《Unprecedented》Chapter 19


*Beep, Beep, Be-smack!*

I slapped the alarm off my dessert and turned on my back for a 5 minute snooze. My eyes snapped open by the sound off knocking on the door.

"Rise and Shine! Breakfast is ready! Don't be too late unless you want cereal for breakfast." My mom said through the door. I groaned sleepily. It was Saturday and I was tired.

"I'll be there in a minute." I yelled.

I spent 5 minutes in the shower did my hair and went downstairs for breakfast. I entered the room with a good morning and sat down at the table. Evan was reading the news paper and Shawn sat quietly drinking his orange juice. "Good morning sweetheart," My mom placed a plate of pancakes and beacon with a cup of pineapple juice. Smelling the aroma of fresh pancakes and syrup made my tummy rumbled.

I rubbed my hands together. "Thanks mom."

She returns to slipping the pancakes on the stove, "Your welcome, darling." Then she turns around to us, "Also you guys, don't forget, we're having a very special guest over tonight and I'm so excited for you guys to meet him."

"Let me guess, it's her weird boyfriend that has a fetish for avacordos?" Shawn whispers to me. I giggled silently and was about to answer him but mom snatched up what he said. She rolled her eyes with a chuckle. "No Evan, it's not Jason and, he doesn't have a fetish with avocados, he's just passionate about it."

"A bit too much." Shawn mumbled as he gobbles up his beacon. She chuckled and ruffles his hair. "Actually, he's more than that. A lot more."

We all looked at each other with confused looks. What was she trying to say? We continued being confused until we decided to shrug it off.



That day Aunt Jane came over to visit. She said that she had an amazing surprise for me. She said that this "surprise" was at the central park. It was a 8 minute drive and once we arrived she takes me down a pathway that leads to a wooden fenced grassy field. A breathe caught my throat once I saw what was over the fence. It was my very own horse I owned back home. My mom had put her up for sale before we had moved. How did she get here?

"Sally!" I rushed up to the fence to pet her. "Sally, it's me Freddie. I missed you soo much girl."

She neighed happily and rubbed her head against my hands. I'm guessing by her reaction she remembers me perfectly. I looked at Aunt Jane with dancing eyes. "How did you get her back? I thought mom had sold her." I asked happily. She comes up to the fence to get Sally a rub and says, "She did. And I happened to be know the person she sold her to. He's a friend of mine who owns racehorses. He retired from his business and has asked me if I'd like to have her, so I thought of returning her back to you."

I stared at her in awe and in a split second I threw my arms around her. "Thank you, so much Jane. This is the best. I have missed her so much."

She pats me in the back with a smile. "I know you did, and I'm happy she's back to where she's happy. With you." She rubbed the horse's head.


"When are you leaving for college?" Shawn asks curiously.

We sat on the floor in the living room together, working on his Solar System that he made for school. I glued a planet in place. " Actually, I'm not going. I decided on going to a local college closer to Boston, " I chuckled. "And much cheaper." I said with a sigh.


"So you'll be around for another month or so?" He asks as he paints one of his planets.

"Yeah, why? You're sad your big sister is moving out?" I teased him.

He shakes his head. "No. I'll be quite happy once your gone. No sleepovers, no yelling, I'll probably be taking over your room, the pool..." He continues. I rolled my eyes and ruffled his brown hair. "I get it, I get it. You're center of attention now, " I said sarcastically. "Congratulations"

"That's true," He chuckled then says wistfully. "But I'm gonna miss you though."

I faked cried as I let his hair. "Aww, I'll miss you too, you rugrat."

He looked up at me and smirked, I saw his eyes shift behind me and immediately his smirk fell right off his face and he stood up straight as a pin.

I looked behind me and I saw why his reaction was needed. In entrance of the living room stood a man in a black suite and tie, sleek hair, and a very chiseled, detailed but familiar face. Standing in the living room was none other than David Matthews.

My father.

He smiles brightly and held out his arms towards us. "I'm Home."

Immediately Shawn and I rushed into his arms crying. How was he actually here right now? I had so many questions and so did Shawn as he asked. "I thought you were dead?" He sobbed. "Is this real? Are you really alive?"

A tear dripped from his eyes, and he chuckles. "Can a dead corpes drive? " He said laughing. Then he rubs his head. "I know it's hard for you to understand right now buddy but I'll make you understand very soon."

Then he looks at me. "So this is my daughter, well we certainly have quite a lot to catch up on." He winks at me. I smiled sheepishly and hugged him. "Yes, we do. I'm just happy you're here, to stay."

"You bet I am. I'm not going anywhere," He says firmly. "Your mother sent me in here to tell you guys dinner is ready, so let's get to it! I'm starving."

And so we all sat at the table in the kitchen, having dinner together once again, as a family for the first time since I was a little kid. Everything felt picture perfect.

And this is the story of a girl who moved across the world for a better life,

Only to find her Long Lost Father.

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