《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Chapter 2


Surprisingly, the last class for Alina was the combat course, which was being taught by Ms. Silvia once again.

“Alright everyone, I know your instructor was Mr. Cage, however, he hasn't been seen today so I'll be substituting for him.” Ms. Silvia clapped her hands while activating her SEC device [1]. Her claps immediately caused a small shockwave, stunning the class and drawing their attention.

“Today we won't be having an actual combat simulation. Rather, you'll show me your abilities so I can evaluate your true capabilities. Now then, gather into groups and discuss your abilities with your classmates while waiting for your turn to have an evaluation with me.”

The class was relatively small, so Alina, Asami, and Michelle immediately grouped together and began discussing their strengths.

“I'll go first. My ESPer power is electrical manipulation. I can create a field around me deflecting bullets and stunning melee attackers. I can charge up my fists and legs with electricity, which is handy when I use it with my martial art skills. Also, I can talk to electronics.” Alina, while stretching, began confidently but ended in a lower voice.

“Whoa, you know Kung Fu? Wait a sec talk to electronics? As in... you … talk to your ... PC?” Asami asked awkwardly while taking a step back.

“Not talk talk! I mean, I don't speak to it out loud but I can electrically communicate with it. Think of me as being able to infect a computer or device with a virus that lets me control them.” Alina quickly corrected in a snappish manner.

“Commode,” said Michelle, looking impressed. “Can you speak to a machine compliquée, like a SEC Dispositif?”

“Unfortunately, no. The Psionic Aether from the caster surrounding it interferes with my ability.”

“Ooh, I'm next! I'm a onesie [2] and my ability is Copyright! It lets me copy the ability of anyone I know as long as I have my SEC Phone!”

“Impressive but why is it only a level one ability? And why name it Copyright?” Asked Alina.

“Well I mean, like, it only works if I have my SEC with me. Take that away and I'm your ordinary gorgeous high school girl. Also, the copied ability is really weak. Say, if I tried to copy your ability, I'll only be able to stun opponents like a taser. As for the name, I picked it myself. Sounds cool right!” Explained Asami helplessly before psyching herself mentally.

“Still impressive, now mon tour. I am level 3, my ability is ERP. Enhanced Reflexes and Perception, it makes me an excellent shooter and brawler. Also, my SEC is both a device and a gun.”

“Fully loaded?” Asked Alina with raised eyebrows, a disbelieving tone evident in her voice.

“Mn, with rubber bullets.” Michelle nodded impassively while pulling out her gun, a VP12 [3] with a large capacity clip, and showing it off to them. “Also I carry clips with real bullets, au cas où.”

She then proceeded to pull out half a dozen clips from thin air, with both live and rubber rounds in them.

“Uh, is a student supposed to carry those?” Retorted Alina in response with a raised eyebrow.

“Hmm,” nodded Michelle again, looking rather stoic. “I have a license, ne t'inquiète pas.”

“That's why she's named Chimera, the Ice Soldier,” Asami leaned towards Alina and whispered in her ear. “She shoots people while having that look, that cold look! But sometimes you see her smiling afterwards! I swear, she enjoys shooting people.”


Great, thought Alina. Another emotionless shooter. Definitely not introducing her to Jason, he'll teach her how to perfect that cold look! Wait a minute, I shouldn't introduce any girl to him! That damn womanizer.

“Ok girls let's see what you can do.” Ms. Silvia had arrived while they were conversing and prepared to test them.

“So what's the plan, Ms. Graves?” Asked Alina in a polite and respectful manner.

“Oh dear, please call me Ms. Silvia, my surname sounds a bit dreadful.” Ms. Silvia said. “As for your group, I think it's best if we skip the whole training and have a little fun.”

“Uh oh,” hissed Asami in a quiet voice, a horrified look in her eyes. “We're screwed.”

“What was that, young lady?” Asked Ms. Silvia as turned to Asami, a dangerous glint flashing through her glasses.

