《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 53


Jason held Alice and Maple while leading Elizabeth and Emily towards his car. This time, he did not bring his hovercar, but a regular and inconspicuous 4x4, a Jeep Cherokee. Both Alice and Maple straightened themselves while studying the car with interest.

"Sheep Cherry-kee?" Alice tried reading the car's name out loud and Maple shook her head.

"No, it's a Jeep Karaoke," she tried correcting Alice, all the while Jason, Emily, and Elizabeth tried not to laugh.

"Pfft - you're both right," Elizabeth said between her suppressed bell-like laughter. "It's definitely a Sheep Karaoke!"


Both Alina and Maple awed at the same time and Jason chuckled while patting their heads. He unlocked the car and opened one door for Alice while Elizabeth moved to sit in the front passenger seat. Emily opened the opposite rear door and picked Maple up before seating herself in the middle; this way, she was in between Alice and Maple and could look after both of them. Jason tucked Alice in before helping Emily to tuck Maple, securing both of them with car seats that automatically compressed itself to become booster seats. Finally, Jason moved to the driver's seat and drove off after giving Melanie one last glance.

Alice watched the lights pass by in a blur as Jason speedily drove through the highway. Despite the bright city lights, the darkness of the night seemed to sleep in and devour the flickering lights, pushing closer to the car and she shuddered before huddling closer to Emily. The latter felt Alice's discomfort and wrapped an arm around her in an effort to comfort her. She understood that Alice, despite acting normal earlier, was still in shock.

None of this escaped Jason, as he repeatedly gazed at Alice through the rearview mirror, his heart aching with guilt. He wanted to say something, anything, to comfort Alice but words failed him and he fell silent.

I need to think of something to get her mind off of things, he thought when a flash of inspiration hit him. Maybe I can find out what she wants?

"Hey, Alice. Do you know what I had in mind, what I was thinking of?" Jason asked Alice while focusing on the road ahead.

Alice wrinkled her nose, her brows furrowed together as she almost instinctively said "no", but paused with her mouth open. She had no idea what her father was thinking of, but she felt this was a chance to extort him for something. Thinking long and hard, as fast as she could, Alice came to a conclusion with a smile.

"Ice cream?" She suggested cheekily and Maple gasped in agreement.

"What? No, no. That's not what I had in mind-" Jason replied but Alice and Maple cut him off.

"Iccee cccrrreeaammm," both said slowly in their most convincing voice.

"It's a little too late in the night for -"

"Ice creeeam, ice cream!" The two continued chanting.

"I -" Jason turned to an amused Elizabeth and Emily. "See, look at this. This right here? Brainwashing. Absolute, honest to God, brainwashing. I had no plans for ice cream -"

Jason emphasized the last two words loudly, causing Alice and Maple to pause and wait in anticipation.

"- But now, I can't stop thinking of Baskin Robbins strawberry cheesecake sundae," Jason continued, ending in a lower voice that was tantalizingly tempting and both children squealed with joy.

Maple gasped with an open mouth, her bright green eyes dazzling in disbelief that Jason agreed while Alice giggled with glee before wiping a trail of saliva that leaked from the edge of her mouth with her hand.


"You two don't mind, do you?" Jason smilingly asked Elizabeth and Emily, but both shook their heads wryly.

Emily listened to both children's prattle about which flavour they would want to get while Elizabeth turned her face and gazed at Jason with a small smile; she watched the hazy, smoke-like figure of his with mixed emotions. She knew very well that Jason had used reverse psychology to figure what Alice had wanted and it impressed her. At the same time, she thought ruefully on just how much Jason had grown since she left him.

He'd never have thought about this before, Elizabeth thought. In fact, ay don' think ay woulda have thought of this. Goes to show just how terrible ay was at raising him.

"Something wrong?" Jason noticed Elizabeth staring at him blankly and he asked casually before teasing her. "Am I that irresistible?"

"Definitely," Elizabeth answered instantaneously. "But that's not it. I was just thinking."


"It's nothing," Elizabeth shook her head and turned to look out the window of her seat instead.

Jason mulled over her reply for a second before shrugging and focusing on the three at the back. His eyes turned gentle as he saw Emily laugh and joke with Alice, grateful that she was able to cheer up the latter. Emily felt his smouldering gaze and instinctively turned to look at him. The two gazed at each other through the rearview mirror, each with their own small smile and it was only after Elizabeth cough did Jason break away and focus on driving.

