《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 16


Elizabeth rushed out of the hospital, ignoring the drizzle that soaked her clothes as she escaped her friend, Tamara, who wasn't finished interrogating her. She leaned back on a wall and sighed; she would rather fight a group of Ninjas than go through that exhausting conversation with Tamara again.

The doctor, full of mirth and gossip, demanded Elizabeth tell her the full story of her and Jason. At first, she admonished her for being a cougar and devouring a teen, but she later lost herself in giggles when she heard how they were both strong-armed into marrying each other by the crowd when their game to up one another became too realistic thanks to their acting. What was worse, she even informed their girl group, old subordinates, and friends of theirs, of this event resulting in Elizabeth's comm device nearly crashing with calls and messages.

“Damn it, Tam, I'm gonna make you pay,” Elizabeth muttered under her breath. “No, I'll make your husband pay. I'll knock him out and ...”

As Elizabeth continued muttering her revenge, a holo-document was messaged to her. Pulling out a tab, she placed the information onto the tab, whose screen became uneven as the document was translated into braille.

She traced her fingers over it and froze once she read enough to understand it was a marriage certificate that needed her approval to be notarized. Elizabeth sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair, her thoughts all tangled together into a knot.

He actually went through with it, Elizabeth thought as she rested her entire weight on the wall and looked up. Despite not being able to see the sky, she tried to imagine how it would look like based on her memories. When she was younger and still had her vision, she would love walking in the rain with an umbrella. She felt a certain calmness when she did so, feeling the earth cleanse and refresh itself.

Using that feeling, she relaxed her tense body and sighed again. Why does he have to make this so … complicated? Couldn't we go back to the way things were? Just smash every now and then, and be done with it … why give me hope for something more?

Reaching the end of the document, Elizabeth rejected it and closed her tab, pushing the corners together as the screen softened into a film and closed itself inwards, turning into a thin rectangular stick. She walked out into the rain and let the droplets of water wash away her negative emotions as it soaked her clothes.

It's not like he really wants this, She thought with a forlorn smile.


“Why didn't you come to see me sooner, mama?” Michelle asked while nodding her head at a waiter who placed a plate of cake in front of her.

“I wanted to see you, sweetie, I did,” Michelle's mother, Colonel Samantha Watson, sighed as she rubbed her daughter's head. “But I … was busy.”

“Tu mens, mama,” Michelle said without thinking. “It was because of her, n'est-ce pas.”

“Don't blame your stepmother,” Watson said. “She might not like me and for good reason, might I add, but she adores you. You should treat her well.”

“Pourquoi? Why? Because of her, I don't even know you,” Michelle stated bitterly. “I grew up in France away from you mama. Was that good traitement?”

“It was better than the alternative,” Watson answered in a low voice. “Europe was devastated from the war and it's still being rebuilt. There's was no way I could leave you alone while I was stationed elsewhere. You were better off with your father and stepmother.”


Michelle didn't answer and merely played with her cake, using a fork to prod it back and forth. Watson, who lowered her head with guilt smiled as she looked back up.

“But that's changing,” she said to Michelle. “I'll be stationed here so we could catch up if you want.”

“Vraiment? How look will you stay?” Michelle asked excitedly with hopeful eyes.

“For the time being? Indefinitely,” Watson answered with a grin.

“Thank you, mama!” Michelle smiled cheerfully at Watson who smiled back.

“Now, onto a more serious discussion,” Watson suddenly turned serious, worrying Michelle. “Do you have a crush on Jason?”

“Moi? Jason? Rien!” Michelle hairy hastily answered while dropping her fork from nervousness tinged with surprise. “He is my teacher, nothing more.”

“Good,” Watson replied, a hint of doubt mired in her voice. “It's better for you not to be involved with him. You'll only get hurt. But keep a good relationship with Alina, she's a good girl.”

And not to mention it'll be good for you to have connections with the Rogues, Watson added in her mind.

Michelle didn't answer, she lowered her head and contemplated for a moment before raising her head, determination in her eyes.

“Mama, I want to complete my training,” she said firmly. Watson looked at her in surprise then her face was filled with disappointment as she frowned at Michelle.

“You want to help him that much?” she asked her grimly.

“Non, mama. I … I was weak,” Michelle shook her head as she replied. “I couldn't stop those épéistes, and my friends were hurt. I don't want to feel like that, de nouveau. I don't want to be weak.”

Michelle looked up and her eyes were blazing with fighting spirit.

“I want to be stronger, mama,” she said to Watson, who looked at her with stunned satisfaction.