“Uh, nothing! Just saying 'yay!’ ma'am!” Replied a nervous Asami while standing straight and saluting, her hand on her forehead.

“Wonderful. Now, I want all three of you to come at me with everything you've got. Come now, don't be shy, use all your strength or trust me, you'll regret it.”

Alina promptly activated her powers, covering her fists and legs with an electrical current, then launched herself forward towards Silvia, who smoothly sidestepped and dodged her punch. As they continued exchanging blows, Michelle pulled the safety off her gun and aimed for a split second before pulling the trigger. Each bullet fired breezed a few millimeters from Alina’s hair and shot towards Silvia, who simply raised her hand with an active spell on it. A wave emitted from her outstretched hand hit both Alina and bullets. Alina stopped for a moment while the rubber bullets lifelessly fell down to the ground.

She stopped the kinetic energy around me! Thought Alina with gritted teeth.

Silvia then approached Alina in a position that prevented Michelle from shooting without hurting Alina. Soon the battle resorted to a one on one melee again, before Michelle holstered her gun and joined Alina. Alina backflipped to dodge a strike from Silvia while Michelle charged from behind her when she was in mid-air, sending a fist to Silvia who slapped her wrist and flung it aside, diverting the trajectory of the punch. Then, Ms. Silvia sent a palm strike at Michelle's chest, forcing her backward. As Michelle fell back from the strike, Alina jumped over her and put her entire weight onto her right leg which was stretched out. Ms. Silvia slid away from the attack at the last moment, as the kick crushed the gym's floor.

The two continued to distract Ms. Silvia, while Asami took her phone out and began casting a spell. A flicker of electricity surrounded her hand before shooting out to Silvia, who appeared to ignore it. Both Alina and Michelle moved aside as the blast neared them, and the bolt of electricity then struck Ms. Silvia. However, it harmlessly hit her side before coalescing into her hand, which she flung at Michelle who was too surprised to dodge. The energy hit her head on and Michelle, stunned, couldn't move as the electricity flowed through her, numbing her body.

“Michelle!” Alina shouted a warning that came too late as Ms. Silvia slid next to Michelle and knife palmed her at the back of her neck.

“Damn it, that's not fai- uwah!” Screamed Asami when she saw Ms. Silvia speeding towards her as Michelle hit the ground. With little resistance, Asami was also brought down with a fist to the solar plexus.


“Now then,” said Ms. Silvia. “Let's see how long you last, miss sixer.”

Damn, thought Alina, as she continued fighting Ms. Silvia, fatigue eventually setting into her. Alina noticed that Silvia was moving very fast without having to take steps; she was using a spell that decreased to friction on her heels, allowing her to ‘skate’ on the floor. This isn’t working, I need to use -

“Remember Alina, you must never show your true power. While you can win against most opponents with your full strength, you'd be revealing your ace and inviting trouble at the same time. People don't realize it, but there's a lot more than just ESPer and spellcasting out there. But the Council and the ‘other side’, they know about it all too well, and they'll all come for you. So remember, limit your powers.”

The words Jason once told her flashed through her mind in that second, causing her to pause. Then, the world started spinning as she was slammed into the ground, stunning her while pain shot through her back.

Screw it, She thought, her vision darkening as pain shot through her body. Might as well go down. After all, it's not like it's a real fight.


“Ungh, my back.”

“Mon cou.”

“Owie, my tummy.”

All three were groaning and moaning as they exited the gym. Alina stretched her back, while Michelle was rubbing her neck, and Asami walked crouching forwards as she clutched her stomach.

“I'm taking a long hot bath once I get back home.” Sighed Alina.

“Good idea.” Asami agreed while nodding her head.

“Moi aussi.” Replied Michelle at the same time.

“Hey, whoa, you guys look like you went to hell and back.” A voice nearby said. Turning around, the trio saw Emily leaning against a pillar, phone in hand, with a smile etched around her mouth.

