《Gangster Of 1929: How The End Of Oppression Started》Chapter 6: Corrupt systems filled with loathing
The lush fields race by and wave gently with the wind of the passing train, all in the form of a passing blurr for the occupants inside. Sunlight from the horizon speared through striking the vision of a few passengers that walked around. It gleamed through the different windows as other passengers rose from their seats for the train neared closer to their station. Many prairies had been passed throughout the trip. Two stops later, there were few inside. Most passengers had disembarked upon reaching their stops, the few left were headed to the last and final stop for the day, Strong-crow station.
Awaiting the arrival for the last station, a staff member checked through the different cabins to count how many passengers were left. When he stumbled upon the last cabin, he found two girls conversing amongst themselves. One of those girls being Boonie. He offered the ladies a drink, that both politely refused, prompting him to excuse himself after sucking his teeth.
Each thought created another within Bonnie’s head. Bonnie clutched and reflexively crumbled a straw bonnet held in her hands. Her gestures animated and her expressions heartfelt. Her friend, Liz switched from her book, to Bonnie, being seated opposite her. Liz listened bemused as Bonnie went on and on about a certain boy, without saying a name. She listed a litany of experiences they both shared and expressed in quite clear terms that she wishes to see him again.
Liz wondered why her friend hadn’t brought up the mystery guy before. Of course Bonnie tried to weasel her way around her question.
“As of late, I remembered my dear old friend”
“Are you sure you are not talking about a boyfriend I simply have not met and that it’s not just a dear friend you are overly talkative about”, her friend quips and Bonnie’s face turned a visible bright red.
“No, of course not”, she mutters in reply. “ I’m all about my studies, I have no place in my life for a boy. He’s just an old friend.. “She added, then after a shared glance, they both burst into giggles. “What if he’s not a boy anymore but a well to do man?” To that Bonnie shrunk in her seat. Passing through the clear fields, the station was off in the distance and the girls were informed that the last stop had came. Both stood up, taking their baggage with them.
All of the doors slid open. Liz took a step out and took a big breath, a brimming smile crossing her face as she stretched happily. “ Capitalism “ The smell of oil and many other scents, loomed all around them. “ That’s Strong-crow. This place becomes busier and busier each day “ Liz glanced back at Bonnie who stepped out and watched the many people up ahead, scrambling about their own business.
It took a while to disembark and collect their luggage and school bags. They hired a wagon together and shared the cost between themselves. Before they stepped in, Bonnie saw a boy being hauled off by two station keepers. Most likely a thief. She blinked and was pushed into the wagon by Liz before she could get a good look. Their trip back to Bonnie’s home, only took over twenty minutes.
Once at Bonnie’s house, Bonnie invited her friend in for some refreshments. Their trip had been long. One of the maids within her home brought out a refreshment for the wagon man and he sent his thanks modestly, considering the heat that evening.
“ Sorry Bon, but I have only minutes to spare. We’ll speak later okay? Visit me tomorrow when you can.” Liz sighed sadly, glancing to the orange horizon.
“ Aw.. I hate to see you go without sharing a cup of tea “ Bonnie pouted but gave Liz a hug before she took her leave. The thought of solitude, creeping in. She watched Liz return into the wagon, that soon disappeared from the sidewalk it had been on.
Bonnie let out a second sigh, being reminded that it’d probably be a while before she saw her again. She lives in a neighbouring town, not too far relatively but still not a journey to be taken lightly. Her adopted father wouldn’t let her go so easily. That, she knew well.
Turning away from the window, Bonnie glanced up at the vast room ahead. The servant’s quarters, the anterooms, the kitchens and the receiving room are the only rooms opened and not locked. She wouldn’t be able to change out of her school clothes yet. She’d have to wait for her adopted father to arrive. He held the keys to many of the quarters.
As per usual, she was to wait for his return. This, she did without question. He soon arrived from a long day of business with the other owners who’d arrive recently for the convention to take place that month.
“ My beautiful daughter awaiting me as requested “ He spoke delightfully, approaching her. “ Good .. good girl “ His hands slid to her hips and he smeared a wet kiss along her cheek. His mustache bristling against her skin.
His affections are a tad bit overbearing. She tried her best to stay in place as he kissed her on both cheeks, moving a tad too close to her mouth, that being where she drew the line and pulled away from the grasp he had on her.
“I have to go study ….. I’ll be going to my room “ She spoke softly.
“ Very well “ He cleared his throat, calling forth for one of the maids. He dug his hand around in his pocket, brought out a key and handed it to Bonnie.
“ We’ll have some guests over later today. I have someone I want you to meet. It’s very important, be sure to doll up. “ She avoided his eye contact, simply nodding and went off, straight to her room.
A sense of foreboding brewed in her heart. She locked herself in her room, lighting some candles and placed them near the table she had near her window. The small flames grew with the passing wind, dancing delightfully. Her shadow sprawled across the ceiling. Bonnie glanced back and shook her head, focusing back on what she had to do.
