-
The Tower exploded!?
Just like the last time it crumbled. Not in the same exact way, a different area of it went first, but the end result was the same. Pieces flew, smashing into the surrounding area. Houses, shops and Fallen were crushed. Screams surrounded us as what seemed like to me the end of the world would be like.
“Guys! We gotta help get people out. Ariel, Gruce go see if anyone trapped under rubble. Me and Feathers will run around and see if there’s anyone injured.” Lyra said
“Time to play hero!” Gruce said before running off with Ariel not far behind her.
Lyra turned to me. “Are you ready, Feathers?”
I nodded my head. I didn’t get to enact my plan but maybe my bomb can still come useful. Like blowing up a rock or-
A sudden weakness takes me to my knees.
“Feathers!” Lyra called out.
I was on the ground, unable to stand up. What? What happened? A piercing pain erupts in my chest. Then, something warm leaves my mouth. I touch my beak with my talons. Blood? I didn’t even get hurt...
“Hang on, I’ll get you to safety and-” My hearing starts to go. I can see her talking but not hear the words. Damn it. One final searing pain engulfs my body before everything fades to black… then blue.
A loud crash echoed through my room, snapping me awake in an instant.
I shot up from my bed, clutching my chest with my talon.
It takes me a couple moments to calm my racing heart.
...I died again didn’t I? I died. I died I died! That’s not normal, you shouldn’t experience dying then waking back up in your bed. I don’t know what’s going on but-
Lyra comes crashing through my door.
“Feathers! The Tower! It exploded!”
“Just come outside and you’ll see!” Lyra said, dragging me by the arm.
We reached outside, The Master was outside, staring with an awestruck expression at the sky.
“Impossible…” The Master muttered. I looked at the sight. The workshop was much farther away from the Tower so from this distance we were safe, but it also let me get an eyeview of just how destructive this was. The Tower tipped, the impossibly tall object fell over an enormous distance, hitting what seemed to be a city walls. Falling on what must have been gods know how many people. A massive dust cloud rose from the areas where it had fallen.
I was a fool to think that my little idea could really save anyone. It truly was beyond me.
“You ca… h.lp…”
A buzzing enters my ears. The next thing I know another piercing pain erupts in my chest. Blood leaks from my mouth and my vision fades to black... then blue.
A loud crash echoed through my room, snapping me awake in an instant.
I jump out of bed and grab my journal. Flipping to the latest page, everything was blank. I went back again! Twice even! I didn’t even get a real chance to process the last time since I died minutes after I woke up.
What do I have to do to make this stop?
“Listen to me of course, Kid!” A voice sounded from inside my head.
Just then a floating blue orb appeared in front of me.
I screamed.
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