《Reaper of the Multiverse》Q&A


Hi readers! So, I’ve been getting a number of question from people either through comments or private messages and I’ve decided to make a list of questions you’ve asked with a few of my own added on as well to help you guys out.

I like hearing about your thoughts on my story and any questions you guys ask me, I will try my best to answer what I can.

Q: Is this story a harem?

A: I don’t know, honestly. There WILL be romance I can say that for sure now, but a harem? There are no plans to right now for it, I’m just keeping options open for now but we’ll see what happens in future.

Q: Isn’t Scáthach supposed to be Lancer?

A: Yes, but she can also take on the role as an Assassin. There are a number of Servants that can be placed in more than 1 category, Scáthach just so happens to fit the role of an Assassin as well (you can do a quick search on wiki).

Q: What are your plans for Scáthach in future?

A: I can’t say much BUT I will say that I don’t plan on following her ‘canon’ abilities too closely since I want to use my own understanding of her powers but it probably won’t be anything drastic for now.

Q: Why is Reyes so dense?

A: He is emotionally broken. He was experimented on to become a super soldier, so following that line of thought it can be said that his emotions would have been altered, forced, or outright removed.

He is still recovering from his old wounds, just like his guilt of killing the rest of his family. It will take time before he can fully understand emotions like he used to as a teenager.

Q: What world will they go to next?


A: I already have several places in mind for our group to explore, but I’m still iffy about which order they should be in.

Q: Will Reyes be OP?

A: Yes and no. Right now, is already fairly strong as it is even without the Sharingan since I’ve mentioned he could fight off against Gilgamesh alone with no clear victor, meaning he has an equal chance of winning as he does losing.

He will continue to grow stronger but I don’t want to make him so OP that nothing could touch him. It will be hard to balance his powers out in future but I will try my best.

Q: How long will this story be?

A: I don’t know, but I know that I am NOT going to leave this story hanging without an ending. Though I can’t guarantee when it will happen, I don’t plan ending this anytime soon.

Q: Can you update more?

A: This story will not have regular release dates, I’m sorry. However, I don’t expect to release chapters too far apart unless I’m very busy in my own personal life.

That’s all for the Q&A! If you have anymore question, I’ll be sure to answer them directly or in a future Q&A so don’t hesitate to ask me anything.

Hope you enjoy the story so far!

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