《Embracing Tears》Chapter 21: Looming Threat
In the long table in the village head’s house, assorted types of dishes were placed upon it. Several chairs positioned on all its corners. The food was many, meat and fruits alike, all were laid unto a long strip of leaves.
These leaves however, were clean at a sight. Rume, Galeila, and Lein saw on the way that some villagers were cutting the leaves of a particular tree. As those long leaves were still attached to its tree, there were plenty of those who were rolled tight as they were still growing. The villagers picked the still tightly rolled youngly grown big leaves.
It was expected that those rolled leaves were clean as they were spread unto the table. Making it safe to assume that the fresh fruits and newly cooked dishes were alright to eat when they were laid unto the leaves.
In the middle of the table, a roasted pig was still hot as it emanated smoke. Neatly chopped cooked average sized fishes were presented along with it. Assorted set of fruits colored the table. The quantity of the fruits and the amount of meat seemed to be just equal.
The trio sat on the chairs at one corner of the table. At the center sat Galeila while Rume and Lein positioned on each of her sides. Galeila’s back leaned straightly on the back of the chair, her face glowed with a charming short smile. Meanwhile Lein emanated a beautiful smile, acting very composed, however, her eyes frequently wandered on the meat placed on the table.
It appears she had found her first target.
Rume on the other hand was feeling a bit tense. Well, she couldn’t say she had experienced dining in a stranger’s house. It was completely different, back at Esmon’s house, she ate like she was at home.
Being in a stranger’s house is an entirely different experience. Rume wasn’t exactly a heavy eater. So, what if she was unable to eat all of her meals? Will there be bad consequences? Will it be rude to leave some when she could not eat any further? It would seem she had to be mindful as she ate.
Well, at least the food looked delicious. The roasted pig was tempting to look at. The fish was interesting. The different kinds of fruits were a must to taste. But to be able to taste them all, she must be very mindful of the amount she would eat.
Perhaps she should ask a bit of help from Galeila if the need arises. Share some food so as to not put too much on her plate. Rume took a glance at Galeila. Although, it might be a bit embarrassing to ask that.
A girl her age entered the room and immediately sat beside Rume full of energy. She was a familiar girl.
“Hey Rume!” She said as she reached for Rume’s hands, shaking them as they spoke. “The meal today looks delicious! Don’t you think?”
“.... Yes, it looks delicious.
Rume returned a smile, a bit frozen due to the unexpected turn of events. This girl, Kariya, was so friendly that Rume was still adjusting as it has been a long time since a girl her age interacted this way. However, it was slowly returning to her.
“I see you’ve met my granddaughter.”
The old woman from before took the seat of honor.
“So she’s your granddaughter huh. It’s gladdening to see she made friends with Rume.”
Rume looked with a bit of surprise at Galeila's words. Galeila merely turned to look at her with a proud grin. Rume blinked several times and Lein’s smile was caught in her sight.
Rume smiled ever so slightly as she avoided their gazes. She felt a bit uncomfortable when everyone in the room was looking at her. Nevertheless, she couldn't deny she was somewhat glad herself. It was a pleasant feeling.
At the same time, two adults, male and female entered the room and sat at the other side of the table.
“Greetings!” The adult man greeted them with a wave. “So you’re our respected visitors. Nice to meet you, I’m Lapes, Kariya’s father.”
“I'm Teraya, his husband,” The adult woman said with a warm smile.
Galeila stood up and extended her hand to the two as she introduced her two companions. Meanwhile, Kariya snatched a circular pink fruit from the table without the others noticing and showed it to Rume.
“Look, Rume,” She whispered. “It’s my favorite fruit, a Rambet. It’s a bit sweet but delicious. Have a taste.”
She was about to tear it in half when Rume held out her hand.
“Is it okay to eat first when the others aren’t?”
“Uuh, you’re right…” Kariya heaved a sigh. “We’re about to start at any moment anyways, so I guess it's fine.”