“Yeah we really did, the Demon Teach gave us a 'practical lesson’ in combat training.” Said Asami while lifting her fingers to empathize the quotation marks.

“Ouch, how'd you get her as the trainer, aren't you girls first years?” Asked Emily with a wince.

“Our instructor was a no-show, but more importantly what's up with these nicknames? Demon Teach?” Asked Alina.

“You don't know? We teens love giving out nicknames. As for the Demon Teach? Despite being the principal of the high school section of this academy, Ms. Silvia loves teaching. It's just that she also loves punishing students, and not in a good way.” Emily joked.

“There's a good way to punishing?” Asked Alina, bemused, causing all three to pause and look at her.

“Oh, you sweet summer child.” Said Emily with a light laugh while Asami started nodding vehemently. Michelle, meanwhile, directed her attention towards the entrance of the Academy which they were approaching.

“Hn. There's a foule at the entrance for some reason.” She said, her stoic face not changing even a little.

“Huh, and it's mostly girls. Bet there's a cute guy over there attracting all the girls.” Joked Emily, causing Alina to freeze.

No, she thought. He wouldn't. He can't have come over. Wait, I can't take them to the entrance, I can't let them see him! But there's no other exit, hell!

“Oooh, let's go check it out!” Exclaimed Asami while running to the exit.

“Wait, no!” cried Alina as the others started running after Asami. Alina stood there, completely frozen, before muttering: “Well, hell.”

She then resigned to herself to fate as she began chasing after them.

Pushing her way forwards, she found her three friends at the forefront of the crowd, staring at the man in front of them. He was leaning on his motorcycle, a custom built beast with four tires. His windswept hair gave him a nonchalant carefree attitude while his broodingly stoic eyes looked off at the distant view. Coupled with his bronze skin and leather jacket, that coincidentally showed off his broad shoulders, he was the very definition of 'a real man’. Seeming to realize something the man turned to look at Alina and smiled, causing a few girls to scream lightly like fangirls.

With twitching eyebrows, Alina prepared herself mentally, then started to walk towards him, as she heard the girls around her arguing on who he smiled at. Of course, this included her two friends but strangely not Emily, who was staring at Jason without blinking her eyes.

“Hey kid, why so glum?” He asked, his husky voice causing a few girls to squeal again.

“Wait! Alina, you know this hot guy?!” Asami, who appeared spontaneously from behind Alina, questioned with bright eyes as the other two girls caught up with her.

“Yeah, I know him. This ‘hot guy’ happens to be my brother.” Alina sighed while looking upwards at the sky, cursing her luck.

“Why hello there, ladies, I'm Jason. Jason Sage. It's pleasure and thank you for looking after my sister.” Jason introduced himself in a gentlemanly manner, then finished the sentence while looking at Emily, who was the oldest among them.

Michelle and Asami both blushed while muttering incoherent replies and Emily continued to stare silently, causing Alina to sigh magnificently once more.

“You guys, he's my brother. Stop staring, and quit blushing you two!” She said.

“What, it's not a crime to look is it?” Argued Asami, whose checks were still flushed while Michelle nodded, agreeing with her.

“Still it's weird. Especially you two, you're my age! Fourteen! Not cool!” Alina replied who was strangely annoyed.

“Oh, I'm seventeen so is it cool for me to look and flirt?” Asked a teasing Emily to Alina, a strange glint flitted through her eyes for a moment as she grinned.

“God no, I'm seriously worried here! He's a chick magnet! A womanizer! And I don't want any of my friends dating my brother!” Complained Alina as she began stomping.

“She's got a point, girls,” Jason said with a sly smile. “I'm the guy your parents warn you about, you definitely don't want to be near me.”

“Oh, it's totally worth it, hot stuff.” Answered Asami while Michelle nodded again. Emily tilted her head when she heard him, reminiscing about something.

Jason smiled before turning to Alina and asking her a question. “Well, Alle, won't you introduce me to your friends?”

