《Summoning went wrong (draft)》Chapter 18. 3 out of 3
5 days have passed since I made the deal with the samurai.
Since then my forces have increased drastically. With the fresh meat coming in from the street I managed to make 23 lesser and 14 living ghouls and a whole shitload of other creatures that I was keeping inside me since there was no place for them. My inner personalities have also been working pretty hard.
The red one, that named himself Deux, because it sounded cool, have learned the skills that we steal from Momo and now have been training with a weapon that and I quote ‘too cool for me’. The second me on the other hand, that I called Weep didn't do anything, just crying.
“My lord, we have brought everything you asked to the dining room.
“Thank you. Check on the dwarfs, see if they are finished on their assignment.”
“As you wish.”
The ghoul bowed then left my room.
I could get used to this. I get everything that I want, without moving a finger and not risking my life at all.
“Yeah, food, booze,, and slaves everything that a man could wish for. I have the feeling that things will…
[Core exhausted.]
[Curse active.]
“Oh fuck me.”
Before I could feel the pain, I fused my newly got lips together so that the sound of my screams couldn’t be heard.
As always, intense pain washed through my body, ejecting my soul from it, with some fragment exploding like fireworks.
The body that I left, felt on the ground with a blunt noise, while smoke rising from. The wooden planches that my blades have touched have turned into cubes of coal.
Thank god I was on the first floor.
[Curse ended]
[Remining days: 20]
[Redirecting curse to the next core.]
Finally. It’s getting longer each time it happens.
When I re-entered my body, I eat all the food that I had to fix the burn marks.
This became a kind of a chore for me. It’s crazy how easily cane someone gets used to something if it experiences it multiple times.
Or I finally lost my mind.
While healing, I made some changes in my hands that I was planning for a while.
I created more insect legs on them, layering them on each other. Before my arms were unnaturally thin, but now they looked healthier.
When everything was back to normal, I checked on the dead dwarfs.
They made a temporary workshop in one of the empty rooms. We ‘brought’ some equipment from one of the blacksmiths we visited.
“Hello guys, did you finished what I asked from you?”
The one who was the nearest to me pointed at one of the corners of the room.
There was a pile of iron scrap and on the top of it was a tidily wrapped package. I opened it and take out its content.
It was a cane made from wood and metal, with a green stone on its handle.
“Looks nice, but those it works?”
With a firm grip, I touched the stone with its tip while supplying it with mana.
“Silver Rain.”
The stone under the can became liquid that then solidified in a weird form.
This little beauty was the hero’s sword melted down and reformed. I was curious if it was possible to reshape it and these guys have outdone themselves.
“Ha, nice! Good work! You guys deserve a break!”
Neither listened to me, they just continued their work.
“… I am the boss you know?”
Sulking, I went to another corner where our masterpieces were made.
“This one is good, but the mana conductors are a little rough. Try making them a little bit deeper. How much do you guys can make?”
The one near me put down his tool and opened his hand twice.
“So, ten. That is plenty for now. When you guys are done, put them into the boxes separately, clean up, and go to the warehouse.”
They didn’t react.
“… Yeah.”
I went back to my room, putting my can next to me.
Letting out a sigh, my surroundings changed to the one in my head.
“How is your training going?”
The one I was talking to was Deux. He was leisurely sitting on a bench, eating popcorn while watching something on a mirror.
“It is going fin. We will soon have a new combat skill and I believe that we might even acquire something else.
“What do you mean?”
Deux put away the popcorn and pushed away the mirror.
“There seems like some special skills called Martial Arts. They use almost no mana to activate, but they require a trained body. Right now I am watching a copulation of different martial art to see if there is a common point.”
“I see. And him?”
I pointed to the one in the corner.
“He stopped crying, but nothing else. He’s completely useless.”
“Ha, well leave him be. Who knows, he will become useful in the future.”
“I wouldn’t even do anything to it. He is worthless.”
“For now.”
“…We will see.”
With these words, Deux got up and walked away.
“Where are you going?”
“I have no envy to watch you destroy someone’s mind again. It's disgusting. And illegal!"
He slammed the door shut.
“Is he in puberty or something?”
With a long sigh, I snapped my fingers, making one of the mirrors float at me, showing me complete darkness.
“She is still sleeping. That is no good, I should wake her up.”