“Very well,” Watson finally said with a helpless smile. “I'll have Raphael train you to use your AKEERA. But remember, don't use it after training. These exo-mechs are deterrents in every country and organization. Using one recklessly will give the BIO a reason to place sanctions on Atlantis and trust me, you'll be court-martialed if it comes to that.” [1]

“Yes, mama, Merci!” Michelle replied with a military salute which amused Watson.

“Alright sweetie, let's finish eating and plan your schedule,” Watson said. “You're going to be quite busy from now on.”


“When can I get one of those?” Alina asked while gazing at Jason's new armor.

“Oh, I dunno, let me think,” Jason answered as he took his helmet off. “Hmm … how ‘bout never?”

Alina grumbled while kicking the box case and Selena smiled at their antics before turning to Jason.

“So, is there anything else you need or is that it?” Selena asked Jason.

Jason opened his mouth to speak when A.V.A notified him of three new messages. His holo-lens glowed a wolfish blue as he checked his inbox.

“Be right back. Alle, don't touch anything. I mean it, kid,” Jason said before walking away to create some distance.

“Hey, were you and him … ?” Alina asked Selena when Jason was out of hearing range.

“What do you think?” Selena asked back, amused at Alina's question.

“I'm just really confused,” Alina said with her eyebrows adorably scrunched together. “You seem to like but not like him at the same time.”

“It's an adult thing. You'll know when you're old enough,” Selena laughed and shrugged Alina's pout away while patting her shoulder.


Jason first checked the subject of each message. One message was from Raphael which Jason, quite frankly, ignored. He focused on the other two messages; one was from Melanie, and the other was an official notice from the Department of Civil Affairs.

It noted that despite being authenticated by an ordained minister, the marriage certificate that he submitted could not be notarized due to Elizabeth's missing signature and her rejection in signing it.

Jason resubmitted the certificate then impassively checked the next message which was Melanie asking for help in a Council sanctioned mission. After considering for a moment, Jason texted her back asking where to meet. Almost immediately, Melanie replied back, telling him to meet at midnight on the roof of Feng Shui apartments, an older building that overlooked the western docks.

Jason closed his holo-watch and returned to Selena and Alina, both of whom were gossiping about his love life.

“Ahem,” Jason cleared his throat to get their attention before turning to Alina. “Hey kid, wanna try sitting in the AKEERA?”

“Really?” Alina looked at Jason with excited hope. “You'd let me pilot it?”

“Nope, not pilot, the thing is a prototype, it's not ready for piloting,” Jason shook his head and clarified. “You can still enter it but it won't move.”

“Aw,” Alina's enthusiasm deflated quickly. “Fine, I'll try it. I know better than to be the third wheel here.”

“Alle, it's not like-” Jason began but Alina stuck her tongue out and jogged to the AKEERA, stopping right in front of it only to admire it.

AKEERA exo-mechs were originally created for as air-tight mechanized suits that were created to aid miners digging for helium-3 on the moon. However, they were eventually overhauled and reconstructed for war purposes during WWIII. These destructive mechs were a deadly force that many countries deployed against each other until Espers emerged after the Meteor Incident. Since then, upgraded AKEERA's were used to deal with stronger Espers and Practitioners, the latter being sold as Espers to the public who were unaware of their existence. [2]

“What do you need?” asked Selena again as she and Jason watched Alina scurry up the 11ft mech and enter the chest entrance.

“I need this made,” Jason transferred a holo-document that were the schematics of a robotic arm. Selena skimmed through it and raised an eyebrow.

“The dimensions for this schematic are for a girl,” Selena stated, unamused.

“A … it's an apology,” Jason said sheepishly while ruffling his hair. His face changed as he became serious. “Also, I need to know what your boss is planning.”

“Kat? She's planning nothing,” Selena stated calmly.

“We both know that's a lie,” Jason said. “Looking for artifacts, myths, gods? That'll only invite trouble, especially from seekers, and you know how troublesome Practitioners are.”

“She's not looking for anything like that, Jason,” Selena said, her acting was quite convincing but Jason didn't buy it. “You know how the rich are, she's just bored so she's looking for some thrills, that's all.”

“Whatever it is, I hope you can keep an eye on her,” Jason said. Selena whipped her head and glared at him.

“Screw you, Jason,” Selena hissed. “I refuse to spy on someone I see as a best friend, a sister, even for you, especially because it's you. And no matter what you say, I won't change my mind.”

“I'm not asking you to spy on her,” Jason answered coolly, disregarding her anger. “Just make sure she doesn't get in trouble. And if she does, you know who to call. I'll save her at a discount. Later, sweetheart.”

