《Embracing Tears》Chapter 14: Yearning to Reach the Heavens
Galeila and Rume returned to Lein after they had flown through every part and corner of the magic phenomenon zone. It was a long trip that lasted about more than half an hour. Rume was all smiles as she landed a bit smoothly on the ground. She got more proficient after some practice.
Fortunately, the effect of flight magic lasted for several seconds after leaving the zone. Thus, the pair was able to get back to land with no worries of suddenly falling to their demise. Still, if it did come to that, Galeila and Lein would be able to easily save Rume.
“Are you tired, Rume?” Galeila asked.
“Just slightly tired. Other than that, I’m alright.”
She was not all that incredibly tired physically even after all that activity. One of the benefits after she was cured. That said, she was more mentally tired. After all that concentration from flying around, it would be no surprise if she wants to take a rest for a while.
“Let’s go take a rest over there.”
They chose a spot a little further from the edge and were comfortable looking with enough grass to sit upon with no issue. Rume lost all the tension of her legs and let herself fall down on the ground. She instantly regretted it because it hurt a bit, she should have sat down carefully.
She inhaled deeply as Galeila and Lein slowly sat down. Due to mental fatigue, Rume laid her back flat on the ground and stared up into the sky, white clouds spread about.
It was so peaceful. She felt no intense pressure present when she was back in the village. She was free from prejudice, from fear. She wished it would stay like this forever. But regrettably, that will never happen. Sadness glimmered grimly in her heart. Peace and happiness was not permanent, it can all breakdown in a single moment. Life began crashing down, and sometimes, losing the one that was important to you.
I wonder if mama is watching. I wonder… is she smiling at me?
I want to see her.
Due to the peace, bad memories came flooding in. She began to miss her mother, she began to long her embrace, her voice, and her face. She wants to see her, to speak with her, tell stories about her current adventure. How she met a beautiful mage, a wonderful dragon. How she flew to the sky for the first time, touching clouds, and seeing large cities from above. How she learned how to fly, share about the strange yet amazing view she saw for the first time.
There was a lot she wanted to share, she wanted to express every feeling and emotion within her. She wanted her back.
Maybe there is magic that can return someone back to life…
It may be possible. Magic after all, was an incredible thing. It could do the impossible. Just maybe, there was a way to get her mother back. A glimmer of hope shone in her heart.
There were experts of magic before her, so she must ask.
“.... I, I have a question.”
The two adults turned quizzically at her.
“Go on, ask,” Galeila said.
“... Is there... magic that can get my mother back?”
The two were taken aback by the question. Neither of them expected a question like this would come out.
“... Like, return her back to life...” Rume continued.
Galeila and Lein looked at each other. Rume looked at them with bafflement, they appeared to be hesitating to answer. The two were waiting on which one would answer the question first. Rume eagerly waited, she wanted an answer. This was very important.
In the end, it was Galeila who spoke first.
“... Resurrecting the dead… How many wanted that, however…”
“It’s impossible…” Lein followed.
Every hope that Rume held crumbled into nothing. She didn’t want to believe it, however, what use was it to deny reality? These two knew a lot, and Rume trusted their knowledge.
Rume asked the question.
It took a short moment before someone responded.
“...Many have attempted to create some kind of resurrection spell. Even centuries or even perhaps millenia passed, no one succeeded.” Galeila said.
“Such a miracle is beyond anyone could wield.” Lein added.
“...... I see…”
It was painful to hear the answer to her question. She regretted she asked, she shouldn’t have held onto hope if it would only bring her pain and sadness. But having hope was a pleasant thing to have and a child like her couldn’t help but hold unto it. Only to have it crumble the next moment was heartbreaking.
Rume cradled her legs and buried her face in her arms. The hope which crumbled a second after having it made her want to cry. However, she held back the tears. This was not the place to be crying.
She suddenly felt someone’s arm that went over her shoulder and gently pulled her. Someone’s soft body touched her side. The sensation and the gentle warmth brought her comfort. She raised her head to find that it was Galeila that was holding her.
