


"I awoke to the sound of unyielding television noise. The smell of black coffee engulfed the atmosphere, and I could make out the vague details of an individual sitting across a table from me; on what seems to be a red one-cushion love-seat. I'm currently sprawled out on a black leather sofa, and have no idea where I am. After adjusting my eyes, I can tell that this is not earth because there are no walls at all. Everything is pitch black aside from the furniture, myself, and the strange man staring at me while nonchalantly indulging in a mug of coffee."

FatihKrsmn (WN) proudly declared before slamming down a Review:

"This is one hell of an opening paragraph. 5 Stars."

To which, Nero shrugged as he exclaimed:

"It was a pretty nice space, if I must say."


Crimson_killer (WN) asked with a look of skepticism:

"How did he make getting a bag of Candy once each day useful?"

Key_Ra_ replied:

"I heard that one bucket of Candy each day kept the Veterinarian at bay~"

Hahadavis (WN) asked while squinting his eyes:

"Daily Candy? Is this a joke…?"

Nero shot back:

"Don't laugh at my struggle."

Chapter 1: Day 1


"LUK: 1"

97Alex (WN) remarked with a carefree expression:

"Ouch~ At least it's not like some poor lad I once saw with an actual '-1' xD"

Nero replied with a tired expression:

"It's only two digits off, pal."


Maff_Maff (WN) asked:

"Does he have a tail too?"

Key_Ra_ replied:

"In his Cat form, yes. He only has ears in his small, younger Human form."

Chapter 2: Day 2


"And like that, we ate our fill of Fish. I had 3 small ones. Now, I owe him 13 small Fish for the Lantern. During breakfast, we talked about numerous things regarding the Village. I discovered that this Village actually has no name. Neither the Village, nor the Village Chief even have names. None of the residents do either. I guess names for monsters are hard to come by? I also learned that we are currently within the Lost Kingdom. It's mostly inhabited by monsters, hence the name... Lost. There is a Human Kingdom to our north, a Demon Kingdom to our south, Mountains infested by Dragons to our east, and a Beastkin Kingdom to our west."

DaoistZoid (WN) said while looking off into the distance:

"That name thing is similar to the 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime' story."

Nero confessed with a smile while shrugging his shoulders:

"I wouldn't know, because I haven't actually started to name any other individuals. Yet."

"I'm content. I continue to climb up the tree, only to find that the Bear is considerably pissed off. It's trying to ram into the tree! Each time it hits, the tree shakes considerably. This is not good. Taking notice of my surroundings, I see another tree with branches within reach. I jump for it, and sloppily hoist myself onto the other tree. The Bear doesn't seem to have noticed yet, perhaps due to a self-given concussion. So, I continued this tactic to increase the distance between that ravenous fiend and my intelligent self. After about 8 trees, I decided to take my chances and jump from the tree. I easily landed on my feet, and it barely hurt. Cats are too good. There must be some kind of fall damage buff mixed in with my racial passives. Immediately, I fled. No looking back."


Snoodle_Booper (WN) asked:

"How's he holding onto his fish? Does he have an inventory or something that we don't know about…?"

Key_Ra_ replied:

"He aggressively stuffs them into his lab coat pockets towards the beginning of the story."

Kreo08 (WN) asked:

"So now we have a Halloween fixated Cat turned Human Scientist with fish in his pockets?"

Nero replied with a tired expression:

"I was going through a tough time."


DaoistZoid (WN) asked:

"Are you gonna add a harem or any romance? I like the story so far, it's almost like a 'slice of life as a Halloween Cat' lol. I cant wait to see how you're going to have Nero fight."

Nero replied with a look of indifference:

"Sometimes, I visit Brothels in mad attempts at spreading my seed. Even so… In the future… I'd probably like to settle down with just one individual, and genuinely have children. At that point… I would stop visiting Brothels, and just aim for Taverns instead. My fighting abilities all seem subpar, but if you earn 1000 Levels... Even subpar becomes pretty good, I suppose."

Chapter 3: Day 3

Paragraph Comments:

"Now that I have a Broom, a Lantern, and even a Monster... I find it to be an even more desirable time for me to set out on my journey. I'm now in search of the Candy Man! You know, the one on Dreary Lane? Yeah, Mr Scarecrow and I are heading on a journey across the chocolate sea, riding on giant goo-ie gumdrops. We'll then need to climb the candy cane trees on the Island of sweets until we reach the top of the whipped cream peaks. There, and only there... will we gain a glance at the city of GingerBread Men! They strangely all live in GingerBread houses, even though they're all made of Ginger Bread themselves! It's freaking scary! There's also this Witch who likes to lure children into her oven, to turn them into giant gummy bears; so we'll need to be extra weary of that! I'm a Cat, but I'm also a child in this form, you see! Ahhh~ How I wish this fantasy world we lived in had a Candy Kingdom."

DaoistZoid (WN) declared:

"lol~ You're day dreaming too much, kitty"

Nero slammed back with a shocked expression:

"What?! You don't fantasize about Whipped Cream Peaks?!"

Chapter 4: Night 3


"In front of me, lay three whole cooked chickens; served one per plate. In addition, there are another 3 bowls filled with some sort of soup. It's brown and looks like it may be filled with beef and vegetables of some sort. There are even 3 glasses of red wine poured. It seems that this is a meal for 3. I only see Lily and I, however. The dinner table is massively long and fancy. There's fabric covering the whole table, and a candle-lit chandelier hanging from the ceiling above. This room itself is actually huge in comparison to the table set in the center of it. There are paintings on the walls depicting landscapes of fields, and lakes. Even though the table is huge, all three of the meals have been prepared to sit together at one of the ends of the table. So Lily and I sat on opposite ends of the table, leaving the middle seat open. It's clearly the master seat, I wouldn't dare."

DaoistZoid (WN) exclaimed while visibly thinking:

"Hmmm~ That's not red wine...."

To which, Nero replied after adjusting his aviators:

"Excuse me? Did you taste it? I tasted it. It was wine... I assure you, it was wine."


Betty chimed in with a smirk:

"They always say that~"

Chapter 5: Night 4


"If you think about it, me coming to the Demon Kingdom and trying to steal monsters is kind of a crime. I'm effectively trying to steal their war potential. Victor is wealthy and in power. I can't afford to casually mention my goals here. In order for me to be capable of outrunning Lily in the event that it does go south, I'll need to be a high enough level for my AGI to outshine hers. There's no helping it. Even if I found a comfortable place to stay while in the Demon Kingdom, I still need to go train in the wilderness for at least a week. I'm exasperated. Why didn't I just do that last night instead of chasing Lily? What's done is done, I guess. Yes. I refuse to believe that my finding Lily and Victor was not actually a potential lead. I just need to be strong enough to warrant them giving information regarding that potential lead. That's all."

97Alex (WN) exclaimed with a carefree expression:

"Ah, I see... Well, they say that the first step to curing stupidity is to realize you're stupid. Maybe there is hope after all~ xD"

Nero sighed while looking around the Mansion before begging the question:

"Should we stay here for eternity while Melissa educates me?"

Cetilla shot back mercilessly:

"Are you kidding me? I'm GOING to see all of Melchiadore~ Don't you DARE try to stay here!"

Chapter 6: Day 5


"The Barrier is holding strong, but it's definitely getting scratch marks from the ravenous birds. Mr Scarecrow is valiantly thrashing about, but his DEX seems to be failing him this time. He keeps missing! Mr Scarecrow has his purple eyes back again, and the light emitted from my Lantern to summon him was purple. It must be something to do with it currently being day. Upon getting a closer look, it would appear that these birds… These birds are Crows. Mr Tier 4 Scarecrow Sensei is currently being beaten back by a group of 5 Crows. I'm at my limit. He had one job, but it seems that he has one too many Crows to terrify. He's outnumbered, that's all. Right!"

DaoistZoid (WN) groaned:

"Too bad he cant use the barrier to smush them into balls of flesh…"

Nero simply stood by, glaring at the Camera while slowly tilting his head to the side for five solid minutes… Before finally explaining:

"No comment."


DaoistZoid (WN) declared with a look of certainty:

"I hope he gets strong enough to enjoy this world more."

To which, Nero gave a look of happiness before being brutally cut off by Janus who barged in out of nowhere screaming:

"This guy?! Him?! Strong enough to enjoy THAT world?! Fat chance. Better luck with the re-run, dude."