Jason waved his arm arrogantly as he walked away, and behind him, several pieces of equipment including his new Fenrir armor were sucked into his spatial pocket. Selena huffed with disdainful eyes as Jason called Alina and left.

As the two sat in the Baron, Alina looked at Jason strangely. Jason, amused, looked back at her with the exact same expression she had given him, annoying her.

“Ungh,” Alina rolled her eyes. “How do you know Selena?”

“Oh, you know. She travels here and there for business purposes and so we met at a fundraiser, had a nice dinner somewhere, then a warm bath at the hote-”

“Ah, stop, stop!” Alina interrupted him, horrified. “Just say you don't wanna talk.”

“But I was telling the truth,” Jason replied bemused. Alina sent him a distrustful gaze and he relented. “Oh alright. I found her and proposed a bunch of business plans with a 70-30 profit gain. Of course, I forgot to mention the tiny detail of her running the business alone, so she's still sore about that. That, and I sorta ran away when we broke up.”

“Oh. Uh,” Alina shuddered and changed the subject. “So what now? We heading home?”

“Nah, we'll settle in the Loft for now,” Jason said. “I know you don't like the place, but it's heavily fortified and it has all the necessities for living a comfy life. Plus, sauna!”

“Oh alright,” Alina said sulkily. “Ava will be there?”

“Play nice,” Jason said. “She might be a robot but she has feelings too. Maybe. Possibly. I think.”

“I am right here,” A.V.A said through the Baron's speakers.

“That you are, A.V.A,” Jason said out loud before mouthing ‘She's listening right now’ to Alina and pointing at the dashboard.

“And I can see you,” A.V.A said again as the interior's camera zoomed in on Jason. “I can also detect your increased heart rate and palpitations. Is something wrong, Alina Sage?”

“Ha! That's a … a good one A.V.A,” Jason said awkwardly while Alina shifted uncomfortably. “You're getting better at jokes.”

“That wasn't a joke,” A.V.A replied coldly. “Also, please don't exceed the speed limits, I may have to override the controls should you do so.”

Neither Jason or Alina replied as they both exchanged glances with each other, both trying to silently communicate on whether it was a good idea that he had built an AI that could Skynet on them at any given time.

“That was a joke,” A.V.A clarified after a moment of silence.

“Oh. That's a … yeah, you need to work on those,” Jason muttered while Alina looked away.

As they prepared to enter the main road, Jason braked abruptly when he noticed the way being blocked. Raphael and his team, fully armed and ready, were blocking the way forward.

“Aw, c'mon,” Jason sighed and turned to Alina. “Listen, kid, A.V.A will take you to the loft. I've got to handle this dumbass here. Stay safe and don't even try to override the autopilot, that'll just kill the engine.”

Jason finished instructing Alina and patted her head before exiting the Baron. Alina pouted and humphed as she turned her head away, annoyed at the fact that she couldn't drive.

“We need to talk,” Raphael said grimly when Jason neared him.

“Uh huh, yeah, you do that,” Jason replied. “In the meantime, can you scoot over and let my car go? Also, who is this beauty?”

Jason question was directed at Junco who he stared at unabashedly.

“Hey there,” he said to her, his voice oozing with charm. “Name's Jason.”

“Junco,” the shorthaired woman said unamusedly as she moved away from the street, giving the Baron way to pass. “Codename.”

“Cute,” replied Jason. “Any chance I can get your real name and address?”


“Well, that's a shame,” Jason said while shrugging, not looking sad at all.

“Hey,” Raphael reminded Jason. “Can we focus on the task at hand?”

“Hmm? Oh, hey Raphy what's up?” Jason said in a mockingly shocked tone that resulted in Raphael gritting his teeth. “Sorry, you, uh, sorta blended into the background there, what was it you wanted again?”

“Oh wow,” Junco muttered under her breath while Dhole, a big muscle guy scratched his head and Suni tried to mask his grin.


Asami and Jared went into the room Emily was recuperating in, only to see her getting dressed. The two exchanged surprised looks while she glared at them.

“Two seconds sooner and I'd still be naked,” she said to them. “You two mind knocking next time?”

“We weren't expecting you to be awake,” Asami answered. “But to be honest, I don't mind seeing you topless. Yummy yum yum.”

“Sis, should you be up?” Jared asked ignoring the ‘perverted geezer’ that was next to him. “You were hit pretty badly.”

“I'm alright now,” Emily smiled at Jared and patted his head. “You head home and look after mom, I promise I'll be ok.”

