《The Immortal Dragon And Dragon Girl》Chapter - 26
After the ritual, me and the elder carried the human to the guest house.
Dropping her in the bed, we left and closed the door behind us, standing outside
Speaking no words
None came to mind.
I was now an elder, survived a trial which was almost impossible.
I should feel proud, happy, excited.
But I felt no such things.
The elder seemed equally saddened, maybe more
Something seemed to nag at her
Something nagged at me
“Elder, what happened?”
She jumped at my words, not ready for the silence to be broken
Her eyes met mine
“I-I dont know”
She turned away, looking towards the street, then whispering to herself.
“She should not have survived, the ritual failed“
I joined the elder, looking out at the street.
Both silent again
Both trapped in their own heads.
Then the elder spoke
“I will have to inform this to the other elders. Guard the human, let no one in”
She started walking away, hands on her chin
But then she stopped, looking over her shoulder.
“Oh, and. Welcome to the elders.”
Face staying neutral
Simply nodding in response.
She then continued walking, disappearing from view as she rounded a building.
Leaving me alone, guarding the human.
I wonder how often I’ve stood still
How many times I’ve taken orders
Done my duty
Now it would be different.
I’m an elder
One on top
Whatever that means
I just hope I can repay the human
I just hope she can forgive me.
A few hours had passed
The day had turned brighter
And the elder had returned, smile big on her face.
She then waved at me, making me follow her as we went inside.
Inside we found the human awake, staring up at the ceiling.
An artwork to be sure, even I can appreciate the great work that has been put into it.
Not many of these have been painted
The art lost to time.
The elder spoke
The exact words escaped me, seeming
Something about the void.
But what drew my attention was the human
She looked like a cat
Trapped without a way to escape
Eyes wide
But she stayed calm, barely moving.
Then the elder said something, piquing my interest
“....Fauns, created for the purpose to help the dragons kill the gods, for you see, I know one dragon who fought the gods, and he travelled through the void”
Wait what?
What is the elder saying, how can she say something so blasphemous?
The Dragons?
But we woul-
“I think, that we Fauns used to worship the dragons, in the hopes that they would take the place of gods and make us a higher being in return”
Higher being?
That’s impossible
We’ve been true faithfuls to the gods ever since...
Ever since...
“But don’t tell anyone, most Fauns are true faithfuls and would burn me if they knew I had said this.”
Saying that, the elder glanced at me, face covered in a big smile, but eyes looking mischievous.
It can't be true.
Then the elder started glowing, presumably using her healing to see if the human was still damaged
But she reacted very strongly to the magic
Screaming in response
I took a step back.
Horror filling my eyes
Oh no
I’ve done this
I’ve made her lost
Lost in her head.
Then she went quiet.
And our eyes met
Such beautiful eyes
Eyes from no mere human
Looking more like a cat
More like a salamander
Glowing in a green ember
Piercing me
Seeing my soul, knowing what I’ve done
“Come closer”
The elder spoke
I hesitated
But only for a second
Moving closer
Stopping beside the bed beside the elder.
“You may be wondering why he is here, and I assure you, he won't do you any harm. In fact, he is gonna be the one repaying what we have done to you. See him as your personal, I think you humans call them butlers”
I will?
I take no pleasure in it
But it must be done
“Repaying me?”
The human responded, voice very quiet, shaking a little
“Yes, we.... Hurt you. And for that we must pay back wh-
At the elders word, the human recoiled, eyes turning shut
Hugging herself, clawing herself
Making herself small
A little ball
I looked with pleading eyes at the elder
Who in return started healing the human
Hushing her, telling her it’s okay.
In the span of a few seconds, the human calmed down.
Staring into the eyes of the elder
One looking scared
One looking sad
Then she was lightly pushed, lying down on the bed.
The elder said a few more words, and then we left
Leaving the human alone
Alone with her thoughts
“Elder, should we really leave her alone?”
“Yes. Few can go through such a thing and come out whole. But all those that have must heal on their own. Giving her company will only lead to suffering later down the line.”
I nodded, but found myself disagreeing
No, what she needs now is company
No one should have to be alone.
She should have someone to talk to, someone to trust
“And don’t get any ideas. You're not ready to help her.”
What does she mean, I’m a soldier, I’ve been trained to handle pain
I do admit that the pain from the ritual was worse than anything I’ve ever felt
But I would survive, come out stronger.
“And I don’t mean the physical kind”
As if hearing my thoughts, the elder replied
Then walked away
“Tell me when she wakes again.”
Leaving me alone with my thoughts,
I really hope I don't become cryptic like that
But considering I’m immortal now
I don't know, maybe one day.
Hours passed, little to nothing happening.
Only a few interested individuals came up to talk.
Asking questions of different kinds
All was met with silence, and a pointing finger
Indicating them to leave
A few grumbles, but everyone left without too much trouble.
Then I heard the human yelling something from inside.
Quicker than even I was prepared for, I swung the door open
Meeting the eyes of the human words cut off as she stared at me
And I stared back
Words stuck in my throat
Wanting to say something, but unable
What the hell?
What is this-
“Eeeeh, eeer... Hi?”
The human said awkwardly
Looking at me a little weird...
Don't look at me like that
I don't know either
I want to speak-
“Okeeeeeey... Well, I’m hungry, when is food ready?
Oh, I’ve been staring at her
Without saying anything
Is very embarrassing
I quickly make my way outside.
Running away
Even though I could easily walk to the mess hall.
As I came close, I quickly made my way through the gathered crowd, all waiting for their turn to eat.
Pushing my way through, I got a lot of angry glances.
But few dared to speak up, as they noticed who I was
And presumable, they might have already heard about my exalt to elder.
