《Embracing Tears》Chapter 17: Entering the Forest
“Hm. There appears to be a pathway there.”
Lein, who was currently looking around, pointed at the direction towards the forest. Rume followed the direction of which Lein was pointing at. There was indeed some sort of entrance, there were no trees, and the grasses were swept away, showing some brown patches of soil.
Lein turned to face Galeila with furrowed brows.
“Does this mean there are indeed people here?”
Galeila smirked and moved forward towards the forest.
“Perhaps, if they’re still here.”
Lein and Rume followed after her.
“When was the last time you were here?”
“A long time ago. A human lifetime ago, you could say.”
A tiny glimmer of apprehension formed within Rume. It was not precisely fear coming from the thought of meeting other people. But something that comes asking questions such as: Would they be the same as the people from her village? How would they treat her? What if they discover she was called a child of a demon? What if they didn’t like her at first glance?
What would they do to her?
True they were different people. Still, her trauma lingered largely in her heart. The fear of people she knew nothing of. The fear of having to be persecuted. The fear of receiving their cold glares. The fear of getting hurt.
Her breath trembled as she thought of many fearful things.
Galeila turned her eyes to look at Rume, sensing her plight. From the way Rume was acting, she guessed there was something wrong. Lein also noticed the same thing.
The mage indicated Rume to the dragon in human form to do something about it. Lein didn’t have a lot of confidence when it came to this sort of thing. But if she was alone, she would do something about it. However, Galeila was here, she decided to rely on the oldest one of the team.
“Rume, hold my hand, it’s a bit dangerous in the forest.”
Rume stared at the hand before her for a second then nodded. As she felt the warmth and the soft sensation of the hand of which she was holding, a sense of ease washed away her anxiety. She involuntarily gripped Galeila’s hand a bit tighter.
Rume then saw Lein move ahead of them, staying in front. Her scarlet hair waved with each stride. She was just walking beside them, but now she decided to rush forward and positioned herself in front of them. Rume at the moment couldn’t understand why that was. Perhaps Lein just decided to move ahead.
Later on, they reached the entrance to the forest. Birds chirping all around, sounds of leaves swaying in the wind filled the air. Dry leaves that left its branches descended before them. The pathway before them went all the way deeper into the forest.
Lein looked down to the patch of brown soil, some grasses laid flat on the ground.
“The trace isn’t fresh, but still a sign that there is someone who passes here, or something.”
“Most grasses never freely grow in the middle, something occasionally walks here.”
“The flora is swept aside. Likely intelligent. Must be humans? Yes?”
“Indeed, it could only be humans.”
“Should we take a look? This land is separated from the mainland, so this could only mean those humans are…”
“So, are we taking a look?”
“I’m fine with it, what about you Rume?”
“...I’m fine if you’re going…”
“Then that means we’re going. Lead the way please our dear vanguard, Lein.”
Lein sighed then went onward.
“A mage going as a vanguard… Let’s just hope I can handle everything dangerous that comes out.”
“Come now, don’t worry, you will be able to defeat just about anything that lurks around here.”
“Me worrying? No. I’ll obliterate anything that leaps to attack us. I’m just cautious that’s all.”
Lein stole a glance at Rume for a second before returning forward. Rume was looking around to the forest, thus she failed to notice her concerned gaze. As for what Rume was looking for, she was just looking for anything new. But all she saw was just small lizards crawling on the trees, also some bugs.
She saw nothing thrilling at all. Nevertheless, the sense of adventure still made her happy. She never went to any other place but her own village after all.
“By the way, Galeila. I find it hard to think that no one has ever been here. It’s been a few hundred years, so there ought to be someone who ended up here.”
Lein asked as she kept her eyes forward.
“Perhaps there are plenty of people who found this place out of our knowledge. However, as this island is placed far north from the normal sea routes, I imagine there are only a few who traverse in these parts.”
“People wouldn’t risk their cargos by going through an unknown or unrecommended route.”
“It’s their livelihood after all. Of course they choose the safest path. But that said, there was a reason why the sea route completely evaded going through this part of the sea.”
Rume looked at Galeila.
“More than a hundred years ago, an extremely dangerous monster lurked beneath the seas.”
