《Unprecedented》Chapter 17


One week later....

It was another sunny, but clouded day I arrived at the football stadium with Cassie. Tony and his team, Don Boscos had an important match that day and were playing against one of the top schools in Boston. We were just about to take our seats when I heard myself being hailed.

"Hey, Freedie?" I turned around and saw a tall fair complexion like boy approached me. His hair softly combed on on side, brown eyes that were coated with the sun rays. I smiled awkwardly. "Hello, uh I don't think we've met." He shook his head returning the smile. "No we haven't, but I do know that you're the School President of Stewart. I'm Lucas. I go to Academy Somerville." I shook his extended hand. "Nice to meet you lucas, wait, are you part of the team that's playing against us." I asked curiously. His smiled widened followed by a chuckle. "Yeah I am the team leader, quite actually."

"Really? That's awesome." I exclaimed. Then I ask, "But, shouldn't you be making plans with your team? The game is starting soon." He shuffles his feet causally then says, "You're right. I should be going, but there's something I need to talk to you about."

I turn to look at cassie who couldn't care less about what was happening sat a few chairs away, texting. I looked back at him again. "Sure, let's go outside. It's loud in here." He nodded in agreement then we made our way to the stadium exit and in the halls.

After a few minutes of silence he cleared his throat and straighten his posture.

"Please don't be offended by what I'm about to ask but you're dating one of the players on the team right? Toni..." He trailed off as if he was trying to remember his name. I finished it for him. "Toni Braxton. Yeah I am..." Then I questioned, "Why you ask?" He cleared his throat again then says, "I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but I thought I'd give a word of caution." A whirlwind of tension was sent shooting all over my body.

What is he getting at here? I thought as different scenarios played out in my head.

He continues, "There was a party last week that was held for the football teams who were playing against each other, and Toni came to the party with someone else. I can't recall her name but I think she goes to the same school as you. There was a game of spin the bottle and they kissed. They have claimed to be just friends, but it didn't really seem like it to me. They seem like an item for the entire party...." All of a sudden I couldn't hear what he was saying. My ears felt as though I got water stuck in it. I saw his lips moving but couldn't hear anything. Just an echo.

I knew it.... My suspicions have been right all along...

"Freddie? Are you okay? Do you need to sit down?"

My ear had been finally able to recover. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't realize he called my name. Quickly I snapped out of my semi trance. I looked at him and shook my head. "Yeah, it's okay I'm fine..." I trailed off. He puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'm really sorry this happened. You seem like a nice girl." He was about to say something else until the speakers in the halls gave a loud feedback interrupting him. Then the someone started speaking.


"The match between The Don Bosco and Fenway will be starting in 5 minutes."

He looks at his wrist then whistles. "Yikes looks like my time is up. I got to get going." Then he looks at me. "I'm sorry -" I interrupted him once more. "It's okay. Actually I'm glad you told me. Don't worry about me. Hope you do your best out there. Good luck." I smiled.

He tilts his head. "Isn't it wrong to wish you're competition good luck?" I rolled my eyes.

"It's called good Sportsmanship."

He soffs in a cocky manner. "Right. I'll see you around Freddie."

"You too lucas," I replied. "Bye."

I made my way back inside the stadium and after some long minutes of saying "Pardon me, Excuse me." I got to the seat Cassie saved me next to hers. She turns to me and looks at me. "Where have you been? You just suddenly vanished out of thin air." I didn't wanted to tell her about the conversation I had with lucas, as much I wanted to, but I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I just wanted to go home but, again Cassie would know something's wrong. I shrugged my shoulders. "I went to the bathroom, but I got lost on my way back." Then music starting playing and people started yelling and raving on. The players came out on the field and into there perspective places.

'And let the games begin ' I thought with sarcasm as I leaned back into my seat.

2 hours later....

Shockingly The Don Boscos had won by very tight score. After the game was over we went out for pizza to feel with the team. I was happy that they won and I equally showed my excitement, but I couldn't help it but keep quiet at times and Cassie would always have to smug me to talk. After the team had left, Tony dropped off Cassie at her house which was no more than 20 minutes away from mine. After some minutes of driving in silence he finally speaks up. "Okay, what's going on." He turns to looked at me. "You've been quiet all night. What's up?" He goes touch my cheek but I smacked his hand away.

"Just like how you've been quiet about the fact that you kissed Hailey." I spat angrily at him.

His eyes widened and the color was drained from his face. He was about to say something but I beated him to it. "So that's why you haven't had time for me, huh? That's why you've been missing out on date nights and never texting me back."