Attendants then entered the room and placed plates on each person. The plates were made up of some sort of fairly large strips of wood and weaved together to form a circular plate. As the food would spill through the gaps, the same leaf used on the table was placed on the plate, cut in the shape and size as the plate.
Rume was surprised about the uniqueness and strangeness. In her village, all they have were made up of wood and plain. Following that, the attendants placed spoons and forks on their plate. It was a relief that this was no different. But there was a small knife that came along which was the only thing made of steel. Rume never used nor seen one before.
“““Bless us with the sustenance.”””
The husband, wife, and the old woman said as though in prayer. Kariya was surprised at this so she was totally behind.
“We may eat. Don’t hold back,” The old woman said with a smile as she reached for the fish.
“We are grateful for the hospitality,” Galeila said while reaching out for a fruit.
Lein on the other hand of course instantly sliced a part of the roasted pig. She acted all graceful and lady-like as she used the knife and placed it on her plate, but she consumed it a bit faster than the others. Gracefully eating nonetheless.
Meanwhile, Rume was in a slight panic. She was embarrassed to pick something out. Galeila noticed this instantly and whispered to her ears.
“Which one do you want?”
Truth be told, she wanted to have a taste of them all. But how would she say that? In a struggle, Rume decided to point at three things.
“.... Um, the pork, the fish, and the fruit you just ate.”
Galeila sliced off a small bit of the pork, grabbed a pair of sliced fish, and the oblong yellow fruit she took, then placed it on Rume’s plate.
“Thank you…”
“If you want more, just say the word, okay?”
Rume slowly ate her food. The meat was juicy and pleasant to the tongue. The fishes were somewhat crunchy to bite, but softer when chewed. Surprisingly, there were no bones. Rume had tasted some fish in the village, there were some for sale, captured from the nearby river. Her mother also removed the bones before cooking them. It was great not having to worry about small spiky bones.
Then the fruit she bit into has a bitter taste, but not to the point of being uneatable. On the contrary, because of the bitterness, it was very pleasing to chew. Its seed was in the very center and at the size of Rume’s pinky.
“Hey Rume, have a taste of rambet. Its seeds are tiny, so you can eat them with the entire fruit. Isn’t it convenient?”
Kariya tried to tear it apart, but she struggled. Thus, she used the small knife to cut it in half.
“Here,” She offered the half of the fruit with a smile.
The seeds were indeed tiny and a few of numbers. They were spread throughout the insides of the fruit. Rume took a bite and a sense of sweetness flooded her mouth. That being said, it wasn’t to the point that it would hurt her throat, just the right amount of sweetness.
“What do you think?”
“It’s delicious.”
Rume said with a slight smile.
“I’m glad you like it!”
Rume loved it, it was the first time she ever tasted something like it. Discovering something like it and experiencing it was wonderful.
The adults observed as they ate.
“Kids friendly to each other sure is nice,” Kariya’s mother, Teraya, said with an amused smile.
“Indeed,” the man, Lapes, said with a nod.
“By the way, Miss Galeila,” the old woman, Kera called out. “The nearby continent can use flight magic there, correct?”
Galeila lifted her eyes from her food and responded with a smile.
“Do they teach it to people?”
“Of course, there are plenty of magic academies to learn from.”
“... A school, huh.”
“There must be a payment…” Lapes muttered.
“Yes, of course,” Lein replied.
“But that can be managed, right?” Teraya asked her husband.
“Yes. That will be fine. We just have to work for it.”
“Then we just have to send a few of our young ones there,” Kera placed her hand on her chin. “But expect money to be difficult. At most, we can only send one to an academy.”
“How much is the fee?” Teraya asked.
“Depends on which academy you choose. It can start from tens upon tens of silvers, to tens of gold coins,” Lein answered as she bit on the meat which she just sliced off again. “Of course, it’s already yearly, the north values mages. So that’s a good side. If you want to completely finish the education, it will take three years.”