Momo POV:
‘Help us!’
‘Someone, please!’
“Shut up!”
I threw my pillow at the nearby wall.
Ever since I made the deal with that demon I have been hearing and seeing things. I haven’t slept for three days and the food I was eating tasted disgusting.
“Just please, shut up”
Silence. Finally.
I felt back on my bed to sleep. I was about to when…
From the force of the scream, I was sent to the ground holding my aching head.
‘Hello there! Did you miss me?!’
“No! Oh, gods no!”
‘Oh, yes! It’s me the Dealmaker! I came to ask, how is your little band doing. Did you get what I want?”
“I-I don’t know. I haven’t been told anything since we meet!”
‘This is peculiar. Are you saying that you have been in your room, molding away waiting for your friends to save you? Sorry, not even friends, just a high up princess and a nobleman. You worth nothing.’
“T-that’s not true! He saved me! He trained me! He-“
‘He made you a pawn. A useful, determined, faithful, yet disposable pawn. You have been trained for a short while, with minimal care. You are nothing more than a foot soldier.’
“You are lying!”
‘Am I? Then tell me, why you? He could bring with him the other one, yet he decided to take you in the heart of the enemy, not only risking his but your life as well. And not only that, when we made the deal do you want to know what he said? He said ‘’Will this hinder our deal?’’. Can you believe that? The one that supposed to be your mentor, treated you like useless garbage!’
“No that not-“
‘Admit it, you are worthless, a pawn. Only needed to be sacrificed so that the king’s man wins. Useless. -‘
I didn’t listen to him, I started to cry.
“Why? What did I do wrong?”
‘You are weak. Easy to manipulate. But I may be able to help you.’
“No! I won’t sell my soul!”
‘Who is talking about souls? It is worthless. Yours is worthless. But with my help, you may become something…. Useful.’
“No, you are just using me. You are evil you-you-“
‘Calm down. Breath.’
I didn’t know why but I did what he said calming down immediately.
‘Good. Now listen. There is a way for you to have the respect of your master. And I am talking about real respect, not that crap he gives to you. I am talking about the real deal here.’
‘Or make him even fall in love with you. Yes, that is what you truly desire isn’t it? Love. Compassion.’
‘I am taking the silence and that flustered look as a yes. Listen to me, I already have a plan for you so that your precious samurai would give you his heart in love.’
????? POV:
Explosions happened everywhere in the church, destroying the finely sculpted statues and decorations.
The ones who were causing all the destruction where a pair of individuals wearing strange clothing, holding a large vase-like object made from gold.
“Get them! Do not let them escape with the Urn!”
The two figures reached the front door of the chapel and they both disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
“Find them! If the pope finds about this, he will crucify even the horses!”
The priest has started to run around each shouting and panicking, desperate to find the hoy treasure.
“Lady Salma! What should we do?!”
“Search the surroundings! Go into the houses if it need to! They can’t be far away!”
I sent away every one to search for the saint Urn.
When the church found it's usually quiet again a new noise could be heard again.
Clap! Clap! Clap!
“A marvelous performance! I couldn’t do better myself!”
On the alter a man was sitting. He was wearing strange clothing with a deer skull in the place of it's head. On the antennas there where gems hanging, shining in faint blue light.
“Who are you?” I brandished my staff, sending some mana in the tip.
The man let out a faint chuckle before standing up.
“Did you already forget about me? I am deeply hurt; my leg still stings from your arrow.
Hearing his response, a sense of terror run through my body.
“…the demon?”
“Is that you are calling me or is it just a nickname?”
“But it can’t be! We killed you! The goddess smithed you!”
“That is something that I have some doubt about. If the goddess was the one who did this to me, then it would mean that I am stronger than-“
“Holy Magic: Holy Arrow!”
A bolt of light shaped like an arrow flew out from my staff flying at his head at great speed.
The demon didn’t move an inch letting the arrow, to pierce him, making a hole in his front, from where the projectile came out, hitting the wall behind him.
“Well, that was unnecessary.”
The demon let out a sigh, unfazed, the hole in his head already healed.
“H-How?!” I screamed almost letting go of my staff.
“You see after you have ‘killed me’, I have been preparing for this. I have already taken away something from the prince and after you will be the turn of that witch. In my current state, there is no way for you to win. “
“No. I can’t accept this. Holy Magic: Holy Arrow X10!”