Galeila said as she sympathized with the little girl. Her voice was low and gentle as though sharing Rume’s pain.
“Um, no. There is no need to be sorry… I’m fine, I’m alright.”
Rume forced a smile. But her eyes trembled. She took a deep breath as she closed her eyes.
“I’m… alright.”
Her eyes felt lighter now as tears failed to flow down. She turned her gaze towards Galeila to show her that she was not about to cry.
“You know it is alright to cry.”
“Mm… But I think this is not the time.”
After all, this was supposed to be a time for fun and adventure.
“...I understand.”
Galeila patted and caressed her head which brought upon a pleasant feeling. Rume couldn’t help but smile in glee. It reminded her of her mother, which didn’t bring a sense of sadness but rather a delightful nostalgia.
Lein stared at them with an adoring smile. To her eyes, it was like an image of a mother and daughter. It was as it was in her past. She felt glad for the little girl.
Everyone was quiet as they stared up into the sky and to the floating islands. Rume wondered how it was possible. Even Lein was surprised at first seeing them, perhaps it was not something of an ordinary occurrence.
“So, what is the deal with those islands?” Just as Rume was pondering any possible answer, Lein asked Galeila.
“Hmm. I will tell a story of an ancient civilization which was once one stood before us.”
“Oh ancient civilization? Interesting.”
“You mean a city?” Rume asked.
“Yes, a large one at that.”
“Wait, how ancient?”
“Patience, I will get to that as I tell the story.”
Lein frowned.
“You alway look too excited when it comes to telling stories.”
At the moment, Galeila was full of smiles. She appeared so excited to share the story she knew. Rume noticed that as well.
“Why wouldn’t I be? Stories are wonderful. Now then!”
Galeila stood up and faced the two with a confident smile.
“A long long time ago, about 300 hundred years, a great nation blossomed with prosperity and advanced magical techniques. Every person was able to fly, every single one could reach for the skies if they so wished it. The vast city was full of life and colors, it was one of the most prosperous nations that ever existed!”
She spread her arms theatrically and tiny streams of green light emerged from her hands. Bright and dazzling lights flew around and others formed constructs of a vast city before Galeila. Tall buildings of light rose and numerous tiny dots of light went around the entire city.
“It was a peaceful and beautiful country indeed. Everyone could achieve their dreams with ease. Dream after dream, they reached and held it within their grasps. However, as time went on, they became more ambitious.”
Just then, numerous tiny lights dispersed into more tiny lights. They were feeble and a little blow could diminish them. Rume watched with astonishment at the captivating display.
“They loved their city so much that they wanted itself to rise into the sky. But this was not influenced only by sheer dreams. A belief or it could be said, faith, is one of the main factors as to why all of the citizens of the city loved flying so much. They believed their God was up there, watching over them in the heavens. Along with it their lost loved ones.”
The dots of light ascended from the city and towards the sky.
“Thus, they wanted to get closer and closer as they could. They felt peace and delight when they reached the skies, for they believed that they were close to their beloved God and loved ones. Eventually, due to their boundless ambitions, they began planning to make their city one with the sky.”
The construct city was glowing underneath.
“If the people wished for their city to fly, then it should, if they wished for it to descend, then it shall. With the aid of the smartest minds in their time, they created an unprecedented spell that would be able to engulf the entire city.”
A bright circle of light formed underneath the city.
“Everyone was thrilled at hearing the wonderful news. With a vast celebration, they started the spell. However, it did not go as planned. The effects were much wider and stronger than anticipated. Yet, it achieved what they desired, the entire city shook as it began to break free from the ground, then ascended. They celebrated, their face full of bright smiles.”
The construct began to ascend along with some islands and water from the sea. However, at a certain height, the islands stopped ascending along with the waters that formed rivers, while the city kept on ascending and ascending until it was no longer from sight.