Clever lassie, Elizabeth thought, unaware that Emily was not intentionally using Alice to get closer to Jason.

After recalling how injured Alice was, Emily only felt it was natural to pay more attention to her than Jason. It was for this reason that she sat at the back talking, comforting Alice, unaware of just how attractive that made her to Jason.

The relatively awkward atmosphere between the three adults continued without Alice and Maple noticing until they arrived at Baskin Robbins.

"I'll find a seat," Emily said as Jason took Alice and Maple to the counter.

"Sure. Oh, and ice cream flavour?" Jason asked Emily while gearing at the menu floating above the counter.

"I'll go with anything."

Anything you choose, Emily added in her mind. Jason understood what she meant and the two gazed at each other for a while before Elizabeth cleared her throat, a tad bit longer than last time.

"I'll go with you," Elizabeth said while holding her hand out for Emily. "What? You can't expect a blind person to stand in line. Also, I need your help. I can't navigate in tight spots. Oh, and baby? I want rum raisin."

Elizabeth turned to Jason as she added her request below holding a hand out to Emily.

Of course, she'd choose rum, Jason shook his head wryly.

Emily hesitated, staring at Elizabeth with a hint of doubt, before taking her hand and walking her over to a table.

Jason watched them go with a raised eyebrow, curious as to why Elizabeth wanted Emily alone. Unfortunately, he couldn't think it over as Alice and Maple grabbed his attention, each telling him what flavour of ice cream they wanted as they dragged him to the counter.

"Cotton candy!" Alice exclaimed with a jump. "Ooh, no, bubblegum! Or how bout both?"

Alice sent her most adorable and cutest smile to Jason as she turned around to look at him hopefully. Nearby customers and employees almost melted at her expression while Alice laughed internally.


Hehe, with my looks, my charm is almost double! Alice thought evilly. Besides, no father can withstand his daughter's cute act!

Unfortunately, Jason had already experienced how cunning Alice was and he merely sent her an amused expression full of exasperation.

"Only one kid, only one," Jason replied.

"Humph!" Alice crossed her arms and huffed, preparing to use a harder stance to get what she wanted. "You owe me more than one cone for cheating on mom!"

"So you're saying that if I bribe you with more ice cream cones, you'll be fine with my relationship and other women besides your mom?" Jason asked.

"Uh . . . no," Alice replied with uncertainty. Her stomach was screaming yes but her mind said no as she still sided with her mom.

"Then it's just one ice cream cone for now," Jason said, trying his hardest not to grin.

"Oh, fine," Alice begrudgingly agreed with a stomp of her foot.

On the other side of the ice cream parlour, Emily and Elizabeth found a table large enough for all of them and sat on opposite sides, waiting for Jason to return. A strange silence descended amongst the two with Emily shifting her legs awkwardly while Elizabeth hummed under her breath.

"You don't like me, do you?" Elizabeth finally asked, breaking the silence. "You seemed alright with the other girl, what was her name again? Melody?"

"Melanie," Emily corrected quietly before smiling and replying, "And I can't imagine why I wouldn't like you."

"Oho, dripping with sarcasm," Elizabeth teased while raising an eyebrow in amusement. "It's stabbing me right in the heart."

"What Melanie said, was it true?" Emily asked while ignoring Elizabeth.

"Which part?" Elizabeth asked back, pretending to play dumb when she knew very well what Emily was asking about.

"The part where you slept with Jason when he was just a child," Emily replied coldly, her eyes sharp.

Damn bonny lass, Elizabeth cursed Melanie in her mind. Ay knew that snake was up tah no good.

Elizabeth opened her mouth to explain herself to Emily but couldn't say anything but chuckle awkwardly. She was not an idiot: she could see that Melanie had intentionally set Emily against her and knew that this was bad. After all, Jason seemed quite attached to Emily, more so than even he admitted. Elizabeth also had an inkling that those two girls were working together, which was even worse.

"And you ask me why I don't like you?" Emily shook her head, disdain visible on her face. She couldn't imagine what possessed Elizabeth to sleep with Jason when he was so young; ordinary people would only see a cute child and want to care for them, but this woman . . .