Several projectiles made from light launched at him, each hitting its mark, yet the creature stayed unfazed.
“Seriously? Do I really need to do this? Sigh. Mind Magic: Blackout.”
From his raised finger a cloud made from darkness started to spread, eating everything that it touched.
“Light Magic: Blinding Flash!”
A small ball of light appeared at my chest, that exploded into a blinding ray of white, dissipating the darkness.
“Holy Magic: God’s Sanctuary!”
A circle of light surrounded me, creating a barrier protecting me from anything that was evil.
The demon rubbed his skeleton eyes while laughing.
“So, you want to fight this much? Fine, I have some time. Come out boys!”
The demon snapped his fingers several times. Each time a monster appeared next to him, becoming a mass of nightmare.
“Get her!”
The monsters jumped unitly without a sound, banging at my barrier.
“Damn it!” I grabbed a medallion that was hanging around my neck and I channeled my mana into it.” Light Magic: Luminant Bind!”
A ray of light came out from my staff binding everyone who touched it in a ring of light.
If this continues, I will run out from mana shortly.
“Holy Magic: Blessed Heart!”
My body became covered in a faint halo of light, regenerating my mana.
“Like I will let you do it! Mind Magic: Balance!”
A disgusting blue light came out from his hand that was repelled by my barrier.
“Tch! She is good! Destroy that barrier! “
The monsters intensified their attacks, making small cracks in the invisible force field.
I kneeled down and poured all my mana into my staff.
“Oh, goddess protector of all, guardian of humanity- “
“Shit! You wretched girl! Lesser Summoning Magic: Object Call.”
The giant gold cross on the wall disappeared from the wall and appeared before the demon who kicked it, making it fall on my barrier, cracking it even more.
“-give me your luminant light. Holy Magic: Cleansing Explosion!”
The barrier burst into shreds letting in the monsters. Yet before it could reach me, my staff let out a light even brighter than before, painting everything in white.
When I could see again, the demon and the monsters where gone.
“Ha-Ha. I wish you all a good way to hell.”
“Thanks, but not needed.”
From behind something stabbed my left shoulder. I could see the blade coming out from the wound, the blood coming out from it, yet I couldn’t feel the pain.
“Nice, doesn’t it? I coated the blade in a muscle relaxant. I could chop off your limbs with it, you wouldn’t feel a thing.
The demon came in front of me, then kneeling down looking at me from his mask.
“Long story. Not important. What is though is that you are low on mana. Which is great for me. Let me ask you something.” He put his hands on my face.” Have you ever wondered about becoming a slave?”
A sudden explosion sent away the demon off me.
“Are you alright?”
It was Belda with her inseparable bow.
“We need to go the guards are on their way-”
“Telekinesis: Pull.”
An invisible force tore my staff out from my hand, making a curve in the air, then landing in the palms of the demon.
“I hate these things. They hurt like hell. Let’s get them out of the equation. Lesser Summoning Magic: Object Call.”
In his empty palm, a dozen arrows appeared from thin air. With a sure movement, he clenched his fist breaking them.
“… Compound magic: Frozen Arrows!”
Eight magnificently sculpted arrow has formed around us, that where launched at the demon in union.
“Lesser Summoning Mafic: Object Call.”
The cross from before now appeared right in front of the demon, shielding it from them.”
“ You two have been an eyesore for a while now. Lesser Summoning Magic: Troop Call, Ghouls.”
From his slightly raised hands, a wave of dark blue energy washed through us. Seconds later the ground under him cracked and from it, dozen of humanoid looking creatures emerged.
The demon showed my scepter into the ground, breaking the floor.
“Let me show you my latest creations. Summon Sign: Circle Activation X2.”
Two symbols appeared in his hands that floated into the chest of two of his ghouls. When they did, the entrance point started to glow red and red veins started to go trough there bodies. The two of them screamed in an inhumane voice, scratching the floor. Soon their bodies have been covered with black fur, their nails became grits and their heads became doglike.
“Summoning Magic Creation: Hybridyfication, Night Hound versions. Get them boys!”
The two mutants jumped in the air and they soon appeared before us, their mouth full of saliva and sharps fangs.
“Compound Magic: Ice Floor!”