Chapter 7: Night 5


"Bright light appeared, and faded away to reveal new clothes and accessories at my feet. I see black sunglasses, knee high black leather 3 inch heels, an actually dark purple trench coat, zebra print leather pants, and a yellow scarf. What the?! Aren't the items given by [Disguise] totally conspicuous?! Also, why are they all modern world clothes? Isn't this a fantasy world or something? Well, I suppose I'll compare the stats of wearing these as opposed to my original clothes. The lab coat was definitely in need of a replacement, that's for sure. Hey... Didn't I just place my drunk friend to sleep on top of that Fishy mess of a lab coat?! I AM SOOO SORRY! Dear friend, I hope you wake up to the same desire of eating Fish after literally sleeping in Fish as I do."

Darcksage (WN) remarked with a look of certainty:

"The skill is clearly turning him into a pimp."

Cetilla exclaimed with a mischievous look on her face while twirling her hair:

"No, I'M turning him into a pimp! It's me. I'm the backbone of this company… Haven't you heard?!"

To which, Nero exasperatedly replied:

"Were you even there yet?!"

Cetilla shot back with a laugh:

"I've always been there..."

"Ignoring the heels and just trying on the other clothes... It seems that the sunglasses were a dud. They give 1/1 P./M. DEF., the same as my other usual clothes. Before, I was wearing black shorts, a straw hat, light green tee shirt, lab coat, and sandals. They're all worth 1/1 P./M. DEF.. The same as the sunglasses. Luckily, the sunglasses actually are a brand new equipment slot; so to speak. I didn't have anything else to wear over my eyes, so it's a bonus regardless. It seems that the dark purple trench coat is a level 3 piece of equipment. It gives me 3/3 P./M. DEF.. Not bad. The zebra print leather pants are a shocking level 5 piece of equipment. They give 5/5 P./M. DEF.. However, the yellow scarf is unique among the other pieces of equipment. It's also a brand new equipment slot so it would have been seen as a bonus regardless. But, this bad boy gives off a cool 10 M. DEF. while ignoring P. DEF.. She must be a level 5 piece, but she's not intended for a balanced build. I find that exceptionally helpful because I'm deathly afraid of taking magical attacks! Mr Scarecrow is a physical attack dealer, and he's close range. My Crows are also physical attack dealers, who are close range. My only way to currently stop magic attacks is with my Barrier, and that relies on my own stats. The Barrier can stand if I have MP, and it reduces damage taken based on my DEF stats. With these new fine clothes, my status is as shown~"

DaoistZoid (WN) exclaimed with a look of disgust:

"OOF~ Your clothes scare me."

Nero was gasping dramatically, until Hobgoblin Samurai Punk jumped in to agree, enraging the Halloween Cat even further as he said:

"The pants weren't that bad, but he wore them with the wrong outfit."


Avexion (RR) hypothesized:

"If the clothing lasts forever he could trade or sell some of it. Depending on that, he could even try taking it apart and stitching it to make blankets or cloth for other uses. It also means if ever stranded on an Island, if he made items appear… Using vines and a thorn, he can even make a protective tents of sorts and a sail for a boat."

Key_Ra_ replied:


The clothing created from the 'Disguise' ability does not often break, as they are truly quite durable... Each piece blocks a portion of damage that would have affected the wielder. Each piece comes with durability, though Nero lacks the ability to view that fact... Which is why I'm introducing this feature as a Spoiler comment. Durability for higher level pieces are higher than durability for lower level pieces. A level 1 piece has 50 Durability. If one level 1 piece has been attacked specifically (no other pieces were attacked in the strike), for it to break from one hit... The attack will have needed to deal 500 Damage. Depending on the type of attack, the piece may break in a different method (obliterated, torn, etc)... But bottom line, it will no longer grant any stats to those who wear it. They can not be repaired, but at this point in time... It becomes theoretically possible to make use of your idea. It wouldn't be very resilient... Would equate to nothing more than your average, half destroyed cloth... But it's still material~ If several pieces were attacked in one strike, then their total 'Clothing Level'(x10) is what's required to be overcome in just one attack. Clothing created through the 'Disguise' ability may also be broken with multiple weaker strikes, I only used the one strike rule as an example."

Chapter 8: Night 6 & Night 7


"I learned that there's a Forest of Witches beyond the Elven and Beastkin Kingdom, but I didn't learn much else about it. Even Goblin Chief has his limits, eh? In addition, there's also a Dwarven Kingdom beyond the Lizardmen Tribes. There are even Savage Lands beyond the Human Kingdom. The Savage Lands are apparently the most northern Kingdom of the Continent, and because of that... The snowy land is often separated by freezing waters or ice. It sounds kinda cool, but there's limited information to go around; so I'll probably ask more about these places after travelling elsewhere. It also sounds as though the Savage Lands might be a less developed territory as well, similar to the Lost Kingdom."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) excitedly asked:

"Oh! Witches... That's a thing! Isn't the MC a Witch? Where's his magic? I'm guessing it will appear when he's leveled a bit more or something?"

Nero took one glance at the Camera before the screen flickered to reveal a particular Allwessistant Dott who only shrugged in response.

Chapter 9: Night 8


""Monsters of the Lost Kingdom are shuffling. There were sightings of vast numbers of monsters fleeing the northeast side of the Kingdom. It would seem that something big has arrived there, perhaps a monster with a dangerous haki or an army laying waste to the land." [Village Wheat Farmer Sama] stated with a grave tone while looking down and audibly sighing."

DaoistZoid (WN) asked with a smirk:

"Ohhh nooo~ It's the Orc army being led by the Orc Lord lol! Get it…?"

Nero replied with a wink and a thumb held high:

"Stay tuned for Night 29."


MissRadFox (WN) asked:

"Is the Scarecrow like the one in 'Howl's Moving Castle' or like 'The Wizard of Oz'?"

Key_Ra_ replied:

"It's more similar to Howls, but it's fully made of hay. It also has a hollow set of eyes and mouth."

Chapter 10: Night 9


"By gathering Clansmen, I offer them the ability to Evolve. I give them a safe place to stay and gain power without fear of starving, and then when I die; they would be unleashed upon the world. The monsters which I empowered to protect me would be reduced to nothing more than starving monsters with nothing to eat. If that's the case, then I might as well be a walking time bomb. I'd no doubt be on the wrong end of history. If that isn't the case and they all actually just die when I die, then I guess I'm doing a favor to humanity by gathering the monsters to die? Yikes... I'm honestly not a fan of my theories here, but I can't imagine anything else happening. Is the answer to try and survive while keeping my Clansmen number to a minimum?"

Snoodle_Booper (WN) explained with a casual expression:

"The first one's most plausible. I mean... You're a one-of-a-kind being with world magic at birth, so the first one is definitely what I'd believe it to be. (also It would be rather funny if Heroes kill him expecting the Halloween Clan to finally fall, then all of a sudden a Halloween monster horde swarms out of his lantern and destroys the country he died in)"

Nero stood by watching as Cetilla nodded along before finally letting out:

"Don't make light of my death?! Why do you both seem absolutely fine with me becoming a stain on history?!"

Cetilla replied with a smirk:

"I'm the only Hero this story needs. Give the people what they want."

"Village Chief didn't seem too surprised though, and I get the feeling that after he told me of the issues the first time that he totally left it in my paws. He's totally over it already and hasn't even thought about it once since he sent me off to deal with it! Just what was he doing when I first woke up tonight to find him missing from the hut? He was actually just answering some house calls in the Village. Apparently some Villagers were sick and needed medicine. Apparently he actually does run something of a medicinal business. Obviously, currency is not something relative to this Village so i think he accepts bartering. Or he's just doing it out of the goodness of his heart. He seemed pretty tired, so I'll let him rest. I feel the exact same way anyways, so I used [Daily Candy] and went to sleep."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) remarked as if suddenly coming to the realization:

"I feel like the Chief's house is now littered with unwanted clothes and plastic halloween themed buckets. Oh! Also, the smell of fish is now a constant part of his house."

Goddin Village Neith Sama replied frivolously from atop Nero's Throne while looking off into the distance:

"Ugh… You have NO idea~"

Chapter 11: Night 10 & Night 11


"While Fishing, I realized that I didn't want to stuff Fish into my fur coat, so I stabbed them all onto a large stick like they were kebabs. By the time it was dawn, I had caught 18 fish. 14 were common, 3 were pink, and 1 was special. I had never witnessed its kind before. It was far larger than the rest, but it just looked like a giant Goldfish. Yeah. When I killed it, I actually leveled up. I think it was a monster, but it must have been pretty weak for me to kill it without the help of any Clansmen. I say it's far larger, but it's no larger than 40cm."