"Hey, I don't need to explain myself to a baby teen who still smells of milk," Elizabeth shot back with a barb. "And speaking of which, I'm surprised that would come out from you, considering that you're an underage student that is currently aiming for her teacher. Not exactly on the moral ground here, girlie."

"I'm technically an adult, so I'm fine," Emily answered cooly, her eyes narrowed when Elizabeth jabbed at her only weakness. "And my teacher isn't a thirteen-year-old who knew nothing about sex."

"You think you know everything, eh?" Elizabeth sneered. "You think that Jason was ever a normal child? That someone who could slit a man's throat without mercy at the age of ten is a child?"

"I -" Emily was caught off guard by Elizabeth's revelation, surprised that Jason would even consider murder at that age and Elizabeth laughed with another sneer.

"You don't even know him properly and you dare to lecture me? Come back when your older and wiser, girlie" Elizabeth mocked.

She understood from Emily's surprised gaze that she knew nothing of the real Jason, the one who was violent and turbulent like a hurricane. The one who liked satisfying the emptiness within him by killing and maiming his enemies mercilessly with cold, dead eyes, all while smiling with innocent elation.

"You -"

"But yeah, you're right. I did sleep with him when he was younger," Elizabeth continued tauntingly, preventing an aghast Emily from retorting. "Or rather, he slept with me. Whatever made you think I was the first to make a move?"

Emily froze a stunned expression on her face as what Elizabeth said sunk in. Before this, she couldn't believe that Jason would be the one to sleep with Elizabeth: she couldn't even imagine it. Yet, as soon as Elizabeth mentioned it, she realized that it was probable. Worse, a probability that might even be true.

"And another thing? Jason was never normal. He didn't have the luxury to be one - still doesn't have the luxury - to be normal," Elizabeth stated flatly before her eyes sharpened. "And don't ever forget that. Or you'll lose him, I guarantee you that."

"How would you know who he really is? When you're just a singer?" Emily asked, unwilling to concede to Elizabeth.

"Am I now?" Elizabeth smiled. This whole time, she had been staring at the direction of Emily's voice with a tilt of her head but now she turned to look straight at the latter. A chill passed through Emily's back as she felt Elizabeth staring at her clearly, even though she was blind.

"Let's hope you never find out," Elizabeth whispered in a barely audible voice that Emily failed to catch.

At Elizabeth's words, a thought crossed Emily's mind and she asked, despite knowing the truth deep down. ". . . And does Melanie know? The real Jason?"

"Almost as well as I," Elizabeth grudgingly answered after recalling the first fight she had with Melanie. The latter was unsurprised that Jason was a Phantom which shouldn't be surprising as Viperess was also a Phantom, and Elizabeth had an inkling that the two had previously collaborated on multiple occasions.

Silence fell upon both but was soon interrupted by the arrival of Jason and the kids. Jason seemed to sense the tense atmosphere around them and plucked himself between Emily and Elizabeth. Alice and Maple followed suit and sat on each of his sides.

"Hey, so, one raisin rum," Jason placed the ice cream cup in front of Elizabeth before taking her hands. He placed one of her hands on the cup, and another on the spoon before turning to Emily. "And one pistachio almond for you."

He placed the nutty ice cream in Emily's hands while she smiled in surprise.

"Thanks. How did you know pistachio was my favourite?" Emily asked.

"I didn't," Jason answered. He gazed into Emily's emerald eyes, losing himself in those lush green eyes. He couldn't tell Emily that he chose that particular flavour simply because of the colour, the colour of her eyes. "I just thought that green was your favourite colour."

Emily's cheeks turned a slight reddish hue as she looked down, unable to handle Jason's intense gaze. She started poking her ice cream with a spoon while Elizabeth watched the two.

Oh, gods, Elizabeth thought as she rolled her eyes. Here ay was sayin she dunnae know him, but look at 'em.

"It was either that or mint," Jason continued, unaware of Emily's and Elizabeth's thoughts and conflicted emotions. "Guess I picked the right one."

"Mint's my second favourite," Emily replied succulently as she took a spoon to her mouth.

Jason watched as she flipped the spoon and licked it clean, his eyes drawn to how she moved her tongue instinctively. Even though it was not erotic, it reminded him of the kiss the two shared and the urge to lick her lips came upon him as his throat felt dry. Yet, somehow, there was a feeling of embarrassment echoing within, a feeling that he didn't feel before.