There were too many assignments she had to carry out, for the time being, she’d have to avoid all thought of running off.
Often time, that’s all she thought about when she got times to herself though. There wouldn’t be anywhere to go anyway, she told herself. She’d have to stay and put up with it all until she could stand on her own. At that moment, she’d leave.
These thoughts, allowed her to get through her studies. Once complete, she spent the rest of the evening with the window open. A refreshing gust blew through as she sat down watching the empty road. Her palm pressed up against her cheek. She gazed at a lantern post not too far off. It glistened, keeping the streets bright.
Two children, a boy and girl, ran along the sidewalk, jumping over the shadows sprawled across the light. She couldn’t help but space out.
Such lights gave her comfort as she explored her thoughts. A light such as that keeps those who are out on the street safe. It helps their visibility. Such lights similarly bright to the ones she had taken her time enjoying at the orphanage she had been in years ago. Those times, holding more precious memories than the present time. Her life consisted of her being nothing more than a porch selatan doll for the man that had adopted her.
“ Brimming as bright as those lights, shining to help all along their paths.... I know a light too.. Shining the path for others … in a dark place similar to this one …“
She focused on the lighting further, until she heard horses snickering outside of her window. The sound of trotting drew closer, hooves shook the pebbles that laid near the road.
Shortly after, hard knocks came from her door. She was called down to her father’s office, a maid informed her.
“ You look lovely in that dress .. has heaven not heard me a thousand times? Dear, you’re a wonderful young woman and attracting quite a bit of respectable attention, all these is good of course but I want you to have the best you can possibly have, for that will in turn benefit me greatly. There is someone I’ve invited to meet you, he is nearing closer, he is the adopted son of that magnate friend of mine, he himself is a police officer and I believe both of you together are a good match as are our family relations”.
Lost for words, Bonnie could only stare in shock as he leans back and reclines comfortably, waiting for the so-called match to arrive. There was no way she could be married off to someone, not when her sentiments belonged to someone else. Someone she hadn’t seen in a long time, she told herself, sinking into thought.
Her father had her take a seat though she really just wanted to escape it all. She clenched her knees, only to relax herself upon feeling her fathers gaze on her.
Soon after, no more than two minutes later, the guests arrived with gifts. Through the door, a familiar presence entered the office. He had an officers uniform and was accompanied by other men, all wealthy based off of their attire.
“ Why, welcome welcome! “ Bonnie's father stood up and walked around the table. He shook all their hands. Bonnie looked on, listening to the different interactions.
The attention was soon set on her, prompting her to stand. She shook their hands one by one, ending at the officer who she was to be partnered with. To her shock, the fellow struck a resemblance to someone she knew. The hair, the eyes. It was Caesar himself. From way back in the orphanage.
She nearly gasped, taken aback, but quickly bowed her head down, setting her hands together.
“ Hello.. “ She said, avoiding eye contact. Caesar removed his hat and bowed in return. “ Good day, miss! I have a feeling I’ve seen you before. In a dream? Though it is hard to tell whether you were prettier then or now” The older gentlemen stared at Ceasar in silence, only for all of them to break the silence with laughter at what he said.
“ Alfie what a brave boy you have, you made the right choice, that you did “ Bonnie’s father praised, lifting a bell and ringing it for drinks to be brought in.
“ Ah, yes, a funny one, becoming a man of power and amusement, he hasn’t let me down yet “ Alfie chuckled as Caesar blushed, his ears being more red than his pink face. Bonnie blinked blankly, surprised by what her father said next.
“ Bonnie, go out with Cesar, have yourselves a moment out while we have ourselves private business talk “
Without question, she nodded, as Caesar followed her out of the room. As she passed the corridor, she saw young girls, a total of five, lined up. Their worried faces, made her paused for a moment, but Caesar stopped beside her and told her to continue walking. She scuffed reluctantly, knowing it wasn’t her place and followed him outside to the street.
“ Just what do you think you’re doing, showing here? “
“ I’m only following orders. My father’s wishes, I myself was reluctant to come but now that I know it’s you, I’m relieved “
“ We’re to be married, how great is that! “ Caesar chuckled.
“ Wishes to marry me? I don’t see you that way, sorry “
“ It isn’t what we want, you know “ Caesar watched her walk off and soon followed her.
To Bonnie, he seems eager to please and really seems to be on good terms with her father, Bonnie on her part was not impressed. Caesar went on with what he was saying, speeding up his steps to catch up to her.
“ I owe it to my father, for showing me care, you have to do the same too, we can’t go disobeying them now “ Caesar followed Bonnie, across the street, adjusting his officer cap.
“ Please, he’s just using you for a good image “ Bonnie blurted back at him.
“ No he’s not, he saved me from that hell hole we were in “ Caesar stepped in front of her.
“ That’s all they ever do, take advantage of the weak minded “ Bonnie answered back as she stepped back, only for Caesar to grasp her shoulder.
