《The Seven Demon Gods' Successor》Chapter 14-The Aftermath


In less than half an hour, the imperial knights had already slaughtered every living soul within the Count’s estate under Mikhail’s order.

Whether it was the maidservants, knights, or Count Bertrand’s family, they were all brutally murdered by the imperial knights, even the pets weren't spared.

At this moment, the count’s estate was littered with corpses. Some of them were missing their heads while others were missing their limbs.

At the same time, the ground became red with blood. It was truly a gory scene. Even after several days, the stench of blood would remain.

After making sure there weren't any survivors, the leader of the imperial knights walked towards Mikhail and bowed before respectfully said.”As per your order, we have cleaned out the Count’s estate, 13th Imperial Prince your highness.”

“Good,” Mikhail nodded with a slight smile on his face as he was looking at the several corpses on the ground.

He didn't feel an ounce of guilt after ordering the annihilation of an entire family. Although Count Bertrand wasn't the one that tried to kill him, it didn't mean that he was an innocent man either.

He had committed numerous atrocious crimes in his lifetime. If it wasn't for the fact he was a noble and was also extremely wealthy, he would have long been executed along with his family.

Not to mention this bastard was also one of Handal’s men. Killing him was akin to cutting off one of Handal’s limbs.

Mikhail had already planned on tormenting and taking everything away from Handal and killing Count Bertrand was the first step.

“Brother, was that necessary? You’ve slaughtered an entire noble family just because you suspected them of attempting to assassinate you without any proof.” Handal coldly said with a hint of anger in his voice.


“Even though we are part of the Imperial Family, we can't act and slaughter people randomly. As an imperial prince, all your actions reflect on the Imperial family.”

“How do you think the other nobles will react and feel after knowing what you did.”Explained Handal with a gloomy expression on his face as uncontrollable anger soared inside him.

Looking at the darkened expression on Handal’s face, Mikhail couldn't help but smile. It seemed like the death of the Count was a massive blow to him.

“You talk too much brother. I will bear the responsibility for making that decision. It's not like the emperor would rescind my right to the throne or send me to the Great Helios Pass as punishment. Hahaha haha.....”Answered Mikhail as he was looking at Handal with a mocking smile on his face.

You...” Looking at the frivolous look on Mikhail’s face, Handal was about to erupt with anger. But in the next moment, a trace of rationality made him hold back this rage.

Indeed, even though that bastard was still the 13th prince, he had already relinquished his right to the throne. As such, he had nothing to lose. He didn't need the support of the nobles or needed them to like him.

Furthermore, the greatest punishment his imperial father could give him was to either rescind his right to the throne or exile him to the Great Helios Pass to fight the Ether Beasts.

However, none of these things would negatively affect him. Not only he had already relinquished his right to the throne, but that bastard also enjoyed staying in the Great Helios Pass.

Meanwhile, Mikhail had a victorious smile on his face as he was looking at Handal.

“Well, my work here is done.” Mikhail nonchalantly said, no longer paying attention to Handal as he went back to his residence.



Not even an hour has passed since Mikhail had left the Count’s estate and the terrifying news regarding the destruction of the Count Bertrand Family swept throughout Katonia and even the whole Helios Empire like a storm, startling countless people.

It's been a hundred years since something like that happened in Helios Empire, an entire noble house annihilated.

Furthermore, it wasn't any noble house but the Count of Katonia, one of the most wealthy noble houses in the Helios Empire.

What was even more strange, they were all annihilated after attempting to assassinate the 13th prince of the Helios Empire, also known as the Mad Prince.

Although not many knew the inside story, many people believed that he was innocent and was instead being framed.

They didn't believe that Count Bertrand was stupid enough to try to assassinate the 13th Imperial Prince in his territory, using one of his maidservants.

As such, some started to suspect that 12th Imperial Prince Handal was behind it all. What was even more suspicious was the fact that someone had broken through the Count’s estate the previous night and robbed him blind.

It was also the same night that the assassin tried to assassinate the 13th Imperial Prince in his residence. No one suspected the 13th Imperial Prince.

It was a well-known fact that the 13th Imperial Prince had relinquished his right to the throne. And unlike the 12th Imperial Princes and the others, he didn't care about power or wealth.

He was a straightforward guy that didn't know how to scheme. As such, no one suspected him as the mastermind but instead the victim of a vicious and well-elaborated scheme by his older brother, Handal.

Nonetheless, some people felt sorry for the destruction of the house of Bertrand while others were ambivalent about its end.

Of course, there were those who were celebrating as well as Count Bertrand and his entire family were an obstacle to them.

The house of Bertrand had become one of the wealthiest noble houses throughout the whole Helios Empire due to its territory, Katonia.

Due to its geographical location, Katonia was like a treasure trove or a gold mine. Many powerful nobles were lusting after it, but they couldn't do anything about it.

However, now with Count Bertrand and his entire family slaughtered and out of the picture, the city of Katonia became ownerless with no one to inherit it.

As such, they wasted no time as they already started to make their move. None of them wanted to miss this golden opportunity.

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