"Baby, ahh," a voice from the opposite side interrupted Jason's fantasy as a kick from below the table bruised his shin.

With a rather awkward and pained smile, Jason turned to Elizabeth who held out a spoonful of her ice cream up to Jason. The latter stared at Elizabeth who glared back at him through her sunglasses, daring him not to take the spoonful and face her wrath, and Jason took the plunge and accepted the spoon. He savoured the creamy and tangy taste of the ice cream, appreciating the hint of rum and brown sugar before smiling at Elizabeth.

"It tastes wonderful," Jason murmured and Elizabeth smiled with satisfaction, much to Emily's discontent.

"Ahh, Jason," Emily smiled charmingly as she called out to Jason while holding a spoonful of her ice cream as well.

Uhh . . . Jason thought as he turned to Emily before looking back at Elizabeth and vice versa. Something seems off here . . .

A feeling of satisfaction emerged from the back of his mind and Jason realized that it was the lustful incarnation of him cheering him on through his emotions.

Shitty back drivers, Jason thought as he accepted Emily's spoon below Elizabeth handed him another spoon. Sparks flew between the two girls as they began competing with each other in giving Jason more spoonfuls of their ice cream. They can't talk ever since I shut them up so now they try to influence how I feel. Annoying . . .

"Ahh," Elizabeth held out her spoon again and pushed it closer to Jason while Emily did the same almost concurrently.

Oh, shit, Jason thought as his face changed; there was no way he could choose one over the other, not while they were both glaring at each other and smiling at him; somehow, he felt threatened from their gazes that were intensifying as time passed on.

Alice saw what Elizabeth and Emily were doing and she felt vexed at how they were both aiming for her dad.

He's my daddy and he belongs to mommy! She thought as she looked down at her ice cream which had one third already missing and gritted her teeth before deciding.

"Daddy, here. Try some," Alice held her ice cream cone up to Jason. Her face was constricted with nobleness, as though she was performing a great sacrifice by offering Jason a lick of her ice cream.

Oh, thank God. Thanks for saving me, kid, Jason felt relief in his mind as he turned to Alice before freezing.

Jason saw her face and passed his snort of laughter off as a violent sneeze which he covered with his sleeve. He knew that, as a foodie, Alice was indeed making a great sacrifice by sharing her food with him. All the same, he felt a sense of happiness that neither Elizabeth nor Emily were able to provide him with as he took a tiny bite of her ice cream.

Alice's eyelids were twitching when she saw how much he took; since his mouth was bigger, that small bite of his was equivalent to a big bite for her. Jason was too busy to see her pained expression as he mulled over the ice cream in his mouth. The chewy and overly sweet taste of bubblegum would've been almost unbearable had he tried it himself, but knowing that it was from his daughter made it more delicious than anything else he had today.

Maple also noticed how Emily and Elizabeth were dotting on Jason and she pouted. Alice was alright, she was Jason's daughter, but she despised the fact that the other two were competing like this while Melanie was away. To her, Melanie and Jason were the perfect couples; they looked incredible together and were all too similar in many ways, from how they interact together as a couple to pretending to be normal while wearing a mask and fighting. And deep down, a part of Maple also wanted Jason to be with Melanie because it would bring her closer to him and Alice. In that way, she would also have a father then.

With that scene flashing in mind, Maple also raised her ice cream with a face flushed red with embarrassment. "Y-you can have some of mine too."

As soon as they heard her, Emily and Elizabeth both turned to Maple with surprise and noticed her red face. Almost immediately, they turned to glare at Jason who instinctively raised his hands to declare his innocence.

Alice also narrowed her eyes and huffed as she turned away: she was clearly aware of what Maple had in mind and felt for the first time that her friend was annoying. After all, this was her parents' love life at stake.

"Uhh . . . thanks, kid," Jason noticed Maple's eyes beginning to water and quickly leaned forward for a bite. Once he did so, Maple smiled and went back to her cheerful self, though she sent an apologetic gaze towards Alice who refused to look at her.

"I . . . uhh . . . I gotta go to the washroom," Jason said as he dashed away leaving everyone flabbergasted.

Once inside the bathroom, Jason sighed and leaned on the counter, staring at himself in the mirror.