He swiftly shook his head and quickly gasped my hand in his. "No. That's not why. Freddie please, listen to me. It's not what you're thinking it is. Yes, we kissed but that's all that happened. Really." Then he looks at me again. "Who told about this?"

"It was the team captain you played against." I glared at him. "Apparently he was more decent to me that my boyfriend cheated on me than my actual boyfriend." He smacked his head against the steering wheel.


"I didn't cheat on you!" He exclaims. "That stupid piece of shit only told you that so he could mess with my game."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "So great I guess I was just stupid pawn for your stupid game." I opened the door to get out the car but he pulled my hand.

"That's not what I meant, Amelia please listen to me. I'm being truthful when I say nothing was ever happening between us." I turned around and looked at him. A single year dropped from my eye.

"Then tell me, where were you for the pass month and a half?" I asked. His eyes drifted away from mine, clear sign showing that he couldn't tell me the truth. "I'm sorry I'm not person you committed you. It's just... I'm sorry I can't tell you. Please forgive me." He looks down. "Forgive you? Yet you can't tell me where you were when you weren't with me? I need some time to think about this. Goodbye Tony." I said then I got out the car but this time he didn't stop me.

I closed the door and headed for the entrance gate. I heard his engine started up again the he hooked his horn and drove off. I got to the front door, got inside and locked the door. The TV was on and the light for the living room was dimmed down. When I got to the couch I saw my mom sleeping peaceful, clenching a bowl of popcorn in her arms.

'She must have been so tired.' I shook my head with a smile.

I went to the storage box nearby and pulled out a blanket, I took the bowl carefully from her arms, sitting it quietly on the coffee table. I took the blanket and through it over her covering her body neatly. I kissed the top of her head and wished her goodnight. I took off the Tv and the lights and headed for my room upstairs. On the way I took a quick peep in on Shawn. I slightly opened his door, revealing nothing but darkness and his nightlight next to his bed, slowly I closed the door and went on to my own room.

I opened the door to my room, only to find Cassie with half of her freaking body in the room and the other half outside my window. My eyes widen at shock at the sight of her. She looks at me with a sheepish smile. "Hey Freddie... What a nice window you got here."

I walked over to the window. I gaped. "Cassie! What are you doing!"

She tries to look at me as strands of hair flew in her face. "I'll tell you once you get me out of here."

I sighed and grabbed her arms and tried pulling her into the room, landing on the ground with a hard thump on the floor. "Shh! Be quiet." I shushed her. "My family is asleep, you idiot, now why are you here? Couldn't you just text me?"

She goes to sit on the window sill. "No. In this type of situation would be the worst thing your best friend could do, " She continues. "I saw you and Tony arguing earlier outside my window, and you look like you were crying," Then she looks at me. "What happened."

I crumpled onto my bed sobbing. "Tony kissed Hailey at a party last week, and apparently they were together the entire time too." I always suspected something was off with him but but I thought I was just being delusional. And I was stupid to think that I didn't needed to protect myself from getting hurt. I feel like such a wimp, it's probably my fault I got hurt."

Cassie quickly gets off the window sill and say on my bed to comfort me. She seemed pretty shocked. "Okay...." She slightly chuckled. "I'm sorry for chucking, but it's just I did not expected that. I mean yeah we joked about it, but if all things I didn't think it was serious. How did you find out."

Wiping the remaining tears from my face I composed myself. "The Captain for the team they were playing against. He told me was at the party and there was a spin the bottle game and they kissed, and they acted like a couple throughout the entire night." I sniffled. Cassie sat still on the edge of my bed, thinking. After minutes she responds. "Firstly, why should he be telling you about this? Why was it his job," Then she continues. "And secondly, I'm disappointed in Tony. I've known him for years just as much as Hailey did, but I don't know him to be this type of person. Now obviously there's more to the story."

"There is, but he refuses to tell me. I don't know why, and I just don't think I want to know anymore." I said. "I'm just done." Then tears flooded my eyes and I burst into sobbing once more. Cassie wraps her arms around me and hugs me tightly. I cried on her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry boo." She pats me on the back. "You'll get through it soon, you'll see."

"You're right, maybe I will." I dried my face with a tissue.

She stayed with me for a few minutes trying to cheer me up and console me. Then she decided that it was time to leave and she crept out through the front door this time. After I watched her leave, I walked back to my room changed into my pJs, switched off the light and threw myself on my bed. After calming down the disturbing thoughts in my head and was finally allowed to drop off to sleep.

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