“... What monster?” Rume asked in curiosity.
“It was called a Kraken. An incredibly massive beast with several massive long arms — or rather tentacles. Its teeth can tore through the largest ships with ease. Other creatures of the sea also feared it.”
“There are things like that…?”
“So ships avoided going through this way?”
“That’s right, the Kraken was a problem for several decades, many ships vanished, hundreds or perhaps thousands of people died. However, that was until around a hundred years ago.”
“Someone executed it?” Lein asked.
“We were dispatched.”
Lein turned around with a couple of blinks.
“It must have been incredibly serious to send a dragon lord. Humans accompanied you, I suppose?”
Galeila shook her head.
“It was only me, and blue.”
“Blue?” Rume murmured. It was a name of a color.
“Blue? Ah, you mean that blue dragon lord.”
Rume learned there was another like Galeila, only the other one was blue?
“... Is she like you, Miss Galeila?” Rume asked.
“Oh yes, we’re both dragon lords.”
“... Then what happened next after you were sent?” Rume asked, wanting to hear the end of the story.
“Well, we had some difficulties finding the Kraken, but we eventually found it.”
“... Was it scary?”
“Scary?” Galeila seemed contemplated on what to answer. “I suppose it was scary.”
Galeila sounded unsure. That was because as a dragon lord, Galeila didn’t fear something like a Kraken. She was putting herself in the shoes of a human and how they will think once they see a Kraken.
“Well, after we found it, blue volunteered to take it on herself. So I let her, she was quite a young one back then, so excited about something like fighting a massive monster.”
“Oh, I wonder how it turned out?” Lein asked.
“Well, she froze several miles of the sea, not only on the surface, but also deep under it… She held nothing back.”
Lein twitched after hearing that.
“That’s something. I guess as expected of a dragon lord.”
Rume was not clear about the standard of any power. But she imagined it must be an incredible feat. Rume imagined the sea frozen by the blue dragon lord. Rume had only seen the nearby river freeze in winter, so she did not know if what she was imagining was closer to what was correct.
“Mm. Well, it took a fair amount of time until she was able to kill it. In any case, the sea is now safe.”
“Well, if it’s safe, why no ships yet?”
“Well, even if it was killed, stories about the Kraken’s existence are well known. People still couldn’t help but feel afraid. Therefore, they preferred using the sea routes that had been proven safe for decades.”
“I see. But I expect that is not the only mons— eh — nevermind.”
Lein stopped her words upon remembering that a little girl was with them. She didn’t want to let the child know there were still numerous monsters in the depths of the seas.
“Well, the routes ships use are safe, the navy is always on watch. Well, of course they could only watch the alliance’s own waters. Further than that, the ship’s on its own.”
Rume learned a few things in the exchange.
After a few minutes of walking, Lein suddenly stopped in her tracks. Galeila and Rume naturally followed.
Lein held out her hand in preparation to attack. Then the sound of bushes being moved aside reached their ears. Rume took a peek forward, towards the source of the sound. What emerged was a four legged creature, way bigger than they are. Its legs were massive, its hooves appeared like it could crush a rock. Its massive body immediately gave the impression it was incredibly heavy.
Its dark eyes were gentle however. On its forehead extending a large and sharp horn pointing forward. Its nose was long and ears were wide. Its length was about three meters, and it stood about two and a half meters. Its one meter tail has hair at its point. Its body bore the color of mud.
Lein lowered her hands slightly at the sight.
“Wait, is that…? I forgot its name.”
“You already saw one in the past, how could you forget its name?”
“Well, I don’t exactly always see this kind of animal, can I? I just need to jog my memories a bit.”
Lein pondered for a few seconds before raising her finger.
“Yes! Now I remember. A Rhiuse!”
“That’s its name?” Rume asked.
Galeila answered gently at her.
“Is it dangerous?”
Lein smirked as she approached the beast.
“Nope! It’s not dangerous at all!” She confidently moved closer, showing her brave figure as she approached. “Galeila, please don’t make it run away…”
Galeila whistled a gentle tune, a bit different from before. The next moment, Lein had placed her hand on the beast’s body and rubbed it.