PaulTB (RR) exclaimed happily:

"Hallelujah! I think being a Cat has made him forget that tools exist a lot of the time. He could have made a bag a long time ago instead of having stinky fish clothes. :P"

Key_Ra_ replied:

"Yes! Nero has finally stepped one foot forth in combat against his poor Kitty hygiene!"

"We can afford to do stuff now! I don't actually know what to spend it on though because who's going to do business with Goblins? Hrm... Yeah, it might have been a waste to gain the Silver. Oh well, I secured it inside of the Goblin Chiefs hut and the Humans can't have it. I'm now going to go Fishing in the nearby River. Yosh! We need food! Nowadays, I casually feed the residents of our hut. Well, Samurai Punk and Devil Clown don't actually sleep in the hut, but they still live right beside it. So, I feed them too. It's a mutually beneficial existence. They keep me safe while I sleep with their haki, and I keep them well fed on ill-preserved Fish. Produce? No, we don't get those up here. Take some Fish. Have a seat, over there. I say that, but I'm pretty sure that most Goblins eat a berry growing in shrubs nearby."

PaulTB (RR) exclaimed:

"Dumbass. Has he forgotten he spends most of his time awake looking like a Human? He could probably do business with one of those merchant caravans for essential tools and materials for the Goblin Village. And finally get a better Lantern! I mean, he'd have to be careful of people with [Appraise] noticing he's not Human, but they're in the business of business so it should be doable."

Key_Ra_ replied:

"Nero is totally silly, and he does spend a whole lot of time appearing as a Human. He should just learn to rely on his hat more often~"

"Returning to the Village with a huge chest about the size of my body in hand has proved quite troublesome. I can exert a massive amount of MP to push my Broom to the limits and carry it quickly, or I can have Mr Scarecrow carry it and suffer returning to the Village at a rate much slower than normal. My answer was to try carrying it myself in bursts, and then summon Mr Scarecrow to carry it while I recover my MP by natural means. I'm trying to go easy on Candy, okay? With this method, it still took about an hour and a half to return to Goblin Village, but I'm not complaining."

Darcksage (WN) asked:

"what happens to the buckets once he's done?"

Key_Ra_ replied:

"He collects them inside of the hut due to a lack of garbage disposal locations."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) exclaimed with a sigh:

"Poor Chief~ His house is stuffed with fish-smelling unwanted clothes and plastic buckets..."

Goblin Monk turned to look at the Camera with furrowed eyebrows for a solid minute as Goddin Village Neith Sama droned on and on about how unlucky he was before finally exploding as he stole the spotlight from the Goblin King:

"You don't understand! I needed to sit directly outside of that damned Hut EVERY single night and day! Does Nero ever talk about the freaking Fish Bones within those Fish?! They were ALSO inside of that Hut! Do you have any idea how much those wreaked?! Even now, the vast majority of what we consume is Fish... Goddin's nose isn't even that strong, he's practically senile at this point. Where is MY recognition?! I dealt with it too, you know?!"

"I ended up capturing a total of 17 Crows. 6 other Crows decided to leave instead. They're all Tier 1. After I caught them, I was capable of using [Soul Merge]; so I did it without hesitation. So far, I haven't actually made contact with anyone who I needed to lie about Soul Merge to. Rather, no one has asked me about it. So, I don't need to hide anything about it. If Village Chief cared, then he would have mentioned something. Since he doesn't care, I don't need to worry about him. It'd be troublesome if I needed to be cautious around my best friend. I'm thankful for his neglect towards bashing me with repeated questions."

BenTB (RR) declared:

"[Soul Merge] strikes me as a bit of a creepy ability. It's like that episode of 'Star Trek Voyager' where Tuvok (Vulcan) and Neelix (Talaxian) were accidentally merged into one person. Are the low Tier monsters sapient? Do they have separate personalities? You're basically wiping them out or throwing them into a blender."

Key_Ra_ replied:

"[Soul Merge] is totally a disgusting ability. It's wretched. It's practically one of the prime reasons why Nero is labelled an 'Anti-Hero'. It does not help his future in terms of appearing to be a friendly Cat, whatsoever. The lower Tier creatures definitely have their own personalities, and memories. They absolutely do get brutally tossed into a blender, it's not a very great trade... But it does actually serve some type of benefit if used carefully."

To which, Nero's mouth gaped open for several moments before he finally let out:

"I-I-I'm… A-An Anti-Hero?!"


Dicordum (RR) exclaimed:

"I'm still utterly confused why he gives a crap about the ecosystem, or about what the Kingdoms think."

Key_Ra_ replied:

"Nero feels as though he needs more friends to keep him safe during the day, and if the races within the ecosystem went extinct; he would lose a whole lot of options for new companions.

The other Kingdoms are more powerful than him, so he feels as though he should try and lay low; being as unproblematic as possible."

To which, Nero shot back:

"Who said that I didn't just want to protect the animals?! Huh?! Poor creatures..."

Chapter 12: Night 12 & Day 13


"Thinking back to my time spent in my Halloween Town, the only thing which wasn't adorned in those colors was blood itself. Yeah, there was a fountain of blood near the center of the town. Right in front of my face when I entered through the [Hallowed Gate]. I say that, but I don't actually know if it was real blood or fake blood. It could just be trick blood, after all. Even the sky itself was vividly orange. I wonder if that sky changes to night during the day out here? When I was there, it was during the night; so I'll make a conscious decision to check that out later. It would be somewhat strange if my eyes changed depending on the color of sky within the Halloween Realm."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) said:

"That sounds cool though. Super chuuni-like, but really cool."

Conrad exclaimed while puffing out his skeletal chest and blocking Nero from the Camera:

"You know… My eyes change colors depending on the time in Halloween, too~"

White Beef Lady only glanced on with a dejected expression… As a Tier 1 Scarecrow pat her back.

"I guess that I did end up getting one good piece of information from my pal, Mr Scarecrow. It would seem that enslaving Scarecrow monsters is the norm for any proper farm. This trend might even continue into other territories. Note to self, if you notice that lands are proper for farming; try to ensure that there aren't nearby Scarecrow monsters being enslaved. Jeez. To think that my Halloween Clansmen are currently being enslaved into ensuring that my other Halloween Clansmen starve. I understand that Scarecrows are supposed to scare Crows, from a standpoint on earth. While saying that, I also don't understand why both Scarecrows and Crows belong to the Halloween Clan. They're mutual enemies but at the same time, they're loyal to the same cult? Wait a minute. This is similar to the Vampires and Werewolves. Aren't they also mutual enemies? I guess we'll know for sure if my Crows ever learn to talk, or if I actually end up finding a Vampire."

BenTB (RR) exclaimed:

"Twilight propaganda. Lol~"

To which, Luna Pratz gave a look of uncertainty towards the White Wolf… Who replied by tilting her head to the side, causing Luna to appear considerably relieved.

Chapter 14: Night 15


"As children, they would basically force another child to take all the hits from the Slimes just so that they could have a chance to be able to kill the Slimes. It makes sense. They're as terrified of the Slimes as I am of cold water. My fears seem irrational now, but it's all because I'm a Cat; I swear! Rather, I certainly wouldn't step foot in that pit of Slimes either. I simply don't have any combat abilities myself though. It's out of my control. I'm so low on the totem pole of combat abilities, that I don't even have a Tier, dude. I have war potential abilities. They're two entirely different hurdles that require two entirely different approaches, okay?!"

Kurotora (WN) offered a suggestion:

"Maybe if you tried taking a bath while in your Cat form, the water wouldn't be so cold."

Nero was about to reply before the screen suddenly flickered to reveal a particular Allwessistant Dott exclaiming:

"Allwe Halloween Cats are particularly fond of Fire, and all things warm. The interior of their bodies function at a natural temperature of 333 Degrees Celsius… While the exterior of their bodies function at a natural temperature of 100 Degrees Celsius. Research indicates that in order for an Allwe Halloween Cat to comfortably bathe, they require liquid at a consistent temperature of 100 Degrees Celsius."

Frieda, the female Allwe Halloween Cat off to her side chimed in frivolously with a sigh as she exclaimed:

"If it's not boiling, then I'm avoiding~"

Chapter 16: Night 16 & Day 17


Newsourpatch (RR) asked:

"Why does he not even try to level up and get stronger?"