“Bro, Michelle, Asami, Emily. Guys, my brother Jason.” Sighed Alina once more as she gestured to each girl while naming them.

“Emily, what a beautiful name,” Jason said, his electrifying onyx eyes connected with her piercingly green eyes. Emily said nothing, however, a palpable atmosphere surrounded the two. In fact, Alina swore to herself that she could see a pink atmosphere around them.

“Gah, stop flirting you two! Let's just go home,” Alina placed herself between the two, interrupting them.

“No please don't take him away, he's the perfect eye candy!” Whimpered Asami while Michelle, once again, nodded to agree with her.

As Alina turned to her friends and started arguing again, Jason turned to look at something behind him, his eyes narrowing.

“Alina, escort everyone back into the school entrance. Now.” He demanded and as he spoke, his voice became rough and authoritative.

Alina, sensing something wrong, quickly turned to look at Asami and Michelle before all three nodded. With a loud voice, they started warning others to return back to the entrance. The nearby schoolgirls listened to them without disobeying, having heard Jason's command for themselves.

A large group of thugs could be seen approaching the school, armed with metal pipes and knives. One of them stepped forward, his right arm in a sling.

“There! That's the bitch! And … fuck! That's the guy who crippled me!” He shouted aggressively, his left finger pointing at a visibly pale Emily, then at Jason.

Oh, wonderful. A mess he made but why include Emily? Thought Alina as she tried to guide more students back into the school entrance. And where in the hell are the teachers when you need ‘em?

Jason stepped forward, conveniently protecting Emily behind him with his back as he spoke coldly. “I don't like being pointed at. Do I need to break your other hand too?”

“Bastard! You broke my wrist and nearly ripped my elbow off! I dare you to break my arm! As if you can get me with all my bros behind me.”

Jason looked at crippled man for a moment before taking a step forward. Almost instantaneously he disappeared from everyone's view before appearing again, this time in front of the crippled man. In one smooth motion, he grabbed the finger that was still pointing and twisted it upwards in an angular manner. A sickening crunch sound was heard clearly by everyone before the crippled man started screaming.

“Asshole!” Another thug nearby shouted. “You think we don't exist or something?!”

“I did warn him though, but he dared me. I'd be a pussy if I didn't follow through.” Replied Jason apathetically.

With a shout several thugs pounced towards Jason, weapons raised to strike him. Jason allowed the strikes to hit him while nearby schoolgirls shrieked in horror. Some students, both male and female, prepared a spell on their SEC devices but didn't fire, worried they would hit Jason. However, in the next moment, they became stunned when they saw what happened.

The weapons slammed into Jason but shattered into pieces while he remained unharmed. Faster than the eye can see, Jason broke a thug's arm and took his broken knife, throwing it at another thug nearby who was preparing to use his ability. Then he started punching and kicking every enemy near him, each attack sent them flying.

Alina, seeing him surrounded, gritted her teeth before electrifying herself and charging at the enemy. Kicking an opponent who was trying to sneak up on Jason, Alina then aligned herself behind him. Back to back, both siblings seemed to smile at the same time and this literally created a scene that's only seen in animes and comics.

“Thought I told you to get the kids away, kid,” Said Jason with a wry smile.

“Aw c'mon, I don't wanna miss all the fun.” Replied Alina, a combative smirk on her face.

“Your funeral.” Jason charged at the thugs surrounding him while Alina did the same. As they fought, a rubber bullet hit a thug that was trying to separate the two; Michelle had her gun pointed out, smoke coming out of the barrel. Activating her SEC, Michelle's gun changed to a fully automatic pistol as she charged in and, emptying her entire clip in a second, she accurately shoot multiple targets near her.

As Alina stunned the thugs and Michelle knocked them out, Jason continued his crippling spree, breaking the limbs and ribs of any thug he got his hand on. A well-placed kick to the knee, grabbing an oncoming fist and smashing the elbow from to the side, Jason made an artwork of crippling these gangsters.