“See? It’s safe.”
“Uh, Lein! It seems you have forgotten about something.”
“What could I forget? I mean, I am already touch i—”
Just then, the beast turned its head and opened its mouth. The next thing Rume heard was a high pitched shriek from Lein.
Rume was scared for her for a moment. But instantly relaxed after seeing what happened. The beast licked Lein’s entire body with its wide tongue. Leaving Lein… shining.
“Nooo!” Lein ran away from the beast. “Eeeeww!!”
Lein was covered in slimy stuff. It was the beast’s saliva.
“Argh! I forgot it licks anyone it likes! Why didn’t you remind me?!” She glared at Galeila, with tears leaking at the corner of her eyes.
“I thought you remembered about it at first.”
“This sucks!” Lein tried to shake off the sticky saliva from her body.
Galeila formed a mischievous smile.
“Rume, let’s stay away from Lein from now on.”
Galeila moved backward along with Rume, away from Lein’s reach.
“Hey! Don’t do me dirty now!”
“Not our fault!”
Lein showed a more disgusted and humiliated expression. Truth be told, she was starting to smell bad.
“Is that why you can’t get a man?!”
Lein stared dumbfoundedly at Galeila after that question.
“What the bloody hell did you just say?”
Lein stared at Galeila with disgust. Fully knowing what Galeila was talking about.
Rume pulled Galeila’s sleeve.
“What does a man have to do with it?”
“Guh,” Galeila released an uncharacteristic sound in spite of herself. That was a bad joke.
“See what you just did Galeila?!”
“Ah, he-he-he. F-Forget about it, Rume,” Galeila formed a bitter smile. “Totally forget about it, don’t ever think about it again.”
“Yes, Rume. Don’t ever think about it.”
Rume blinked several times. Trying to think about why they want her to forget about it. At any rate, they said not to think about it. Thus, Rume followed their suggestion.
“I think I should stick some slime unto you Galeila, as punishment!”
“Rume, let’s run.”
Galeila lifted Rume all of a sudden. Rume was of course taken off guard. Before she knew it, Lein was chasing them from behind as they ran in circles. Her hand extended forward covered with the slimy and sticky saliva. Rume winced at the sudden realization of what Lein was trying to do.
“H-Hey! Lein! You’ll hit Rume too you know!”
“That’s fine, this won’t hurt. At least she’ll get to experience something new!”
“Eeeeh?!” Rume wanted to stay away. There were just some things that should not be experienced.
“Miss Galeila! She’s getting closer! Run faster!”
“What?! That's impossible!” Galeila turned her head around in confusion. “Hey! You’re using flight magic, you cheater!”
“Use everything you have in a battle is a basic rule in winning!”
“That’s low, Lein! When did I ever teach you that?!”
“I taught this to myself! Bwahahahaha!”
Lein looked like a villain as she got closer. Her grin was so sinister, her eyes looked like a hunter ready to strike at their prey.
“Miss Galeila! Use flight magic or something, her hands are getting closer!”
“Oh right!”
Galeila was about to use a flight spell. However, it was already too late, Lein already caught up to them.
“Bwahahaha! You can’t escape from my grasps now!”
She hugged them tightly, rubbing her slimy body against them. Rume could already feel the beast’s slimy saliva sticking on her back then into her arms and cheeks. If anything, it was not a pleasant feeling at all. Ultimately, it smelled horrible.
“We surrender! We surrender!”
“The enemy seemed to have surrendered!”
Lein let go of them with a satisfied grin.
“How does it feel now? Hahahaha!”
“Disgusting… Hehehe...”
Rume looked at them both. They were both smiling and laughing. Rume didn’t immediately realize she was also smiling until she released a laugh she was unable to hold in.
“You seemed to be having fun, Rume?”
Galeila asked her with a broad smile. Rume nodded vigorously as she chuckled.
“Yes, it’s fun!”
“Good for you, Rume.”
Galeila put her down and patted her head.
“Now then, Lein. Get this slimy stuff off of us.”
“I think I’ll let that stay for the entire day.”
“Is that so? I think I should ask that Rhiuse over there to lick you until your last breath.”
Lein’s smile froze as she turned to look at the beast behind them.
