《The Seven Demon Gods' Successor》Chapter 3- The Great Helios Pass


It's already been four days since Mikhail has transmigrated into the body of Vandal Alexi Hyperion, the 13th prince of the Helios Empire.

During these four days, he didn't take one step outside of his room. Aside from digesting all the memories of Vandal including some secrets, he was also trying to get used to his new body and power.

Furthermore, he was also experimenting with the system within his mind to better understand it by asking a bunch of questions. Unfortunately, it was to no avail as it didn't answer any of his questions.

The only time it reacted was when there's a change in his stat such as when his mana, stamina, aura, or strength increased.

Furthermore, he was able to see people's stats if he so wished which he found quite neat. Not only that, he was able to see the properties of weapons as well.

Even when he was the greatest hunter back on earth, he didn't have that capability.

Aside from that, he also tried to unseal the 7 Demon Gods' Unique Skills in his skill windows, but to no avail. He had no idea how to unseal them and where they came from.

"Well, I've rested long enough. It's time for me to go outside for some actual practice."Mikhail said as he suddenly opened his eyes from meditating on his bed.

He still had many things to do. Whether it was back on Earth or the Antheia World, there was a never-changing law throughout the ages.

The law of the jungle where the strong survived and the weak perished. Furthermore, compared to Earth, the Antheia World was even more barbaric and cruel, especially with the invasion of the Ether Beasts.

As such, Mikhail wanted to quickly increase his strength and tried to regain some of the old skills he had back when he was a hunter on Earth.

As the greatest hunter back then, he had plenty of A rank and S rank skills. He was able to establish himself as the strongest because of them.

Even though he had transmigrated into the body of the 13th prince of the mighty Helios Empire and didn't have to do anything to have a lavish life, he still wanted to become the strongest.


The original owner of this body also shared the same ideal which was why he had given up his right to succession for the throne and focused on increasing his strength.

Just like Mikhail, he also believed in absolute power and strength rather than a fancy title. He wanted to be able to protect himself rather than relying on others.

After getting up from his bed and changed into something presentable, Vandal went outside.

"Your Imperial Highness," Martin shouted, pleasantly surprised.

He was worried that something had happened to Vandal since he didn't leave the room at all. This was a huge relief for him.

Martin was an old man in his late sixties. Not only he was a retired Imperial knight, but he was also Vandal's butler. He's been taking care of him ever since he was a baby.

Mikhail didn't say anything outside of a command to Martin."Prepare a carriage, I'm going outside the wall again."

A look of worry appeared on Martin's face after hearing Vandal's command. However, he didn't dare to say anything.

He already knew the temperament of his imperial highness Vandal. When he wanted to do something, no one could change his mind just like when he decided to give up his right to succession for the throne to come to the Great Helios Pass to fight Ether Beasts.

His imperial highness had no interest in anything besides increasing his strength. He didn't care about ruling the Helios Empire or taking over the world as most of the imperial family did.

It was also the main reason he was called the Mad Prince by many as no sane person would give up such status and power.


"So, this is the Great Helios Pass," Mikhail said with an astounded look on his face as he was looking at the colossal walls ahead through the window.

Even though it wasn't his first time seeing it as he had already seen through the memories of Vandal, he was still completely shocked and stunned when seeing it with his own eyes.

The location that was known as Great Helios Pass was the front line between the Helios Empire and the territories conquered by the Ether Beasts also known as Ether Domain.


It already possessed nearly a hundred years of history. After several generations of the empire men's bitter construction, it already began to emit a vast unfathomable atmosphere.

The entire Great Helios Pass was like a slumbering black dragon, towering, majestic, and imposing. Firmly guarding the Western gates of the Helios Empire, it utterly blocked the Ether Beasts in the Ether Domain from entering the territory of the Helios Empire.

Numerous soldiers could be seen walking on top of the great wall, on the lookouts and others were in the small turrets attached to the wall.

Because this was an important location to the Helios Empire's army and its first line of defense against the Ether Beasts, the security was incomparably strict.

At the same time, every structure in Great Helios Pass was constructed with the foremost consideration of sturdiness and suitability for battle.

Even civilian houses within it were constructed like forts. The roads were wide and straight, nearly every building square.

The large majority of citizens living here were soldiers or the family of military officers. There were also many mercenaries.

There were merchants and normal civilians as well, but compared to the mercenaries and soldiers, these people were very few in numbers.

According to Vandal's memories, there was an army of three hundred thousand strong in the Great Helios Pass stationed by the Great Helios Empire, and another hundred thousand sent by the other small kingdoms under the rule of the Helios Empire.

Unlike Earth who was divided into multiple continents, the Antheia World had only a giant supercontinent and numerous small islands.

Due to its location and its large territory, the Helios Empire was one of the four primaries nations containing against the Ether Domain as they shared the longest border with them.

"Your Imperial Highness, we have arrived at the gate." While Mikhail was immersed into the grandeur of the Great Helios Pass, Martin's voice suddenly rang out within his ears.

"Good." Mikhail coldly said as he got out of the carriage.

Mikhail wanted to see if he could regain some of his old skills and increased his strength and the best way to do that was through actual combat.

As such, he planned on leaving the Great Helios Pass to enter the outskirts of the Ether Domain. It was also a way for him to gain more information and a better understanding of the system within his mind.


Meanwhile, within a luxurious manor within the Great Helios Pass, a young man was reading through some reports in his office.

The young man had a serious expression on his face as he was flipping through the report.

"It seems like I'll have to quickly return to Imperial Capital."Said the young man in a solemn tone.

As the young man continued to flip through the report, the door of his office was suddenly pushed open as a muscular knight entered.

"What is it, Albert? I'm guessing this is extremely important otherwise you wouldn't dare to barge into my office without my permission." Coldly said the young man.

"I'm sorry for my rudeness your Imperial Highness Handal, but this is very important. I just received a report from our spy at the gate that the Mad Prince had left the Great Helios Pass and entered the Ether Domain again." Respectfully said the muscular knight.

"Hahahaha! Good! Good! It seems like the gods have given me another golden opportunity. This time, we must make sure that the Ether Domain becomes his grave. Quickly contact the Ether Church and let them know that." Said Handal with a sinister look on his face.

Unless that little bastard died, the Family would never fully support him. They still had the hope that one day he would change his mind as he was also their favorite including that of his father the Emperor.

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