《Field of The Dead》Chapter 006
Terrance shoes splashed the puddles, the water soaking through the leather they were made from.
Terrance looked at his cousin’s house that looked ravaged by the dead.
Door smashed down like his and broken windows had some dead hanging from them indicating some defense took place.
Terrance started to step forward, he walked down the dirt road then he stopped after he heard a female crying ,the sound came from the house.
“What do I do…” a tear fell from his face then he dashed back down the dirt mud road towards the sound of the crying woman.
“Redbird, is that you? It’s me Terrance.” Terrance walked through the ravaged house hold door. The walls covered in old dried blood from the undead cluttered and packed shoulder to shoulder walking in the house.
The place stunk, the smell got worse as Terrance reached the top of the stairs to find his cousin and his cousin’s lover in a pile of blood and guts disfigured. “ Terrance!”
Terrance turned to see his cousin Red bird who ran to hug him.
“They got Sheila and J.”
“We Were Scared in here, when J got chased back inside from them things. I couldn't do anything to save them, Terrance, they ate them.”
“I Know it's what they do, I couldn’t save Molly or Shane.”
“What are we gonna do?” Redbird looked at Terrance.
“I was gonna see if anyone is alive at my parents' last. I had cell phone service yesterday and they locked themselves in the house.”
“If you want to come along. You can.”
Red bird looked around the house the undead destroyed and nodded.
“Alright, but first, did J have any guns? I'm only asking because you lived here with them for quite some time.”
“No but he had these.”
“Hunting Spear’s, how many does he have?”
“He has three.”
“Alright let's both take one.”
“Terrance, I'm afraid.”
“Red bird?”
“What?” Red bird looked up to terrance.
“I’m absolutely destroyed inside.”
“Terrance.” Red bird hugged Terrance and he held her.
“I Can’t believe what is happening.” Terrance looked outside to see the undead shambling along. “Shit.” “what?” asked REd bird who lifted her head off his chest to see what he was talking about.
“They must have seen me running in here.”
“Let's go to the attic.” Red Bird insisted.
The undead started to walk into the house. Terrance threw the spear in his hands right into the chest of the undead, then Terrance followed Red bird to the hallway attic door. She was climbing up the step ladder and Terrance followed. And pulled up the stepladder.
The undead held their arms up but couldn't catch the ladder or the rope on time to bring the ladder down. Terrance tied off the rope and sat back on the floor next to Red bird.
“This fucking shit world.” Terrance sat in the attic looking around at the boxes.
Then Terrance looked, Red Bird in her eyes. “ Is this where you escaped while Sheila and J were?”
Looking at the attic floor boards, Red bird nodded.
“This is where we tried to get to but they were caught by those things.”
“Where were you when Molly and Shane Died?”
“I was right in front of him when he was bitten in the band office.”
“And Molly?”
“ I… I was getting my dick sucked by a coke whore in the bathroom while Molly opened the front doors to the band office killing Warren and herself.”
“What?” “ Yeah I know what it sounds like.” “Yeah it sounds horrible Terrance.”
“Well here is the thing, we had a thing, Molly, Retia and I.”
“ We loved each other…. Well I thought.”
“Wait, I'm wrong. Just before I was being sucked off, We had a Fight and she confessed her Love for me was fading and she wanted to leave with her brother and start a new life somewhere else far from me….. I told her to Leave….. And She did…”
“What happened to the coke whore?”
“She left with the chief and his block of cocaine.”
“Terrance, I don't know what to say.”
“You don’t have to, I know….. I'm a Monster. I couldn't save them and now you know why I care less for living every second.”
Terrance and Red bird sat together. While the dead roamed the household.
After an hour of sitting in silence.
“You shouldn't beat yourself up Terrance, Molly made her choice, and you two were broken up when you were with the coke whore. Molly fucked up doing that and getting people killed.”
“Yeah… But the thing is I loved her and Shane was my bro. I knew him all his life. I feel like I was too selfish and because of that they both died.”