Key_Ra_ replied:

"The Cat caught feelings for the inhabitants of the Lost Kingdom~ He's still trying to find a place suitable for his Clansmen to train. A place that he doesn't mind wreaking havoc within, which also happens to be a good matchup for his Clansmen. He's not even that strong at the current point in the Novel, so he's cautious about who he chooses to slay. Nero does not lay waste to the entire continent without adequate reasoning. For him, the planet being similar to a game is not enough of a reason to slay any who live within it. It's not as though the inhabitants magically respawn, either. He's a good Cat. He promises."

Chapter 17: Night 18


"While having a nervous breakdown and eating Fish, I looked up to my Scarecrows. Particularly speaking, the large ones and tried to judge their mood. I say that, but I was specifically scanning for killing intent. After a few minutes of nervously stuffing Fish down my throat while watching them sing, I realized that those guys are too hard to read. They sing screamo, so even just a simple percussion sound could be thought of as killing intent. Yep. There's no helping it. If they want me dead, I'll probably die. Those guys now have 160 STR and 400 MP. My P. DEF. is still somewhat superior, but my STR has fallen behind."

Kurotora (WN) asked:

"Why hasn't he asked the Goblin Chief to teach him how to use [Appraisal] yet?"

Goddin Village Neith Sama, the Goblin King sitting atop of Nero's Throne replied dramatically as he slammed down a Cane:

"He's not worthy!"

"Why didn't I think to try and do something about my living standards when I first arrived here? Why was I so hellbent on getting stronger, anyways? If I think about my current status, I'm totally safe. I might very well possess one of the strongest Tier monsters in the Lost Kingdom. Better yet, I have two of them. An army or cataclypse level monster can stop me, but anything less than that is probably fine. This is good. Cataclypse level monsters are probably unavoidable, but rare. I doubt that I'll ever come across anything like those terrors in Halloween on this world. That would be too much."

Darcksage (WN) exclaimed with a tired expression:

"Stop raising flags like that. It's unhealthy."

Janus chimed in while nodding:

"Agreed. Such a fool..."

Nero glanced between the Camera and God before groaning as he walked away.

Chapter 18: Night 19


"The Chasm in itself is an entirely different ecosystem from that in the Lost Kingdom. Theoretically, I could conduct some experiments down here to help me make decisions for future of the Lost Kingdom down the line. If I can successfully have some races down here Evolve to the point of being potential allies by having them forced into a bloody death match for experience against the more evolutionary declined races while ALSO ensuring that the original ecosystem down here still functions intact albeit at a smaller scale, then I can prove that the situation in the Lost Kingdom can become drastically better without actually causing extinction between the races involved. Yosh!"

Kurotora (WN) suggested with an optimistic expression:

"While you're experimenting, ask the Sorceress to teach you [Appraisal]."

Cetilla Vellisroi replied while twitching an eye:

"Excuse me... But I have a name? I'm one of the few, with genuine names; you know…"

Chapter 19: Night 20


"I must handle at least two of these problems every night or the list will never end! I have too much on my plate these days! Thinking such things, I set off with Cetilla towards the Beastkin Kingdom. She seemed to have noticed our destination because she asked where we were heading. To my honest response, she seemed even more shocked. Probably because we just launched a crusade there very recently. Honestly though, that's all the more reason. If we go there, we can gather the rampaging Crows. She should already know that Crows count as my Clansmen, as they're usually somewhere flying nearby. I don't understand why she doesn't seem to understand. I thought she was intelligent?"

Kurotora (WN) screamed hysterically:


Nero inhaled for a split moment before facing the Camera to say:

"Nyah~" as he flew away.

"Name: Unnamed Monster

Race: Crowli (Halloween)

Class: Aerial Reaper

Tier: 6

MP: 352/1280

P. DEF: 160

M. DEF: 96

STR: 320

INT: 128

DEX: 256

LUK: 128

AGI: 640


[Vulture+1], [Sky Reaper], [Halloween Clansmen]

Abilities Learned:

[Aerial Dive+2], [Sharpened Claws+1], [Enhanced Eyesight], [Flock Storm], [Return to Halloween]"

Darcksage (WN) let out:

"Holy ****... Those stats, though."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) remarked:

"My god he's op~ Lol his new Class is also super badass."

Conrad stood idly by for several moments, before finally turning to say:

"Don't forget it."

Chapter 20: Night 21


"Hey! Are you telling me that I'm taking on the burden of being a Monster Knight here?! What does this have to do with the other races, anyways?! Get back on topic!"

Snoodle_Booper (WN) declared:

"Well... A Monster Knight seems like a cool free title, so just take it. You might finally get a combat ability out of it…."

Nero took a glance at the Camera, before taking another glance at the Hobgoblin, before taking yet another glance at the Camera... And continued to do so for several minutes before the Hobgoblin finally explained:

"Actually… Not a single one of us has gained the Monster Knight title. It might happen if we actually reclaim the Lost Kingdom, though…"

Chapter 21: Night 22


"Honestly I don't really understand it, but even with their size... The Tier 4 Drake and Tier 5 One-Eyed Lizard don't seem to be eating a gluttonous supply of Fish. Are the Fish from the Forest of Fae enchanted to enable additional FP given for eating them? It would make sense if you consider how the lochness monster is thriving off of these Fish. If the Fae Queen is casually enchanting food to be better, and the Forest of Witches are casually creating Halloween Clansmen out of MP then I need to raise my evaluation on magic entirely. None of it really seems to make sense. How do you just give birth to a brand new monster? Moreover, how do you make Fish better?! Where is all this energy coming from?!"

Snoodle_Booper (WN) offered the suggestion:

"How about trying to learn new magic then from the Witches? Magic is probably something you have to learn rather than earn, unless it's innate magic; obviously... But your innate magic is all 'War Making' and 'Support' magic, so you need to learn to use offensive magic yourself."

Nero replied with a shrug:

"They don't like me, and I'm busy."

"While returning my mind to my current surroundings, my Clansmen are performing a beautiful song. The Tier 5 Bat seems to have joined the band, and is shrieking at a fixed interval. This Halloween themed ensemble is truly getting quite unique in terms of sound in song. White Wolf Lady also howls at a much longer fixed interval and returns to human form to continue her conversation with the crew regularly. Do Halloween monsters inherently have a desire to perform music? Wait... It might be that they simply have a desire to perform in general. Thinking back to the mock battle between White Wolf Lady and Mr Scarecrow in the Village while I theatrically recounted the events of the story involving their fight at the bandit camp; those two went all out. The Crows also had a chance to shine in that mock battle, and did as well. I wonder if Crowli will ever join the band? Does he currently lack the abilities to do so?"

Snoodle_Booper (WN) explained thoughtfully:

"Even Halloween culture on Earth focuses a lot on music, so I guess the Halloween Clan Races have innate desires for music and acting. (It's kinda cute how hideous monsters great at being scary and murdering things have singing, dancing, and acting for their hobbies)"

Nero began to reply, before the Camera was brutally snatched away and later destroyed by several female Halloween Clansmen.

"The weird thing about Golems is that they aren't Halloween Clansmen candidates until they reach the point of Weeping Angel. It's strange. It's like a hidden Clansmen amidst the regular monsters which a Halloween Cat might otherwise ignore. I can't forget this fact. There may be other races similar to this. Maybe the Spiders? Arachne could potentially be a Halloween Clansmen too? It's a possibility. No matter how I think about it though, a Drake is probably going to Evolve into a Dragon. I doubt Dragons count as Halloween Clansmen candidates. If that worked, then the Halloween Clan would officially be the Lil' W*yne of Clans. We'll work with anyone. The One-Eyed Lizard though… I've really never witnessed anything like it. I have no idea where that thing might go in its path of Evolution. It might also be a lost cause for a Clansmen candidate. It's not the end of the world if he can't officially join the cult, though. He can still be a comrade~ Theoretically, he may be of even more use to my struggle due to not being a Clansmen. This allows him to protect me during the day."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) remarked:

"Skeleton Dragons could work."

Budget Shark stood by, in his petrified state… Mouth wide, a look of shock in his eyes… As the faintest resemblance of a stone tear could potentially have been noticed at one of the corners.