This is getting complicated, Jason thought. What am I supposed to say to Emily and Melanie? Clearly, I'll need to handle Melanie before she decides to kill Elizabeth but she'll be easy to handle, whereas Emily is just a normal girl. Wha - how do - what do I do? Nevermind the fact that she thinks the real me is a psycho killer . . . Should I just end it with her?

The thought of possibly losing Jason stung his heart and he found himself trying to shrug it away instead of confronting it.

Nevermind, I'll deal with it later, he thought as he turned to the sink and washed his face, unaware that his reflection had stopped following his movements and instead gazed at him silently.

The reflection smirked, his violet eyes gazing at Jason with both amusement and annoyance. Jason took a towel and dried his face before looking up at the mirror again; the ominous reflection was gone. Taking a deep breath, Jason exited the washroom while the violet-eyed reflection returned once more in the empty bathroom's mirror.

'He's making the same mistake,' the violet-eyed reflection said silently.

Another reflection appeared, this time with blazing red irises full of violence. 'Hpmh. You only care about his mistakes over dealing with women. His biggest mistake is not dealing with his enemies immediately! Instead, he allows them to grow stronger, leaving his back exposed.'

'Enough,' a third reflection appeared in another mirror. This reflection had gray-blue eyes that were brimming with aged wisdom. 'We've agreed on not interfering.'

'He could learn from our mistakes,' the violet-eyed reflection argued. 'Besides, it'd be a waste to let such wonderful flowers wither, especially when they adore him. And we all know where that would lead him.'

'Learn from our mistakes? Hmph,' a fourth voice snorted, though no reflection appeared. 'Tell me, did any of us learn from our predecessors? Isn't it obvious that we failed, regardless of what we tried? You can't win a game when the cards are stacked against you.'

'Ah, as pessimistic as ever, Envy.' the wise reflection sighed.

'But I'm right,' Envy argued. 'We're cursed to fail from the beginning.'

'No,' the crimson eyed reflection stated strongly. 'If we believe that, then we let the Pantheons win. No, it is our decision that ultimately leads us to ruin. We must fight, fight, and fight!'

Silence descended on all four before the aged reflection sighed once more.

'What do you suggest then?' he asked the other three.

'Let us talk to him,' the violet-eyed reflection suggested. 'If we go overboard then you can just take over the reins again.'

'As loathe as I am to admit it, Lust is right," the crimson eyed warrior's reflection said.

'Ungh, I never thought the day would come when War sides with me,' Lust shuddered visibly which resulted in War snorting.

The sagely reflection considered for a moment before nodding at the violet reflection. 'Very well, you can go first tonight.'


Jason, unaware of his incarnations' plans, returned to the table and noticed that everyone was almost finished other than Elizabeth. She played with her ice cream using her spoon but it was clear that it was unappealing to her. Of course, this didn't escape Alice's attention.

"I could go for some more ice cream!" Alice exclaimed with a stretch. She noticed that Elizabeth didn't reply and repeated herself. "I could go for some more ice cream!"

This time Elizabeth smiled and turned to Alice's direction. "Sorry, girlie. You can't have this ice cream, you're still too young."

Indeed, the ice cream Elizabeth picked had actual rum, making it a big no-no for children.

"Besides, haven't you've had enough from your dad's?" Elizabeth added. She might be blind, but she was able to tell that Alice had sneakily taken a few spoonfuls of Jason's ice cream.

Alice, who was unaware that Jason was behind her, quickly placed his spoon back into his bowl.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Alice replied innocently and Jason used the back of his hand to rub the smile off his face. Emily, knowing that Alice was clever to catch her reactions, pretended to be oblivious to her surroundings and instead fed Maple the rest of her own ice cream. Alice watched the two enviously before settling her eyes on the remains of Jason's ice cream.

"One more bite wouldn't hurt, would it?" She muttered as she slowly reached for his ice cream. Jason also slowly reached out, moving his hands to Alice before grabbing her from behind.



Alice shrieked in surprise as Jason grabbed and lifted her into the air. He spun her around so she was facing him and laughed.

"One more bite of what now, kid?" Jason asked with mirth.

"Uhh . . . you've heard wrong, daddy," Alice said quickly. "I whispered, 'I can't wait for daddy to come back'!"

"Oh, yes, I'm sure," Jason laughed.

He then sat down and placed Alice in his lap before picking his ice cream and feeding it to her. "It is a little too much for me. Ahh."