“They are in a better Place Molly and Shane…They all are in a better place.” Red bird said and looked at Terrance, he looked back at her. Then around the room. “Yeah it has to be better than this.” And they both smiled. “ And forget about that coke whore Retia, what good was she anyway?” “Your right Red.”
“ I'm just gonna lay here alright.”
“Yeah, I'm going to go through my old attic boxes.”
The undead walked throughout the trashed house slamming the walls with their hands and making a lot of ruckus.
Terrance laid there. Looking at the dusty cobwebs on the roof. The nothing and noise made it easy for him to just doze off.
Terrance woke up to Red bird shaking him awake. “I heard shots in the distance.”
“You think the Dead ones left, how long have I been sleeping?”
“More than two hours.” “ I’m going to look.”
Terrance sat up and leaned over to the attics hatch and lowered the attic opening.
The inside hallway was clear. Terrance lowered the step ladder.
“We gotta make our move to get across and down the road. Or are we gonna stay here?”
“Let's go, we have to try to atleast get to your Mother and father's house.”
“If they survived.” Terrance said with a doubtful tone.
“I’m staying with you, wherever you go.”
“Alright, we gotta stay close, it gets hectic out there.”
Terrance started to climb down. Being careful stepping down the step ladder. Red bird followed him down and the house was clear.
“Any food in the place?”
“Yes a lot.” Red bird led Terrance to a Wooden Crate filled with bug out supplies.
“Where were you guys heading?” “ We were going to try to make it to the mountain fort. J, had supplies stored from watching his favorite tv show, Preppers.”
“Oh… good show.” “You watched it?”
“Yeah, I've seen it on a few times.”
“And J's Keys?”
“The keys to the truck are here.” Red bird walked to the jacket on the wall and picked out a key from the right side pocket.
“You got it?”
“Yes.” Terrance walked down the steps and out the door with Red Bird.
The evening light was going away fast and the storm helped darken the night. the undead were all over the town site walking around in the pouring rain..
Terrance felt his heart beating through his chest.
“RedBird come on.”
Red Bird snapped out of her trance being shocked at the hundreds of undead walking in the townsite.
Red Bird opened the truck door and got in the Truck passenger side her hair and sweater were soaked from the rain.
Terrance turned on the truck. “ There are hundreds, maybe more!” Redbird looked behind and out the back window at the incoming dead ones.
The truck started and the music played. Planetary wisdom-Moon WAR.
“Nice, Jered had good taste in music.”
Terrance backed into two undead and the truck drove right over them. Terrance and Red Bird bounced around in the truck as it drove over the dead ones following the two.
Turning right and driving down the townsite dirt road, Terrance noticed the undead around the area, saw them driving in the Truck and started walking towards them.
“Fuck this isnt good.”
Terrance put his foot on the pedal and drove as fast as he could.
Turning the corner and he stopped as he was cut off by a herd of undead in his path.
Terrance turned his steering wheel and swerved to the truck's right side.
It Slid along the muddy road and Terrance spun the wheels and the truck spun out in the mud turning around on the road spitting up rocks and mud at the undead while driving forward down the road.
“ Alright that way is no good.”
As they drove along they saw scattered remains of a lot of people.
Stretched and ripped apart and half chewed.
The following undead were all along the road some walked far enough on to the road to be hit by the truck. Blood splattered the windshield and the rain helped the damaged windshield wipers clear the blood.
Blue lighting struck, lighting up the skies.
Driving down the road to his parents house Terrance noticed the house in flames and on fire.
“NOoooooo!” “Oh my god Terrance!”
Terrance stopped at the end of the driveway looking at the house filled with undead and engulfed with flames.
“Terrance we gotta go, the Dead Are coming.”
Terrance nodded his head and continued to drive.
Turning down the back roads driving till the backcountry.
Taking a field the truck came to halt having a blow out on the right side tires driven halfway through the field. Spinning out, the truck got stuck in the field. Terrance stopped the Truck from spinning out and then he hit his head on the steering wheel in frustration. Tears falling out his eyes and on to his hands.