Chapter 22: Night 23


"My Clansmen may be monsters living in the Lost Kingdom, but they are my Clansmen first and foremost! Until the day that I die! I say day, but it could also happen at night. It's way less likely, but it's possible. When I die, they may very well choose to remain inhabitants of the Lost Kingdom... Or they can do whatever they desire. I really don't care what they do because I have no right to as a dead Cat, and I'm not about to act as though they're sure to stay here and be true Monster Knights. I haven't asked them and I don't intend to. If I asked them, they might feel pressured into answering some sort of way. Therefore, as I'm venturing to visit the Witches as a means to save future Scarecrows from being enslaved; and potentially add them as my own Clansmen and not as Lost Kingdom inhabitants, then the situation has no need for representation from the Lost Kingdom at all. None. Nope! You're staying home, lads."

Kurotora (WN) calmly requested:

"Please ask someone to teach you [Appraisal] and maybe ask about storage items."

Nero tilted his head to the side before finally letting out with a look of uncertainty:

"...Storage items? I have a relocatable Keep, a relocatable Town, dozens of indestructible buckets, a Treasure Chest, a Coin Pouch, and two very large sacs. Granted, I didn't have the Coin Pouch or the sacs yet… Nyah."


Zonzog (RR) exclaimed:

"This Chapter really feels tiresome to read. At this point, bathing festival Chapters are just annoying. There is some silver lining in character development near the end, but mostly this Chapter is just a slog to get through.

Unnecessary waste of booze and MP is also annoying. MC clearly struggles to maintain his hygiene, and feed his squad, yet feels no problem in wasting the very same resources he needs for no gain whatsoever. He throws away his and READERS time by doing this."

Key_Ra_ replied:

"A lot of this Chapter was dedicated to the Wailing Keep's long awaited appearance, as well as general fun for the MC to have... But you're right. He's totally way too kind with his resources by sharing them with his friends.

I hate him for that >~<"

To which, Cetilla only rolled her eyes before screaming hysterically:

"Then why did you force kindness upon Allwe?!"

Chapter 23: Night 24 & Night 25


"I heard that the Wailing Keep has a hidden room behind one of the Mirrors, and that you have to say Nero three times at midnight in-front of the Mirror for it to open the passageway!" [Bloody Jester] called out passionately as if recounting a horror story.

Darcksage (WN) remarked before bursting out laughing:

"Oh boi…"

Rosa Firemane sighed with a pained expression:

"You don't even know the half of it..."


Sacredyeti (WN) declared:

"It's an amazing story that I love very much. I read some to my cousin when I can~"

Nero stood by, gazing at the Camera with a nervous look on his face… Until the screen flickered to reveal an equally nervous Sealina.

Chapter 24: Night 26


"Yosh! I have made a plan! I can go to drop off the shipment tomorrow with peace of mind now. With that, I decided to go Fishing by the Waterfall as I make some last minute pieces of clothing. After around 3 hours of catching Fish, Budget Dragon and Goblin Viking showed up. This is unprecedented. I've next witnessed Goblin Viking outside of the Village without being drunk. To my surprise, he's not drunk. He's worried. Apparently, Cetilla rejected Cyclozard. Budget Dragon and Goblin Viking are worried about how Cyclozard is taking it, but are too afraid to go bring up a sour topic. Jeez, you guys! Why me?! Also, Goblin Viking can understand Cyclozard and Budget Dragon?! Maybe my [Language Comprehension] isn't actually that rare?"

Snoodle_Booper (WN) explained:

"Well, I mean he's not even a humanoid yet. If you were in her shoes, would you date a talking Lizard? She's got many people going after her already, so a talking Lizard is probably not that attractive of an option. (unless she's a scaly)"

Cetilla seemed to be thinking to herself for a split moment, before quickly exclaiming with a flustered expression:

"I'd just like to settle the record, that I am NOT a scaly."

"One at a time, I invited White Wolf Lady, Goblin Viking, Bloody Jester, Village Wheat Farmer Sama, and Cetilla to see if they desired any of the leftover pieces located within Halloween. Yep. There's this super expensive and sturdy clothing that I have, and I have no use for it. You can have it, but you need to step into the underworld to go get it. Deal? White Wolf Lady left while wearing a giant Sheep costume. What?! White Sheep Lady?! Goblin Viking left while dressed as a surfer. Goblin Hunk? He said that Halloween reminded him of my eyes. That was sweet, but put a shirt on. Bloody Jester left while wearing a black cloak and a trick gh*st face mask. Cloaked Hunk #wassap? I can't tell his reaction to Halloween because of the mask. Goblin Village Wheat Farmer Sama left while wearing a mafia boss outfit. Mobbin Village Keef Sama? He looks oddly tired. Nothing can surprise you anymore, huh? Cetilla left while wearing a long blue dress cut halfway up her thigh which matched her sapphire eyes alongside long white gloves and a pair of white heels to boot. She just seems the same as always. She has a villainess' face. Welp. Time to check my status."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) exclaimed:

"Literally a Wolf in Sheep's clothing... Nice. lol~"

White Beef Lady removed her Cow mask to reveal her long, white hair before winking as she exclaimed with a promiscuous pose:

"You like?"

To which, the screen flickered once more to reveal a particular Wolfenrine with a stern look on his face as he begged the question:

"So when are you coming home?"


Sylphie (WN) asked:

"Ok, so he can buy for Candy and stuff after selling his clothes... But, I'm wondering when he's going to get new equipment (Broom and Lantern). After all, it's been a while and they're basically beginner equipment."

Key_Ra_ replied:


Snoodle_Booper (WN) let out, voice filled with exasperation:

"Why did I waste my time searching up this link?! lol~ (it's the battle block theatre secret area song if your wondering)"

Nero, the Master of Time only shrugged.

Chapter 26: Day 28 & Night 28


"Every day, my Clansmen would be capable of relentlessly attacking them by making use of the natural night in Halloween. Natural night in Halloween means that they are buffed. According to [This is Halloween], Clansmen take less damage during Halloween. It wouldn't be strange to assume that it's always Halloween in Halloween. I wouldn't even need to be present and accounted for in order for them to begin the fight. My Clansmen automatically heal if I'm supposed to be regenerating MP while at my maximum. That happens most often when I'm asleep, which also happens to be the time of natural night within Halloween, so they would always be fighting at the best of their abilities and it would surely divulge into a natural battle of attrition coming in waves every day. If they tried to escape my Halloween Town, they would meet with the cataclypse level monsters dancing in the distance. If they actually managed to travel beyond those cataclypse level monsters, even if they found another Halloween Town led by a different Halloween Cat and managed to slip through a Hallowed Gate; they would not be returning to a world they know. They would not be my problem so long as I avoid casting [Hallowed Gate] until they die or leave."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) remarked:

"Oh yeah... The other monsters of Halloween~ lol they're also dancing and singing. Its definitely a Halloween thing to party."

To which, a 'Hallowed Howl' could be heard directly before the entire motley of individuals within the room burst out into song and dance.

Chapter 27: Night 29


"[Flying Broom+1], [Soul Merge], [Clansmen Capture], [Hallowed Gate+1], [This is Halloween], [Wailing Keep], [Language Comprehension+1], [Shapeshift+2], [Barrier+1], [Daily Candy+1], [Claw Fishing+2], [Disguise+3], [Recovery by Sleep+1], [Enhanced Meditating+2], [Swim+1], [10 Minute Makeover], [Pumpkin Bomb]"

Snoodle_Booper (WN) exclaimed happily:

"Yay! A combat ability! (another magic best used in wars rather than normal combat lol)"

Nero nodded with a smile as he excitedly exclaimed:

"It may not be the most versatile, but I can honestly say that the [Pumpkin Bomb] has been a wondrous addition to my kit."

To which, Cetilla could be seen rolling her eyes in the distance.

Chapter 28: Night 30


"NuhHHHH~ I'm still extremely tired. Oh? Looking around me, it appears as though I slightly woke several times in the night and made more clothes? There aren't a lot, so they might be aimed at level 20? There are more than the 8 that I remember making. Around four times more. I mean I'm not mad, but I'm concerned for my well being. Did I do it to try and make myself more tired, or was it my alleged second will? Well, I guess there's no point worrying about it. Assuming Human form, I began picking up the bundle of clothes and throwing them into the Throne Room. Now, I am flying to the Kitchen."

Japoso3 (WN) let out:

"It was the second will xD"

Nero began to visibly ponder, only to be cut off by Hobgoblin Samurai Punk who casually explained:

"Actually… I was having trouble sleeping, and I came to see if Nero was still awake… But he wasn't, but I accidentally woke him up when I knocked. We spent around 15 minutes talking, before he made more clothing and went back to sleep... And I left."