"Ahh," Alice opened her mouth as she smiled blissfully, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons as her round cheeks moved upwards.

Jason and Emily looked at each other and smiled as they each fed a child before the former looked at Elizabeth with a slight frown.

"Lizzy, you ok?" Jason asked with concern when he noticed that she barely ate anything. He recalled that she had thrown up earlier and was certain that she didn't eat anything afterwards, so her not eating her ice cream was disconcerting.

"Yeah, baby, I'm fine," Elizabeth replied with a small smile. "Just didn't realize that raisin rum was a little too sweet for my taste."

"And she's too old to share," Alice muttered under her breath but loud enough that everyone heard her.

"Hey, she's right," Jason admonished Alice. "You can't eat that, kid. Not till you're an adult."

"Why not?"

"It has alcohol in it which is only for adults," Jason explained.

"But didn't you add wine to the steak before daddy?" Alice asked.

"That's different sweetie," Jason explained. "Red wine was just flavour added to the meat then cooked, but this is rum. It's much stronger."

Alice pouted, upset that her attempts to gain more ice cream was thwarted once more, but she shrugged her shoulders and complacently settled with just finishing Jason's ice cream. Once everyone was finished, they decided to leave, with Jason offering to drop off Emily first. This was due to Jason noticing that, despite smiling and talking, Emily seemed distracted, distraught even.

Something must've happened between the two, Jason concluded as he drove the car. It was a mistake letting them stay alone for so long.

Elizabeth was also silent but Jason didn't realize that it was because she was feeling slightly nauseous; she was now regretting the ice cream flavour she chose.

Even as she grumbled internally over her poor taste, Jason had reached the Sumps and parked his car near Emily's house.

"I'll walk you to your door," Jason said as he exited the car with Emily.

The latter stared at him thoughtfully before nodding. Neither did anything as they took the sidewalk to Emily's house.

Back in the car, an unsettling silence descended upon the three. Alice was staring out the window, frowning as she watched Jason walk away with Emily. Maple watched her from the corner of her eyes, a slight trepidation running through her as she noticed how distant Alice was to her. She couldn't blame her, she was Alice's best friend yet she supported another woman other than the latter's mother.

"Alice . . ." Maple opened her mouth but stopped when Alice glared at her.

"Maple . . . he's my dad," Alice said, her voice uncharacteristically harsh.

"I . . . know," Maple said while concealing the pain she felt.

"Are ye two seriously still fighting?" Elizabeth asked incredulously as she turned around at both of them despite being blind. "You realize Jason will never be satisfied with just one girl, right? What's the problem in sharing?"


Both Alice and Maple frowned before snorting as they turned their faces away from Elizabeth. To them, she was more of a threat than Katelyn or Melanie and her opening her mouth merely turned both of them against her.

"I get why yer angry, it's yer mom we're talking about," Elizabeth said as she eyed Alice before turning to Maple. "But I'm confused about ye. Who are ye supporting?"

Maple hesitated before answering sulkily, "Melanie."

"That sna - skinny girlie?" Elizabeth caught herself before saying snake out loud, but Maple still glared at her.

"She's not skinny, she's petit!" Maple argued.

"You're right, she's small. In all the right places," Elizabeth sighed sadly before grinning at Alice. "Bet your mom's the same? Guess that means I'm the biggest."

"She's just not fat," Alice replied calmly, though her eyes were burning with annoyance as she stared at Elizabeth who jutted her chest out proudly.

"Cow tits," both Maple and Alice muttered under their breath and Elizabeth grinned.

"Yeah, and what're going to do about it? All men love titties and yer dad's no different."

"Well, he's my dad," Alice replied smugly. "Guess that means he didn't love you enough to have a kid."

"But I've known him for longer," Elizabeth boasted. "I've known him for almost eight years.

"Well, then Melanie beats you both," Maple chimed in. "She told me Jason saved her ten years ago."

What? Elizabeth couldn't believe what she was hearing and sulked when she saw the two's smug look.

"Whatever, I'm still the first woman he loved," Elizabeth grunted before turning back to the front as Maple and Alice clapped their hands together in victory.

Well, at least they aren't fighting now, Elizabeth thought.

This entire time, she had been trying to antagonize both of them by goading them, hoping that they'd overcome their differences while directing their anger towards her. Seeing how they were talking once again, Elizabeth smiled as she felt that she had accomplished what she intended to do from the beginning.