“I see. We could send Kariya there,” Lapes said.
“I think that’s alright. Are you willing, Kariya? You can learn flying magic there.”
Kariya contemplated it for a couple of seconds.
“I’ll be fine with it! Maybe we can see each other there, Rume!” She turned to look at Rume. “We can meet anytime we want to, isn’t that right, Rume?”
Rume blinked a few times. That would be wonderful. But was such a thing possible? She wasn’t sure, Rume saw a glimpse of how big the world was, so it would be hard once she returned to the village.
But, it wouldn’t hurt to hope. Maybe someday. Rume nodded at her.
“So we just have to send some young ones to work for the money we need,” the old woman said.
“But if you find it difficult to obtain the necessary expenses. You could find a local mage willing to teach someone with the amount you offer.”
“We can do that?” Lapes said.
“Of course. But I suggest you ensure their credibility and abilities.”
“I see.”
“But, Miss Lein, I heard you are a mage,” the old woman turned to look at Lein. “... Perhaps if we could hire you, of course, we’ll get the—”
Lein raised a hand.
“My apologies, but whatever amount you offer me, I won’t accept the job.”
“... Is that so… But may I ask why?”
They appeared to be insistent. Perhaps they want to seek someone who was already close by.
“I already have a student, and I’m committed.”
Lein straightforwardly said with no hint of hesitation. Rume reflexively looked at Lein. Lein on the other hand, stole a glance at Rume with a smile.
But there were more reasons why she would only have Rume as a student. Lein was not a teacher for hire, nor was she exactly a teacher to begin with, she only decided to teach Rume because she wanted to. Plus, she could not bring herself to teach two students and one lives incredibly far away. She wanted to focus solely on Rume. In addition, with her position in the alliance, the most she could do was only take one student she wanted to teach. It would be too much to take another one.
“I see. I understand.”
“We have to prepare for the expenses anyway, mother.” Lapes said. “Plus, Kariya’s still very young, so no need to rush.”
“I suppose.”
Suddenly, a rushed footsteps entered the room. They sounded light however, so it may have come from a young child.
“Kariya! Let’s go and play, everyone’s wai—”
Rume thought as much, it was a young child close to her age. Reto, the boy Rume played with earlier, stopped his words.
“R-Rume? So you’re also here, huh. So, uh, let’s go?”
“Excuse you, Reto!” Kariya shouted at him. “We’re still eating, don’t you see?”
“Eh? Right, sorry.”
“We’ll be done any minute now, so wait.”
Rume was already done though. She wanted to eat a bit more, but she was embarrassed. That being said, she was almost full and she was not a big eater anyway. But it could have been interesting to eat a bit some more, but the shyness got the best of her.
“Then we’ll wait for you at the plaza!”
Reto said as he left the house.
“Sheesh,” Kariya expressed her exasperation as she ate her food faster than before.
After a minute, everyone seemed to have finished.
As they were about to stand up, a loud sound of a bell blared through the village.
Galeila and Lein immediately became alarmed but still puzzled.
“The alarm, an attack,” Lapes said with a worried expression.
“Must be the beasts again,” the old woman muttered.
Galeila stood up with no hesitation.
“Lein, watch over Rume.”
Galeila gave an order as if she was already used in doing it.
“Miss Galeila, you should stay here for a while, the guards can handle it.”
Lapes said as he held out his hand. Seemingly worried about her.
“The beast should be out of the gates or the fences, right?”
“Well, maybe.”
“So, it’s alright to watch from a safe distance… But I’m not doing that.”
Galeila heard shouts of men, some conveying emergencies, some rushing towards where there was trouble. Lein followed behind her, and within her hand was Rume who had a confused expression on her face. The beast was indeed at the front gates, Galeila wasn’t sure if it was on purpose or not.
She had no idea whether the beast just mindlessly arrived there and wreaked havoc or otherwise. In any case, she planned to investigate. The safety of the little girl was on the line.