“ENOUGH!” a commanding voice shouted out loud as a wave of energy blasted all the thugs away but not affecting Jason, Alina, and Michelle. As the gangsters lay on the ground groaning and screaming, the sound clip-clop striking the ground resonated and Ms. Silvia appeared at the entrance, her scowl directed at the intruders and the 3 of them.

“Jason,” she said sternly, her arms were crossed, enhancing her bust. “Your need for violence hasn't changed, I see.”

“Why Ms. Silvia, still as beautiful as ever, ‘I see’. Besides didn't you see how violent I was a few days ago? Oh, don't scrunch your eyebrows like that. While it's adorable, you're likely to gain wrinkles early on.” Teased Jason in his sly voice, causing the remaining students to gasp at his remark; they haven't seen anyone with balls to tease Silvia so effortlessly.

“You, Ms. Sage, Ms. LeBlanc! My office, now! You join us too, Ms. Cadwell.” Added Silvia gently at the end as she turned away, walking towards the school.

“Uh oh, I think you kids are in trouble,” Jason said quietly causing Alina to roll his eyes.

“You're in trouble too y'know.” Alina shot back.

“Me? Nah, we go way back Silvy and I. Besides, you don't want to see how'd she punish me, trust me. It involves cuffs and -” Jason's voice and smile had a hint of lewdness as he spoke.

“Blargh gross, stop it! Stop it!” Interrupted Alina as she shook her head, trying to remove the image that was fixated in her mind now.

“What? She'd cuff me and send me to jail. Geez, what did you think I meant by punishment? Tsk, tsk, girls these days, what gutter minds you have.” Jason jokingly teased as Michelle and Alina blushed. Emily, on the other hand, rolled her eyes, her mood complicated.

“Ungh, you're incorigble.” Alina stumbled on her words as she stomped.

“It's incorrigible and thank you, I'll take that as a compliment.” Jason lazily corrected as they followed Silvia up the stairs.

The four eventually entered a large room with a sitting area and a desk surrounded by a window and four large bookcases, two on each side. All in all, it seemed like a relatively antique room that was not common in this time and age.

Jason, who had intentionally entered last, decided to lean on Silvia's desk when he saw all the chairs in the room were mostly occupied. Silvia shifted uncomfortably in her chair as Jason inclined towards her flirtatiously.

“It's a good room Silvie, perfect for your style and, it compliments your stunning intelligence,” Jason said smoothly, a smile in his face. “Speaking of which, you're still available right? Would you like to grab dinner tonight? I remember a great place by the -”

“Stop it, Jason, I know you're trying to distract me. I only want one thing from you, yes or no?” Silvia cooly interrupted Jason, and the girls listening in couldn't help but admire her composure and fortitude while dealing with this lady-killer.

“Tsk, you always take the fun out of everything Silvie, it's why you're still single.” Jason got up from the desk and walked past Silvia towards the window. Looking out the courtyard, he could see students casually hanging out. Some were studying in groups and sitting on the grass, while others were couples sharing meals together on benches.

“Yes or no, Jason.” Repeated Silvia, her hands laying on the table, fingers crisscrossed together.

Jason didn't speak but continued looking out the window, his mind in disarray. “I … have other duties as well, and they take, uh, precedence.”

“I know, Jason, I'm a member too.[4]” Silvia cryptically answered.

“Those farts let someone as young as you in? Well, what'ya know, there is a God after all!” Said Jason in a sarcastically humorous voice.

“Inheritance, Jason. They had no choice. Now your answer, please,” Silvia pressured Jason, her posture not changing at all.

“One thing first,” countered Jason as he turned to look at her. “Why me? I've never taught anyone and I have no academic education to boast of.”