""Currently, it is. I will need 4 more nights before I can recoup the expenses of the last. As time progresses, we will regain the Candy slowly. After 4 nights, I should be able to be better prepared than last time. By far. If nothing goes wrong in 4 nights, then we might be fine. Honestly, I don't think we can finish the investigation within 4 nights. With that being said, even in 4 nights, any attack of that magnitude during the day would prove to be our downfall. We were lucky that they arrived during the night. We could not have faced an army like that during the day. We simply need more high rate monsters which are unrelated to Halloween in order to be capable of defending these lands during the day. As the one True Halloween Cat, I can grant us one hail mary to save our lives during the day. Just one. After I use it, we need to wait a full 365 nights before I can use it again. It's imperative that we don't just waste that on one army." [Nero] said without breaking eyecontact with Mobbin Village Keef Sama."

MissRadFox (WN) remarked with a look of suspicion:

"Mobbin Village Keef Sama knows about Catholicism..."

Janus immediately appeared standing ahead of the Halloween Cat while explaining with a calculated expression:

"[Language Comprehension] automatically translates all dialogue for the individual hearing it to make sense of. If I were to explain it in your language… The term 'hail mary' would have translated to become something similar to 'final hope'."

""Now, if no one else has any objections; I would like to begin. Clansmen! Please, be careful and attempt to not hurt any of the monsters within the Lost Kingdom if at all possible. Try to find the dens of each monster race. Scarecrows, I designate you to finding the Bear's home. It's probably in a Cave. Crows and Crowli, I designate you to find the Deer's dwelling. I have no idea what type of place it is, but if you find any of them sleeping in a herde; that's probably it. Bats, I designate you to find the Fox's dwelling. It might be a tunnel of some sort. White Sheep Lady and Weeping Angel, I designate you to find the Rabbit's dwelling. It's probably a hole." [Nero] beckoned to which his Clansmen each immediately took off."

MissRadFox (WN) laughed:

"They are aware of their nicknames and are okay with them lol"

White Beef Lady glanced at the Camera for a split moment before shrugging as she exclaimed:

"Cattle and Sheep are known to be quite powerful creatures. It's clearly a compliment."

Chapter 29: Night 31


""Halloween Clansmen require Candy or Blood. There are no third options. Halloween Cats are able to stop time for their Clansmen so that they only require Candy after fighting, but how much Candy would it take for them to survive without a Halloween Cat? All of the Clansmen I meet in the wild are quite literally starving." [Nero] spat back immediately in a grave tone."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) hypothesized:

"Untrue... Undead, Crows, Werewolves and Weeping Angels don't need Candy or Blood.... But most Halloween monsters do rely on those things to survive...."

Nero turned to look at the Camera with eyes wide as he explained:

"As it turns out, Candy doesn't even seem to help other monsters if they aren't under my control… It's strange."

To which, the screen flickered to reveal the Allwessistant Dott once more before she exclaimed:

"Actually, Nero's incorrect. Candy works for all of the Halloween Clansmen with races naturally loyal to Allwe... But it may prove less effective if consumed directly without the use of an Ability to support it."

"You can't say that she's not a conspirator at this point, though! She's totally involved at this point, at least by affiliation! Yep. If we go down as world criminals, we're going to go down together. I will probably have the much more drastic execution though. As of yet, she's left her home to join me in my travels, she's watched me cause the wreckage of numerous farm lands, incite a massacre, introduced me to her father-even asked for him to aide me, stood by my side facing a business deal as one of my associates, stood by my side facing the upper echelons of Witch society as my associate, commit a massacre, helped me gather intelligence to incite yet another massacre, stood by my side facing another business deal as my associate, and is even currently aiding me at finding more comrades. She's invested at this point, too. One might say that she's been there through a vast majority of the more crucial parts of my life in this world as of yet."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) exclaimed with an overwhelmed expression:

"My god its been less than a month and mcs done so much lol its kinda crazy when it's all listed down like that.."

Kurotora (WN) shot back with an exhasperated expression:

"He still needs to learn [Appraisal]."

Hobgoblin Samurai Punk begged the question with a dejected expression:

"Am I not good enough for you or something?"

""You must be Nero, I'm Rei. Sorry for the mess!" [Rei] said while sweeping with a Broom."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) let out excitedly:

"Broom!! (it's probably better than some Goblin-made Broom)"

To which, Janus appeared only to very clearly resist bursting out laughing.

""...Okay, but what about after you're no longer busy?" [Rei] repeated the question as if bent up over the semantics."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) remarked with a grin and a thumb held high:

"Heh... I like this girl~ Already shipping these two psychos together. I approve."

To which, Cetilla nodded her head with a proud look on her face as she remarked:

"I only choose the best of the best to befriend~"

""You still don't understand. At this rate, I'll probably be busy until the day that I die." [Nero] replied coldly."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) blurt out:

"Lies!!! After you got a couple more slav-CLANSMEN!!! I definitely meant Clansmen~ You'll be free all the time!"

Nero looked around, to notice that a great many of his Clansmen were standing behind him with killing intent before he turned to face the Camera and sigh with a weak smile on his face as he let out:

"Yeah… I just need more Clansmen~"


Mynthio (RR) asked with a smirk:

"Hey, would you… Exchange a Broom for a Broom?"

Key_Ra_ replied:

"Fun Fact: The Broom which Rei possessed and left behind in her later comandeered house was actually a Kelpiestring Elmwood Broom. She obtained it from a particular Witch on the Witches Council during a longly drawn out game of Safari Cards, which many of the participants had already gone broke in. Each time that someone lost a game, someone else had a chance to challenge the victor... And each would stake a claim before each match."

To which, Nero's eyes began to spontaneously twitch as a particular God utterly lost his composure and finally burst out laughing.

Chapter 30: Night 32 & Night 33


"Oi! What?! When you said teaching, I thought you meant like in a school. Nah, you can just teach someone. Okay?! How?! How do you just teach someone to be able to comprehend almost any dialect?! I guess I'll lose if I think about it. Deciding to ditch those two know it alls, I started to look around at what my other options were. To my left, I see Goblin Hunk, Milton, and Crowli having some conversation. In front of me, I see Cloaked Hunk #wassup and Budget Dragon having their own little chat, and to my right I see Cetilla, Rei, White Sheep Lady, and Cyclozard having another chat. I decided to see what Crowli, Milton and Goblin Hunk are upto… It's indecent. They're comparing Cetilla, Rei, and White Sheep Lady. Yikes. I feel like I'll get dragged down with them if I join in this chat. Switching sides to the girl group~ What's up?! Oh... They're comparing Milton, Goblin Hunk, and Crowli. Wait… Cyclozard?! Why are you just standing there, looking up and nodding along?! He's the epitome of friendzoned at this point, but he seems to be having a decent time just drinking and getting to spend time with the ladies."

Kurotora (WN) beckoned exasperatedly:

"Ask to be taught appraisal already!!"

Janus popped up with a nervous look on his face as he begged the question before glancing at the others:

"...Do I say it?"

To which, no one dared answer… Except for a particular Corocdae, declaring with a grin:

"Duh~" before the entire motley burst into song and dance… Performing 'B*d Guy'.

Chapter 31: Night 34


"Looking at the pieces, it would appear that of the 154 pieces of clothes supplied last time, 163 have sold. It's also including the overstock from the time before, which was 61 level 1 pieces. A total of 43 sold pieces were level 1, so I'll need to resupply them some more of those. The level 1 pieces sold brought in a total of 1290 Silver Coins at a rate of 30 Silver Coins per piece. Deducting those from the total sold pieces leaves us with 120 pieces still sold among the level 3 to 10 clothes. Deciding that this is going to take too long, I began to skip ahead to the total profit of each level of piece. Level 3 pieces made a total sale report of 1620 Silver Coins. Level 4 pieces made a total sale report of 2160 Silver Coins. Level 5 pieces made a total sale report of 3150 Silver Coins. Level 6 pieces made a total sale report of 2520 Silver Coins. Level 7 pieces made a total sale report of 2510 Silver Coins. Level 8 pieces made a total sale report of 2640 Silver Coins. Level 9 pieces made a total sale report of 2700 Silver Coins. Level 10 pieces made a whopping sale report of 4800 SIlver Coins. Yadda yadda... Making up a total of 23390 Silver Coins. Deducting the costs of managing the establishment brings us down by a measly 840 Silver Coins, leaving me with a total of 11275 Silver Coins as profit."