“Unfortunately, they were unable to stop from ascending. They could not control their flying city. They could not control which direction they wanted it to go. They could not make it descend. They had the choice of leaving the city and returning to the surface. However, they could not bring themselves to abandon their beloved city, their home. Thus, even to this day the flying city wanders aimlessly in the sky, never to be found and land again.”
Then, the construct that Galeila remained still, never changing.
“And that’s the end of the story of how this place came to be.”
Rume’s eyes were wide from the story. She never imagined such a city once existed. In addition, it was too long ago. But she was kind of sad that it happened to those people. Rume imagined the city flying wandering around with no destination in mind.
“Is this story true though?” Lein asked.
Rume was also interested to know if that truly happened, so she waited for an answer. Galeila merely smiled at them.
“Of course, I saw the city myself.”
Rume couldn’t help but exclaim after hearing that. How couldn’t she? It was so long ago, 300 years ago. If that was the case, then how old was Galeila now?”
“Then, Miss Galeila… How old are you now?”
“I’m about 320 years old.”
Rume was shocked at hearing that absurd number. She could not believe it at first, however, there was no point in refusing to believe if the answer came from the person in question itself.
“My, so you were still young back then.”
Lein said while covering her mouth.
“Yes I was.”
“Didn’t you know how old Miss Galeila was, Miss Lein?”
“I already knew. I just couldn’t help imagine how small you were, Galeila.”
“Mm, about that age I was as small as Rume in my human form. As a dragon, well, the same as any young dragon, small… I was slow to grow.”
“What a shame… I at least wanted to see how you looked. Fufufu.”
Galeila shook her head at Lein’s teasing.
“Now then any questions?” Galeila said.
Rume raised her hand.
“Um, so, is there a chance we can see that city in the sky?”
“I believe so, but it must be so high up. I thought at first that it would go beyond the world, I was curious myself so I followed it. It was quite a struggle since I was still young. But it stopped ascending very high up, I imagine near the edge of the world. Then it floated away, of course I couldn’t follow it, nor did I have any intention to do so.”
“Do you think they’re still alive out there?”
“300 years has passed since then, so I’m not sure. But they must be, they’re smart, so they must have found a way to survive.”
“I see. I hope they are still fine…”
Just then, Lein raised her hand.
“So what could be the story behind this place, up until now the effects are still present. What kind of spell did they use?”
“It was such a complex spell that I couldn’t fully know what it was. But, the spell is still in effect at the moment, one could say it was permanent. But of course, no spell could last without a supply of mana.”
“So there must be a source.”
“Indeed, and do you have any idea where that source could be?”
Rume listened closely and intently at the discussion about magic.
“... From the air.”
“Exactly. Mana is present in the air itself. Thus, the spell is absorbing mana from the air, sustaining itself even now.”
“Impressive, a spell lasted this long. But I imagine it can still be undone.”
“Possibly, but I think it will not be easy. Plus, why would one undone a spell that causes this kind of spectacle?”
Seeing that their conversation was done, Rume raised her hand.
“What was the name of the city?”
“Oh the name… yes the name…” She appeared to be struggling to say it.
“You forgot?” Lein asked.
“... It was so long ago, how could I remember it in an instant. Just wait while I mull over it…. Hmmmm.”
She was trying her best to remember, evident on her twisted face. Her brows furrowed and mouth twisting while her eyes squinted.
“Yes I remember now!”
She said while raising her index finger.
“It was called Hosu… no wait… Huto… no that’s wrong,” She forced herself to remember again realizing the first she remembered was wrong. “Ah yes! It’s Hotuscael! Yes that is correct, I’m sure of it.”
“Strange, I never heard about it.” Lein said.
“That is understandable, Hotuscael was quite a far distance away from the mainland. Plus, it was so long ago. And a lot of things happened during those 300 years that changed civilizations, so of course common knowledge about it vanished. It was quite a troublesome time, too troublesome. Wew, good thing it is peaceful now. No need to keep remembering the dark past.”
Rume looked up into the sky.
I wonder where that city is now…
She was curious, she somewhat wanted to see. However, that was impossible. Thus, she shook off that curiosity.
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