At her command, the floor under the feet of the mutants became covered by a sheet of ice. The second they touched the ground, they were stuck to it immediately.
“ I am not done yet! Compound Magic: Frozen Arrows.!”
The spears made from ice pierced their bodies, killing them instantly.
“You are cold today, witch. Then let’s see if a salamander version will heat you up.”
At his command, another one came, covered in red scales and smoke rising from each footstep.
“Compound Ma-“
Before she could complete her chant, the mutant’s fist has hit her barrier pushing a few steps back.
“You bastard!”
In frustration she took out a knife from her belt and stabbed it into the eye of the lizard, killing it instantly.
“Now you! Compound Magic: Fire Tornado!”
A tornado made from flames appeared right where the demon was standing
“…Compound Magic: Flame Wave!”
Even before the effect of the first magic was dispelled, she already sent another magic attack at a completely different location.
From where she sent her attacks, the smoke has risen from the explosion. Soon from the said smoke, the demon appeared, completely unharmed.
“Your mana. Keeping the illusion up for so long consumes quite a lot.” She made her wand spin her hand, tracing a white circle. “Give up. Nothing that you can throw at me will work.”
“Hmmm, then I believe that it is time to get serious.” The demon grabbed something from his coat.
It was a leather pouch.
“What are you planning to do?”
“You see, witch, I have prepared something just for you.” He opened the pouch and took out a can much bigger than the sack itself.
“My ladies let me present you, Silver Rain reforged!”
“Let me demonstrate. Silver Rain.”
The demon touched the ground with his can.
Everyone could hear the tremors. A lot of people could see the source from the street and the house.
Yet, no one could believe it.
The church, the house of their god, the sanctuary that has stayed immaculate for centuries was now gone.
In its place was a pile of rubble. Amongst the debris stood two figures.
One of them was a girl wearing black leather cloths and a wand.
The other one was wearing a suit and had a deer skull for a head.
“… I might have overdone it. I am still not used to this thing.”
The demon put away his can awkwardly.
The girl, Belda didn’t say anything she just fell on her face and started to twitch.
“What1s with this hilarious fall? I don’t believe that I touched her. Maybe she run out of mana. Oh well.”
The demon went next to her and started to loot her.
“20 gold coin, a wand, a now broken bow, a medallion, and my book. What the hell was she doing with it? Why is it warm and wet?”
The demon put away the loot he took and then started to sweep away the debris not far away he was standing.
From there he dragged up the saint who was also unconscious.
“I should go before the guards arrive.
[… Sending Password to outside source.]
[…Password received.]
[Lockdown lifted.]
[Connecting to system.]
[…Connection complete.]
[Book's content is now usable.]
[Due to skill [Broken Mind] New persona will be created.]
[Remaining time till UD-event: 1 day 2 hours 23 minutes and 5 seconds]
Name: Desmond ˙(Temporary,)
Race: Stranded Spirit
Age: 16
Job: Golem Maker; Slave Master, Apprentice Summoner
LV: 9/30
HP: 530/560
MP: 540/540
STR: 30
VIT: 0
SPD: 20
MRES: 30
Skill PT: 0
Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Transparent Body] [Flight] [Intangibility] [Fragmented]
Skills: [Golem Fabrication: LV:1] [Slave Commend;Lv:1] [Lesser Summoning Magic; LV:1]] [Deal Making, LV:3] [Wish Granting, LV:2] [Mapping, LV:1] [ Appraisal,LV:2] [Mind Town, LV:1] [Slave Mark, LV:1] [Chained Possession, LV: 1] [ Telekinesis, LV:1] [Transmute;Lv:1] [Mind Magic,Lv:1] [ Summon Sign,Lv:1] [Lesser Knife combat] [Lesser Athletize] [Lesser Knife Throw] [Lesser Poison Knowledge] [Lesser Qui manipulation]
Passive skills: [Herbology; LV:1] [Sweet Talk, Lv:7] [Speed Healing, LV:1] [Mass Absorption, LV:3] [Midas’s touch]
Resistances: [Poison] [Fire]
Curses: [Iophobia] [Holy Burn]
Unique Skills: [Body Physic Manipulation] [Harvest]
Titles: [Broken Soul] [Heretic] [Cursed Book Owner] [Revenge Driven] [Decorator] [Heartless]
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