Shortly, as they had the gates clearly within their sights, Galeila stopped in her tracks and turned to her two companions. On the other hand, Rume’s friend’s father approached, trying to stop her.
“Miss Galeila, are you sure about this, it’s dangerous.”
“I’m fine. Now then, Lein, stay here until it’s over. I’ll only take a look.”
Lein nodded, while Rume had a look of concern on her face. Galeila smiled to give her some ease.
“I’ll be back in a moment, Rume.”
“... O-Okay.”
Galeila strode towards the gates, she was calm and composed as though there was nothing of threat to her. The village’s guards gathered at the gate, they immediately closed the gates after they went out, with weapons in their hands.
No good.
Galeila rushed her steps, if they were to kill the beast before she took a look at it, her intention of investigation would be wasted. The beast’s roar reached her ears, a familiar sound.
It was the same roar of a Rhiuse. That was no surprise, they were common here in this land after all. But it sure sounded violent.
She reached the gates, however it was sealed tight. The gate was made up of logs so she could see through the gaps. Humans fighting a beast on the other side.
She turned to the guard, her mesmerizing eyes of jade shook the man. Galeila smiled innocently while speaking.
“I will only take a look. May I ask that you open the gates?”
“B-But Miss, it’s dangerous.”
“Not for me. Please be quick before they kill the beast.”
The guard looked at the other guard, asking for their opinions. If they won’t open the gates for her, then Galeila wouldl have to jump over it, or else open it by force. But that would be too conspicuous.
Luckily, the guards nodded at each other and opened the gates slightly, enough for a single person to pass through.
“Here you go.”
“My thanks.”
Galeila went through the gates, what greeted her was the sound of humans communicating with each other. There was a familiar man among them. It was Tohu.
Tohu was surprised seeing Galeila going outside.
“M-Miss Galeila?! What are you doing here?”
“To take a look.”
Galeila observed the Rhiuse. Its eyes were blood red and incredibly feral. Unlike the one they faced before. It swung its horn violently as one human went forward to engage it. It looked stronger than before.
As it was about to charge at one of them, Galeila decided to intervene. If one was to get caught in that, they will surely die.
In addition, the beast already looked abnormal merely from its apparent strength as it stomped on the ground. She could use her physical strength but that would just be too shocking for the humans. Therefore, she decided to use something that she surmised to be on an acceptable degree of acceptance.
She used her abilities and countless specks of green light emerged from her hands, this way the humans would just think it was magic. They were like a parade of fireflies storming the beast. The beast was confused. Meanwhile, the green light formed shapes and solidified into chains of light, bounding the feral beast as it wriggled around.
It was the same magic that Galeila used to create constructs of the city earlier.
The humans were dumbstruck by the spectacle.
“Please don’t kill it yet.”
Galeila stepped forward, closer to the struggling beast. It exerted all of its strength to set itself free from its bounds. But it was futile.
She heard mutterings of awe from the humans, but she ignored them but only looked at the beast's eyes.
“I wonder what’s happening to you. Calm yourself.”
She tried to command the beast, but her voice didn’t reach its ears. It was not acknowledging her words at all.
“Now then, your eyes changed, perhaps the change is physical? Still…”
She gripped the beast’s head and used her magic to look if there was some kind of magic influencing its mind. No mind control spells could get past her. However, she was surprised and more puzzled after she did so.
“Nothing…? Then what could…”
She let go of the beast.
If it isn’t a mental attack, then there must be something else.
“You may kill it now.”
She told the humans then moved away. The humans were flabbergasted by her calmness.
“It’s bounded, so you can be at ease. But if you can, make the killing blow clean.”
“Aight,” Tohu said.
The man stabbed his spear deep within the beast’s neck. It should be fatal. However, the beast only struggled more. Galeila raised an eyebrow.
“Shit, guys, go to the neck’s otherside.”
The guards obeyed Tohu’s orders. Some stabbed it with their spears, and some slashed deep in its neck. Shortly after a few strikes, the beast died.