“Looks like the Dead lost our trail.”
“NO they are Coming.”
Terrance turned off the truck.
“Were gonna stay here?”
“I don’t care.”
“Terrance, what do you mean?”
“ I lost everyone, everyone that made me feel alive in this world, now I have nothing to live for I’m done running, I’m going to fucking die here, creator meant it to be this way, I will die here.”
“Terrance, please don't talk like this.”
“The thought of death no longer scares me.. I rather embrace the thought of it….. I see them every second I close my eyes.”
“Terrance, look at me!”
Terrance looked at Red Bird. who leaned over and kissed him and he stared at her.
“I want you to stop feeling alone.” Red Bird said to Terrance
“I’m here for you Terrance.”
“Red Bird, I love you.”
Red Bird Smiled and noticed the Undead in the rearview mirror.
Shabling aimlessly. In the Dark Raining Field.
Red bird leaned down hiding from the undead.
Terrance leaned over with her. “Fuck we can’t go anywhere the truck is fucked and the dead will surround us they are close but they seem like they dont know where we are.Quick roll down the window.” “ Then what?”
“We put our jacket and sweater on the windows and roll them back up so the dead can’t see us in here.” Terrance and Red Bird took off their sweaters and jacket then proceeded to roll them up in the window.
The rain drops hitting the truck was all they could hear.
Terrance looked at Red Bird and she Looked at him. And they Embraced Each Other. Kissing “ I don't want to die not having loved you.” “ I Love you Red Bird.”
Red Bird Reached down and started to unbutton his pants pulling out his member. She stroked him hard. Red Bird leaned over and began to lick and suck his member.
Terrance leaned back and Let Red Bird suck him off.
The pleasure sent him into a state of trance and he felt the peace in his heart again. Breathing heavily before he could he leaned over and lifted her head and she moved back and lifted off her leggings and thong. While Terrance took off his pants and Lowered down to taste his lover Red Bird.
Her hips gyrated and she rubbed his hair. Terrance felt her juices flow into him over and over and he loved how she enjoyed every moment of it.
She pulled his head up and he kissed her. Red bird reached down and grabbed his penis and placed it in her wet pussy lips. Terrance entered her.
They both looked each other in the eyes. And Smiled. Terrance moved in and out and thrusted into Red Bird and she moaned and loved every second of it. He kissed her beautiful brown feet And thrusted into her as she rubbed her tits and moaned.
The dead started to Bang on the truck after seeing it moving and hearing Red Bird’s moans and Terrance’s Grunts.
“Terrance the Dead!” “ I KNOW BUT I DON’T CARE!”
Terrance kept his dick in her pounding even harder. She kept pulling him in by his hips. Terrance leaned over and hugged her and she held onto him as he kept humping her. “Don’t Stop!” She whispered in his ear.They held each other as the glass broke from the windows.
The Dead Reached in. The dead grouped and pulled at them but they kept holding on to each other thrusting into each other. Breathing heavily they moved and plusated every loving feeling they had.
Then the Undead got ahold of Terrance’s legs and pulled at him.
“Uggghhhhhh!’ Terrance finished inside of Red Bird.
The Dead Pulled at Terrance Grabbing his head and neck.
They pulled Red Bird's Hair and yanked them up and out of the Truck enough to start Eating them biting into the necks of both Red Bird and Terrance. “RED BIRD!... I LOVE YOU!” Terrance Screamed as it was cut off by an undead biting a hole into his neck and the blood splattered out and all over the truck and undead pulling at him and eating his flesh.
The undead ripped holes into Red Bird's Stomach and pulled out guts.
She choked on the blood and the undead lunged their fingers in to take out her eyes.
Eating her eyeballs and entrails. The Field of the Dead Munched on the two naked corpses, bloodied remains. Bloody hands were in the air lifting body parts and guts.
In the Rain the BLue lighting Struck and lit up the area and the thousands of undead were crowding the truck.
The End of the Field of the Dead….
Written by Travis Willier copyright 2022
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