“ You were in there and look at you now, you’re much better off, with those garments instead of rags, be appreciative! I sought a better opportunity just like you “ He shook her a bit as Bonnie brought her hand up and slapped him aside.
Caesar reached upto where she struck, and smiled a tad, shaking his head as he looked around to see if there was anyone besides them. There was no one. He swooped in, bringing her close. His sudden action, making Bonnie freeze in place.
“ You acting this way … now that I think of it, is it because of that Clyde “ He whispered into her ear. Bonnie’s eyes widened, she remained silent.
“ ‘That Clyde’ is your friend, have you forgotten? “
“ It’s been years since I last saw him, people grow apart. I tossed that life behind me years ago “
“ As I believe you have too yes? Don’t align with street rats, you’ll only regret it sooner or later .. I’ve seen what he’s done and our lives, you and me …. It’s looking up, don’t go messing that up“ Caesar whispered close to her ear, making it all the more uncomfortable.
Unable to hear anymore, Bonnie shoved him away, slapping Caesar across the face. He staggered back.
“ Don’t bad mouth him, I can’t believe you! I haven’t seen you in years and this is what you’ve become?! “ Bonnie shouted.
“ You think he's up to any good? You think he’s doing any better? I’ve heard he’s become a wanted thief, an even worse cold killer! He's done some very messed up stuff doll-face "
“No .. you’re wrong, leave me alone“ Bonnie stormed down the road, leaving Ceasar to rub his burning cheek, where she had struck him.
“ I want to run away so bad …. “ She tearfully stopped and dropped to her knees, shivering. “ I can’t take this anymore, my sanity “
“Hold out .. or run away, think .. what must I do“ She urged herself and decided to return back home without uttering a word to anyone, she cut straight to her room.
Later that night, she heard her father go on and on about what a wonderful man Caesar is and how responsible he seemed, how polite he had been and his wishes for the two to be together.
His words fell on deaf ears for she knew the truth.
The following day, feeling cooped up in the house, Bonnie went off to a stable, where she tended to her horse Vermilya, it gave her a sense of peace. She rode with her, fed her hay and even gave her different hair styles until the evening came around.
Bonnie took a walk through the town, feeling quite down and unhappy now that she had to leave Vermilya. Her problems loomed right back to her, her father had not considered her at all in making his decisions. There is no freedom to fly, no ability to roam as free as a bird and explore the world. Turning around the corner, she walks right into a blue coated back and rebounds with a thud, she hastily offers apologies and looks up as the individual turns around, she suppresses a groan as she sees who it is.
It turns out to be Caesar, on duty in the area and feeling every inch the policeman. He seems rather pleased to see her and waved to her, apologizing for the previous night, though she didn’t buy it at all.
Caesar found her gratifying and even more beautiful that evening. So much so, that he attempted to draw her into conversation in hopes of taking her for a drink but Bonnie refused. She only wanted to continue her walk without any other distraction but felt him grab her wrist and tug her back.
’I don’t know if any has told you but we have been scheduled to attend and dance together at the commemoration ball being organized by your father with regards to our possible engagement, just thought to let you know” he says and she simply blinks at him, completely stunned.
He continues earnestly, drawing closer than is appropriate, his hand moved from her hip, down to her thigh but she slapped his hand away, only for him to grab her hand.
“I am really looking forward to spending more time with you and getting to know more about you, the little I have seen, the more intrigued I am”, just as he utters that statement, her brain short circuited, leading her to stumble back, after shoving her palm up against his chin.
“Stop that!”
“You really aren’t the Caesar from before,“ She concluded, it wasn’t only his masculine outward appearance, but the interior as well. With nothing else to say, blocking out Caesar’s calls, Bonnie walked rapidly away, trying to put as much distance and people between them as quickly as possible, she cut through the alleyways and headed through the market thoroughfare.
A few minutes later, convinced she had put enough distance between them, she sought a place to rest her aching feet and spied a bench with an elderly gentleman being its sole occupant. She immediately headed for it and plumped down into it after exchanging pleasantries, he was having his shoes polished by a young man, at least from what she could see, he had his head down and was extremely focused on the job at hand.
“Give it a good rub boy, it ought to shine like a rabbit’s skin glistens in the sunlight, get that top corner, it has to be even all round”, the man said down to the boy, to which the youth cheekily replied.
“Well, I ain’t ever seen a rabbit’s skin glistening in the sun but will take your word for it, being old sure means you have seen a lot and couldn’t possibly be lying of course, but I can promise you a good shine on these shoes”.
The gentlemen burst into a full bellied laughter, it is a wonderful thing to hear, deep, rich and full of mirth and it made Bonnie feel really good. The youth chuckled in response and finally raised his head grinning up at the gentleman, his glance shifts to Bonnie and their eyes meet.
Time seemed to slow, her breathing slowed, everything around slowed to a crawl and hearts pound in chests, the eyes see, the brain receives and interprets, the memory concurs and the realization is released.
Bonnie had found Clyde.
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