“I’m joking of course! Ha-ha! I can’t leave Rume all slimy and smelly, after all.”
Lein waved her hand as she cast a spell. The next moment, a breeze went over each of them. The breeze removed the slimy substance from their clothes and skin, along with the smell. Not only that, Rume’s clothes also got cleaner.
Rume gasped. That was quite convenient. She was all clean now.
“You alright now?” Lein asked her.
“Yes, I think I’m all clean.”
Lein seemed to be unsatisfied as she triple checked herself. Smelling herself to ensure there was no bad smell still clinging unto her. She then fixed her hair, using her hand to comb her scarlet hair.
“Now then, I guess we’re all fine now. Let’s go onward. Oh, I suggest not touching the beast, Rume.”
“I won’t.”
If she would get licked by the beast and have its saliva all over her, then she would rather not touch it.
“Alright let’s go—”
The beast suddenly roared, It stomped on the ground a few times as it turned its head all around. Then, it ran forward going back into the forest.
“That was strange,” Lein said as she stared at the running beast.
“That was not supposed to happen. It was… fleeing.”
“What? Why would it—”
Just then as the ground trembled slightly, another of the same beast emerged from the forest. However, this time it was different. Its frightening red blood eyes turned to look at them.
The beast roared, more fearsome than the other one. It rubbed its hooves on the soil.
“Uh, Galeila? Are they supposed to act all rabid?”
“They’re not. They’re herbivores, so there’s no point for them to attack any other creatures if they aren’t threatening them, and they’re not aggressive. Plus, we’re not doing anything. And… its eyes are different.”
Sensing this was dangerous, Rume reflexively held Galeila’s hand and hid behind her. Then the beast began charging at them with fierce speed. Its legs sent the soil flying into the air.
“Crap!” Lein extended her hand immediately. “[Bludgeoning Gale]!” She cast a spell and a strong wind erupted from her hand, sending the rabid beast flying several meters away.
The beast laid flat on the ground. However, it wasn’t hurt enough to stop moving, it began to stand up again.
“Galeila talk to it!”
Galeila whistled a gentle tune. However, after that, her eyes went wide in surprise. There was no change at all.
“Horned beast! I command you to stop!”
As though her words fell on deaf ears, the beast charged towards them again.
“[Arcane Dome]!”
A flash of light appeared surrounding the three before turning translucent. Then the beasts’ horns clashed with what seemed like an invisible wall, stopping it from going forward. But that being said, it did not stop. Its legs kept pushing forward.
“It’s hurting itself. What’s going on Galeila? Why didn’t it stop?”
“... It’s not listening.”
“What? How could that be?!”
“I don’t know.”
Rume looked at Galeila with worried eyes. She was surprised at hearing Galeila didn’t know about it.
“Do you think there’s something influencing its mind?”
“With my whisper, I should be able to tell if something blocked it with some other force. However, this one is different. It’s no normal beast anymore…”
Lein was left dumbfounded at Galeila’s words. Her eyes wavered for a second as she gazed at the wild beast trying to get through her barrier.
“Should I kill it?”
“It’s the best option.”
“Then, so be it…”
Lein was about to cast a destructive spell to obliterate the wild beast. However, she stopped instantly upon noticing several figures rushing towards the rampaging horned creature. Their blades glinted under the bright rays of the sun and altogether engaged the beast.
Spears dug deep within the beast’s body as swords slashed its flesh. The beast cried and defended itself. Droplets of blood fell to the ground as some clung to the metal of their blades. The three had no idea who these people were, but as they saw how things were turning up, they must be friendly. Lein decided not to cast any spells since those strangers might get caught. In addition, they seemed to be winning so there was no need to help them.
One struck the beast’s neck with their sword, it was then that the creature showed to be weakened. When it tried to attack, its attackers would skillfully evade it while others support and drive it away from its current target. Some distract it while others strike it from its flanks.
As the beast received more severe damage, one of the strangers delivered the finishing blow. His spear pierced deep within its neck. The horned beast halted all of its movements as it slowly fell to the ground with a dying cry.
As everything quieted down, the figures all faced the three who were standing safe within their barrier.
- End703 Chapters
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