Galeila undid her magic spell which bounded the beast.
“Aight! Tell the village it’s over!”
One of the guards rushed back to the village gates and delivered the good news.
“You’re quite something, Miss Galeila. And you’re so calm as it happened.”
“Oh please, inside I’m quite frightened.”
“Is that so?”
It was a lie of course.
“Can I borrow a knife, Mister Tohu?” Galeila said.
“What for?”
Galeila pointed her finger towards the lying beast.
“Open it up.”
“... Aight. But it’s skin is hard. Want me to open it up for you?”
“No need. Opening it might have some unforeseen dangers.”
“What danger could even exist inside a wild beast?”
“Very well.”
Galeila took the knife from Tohu. Meanwhile, Lein and Rume walked right outside the gates. Galeila stole a glance at them. It was safe for the time being, so it was alright for them to be here. They must be quite worried for her, or perhaps curious about what Galeila herself could be doing here.
Galeila kneeled by the beast’s belly. In a single motion, she neatly dug the blade into it. She slowly sliced it open, exposing the innards of the beast. She made the slit wider, and the guts gradually spilled.
Galeila’s eyes went wide.
“Woah, what the hell?” Tohu expressed his surprise.
Galeila was surprised herself. On the beast’s innards, some kind of dark organic matter clung on its organs. It spread out all over. It was disgusting to look at, something that the eyes would prefer not to perceive.
This was completely a substance that shouldn’t be in any living organism. Upon a closer look, Galeila noticed something from within.
She dug her hand deep within the beast’s belly. A complete surprise for a beautiful lady like her to just unhesitantly dig her hand in something’s guts. But she was originally a dragon, so she had no issue with something like this.
Everyone watching grimaced.
“What is this?”
She muttered as she pulled out a grotesque organic lump of substance. It was a ball of dark flesh with a couple of what resembled short tentacles. She winced in disgust which she herself would be surprised upon seeing herself in a mirror.
Even the dragon who lived for centuries was clueless on what this could be.
No no no. This is no normal parasite. This could be something else. This...
Galeila began to panic a bit. This was supposed to be just a normal outing. How could they end up encountering something like this?
This is no force of nature… An infestation…? Doesn’t matter, we shouldn’t be here.
Nature itself, which Galeila oversees, had nothing to do with this. She was certain of it.
Do demons have something to do with this? I don’t know… I have no clue.
She reflexively turned to look at Rume. Her innocent eyes fixed at Galeila with worried eyes.
There could be some force behind this. I am not in a position to be involved in this. Not me, not Lein, and absolutely not Rume.
She instantly fixed her eyes to the forest. She looked deep and deeper. Watching every detail. Every tiny thing. Even in the thick foliage. Even in the darkness. Every nook and cranny. Every gap in the leaves of the trees. Even in the skies above.
I hope no eyes have seen us yet.
She doesn’t want to get caught up in someone’s scheme. She couldn’t help this village. At the moment, she had priorities. Right now, Rume was the most important here. A child like her had no place in events such as this.
The village may be in danger. However, they were still fine at the moment. They can defend themselves.
Galeila chose to focus on what was important. They must leave immediately while they weren’t still directly involved in the mess yet.
All of a sudden, the organic within Galeila’s hand began to squirm disgustingly. It clung unto her hand tight. It was as if it was trying to devour her, or overtake her. Its grip was so firm as though it was trying to embed itself to her.
“ — What?”
Galeila was surprised for a second. She slammed it to the ground with inhuman strength, leaving a small impact on the soil.
The smashed organic creature stopped gripping and no longer moved as Galeila retracted her hand away.
I hope no one saw our faces yet.
They must leave while they have a chance to leave with peace.
I don’t want us getting caught up in this.
Discovering an unknown made her anxious. As someone who lived for centuries, met different kinds of people, human or not, encountered many situations, she had a feeling this was something big. Something she doesn’t want to get into.
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