Jason lagged slightly behind Emily as she walked home. He was unsure of what to say, of how to explain his complicated relationships, and Emily was silent as Elizabeth's words haunted her thoughts. She realized that Elizabeth was right; she barely knew Jason.

"Listen, Emily . . ."

When they reached her porch, Jason knew he had to say something. The silence was so deafening, he could hear the sound of his own heartbeats.

Emily stopped, one hand on the door to her house while her back faced him.

"Jason . . ." Emily finally spoke but refused to turn around. "Tell me. Do I know you? The real you?"

Jason opened his mouth. He was prepared to say 'Yes', tell her that she knew him, that he cared for her more than he wanted to admit it. But his voice refused to come out, as he belatedly realized that he couldn't - didn't - want to lie to her.

". . . I understand," Emily knew what his silence meant, and the hand holding the doorknob tightened until her knuckles turned white.

Almost instantaneously though, she relaxed and a smile appeared on her face. She turned around and wrapped her arms around Jason, looking upwards at his face and gazing into his midnight black eyes.

"It doesn't matter," Emily whispered as her lips came closer to Jason's. The latter's heart thumped as he watched Emily draw closer, unable to react like his heart was stolen away. "It doesn't matter even if I don't know who you are. Because it will never change how I feel about you.

"And one day - someday - I will get you to open your heart to me. Then I'll know who you really are," Emily closed her eyes as she locked her lips onto Jason's. It was not a sexual kiss not one of passion; it was a kiss of emotions, of connecting to one another on a deeper level.

Emily . . .

Jason, after witnessing the fright and she had of Fenrir, thought it would be better if he distanced himself from her. He was scared, utterly scared, of revealing his ferocious nature to her, knowing that the intense, ruthlessness of his true self would pull her away from him. But the restless feeling of regret lingered through his mind as soon as he thought about it and he realized that he didn't want to let go of Emily.

I won't tell you then, Jason decided. I'll never let you see that side of me, never. Instead, I'll be whatever you want me to be. Whatever you need me to be.

Jason closed his eyes as well, savouring the feeling of her soft lips and even softer body. He hugged her tightly, pushing her against him as though he were afraid she'd disappear before reluctantly ending the kiss, especially when he heard a cough from nearby.

Emily also heard it and pulled away from him, her face flushed red as they both turned to a nearby window from which both Jared and Mia were watching them. Jared, the one who coughed, had his arms crossed and gazed at Jason as though he had stolen his sister away from him . . . which wasn't entirely not accurate. Mia, on the other hand, had practically half of her body sticking out the window as she gazed at them with a smirk.

"Oh, don't mind us," Mia said when she saw them turning to look at the two peepers, her head supported on her hands as she sniggered. "Please, continue."

"Oh?" Jason grinned as he sent both Jared and Mia a mischievous glance.

Well, if you insist, he thought as he pulled Emily into his arms. He spun her once and held her tightly by the waist before kissing her again, even as bent over and lowered her body. His other hand travelled to her back and supported her as she surrendered herself to him, relaxing in his embrace. Jason nibbled on her lower lip, gently chewing on it before giving a light flick of his tongue as he pulled away.

As she took a step back, Emily refused to even glance at the direction of her siblings while Jason turned to smirk at them.

Ha, that'd teach you not to mess with me, he thought as he noticed that Jared was gritting his teeth while glaring at him. Mia, on the other hand - much to his chagrin - was munching on popcorn while watching him with wide eyes; it was obvious that she was taking the entire scene in front of her as a Sunday drama.

When she noticed Jason's gaze on her, Mia smiled and reached out a hand. "We haven't met yet, but I'm Mia. I'm assuming you're the hot teach that Jared mentioned my sister had a crush on?"

"Guilty on both accounts," Jason said. The sly smile on his face changed into a much gentler one as he shook her hand. "I'm Jason, Jason Sage."

"Isn't it technically illegal for a teacher to be dating their student?" Jared asked in a deadpan manner.

"If she was my student," Jason slyly. "Technically, I'm a teacher for the lower grades. Not her grade."

"Technically," Jared repeated with narrowed eyes and Jason smiled in response.

"So, what do you think of our sister?" Mia asked with a wide grin.

"Mia!" Emily protested, her face red as she still couldn't face her siblings.