Darcksage (WN) frantically begged the question:


To which Nero replied with a smile and a thumb held high:


Chapter 33: Night 36


Snoodle_Booper (WN) asked:

"Thanks for the chapter, oh Overlord of the Spook... Also, do undead need to eat? (skeletons specifically) also do ALL Halloween clansmen have to eat candy or drink blood or just the majority?"

Key_Ra_ replied:

"THIS IS A SPOILER! (note that Nero has danced around the topic at hand several times, but has not yet gained clear and total understanding of the topic. I understand that for viewers, that might actually be kind of annoying; so I'll do you this kindness)

Halloween Clansmen normally are capable of eating anything in order to gain FP, but their HP and MP are another matter entirely. Most Halloween Clansmen lack abilities needed to regenerate HP and MP over time. Bats on the other hand are capable of directly leeching HP and MP from their enemies using [Leech Bite] without even needing to deal fatal damage. They would still need to recuperate their FP through other means though~

Theoretically, if an unclaimed Halloween Clansmen were to ignore their abilities and fight naturally (ie: punching); they would only be draining their SP and FP. They would then only need to recuperate any HP lost during the battles through means of Blood or Candy."

Chapter 34: Day 37


"[Appraisal] is capable of seeing the status of individuals or the names of items. [Distinction] is capable of seeing the names of items as well as the sturdiness. [Inspection] is capable of seeing the elemental affinities of items or individuals. It sounds like a crazy combo if someone were to have obtained all three. Strangely, I don't remember seeing any of them having been obtainable as one of my starter abilities. Halloween Cats might be incapable of learning any of them. Fuaaahh! It's interesting though. I wonder if the clothes made by [Disguise] also have elemental affinities? Well, after Rosina finished counting out her portion of the Silver Coins, I called a new Hallowed Gate standing outside of the Hag's Hollow. I am now carrying 6 empty buckets of Candy back from the Treasure Room into the Hag's Hollow. Quickly stuffing the buckets full of Coins, I ended up with a little bit of extra space in each bucket. Yay~ Success!"

Kurotora (WN) begged the question with a tired expression:

"How do you know you can't learn them if you don't try? Stupid Cat..."

Nero gave a dejected expression, before the screen flickered to reveal a particular Allwessistant Dott who explained with a calculating expression:

"Halloween Cats are a Unique Class. They do not possess the capability to choose a Sub Class, as they already possess two different variations of Classes… Both of which, being Mage type Classes. The [Appraisal] ability is an ability most commonly learned by those possessing an Occupational type of Class."


Snoodle_Booper (WN) hypothesized with a hopeful expression:

"Maybe this new Witch can help the MC with learning witchcraft because right now, hes only using his innate skills rather than learning any for himself."

To which, Nero seemed disappointed in himself for not having thought of it himself… And before he could give a reply, the screen flickered to reveal Miu who replied with a dejected expression:

"I've been trying to convince the Professors to give Nero a chance, and recognize him as Witch worth teaching… But I haven't been able to find any takers yet. If it were up to me, I would do it myself… But I'm personally not a high enough Tier to be teaching…"

Atla_427 (WN) thanked with a tired expression:

"Thanks for the wonderful novel that I just finished binge reading. It's currently 3:58 and I'm about to pass out…"

To which, the screen went black… Until a spotlight appeared to reveal the motley of Clansmen and Cat Crew assuming various poses.

Chapter 35: Night 37


Snoodle_Booper (WN) begged the question with a look of uncertainty:

"Hhhmmmm how would Skeletons work as Clansmen? Because they would definitely Evolve into either a Lich, Death Knight or Reaper... Only the Reaper is still really Halloween themed, the rest are just fantasy so if they were to Evolve into a Lich... Would they leave his services?"

Key_Ra_ replied:

"I dont want to spoil this ^~^"

Atla_427 (WN) replied:

"Well, Crowli isn't really a Halloween character so my thoughts are either they stay in the posse regardless once captured, or the skill automatically changes what the Clansmen Evolve into so that they fit the theme."

Nero gave off a look of indifference as he began to eat some Candy, as Molag Dregora brutally jumped in to take the spotlight as he exclaimed:

"I'll have you know, that Liches most certainly ARE a Halloween Clan race."

To which, Conrad who was nodding along suddenly jumped in with a frantic look as he clarified:

"Don't forget about Crowli! We're a creature of Halloween as well!"

Chapter 36: Night 38


""I guess that makes sense. They still can't protect the Kingdom though." [Kitsune] agreed."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) beckoned:

"Force all of them to fight atleast a couple Slimes until they Evolve. I mean, kids do it for fun so it can't be that hard...."

To which, Nero nodded with a proud look on his face. While doing so, a particular Dark Elf could be witnessed facepalming.


Snoodle_Booper (WN) declared with a certain expression:

"Just force the Goblins to cull the Slime population and all Evolve (it can't be that dangerous kids do this for fun). The Slime population seems unlimited, so it's fine... MC should try to Evolve a Slime because a Slime/Sludge monster is definitely a Halloween Clansmen. (my reason for thinking that is because there's a lot of Halloween themed Slime toys)"

To which, Nero seemed to suddenly remember something before the screen flickered to reveal Grenda beside Cloaked Monk who clarified with a calculated expression:

"Well, we've certainly been able to find some luck in facing the Slimes… The Rifa don't kill enough of them for there to be a declining population, but we've been ensuring that they remain steadily around the total of 4000 Slimes."

Chapter 37: Day 39 & Night 39


""...But! She only acts that way around you!" [Milton] desperately declared. To which, he gained a long glare from Nero while a common Fish... Similarly desperately tried to make its way back up the waterfall."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) let out with a smirk:

"Oh!? Interesting... Is that a romance flag I see...."

Cetilla seemed flustered for a split moment before a massive Tornado erupt… Carrying the Camera toward its demise.

""Went Fishing for a bit last night and managed to get a bottle. It's not much, but I thought you might appreciate something for once. You always supply it for everyone, but you're the one who really wants it." [Goblin Hunk] admit."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) let out with varying emotions:

"Bromance... Also, that's so sweet of him; wtf lol... My god, if I were a girl... He'd be a catch! Wtf are these girl Goblins doing, ignoring my bro like this... How dare they?!"

Nero nodded with a smile as he pat the back of the blushing Hobgoblin and softly said:

"I told you… You're going to be the Goblin King, or you're going to be one seriously legendary Goblin. I have a nose for these things."

"And like that, we began to drink by the Beach and continued to talk for around an hour before we began to bathe. We talked about all sorts of things, like my plan for improving life in the Goblin Village, Goblin Hunk deciding that he wants to get stronger and become the next heir to the Goblin Village, and how glad he was to have gotten a chance to meet the newly Evolved monsters. He grew up believing that the Flutterfairies had gone extinct, and that the Bears and Rabbits would likely never talk again. It's like that. Also, him wanting to go out and get stronger to become the next heir to the Goblin Village came as a massive shock to me. I offered him a spot in my prestigious Cat Crew, to which he happily accepted."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) declared:

"Lol he's not even a Cat, he's just too good to pass up."

To which, a very proud Hobgoblin could be seen flexing his ridiculously good looking muscles as a Halloween Cat exclaimed with a smug look on his face:

"He can sit with us."


Snoodle_Booper (WN) exclaimed::

"What a nice guy... I knew he was cool before but that's just too nice~ I'm happy he's now a part of the Cat Crew even if he's not a Cat; he still deserves a place there."

Cetilla could be seen shrugging her shoulders as she sighed:

"I've got no problems with the Hobgoblin, s-"

"King!" [Nero] chimed in from across the room with a smirk.

Cetilla rolled her eyes before continuing with a flat expression:

"But I'm starting to wonder whether this Cat actually intends to take me off to see the world."

Chapter 38: Night 40


"I only ended up going Fishing for around 30 minutes before it was time for me to head off towards the border and meet with the Elven Councilman. I didn't think things through very well, and I actually can't even take my Fish back with me. I don't have my Lantern with me, so I can't just open a Hallowed Gate and I also can't call on a Clansmen to carry them. I ended up needing to switch back to my Human form so that I could stab my Fish onto a kebab and carry it home. I need an ability for Telekinesis. If I could lift my Lantern and Broom without touching them, then I could handle being in a Cat form constantly. I don't want to run around carrying an old Poor Iron Lantern by mouth, after all. We haven't devolved that far into being a Cat just yet, my friends. We still have standards!"