“But sis-”

“Hey. Remember when those debtors came along?” Emily asked him, while Asami pretended not to hear but was listening in carefully. “This is nothing compared to that. So go home. Study, eat, and practice to get Espers abilities.”

“I - alright,” Jared said.

“That's good,” Emily said before hugging Jared tightly.


“You know I love you very much, little bro,” Emily said. Jared felt there was something different about Emily but with how young he was, he couldn't understand what it was. “We'll head out together and split up at the Bullet.”

“Where are we going?” Asami asked.

“I'll tell you when we get there,” Emily answered.

“Children, didn't you just arrive? Stay, have some lunch,” as they reached the mansion's entrance, Silvia appeared. “And Ms. Caldwell, what are you doing up and about? Go back and rest some more.”

“I'm fine, Ms. Graves,” Emily replied stiffly, a hint of nervousness echoing in her voice. “I'm already healed.”

“Nonsense,” Silvia retorted. “It would take at least half a day for those internal wounds to heal. Unless …”

Silvia looked at Emily inquisitively and the latter nodded before raising an arm. A green glow surrounded it surprising all three who witnessed it.

“You've reached level 1?” Emily nodded at Silvia's question and she nodded back in curt admiration. “Impressive. I must say, I did not expect you to increase your ability so quickly. Congratulations.

“However, I can't permit you to leave so soon. You at least need a checkup to confirm your health, not to mention that you would be safer here.”

“Ms. Graves no offense, but I'm an adult,” Emily said in a slightly higher pitched tone. “You can't keep me here against my will.”

“Very well,” Silvia said after the two had a silent confrontation where they stared at each other for a while. “You may leave, but only after you have taken Jason's, and my own, contact information. And if anything happens, call either of us immediately. Understand?”

“Yes, ma'am,” all three answered simultaneously.


Twenty minutes later, Emily shooed Jared away while Asami checked her phone. The two left the bullet and took a Bus to the Sumps. The Bus was designed like a double-decker that covered the entire street; it was the size of three roads making it three times the size of an average bus. The first floor was hollow, allowing cars to pass through it while the sides were connected to maglev tracks on the side of the road. The two exited through the hover-lift at the side of the bus and walked through the Sumps, their destination getting closer to the Slums.

“Alright, can you tell me where we're going now?” Asami asked. “We're getting too close to the Slums and we're both pretty girls, y'know. Oh wow, this totally looks like a date, right?”

“We're looking for Accelerant,” Emily said quietly. Asami stopped joking and looked at her in pure shock before grabbing her hand and turning Emily to face her.

Accelerant was a new drug that was almost nonexistent in the streets. It was so rare that AEM merely suspected the drug to be a rumor and the fact that no one had been hospitalized from overdose supported their claims.

However, Emily accidentally eavesdropped on Melanie when she passed by an empty corridor. Melanie who was talking to Olivia, let it slip that Accelerant was real and available in the market, surprising her. Later, after some research of her own, Emily discovered that what Melanie had revealed was true and that several lower level Espers have already secretly taken the drug. Emily had been struggling for a while on whether she should follow their lead and take it as well but the recent event forced her to accept the situation.

“You can't be serious right?” Asami asked Emily who refused to look at her. Asami's father, who seemed to know many things due to his position, had warned her of this drug, telling her not to be tempted into using it despite the fact that it might increase her strength. “Emily this … this isn't right. You know that's a drug.”

“I know,” Emily whispered.

“And it's only rumored to increase your level,” Asami continued.

“I know,” Emily's voice slightly rose.

“And it probably has side-effects that we don't know of!” Asami protested

“I know!” Emily shouted. “Goddammit, I know all that! But I need to get stronger, Asami!”

Asami was taken aback by Emily's shout and looked at her. She narrowed her eyes as watched Emily carefully.

“This is about Jason isn't it?” Asami asked, her voice unintentionally accusing her. “No, it's not only about him but Alina too. You want to be stronger because of them don't you?”

“This is about me, not them,” Emily had her head lowered which prevented Asami from seeing her face as she answered.

“You know what it's like, don't you? You're a level one and no matter how much you pretend, I know you feel it. The contempt, the ridicule, the- the scorn others feel about you,” Emily said in an anguished voice. “And you at least have your parents. You're an ambassador's daughter, at least you have that!”

Asami didn't say anything and looked away. Of course, she knew what Emily was talking about. Sanctuary was perfect for Espers, but there was a disparagement amongst the Espers based on their levels. Higher levels were given more preferential treatment as opposed to lower levels.