"What? I'm just asking."

"She's incredible," Jason replied softly, his eyes on Emily once more. "Never ceases to amaze me how tough she is."

"Mhm, mhm. You have good tastes, young man," Mia nodded as she agreed and Jason laughed. For some reason, Mia reminded him of Alina.

"You should visit my place with your sister some time," Jason told Mia as he rubbed her head. "I also have a sister and I think you two would get along."

"Really? So the three of us can visit anytime?" Mia asked, a glint flashing in her eyes.

"Of course," Jason replied as he sent his contact information along with his address holographically to their holo-devices. "And if you're having any trouble, don't hesitate to call me."

"Sure thing, brother-in-law!" Mia saluted Jason while Jared grumbled, unhappy at how much Mia was enjoying this. Emily on the other hand, lost focus as her imagination took over.

We'd be married . . . ? Emily thought dreamily before she thought of the other women around him with despair submerging her. They're all so much more amazing than me . . . why would he even consider me?

"Oh, right," Jason clicked his fingers as he recalled something. "This is our first meeting and I forgot that I bought some gifts for you all. Here."

Jason opened a small dimensional rift and took a few items out of his pendant.

"This is for you," Jason handed Mia a pendant with a tiger's eye stone. The stone was not a natural tiger's eye, but a mutated one helped one maintain focus while meditating. It was a priceless item for Practitioners but worked well for Espers as well. "And this one's yours."

Jason also tossed a small wooden box to Jared who caught it in surprise. Even though he didn't like Jason, he was curious as to what the latter had gifted him but froze halfway before he could open it.

'It's an item that'll help you awaken as an Esper. Kid, relax. This is a recording I left on the box and, don't worry, no one else but you can hear it. Don't open the box here and don't tell Emily or Mia what it is. It's too dangerous of an item and it'll put their lives at risk.'

Then why give it to me? Jared thought as he turned to look at Jason with mixed feelings.

"Jason, you shouldn't have . . ." Emily wanted to refuse the gifts he was giving but Jason raised his hands with a shrug.

"You heard the girl. It's a gift from her brother-in-law," Jason teased. "As your husband, there's no way I could come and visit empty-handed!"

Oh, you . . . Emily blushed at his teasing but rolled her eyes at his cockiness and turned her face away from him.

"Nice," Mia sent Jason a thumb's up, complimenting him on how smooth he was and he grinned back before pulling an emerald bracelet from his pendant. The bracelet was silver while the large, polished emerald in the center shone in the dark, reflecting what little light there was everywhere.

"This is, uh, something I've been wanting to give you," Jason said sheepishly as she held the bracelet out for Emily.

As someone who previously worked in a jewelry store, Emily was able to quickly deduce that this was not an ordinary bracelet. She could tell that it was made from white gold, appearing like silver or platinum to most, while the stone itself had managed to absorb some Psionic Aether.

"This - this is too valuable," Emily shook her head, firmly refusing without a hint of hesitation. "I can't -"

"And that's exactly why I'm giving it to you," Jason answered. He grabbed her hand and placed the bracelet in it before closing her hand firmly with his own. "It's a piece of enhanced jewellery, one that can protect you. Besides . . ."

Jason leaned forward and whispered into her ear gently, "You're more valuable than any bracelet."

Jason pulled away from Emily but still held her hand for a moment before speaking softly, "I should go. Call me?"

"Of course," Emily nodded and Jason turned to leave after stroking her cheek.

"Bye, brother-in-law!" Mia called out and Jason shook his head wryly as he left.

"Hehe, you two are so cute together," Mia giggled once Jason was out of sight and Emily glared at her.

"Don't be so rude next time and stop calling him brother-in-law! We're not . . . yet."

"Mm? What was that?" Mia asked, pretending not to hear the last bit but her grin said otherwise.

"I said get ready for bed!" Emily said sternly before entering the house.

She took off her shoes and went straight for the washroom, locking the door. She then opened the tap water faucet in the sink and let it run loudly as she covered her face with her hands and leaned against a wall.

Why? Emily asked herself as tears fell from her eyes and she slid down to the floor. I should be happy . . . but why does it hurt so much?

Emily thought about what Jason told her.

Valuable . . . Emily thought. If I'm so valuable, then why are you with other women? Why won't you open your heart to me?

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