“First, that's a lie.” Started Silvia as she pushed her glasses upwards. “Little Alina here was obviously trained by you, her martial arts is incredible for her age. So incredible, in fact, that I had to use more than 20% of my powers to fight her. Second, you'll be teaching the combat course, a role completely suited for you considering your, ah, experience. Besides, I'll add a dealbreaker exclusively for you.”

“Oh? What's that?” Asked Jason interestedly.

“I won't condemn any teacher-student relationship you might have, provided they're an adult. Meaning 16 and up only.[5]” A devious glint lit her glasses as spoke, a finger lifting the bridge of her glasses again.

“The hell that's a dealbreaker!” Alina stood up and retorted in a loud voice.

“Deal!” Replied Jason without even thinking as he raised his hand to seal the deal with a handshake.

“Screw your deal, don't reply so quickly!” Shouted Alina before collapsing onto the sofa behind her. “You were planning to accept the position anyway weren't you?”

Jason turned to look at her with his head tilted. “Yeah, but I needed to sweeten the deal before joining so I played hard to get.”

“Damn lecher,” Alina muttered under her breath before turning to look at the other two. “See what I mean? That's why I told you -”

Alina stopped when she saw Michelle looking at Jason with naked admiration glowing in her eyes. Thankfully, Emily looked unimpressed as she started playing on her phone. However, moments later, she noticed Emily looking at Jason from the corner of her eyes while she tapped her screen half-heartedly.

Oh c'mon! Wait, that's not good. If Emily plays hard to get, she could get Jason's interest! Damn, she's good, Thought Alina.

Alina sighed for the hundredth time today as Jason signed the papers, transferring the necessary IDs into the terminal on Silvia's desk. Ms. Silvia, however, took this time to scold Alina and Michelle for joining Jason in the battle.


“I hate you,” Pouted Alina as she got on the bike behind Jason.

Due to the fight, Ms. Silvia gave Michelle and Alina detention that was in the form of repairing the damage caused in front of the school grounds whilst Emily was instructed to oversee them. While it was a simple task thanks to their SEC devices, their Psionic Aether was exhausted, causing them to feel fatigued.

“Till dinner, you mean.” Corrected Jason, amused, as he placed the helmet on her head, before turning and speaking to three girls gathered nearby. “Well, it seems like I'll be seeing you lovely ladies tomorrow at school. Remember to get home safe.”

Jason put his helmet on then stepped on the petal, zooming away while Alina waved her hand at her friends.

“Aw, a single hot teacher and I'm too young to date him. For the first time, I wanna be older than I am! Why couldn't I be a college student, argh!” Asami grabbed her head with both hands while stomping her both feet.

“Un.” Nodded Michelle as she looked at path Jason had left to; she had been uncharacteristically silent since Jason had shown up, mostly nodding.

“C'mon guys, give it a rest. You're stressing Alina out too.” Admonished Emily.

“Comme si tu pouvais parler. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him!” Michelle shot back faster than Asami could retort.

“What? No, it's not like that.” Emily replied in a small voice while fidgeting.


“C'est ça…”

Both Asami and Michelle said in unison as Emily stuttered.

“Whatever, I'm heading home, catch you guys later.” Emily finally managed to say, as all three said their goodbyes and left in separate directions.

SEC Device: Spellcasting and ESP Conjuring, is a device that comes in many forms and is used by those who have Psionic Aether or ESPer abilities. For ESPers, it helps to control and regulate their abilities. While for Spellcasters, it aids them in constructing the formula needed to convert Psionic Aether into energy and matter, such as a fireball or a metal shield. Onesie: A derogatory nickname for level one ESPers, used by Asami in a joking manner. VP12: An advanced version of the VP9, a Heckler and Koch pistol. A member of the Council, the governing body that effectively rules the city of Sanctuary. Thanks to WWIII, teens become adults at the tender age of 16 as opposed to 18. You know, cause they were killing each other so fast that they need to conscript youngsters. Also, I'm pretty sure Silvia and Jason are joking about the deal. (Looks at Jason's devilishly sheepish smirk) I think...

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