《Immortals: The Curse of Samsara》Prologue


In 2045 the moon, shattered by an asteroid, caused natural disasters to occur all over the world and food resources began to dwindle as a result, beginning what is now known as WWIII. The war advanced technology with the aid of new elements that originated from the asteroid and this created the base for modern magic, that was operated by spellcasters, to appear. The war continued for over 50 years until the destruction of America because of the Yellowstone Eruption, and the discovery of ESPers: humans of any age with special abilities, enhancing casters. Eventually, due to being exploited by Nations, corporations, and gangs, ESPers fled to the only place where they are treated as humans: Sanctuary, the most advanced artificial island-city in the world.

Through the visor of his helmet, Jason looked down at the woman crawling to his feet. Her chest was heaving as she tried to drag herself towards him, however, the sword embedded in her chest was debilitating her movements.

“Help her.” She muttered as her hand stretched in another direction, pointing at a collapsed figure, a petite shadow.

Jason slowly raised his hands and lifted the helmet off, before kneeling down

“I save her then you die, ma’am,” he replied quietly, his apathetic gaze burrowing into hers.

Anger flashed in the woman's eyes; She did not care for her own life, her concern was solely on the unmoving frame.

“Help her! Please..” She begged hoarsely. The light in her eyes slowly started to fade as she pleaded with him.

Jason stood up and walked to the other person. A child, no more than 12, lay sprawled on a flower bed, blood gently coloring the nearby flowers and soil from a deep wound on the right side of her chest. The clean wound appeared to be identical to the stab wound on the woman: the little girl was run through at the same time as the woman.

Gently he straightened her, so she could lay on her back. Then, he placed his helmet gently on her head. The breather slowly furrowed itself inwards as the bottom part of the helmet shrank itself to fit her neck. At the same time, Jason took a small vial of blue liquid out of his side pocket. Carefully, he poured the liquid onto the wound, which quickly started knitting itself back.


“Please… keep… her… saf..e..” breathed the older woman, as she passed away.

Despite the woman speaking in an inaudible voice, Jason quietly responded.

“I will.”

Jason opened his eyes, his dark irises shining like two black opals as the light from dawn slowly seeped in from the windows. His square jaw and stubborn chin were covered in a scruffy shadow, accentuating his roguish features while his short, messy hair stood up in half-spikes.

Again, he thought as he lifted his muscular body from the bed, his bronze-kissed skin covered in a light coat of sweat. He turned his head to look at the wall opposite of the window. Beyond that wall was Alina's room, and he knew she wasn't sleeping, but crying. After all, it was the first anniversary of her parents’ death.


Alina emerged from her room, with puffy red eyes, and her nose was assaulted by the scent of a scrumptious breakfast. As she headed downstairs to the dining room, she began to guess what was being served.

Toast? Or waffles? Something buttery. Savory smell hints at soup or stew. Hmm… and that sweet fruity smell. Probably dessert, She thought as the heaviness in her chest slightly dimmed.

Reaching the table she couldn't help but smile. Buttered toast, vegetable soup with smoked bacon, and a slice of blueberry coffee cake were all neatly arranged on the table.

“Morning,” Said Jason, as he set a glass of Orange juice down. “Couldn't sleep?”

“It's alright. Just nervous for class,” shrugged Alina, grabbing the toast.

“You'll be fine,” he assured her while mixing sugar into his coffee. “Just remember not -”

“I know, I know. Don't show off, don't bully.” She interrupted, already shoveling the soup down her throat while rolling her eyes.

“I'll drop you off,” he continued while sipping his coffee, his eyes on the beautiful view outside the window. The highest floor of the penthouse gave him a splendid look at the sprawling city below them, while the sea further off shone like gold in the morning light.

“Great day for a ride.”


“Nuh ah, no you don't,” she immediately replied, her fork pointed at Jason in an accusing manner. “You just wanna show off your new bike!”

“How'd you know?” He asked in mock surprise after giving an exaggerated gasp. “My plan to show off to all high school girls and seduce them has been discovered!”

“Well, it's not much of a plan really,” Alina sighed exaggeratingly, pretending to be exasperated. “A better plan would be to become a teacher there and then act all cool like you ... usually do…”

Alina's voice trailed off as she realized that Jason was acting evasive, whistling and looking anywhere but at her.

“No way, you wouldn't…” she gasped

“I would,” he said back while ruffling his short hair sheepishly. “I was going to tell you but-”

“You snagged a teaching post at my school! The hell?! You're not even 22! And I don't need you watching me twenty-four seven!” Alina snapped

“Calm down, this isn't about you. I was offered a post when the principal found out I saved a student. I haven't accepted it.” He hastily added with raised arms, surrendering, as he tried to justify himself.

“Wait, you saved someone? Who? When? Why?”

“Long story, maybe I'll tell you one day,” Jason looked at his watch. “Alright kid, hurry and get into your uniform. Don't want to be late for your first day.” Jason began cleaning the table as he attempted to change the subject.

“Alright, fine. But this isn't over.” Alina answered as she got up and started to go upstairs to her room, running two steps at a time.

Jason watched her go for a moment, before moving to the kitchen, placing the dishes in the sink, his mind wandering off to another place.

Chocolate brown hair with copper-ish blonde highlights, wavy hair tied in a messy side braid. Piercingly green eyes that were glazed with a faraway look, creamy ivory colored skin made more prominent due to bruising on her cheek and arms. Her, kneeling on the ground, unable to stand up as he looked down at her, his head tilted in bemusement as he spoke.

“You… “

Jason's recollection ended abruptly as he heard Alina's footsteps coming down the stairs. Looking up, he froze when he saw Alina as a slight scowl appeared on his face.

She was wearing an average high school uniform: a white shirt and a red tie, hung snugly around her neck, both of which were concealed by a slightly tight hugging navy blue jacket. Her legs, from above her knees and below, were completely exposed due to the slightly short skirt and white socks.

“What?” She asked anxiously, while fidgeting, her concern increasing when she noticed his disapproval. “Does it look bad? I knew it, it looks bad.”

“I don't like it,” Jason answered, his scowl more pronounced. “I'm definitely taking the teaching position. How else am I gonna keep the boys away from you?” He explained when he noticed her confused look.

A look of relief flooded Alina's face before she rolled her eyes, annoyed. “Seriously? That's why you're pouting? Relax I won't fall any bad boys. Promise.”

Jason grunted as he turned away, muttering on how ridiculous uniforms were while Alina grinned, humming a tune as she skipped to the entrance, putting her shoes on.

“Well, I'm off,” Alina said, hopping cheerfully to Jason and kissing his cheek. “Please don't kill anyone while I'm away, I don't wanna move again.”

“No promises.” He replied with a shadow of a grin appearing on his face. He then watched Alina walk out the door.

Now then, he thought, his smile fading as though it didn't exist. He turned to look out the window once again, contemplating. How should I pass the time?

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