And since society gravitated to the strong, weaker level Espers were neglected, resulting in bullying or false accusations aimed at them and hardly any effort was put into dealing with this, regardless of how much anyone, especially Melanie, tried. Due to her parents, Asami did not suffer any mistreatments but she had seen the disdain many had for her in their eyes, and she imagined how much worse it was for Emily, someone who was not part of the one percenters.

“You know, Jared isn't really my brother? I live in a foster home,” Emily explained bitterly. “I was abandoned by my parents because my potential as an Esper was low, so low that it'd damage their reputation. My friends joined the girls in bullying me when I started attracting all the boys back in elementary. My boyfriend dumped me right after fucking me, telling the class I was a slut even after ... I have nothing, Asami, nothing but this face which has given me nothing but trouble my entire life!”

Tears ran down Emily's face as Asami comforted her by patting her back while hugging her. Emily took a deep breath to calm herself and wiped her tears away.

“I started to cover my face with makeup and my bangs. I tried to attract less attention but it never helped, it just made me a bigger target. A … a more vulnerable target,” Emily shook her head as she spoke. “So one day I just gave up. ‘Fuck it’ I thought. If they're gonna treat me like a slut then I may as well be one. At least that way I won't be ... forced.

“But then I met you, Michelle, Alina … Jason. I met Jason,” Emily wiped the new tears forming in her eyes before closing them. “He ... all of you encouraged me to be myself. But to do that I need to be stronger. I want to get stronger.”

Emily finally raised her head to stare at Asami, her emerald eyes sparkled with determination and stubbornness.

“I can't rely on others forever,” Emily said. “And I don't want to rely on my face or my body anymore. So, no, Asami. I'm not doing this for them ... for him. I'm doing it for myself.”

“Alright,” Asami finally said. “I'll help you. And I'll keep it a secret but if anything happens, I'm telling Jason. Ok?”

“Thanks,” Emily said. “I knew you'd understand.”

“So, where to now?” Asami asked.

“There's a gang here that might sell Accelerant and don't worry, we'll be safe,” Emily replied. “This gang is called The Orphaned and they seem to look after Second Academy students, I don't know why but I think it has to do with Jason.”

“Huh, that makes sense,” Asami said. “Remember how Jason said he told the gangs to lay off us students to Q-tip? Wait, is that why you're wearing a school uniform?”

Emily nodded before checking the map on her phone. When she was able to move after awakening, she asked the maid waiting outside her room to give her a school uniform since she didn't have any other clothes other than the gown she woke up in.

“Come on, we're almost there,” Emily said as she urged Asami to hurry, her face full of confidence as she walked faster. “They hang out in a bar near here.”

The two walked for several minutes before finally stopping at a large bar that was sandwiched between two short buildings. The holo-sign for the bar was inactive and the neon signboard was also practically dead with only a few lights flashing. The paint had turned a dingy gray while lines of rust painted the area around the metal pieces. Looking up, the two saw the name of the bar written in red paint on a wall next to the door: Clumsy Punk's bar.

Emily entered the bar and Asami followed her nervously. The inside of the bar was as bad as the outside, the dimly lit room barely illuminated the walls and the stench of skunky marijuana and cheap, undistilled alcohol. Dark, electronic cyberpunk music filled with bass played in the background as groups of rowdy people lounged together, playing cards, throwing darts, and mingling together while making out in the dark. [3]

A big man, no doubt a bouncer, was sitting near the entrance and he stood up when he saw them. He was about to stop them when he saw Emily's school uniform and swallowed his saliva while sitting back down, pretending not to see them.

Emily ignored him and walked further in and Asami waved her hand while laughing; she was trying her best to act normal and friendly as the people near them started to pay attention to them. A few wanted to walk up to the newcomers with bad intentions but several others stopped them.

A man sitting on a barstool downed a mug of ale before turning and looking at them. His blonde hair and chocolate skin gave him an exotic look while his features and lean figure screamed pretty boy. His age couldn't have been more than twenty-eight but his life-weary eyes proved he had seen much in life.

“You girls lost?” 'Papa John’ asked while looking them over with a critical eye. “The karaoke club's on the other side of the road.”

[1] The Bureau of International Oversight, an agency that is similar in nature to the IAEA, but are watchdogs for WSD (Weapons of Significant Destruction) such as AKEERAs. (AKEERAs are not classified as WMD, so a new term emerged to con them and any weapon that can cause a country significant damage but not at a scale like nuclear weapons and that was WSD).

[2] AKEERAs: think Anthem's exo-suit Javelins meeting anime mechs. Literally.

[3] Cyberpunk music like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syyqfa7ZUcM

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