Kurotora (WN) beckoned:

"Use your two or three-tailed forms to carry your Broom and Lantern."

Nero groaned with a tired look on his face as he began to hold his tails:

"They really don't listen to me… Kendra's able to move her tails, but apparently it takes a lot of practice to actually perfect it. I'll probably try if I live long enough to restart."


Snoodle_Booper (WN) remarked:

"MC's eyes are going full chuuni... I wonder how cute the MC is in his Cat form...."

To which, Nero begged the question with a wink:

"Which one?"

Chapter 40: Night 42 & Day 43


"While eating Fish by the fire and discussing with the others their own quarrels with clothing, Cetilla emerged from the Wailing Keep. She now has a pirate costume on. It's way too provocative for her age. Long black knee high boots, a red frilly skirt dress with corsets and a belt. A big pirate captain hat, no sleeves. Jeez... I'm glad that I'm not currently attracted to her. I'd probably just roll over and die if I swooned right now."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) declared with a loving expression:

"Currently.... I like this small flag. I shall protect it...."

Cetilla shot back while squinting her eyes and allowing her hair to flow violently in the Pumpkin Spice Wind:

"I don't need protection."

"After I left the Candy Store, I chose to return home via a Hallowed Gate at the Beach. Lugging the massive sac of Candy was uncomfortable, but it went off without a hitch. I can't believe we made it. The cloth sac is surprisingly durable. It's a dark green color though, so I doubt that I'd ever choose to carry it around as a fashion statement. It doesn't go well with my outfit. Arriving back in the Throne Room, I closed my gate and reopened it here. I ditched my sac of Candy in the Treasure Room. I'll do that later. I don't have the energy right now. I'm going back to sleep! Nyah!"

Snoodle_Booper (WN) declared mischievously:

"That sac is calling for a robber or thief outfit.... Maybe the Pirate ones would match~"

To which, the screen went black… Until a spotlight flickered on, to reveal the Master of Disguise… Wearing an orange jumpsuit as he carried a large sac filled with Candy over his shoulders… Attempting to tiptoe away, through the shadows.

Chapter 41: Night 43 & Day 44


"Feeling determined, I headed off to the Throne Room and made a new pile of clothes. These ones are aimed at level 2, and will all be given to the Goblins. I already had some pieces at level 1 and 2 which I neglected to give to Clive, but I was able to create over 90 new pieces just now to add to them. I still didn't think it was enough. So, while I waited for my MP to regenerate, I went back to my Treasure Room. I'm currently going through the large sac of Candy and adding 90 pieces to each of my empty buckets of Candy. I had 24 empty Candy buckets. 9 and a half of them were already full, but I think I should definitely possess more buckets than this. I know I gave a few away to Roy a couple times, but I don't think I gave him that many. I suppose I might have lost some at one point or another... Oh well~"

Snoodle_Booper (WN) exclaimed with a grin:

"Some are probably still littered in the elder's hut lol"

To which, the screen flickered to reveal a particular hut… With very few belongings, before clearly rewinding over the course of several weeks to show that numerous Goblin Villagers had slowly taken the Goblin King's belongings, as he had been inhabiting the Wailing Keep. After having re-winded to the point of the last moment that the King had stepped into the hut… Time stopped, and the screen flickered to reveal him sitting atop Nero's Throne as he exclaimed with a tired look on his face:

"They're my people… And I love them… But they can be a pain~"

"Maybe there are no other Clans currently active on this continent? That might be the case. It's a frightening thought though. There may be other reincarnators possessing the reins to a Clan. Or worse... There could be the kin of past reincarnators currently leading other Clans. I wonder if we would see eye to eye. If we didn't, it could turn sour if they captured my comrades whom are unrelated to Halloween. Residing in the Wailing Keep, most of my comrades are of the Easter Clan. There are few in the Christmas Clan, but not many. Strangely, Cetilla's one of them. We have no one in the Valentine Clan though. This is good. It means that if two of the Clans were to arrive here, we might not even lose anyone. If an Easter Clan representative showed up, we could be in big trouble though."

Snoodle_Booper (WN) asked:

"Not really... You have to persuade them to join and I doubt your main non Halloween followers would join some random Easter Bunny they just met. Plus, why would you be enemies anyway…? Also, Author if for example a Human joined the Valentine Clan and was ordered to do something they don't want to do... (for example massacre a different Clan's population) Are they forced to do it or are only inclined to? Because I don't think many are willing to become someone's Slave.... Also are Clans even enemies? It seems in their best interests to respect and help each other more than anything else..."

A/N: I swear that I distinctly remember answering this question when it was originally posted… But my Comment does not seem to exist. I can't help but cringe that it appears I had dodged such an incredibly valid and important question… So I'll answer to it without adding a single joke to the response.

No Clansmen need to follow a Holiday Clan Leader indefinitely, and are given the choice to do so upon first being asked to join the cause. After joining the cause, is another story. They are then required to stay until the moment that the Holiday Clan Leader gives them permission to leave, the Clansmen dies, or the Holiday Clan Leader dies. It's important to note, that Clansmen may refuse requests. It doesn't happen very often for Nero, most commonly… If they do not desire to complete a task, they are not quiet about it… But they carry on regardless, as it's usually not a matter they feel too strongly about.

Chapter 48: Night 50


AkiraLight (WN) asked:

"Thanks for the chapter, when did you change the pic for the novel? lol. Not complaining, but would look cool all purple."

Key_Ra_ replied:

"It's to celebrate the second Volume's completion. To be frank, I was actually going to have the second Volume's picture be totally purple and have the third be like this, but then I decided that I wanted the third to feature Nero's chuuni eyes with both colors instead."

AkiraLight (WN) replied:

"Can't wait to see it, keep up the great work."

Nero turned to face the Camera, before adjusting the lens so that he could see his eyes more clearly in the viewfinder as he begged the question:

"Are they really that chuuni?"



Snoodle_Booper (WN) exclaimed:

"Easter has got a huge amount of Clansmen but for the most part, they're all weak as hell or cowardly... Valentines all are intelligent and very powerful (potential wise).... Halloween are very balanced with a mix of weak and strong monsters though their numbers are kinda lacking.... Christmas seems to be super rare but the actual Clansmen are rather powerful.... The lesser Clans are mid to low Tier in both numbers and power, nothing too powerful about them; but still something to be cautious over"

To which, Janus quickly swept in to clear the air with a tired expression:

"Any race can attain immense power… There's really no need to ever Evolve in attempts at picking a different variation to a race, regardless of the questionable choices that those he surrounds himself with seem to consistently make."

Chapter 49: Night 51


Kurotora (WN) asked:

"When will you (author) have this idiotic cat learn appraisal?"

Key_Ra_ replied:

"Do you really want to know the answer to that? ^~^"


Mynthio (RR) asked:

"Why did you mark the empty chair opposite to Robert as Tier 3 in the Author's Note?"

Key_Ra_ replied:

"Empty Chairs of the Dining Hall are just that much stronger than Robert."

To which… The poor Tier 1 Bat frantically began to try and prove his strength by mentioning the topic of holding another set of challenges.

Chapter 53: Night 55


"I was thinking such things as Celine led me to the carriages. After she had left, I hastily began to pull each of the carriages one by one towards the road in front of the Estate. It took me around 3 or so minutes, on account of the Estate being so large. Roy can definitely afford to pay his slaves?! I'm almost certain of it. This Farm is like… Over 20 times the average size of a Farm within the Beastkin Kingdom. Are you really going to tell me that regular Farmers can make a living but require slaves in order to do so… Yet Roy who has an absurd plot of land can make a living and STILL can't afford to not use slaves in order to do so? Come on! This is serious! Lives matter, okay?! All of them! How can you possibly live in such luxury while forcing your followers to wear chains like that?! Maybe Roy actually isn't on the nice list. They're all naughty Christmas Catkin. Naughty doesn't really begin to cover it, though. It's just flat out, dreadful."

Kurotora (WN) declared:

"I'm going to need him to stop basing things on his old world values without learning more about this new world."

Key_Ra_ replied:

"Slowly, but surely."

Chapter 54: Night 56


Japoso3 (WN) exclaimed:

"Never thought we would actually get to read about the card game. This was good, thank you."

To which, Nero nervously laughed while he rubbed the back of his head.

Chapter 66: Night 68


Japoso3 (WN) exclaimed frantically:

"OMG this chapter changes everything!"

To which, Nero recalled his third birth-night with a nostalgic expression as he dramatically exhaled and gazed off into the distance.

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