As I neared the table, I got a quizzical look from one of the chefs
One of my friends
A big fellow, twice the size of most
Mostly because he’s so fat
And his mouth is twice as fat
Even his horns are fat.
“Hey great one! I thought you were dead.”
“Funny way of greeting your dead friend”
“What do you mean, oh great one?”
“It’s nice to see you to fatman, now make me some human food”
“Oh, the great one deigns us with his presence, and asks us humbly to make him some food.”
“No, I need human food, you fat pig”
“Oooohooo, the great one not only calls his friends pigs, but dares kidnap humans too?”
“I did not kidnap anyone, I-“
Going silent at this remark
Smile turning to a frown.
Friend noticing, hitting the table with the palm of his hand
Taking me out of thoughts
“Anyways, I’m glad your back! You got to tell me all about it later, but for now, a plate of human food coming right up.”
A new smile spread on my lips
“I would be more than happy to receive it. And can you tell one of your waitresses I have a task for them?”
A big smile spread on his
“Hehehe, I never thought you would ask. I will find you the biggest Faun around”
Smile turning to a frown.
“I’m not talking about that you dense asshole, it’s something important”
“Hehehe, suuuure. Getting rid of your itch is really important”
Winking at me, he hastily made his way further in to the kitchen, leaving me.
That mother of fat
Such an ass
His ass is probably the biggest in town, so he’ll have a hard time finding anyone.
Posting myself outside the kitchen door, I waited
A few minutes later, I’m met by a new Faun
“Hello Great one. I heard you requested me?”
Greeting me was a very young Faun, with a body fitter than most
Horns not too long and perfectly circular, her smile looking innocent but eyes scheming
That asswipe.
“Yes, I need you to bring some food to a dear guest of mine”
The waitress nodded, seeming
“As you wish”
“And you are to not say anything to her, keep quiet and respectful.”
A bow, looking up to me.
“Where is the guest?”
“I’ll show you. But first we need the food-“
Saying that, my fat friend came out of the kitchen.
Holding a steaming plate of human food.
I’m not good with humans, so I hope he did not cook up something weird.
I’m actually depending on him right now.
He looked to me, then to the waitress
Eyebrow raising, smile growing
Ah you ass
You fat-ass
Then he handed the food to me, I in turn handed it to the waitress.
Who took it awkwardly
“Sooooo, I hear you both are gonna have a good time-“
“THANK YOU for the meal, we are leaving now bye!”
I interrupted him, quickly dragging the waitress outside
“Have fun!”
He yelled after us, laughing loudly to himself.
No, he’s not an fat-ass
He’s a gianormous ass
Getting outside the mess-hall, we walked for a few minutes before the waitress spoke to me.
“So, what more do you need of me?”
“Nothing. Just, give my guest the food, then leave.”
Looking down on the plate of food, she did not respond
An awkward silence emerged
Trying to find something to say, I found myself stumped
She, in turn, walked beside me.
Not taking her eyes away from the food
Also looking lost for words
Or maybe not
Just not wanting to talk
Soon we made it to the guest house, the walk feeling more like hours
I gestured for her inside.
A question forming on her lips
“Are you not going in?”
She asked
I shook my head
“No, I’ve been informed to leave her to herself”
The waitress nodded
“I see.”
Then she opened the door and walked inside.
As the door closed behind her
I hurriedly put my ear on the door, listening closely.
The human said, getting nothing in response.
I heard the waitress put the food down
Then she walked to the door
I hastily moved away, straightening my clothes.
Then it opened and out came the waitress
Looking at me weirdly
Moving closer, I asked
“How did it go? Did she seem fine? Was she smiling? Why did you not respond? Did she seem happy with the food? Was I-“
Before I could continue with the onslaught of questions, she interrupted me
“I’m stopping you right there, she seems fine. Now, do you need something else from me?”
She raised an eyebrow amusingly, letting the question grow
I in turn, gawked at her
How brazen
I said, not knowing what else to say.
She, in turn, bowed and walked away.
“Or wait! I need you to tell the elder that the human is awake.”
Without turning back, the waitress continued walking
I hope she heard me
She heard me
I think
Well, I have to wait here anyways.
If anything, I’ll have a reason to blame my friend.
It would be fun seeing the elder reprimand him.
Just thinking about it makes me smile.
I should probably plan my revenge.
Maybe bring the entire army to feast when he works.
He would finally be working up a sweat, he needs to sweat a little
If he ever wants to find someone good, he’s gonna have to lose the weight
Oh, just picturing his face.
It’s gonna be glorious.
“What are you smiling about?”
Alarmed, I jumped in freight.
Looking towards the source of the voice, seeing the elder
“Hahaha, oh boy, seeing hardened soldiers jump in freight like a gazelle makes my day, every day.”
Another cryptic word
Sounds dangerous, I like that.
When the elder came closer, her laugh quieted down, looking up to me.
“How is she?”
“Ehm, she is.. Fine”
A nod
“You have not been inside yet?”
I closed my eyes, feeling weirdly struck by her words.
“Mmmhm, I see”
She then opened the door, me following closely behind.
As we walked inside, I could see the human sitting on the floor, eating the human food.
Oh no
I forgot to bring a table.
How can I be so thoughtless, I’m a horrible-
“Is it to your taste?”
“Yes, it’s good, thanks!”
The human answered, smiling brightly.
Huh, she seems
“No worries young one. Now tell me, how do you feel?”
“I feel great! It’s like I’m young again. Look!”
As she said that, she jumped to her feet
Jumping around in delight, a big smile reaching her eyes
I, in turn, shuffled behind the elder, feeling
Out of place.
“Haha yes I can see that, but you know, you're still very young”
The elder stated, looking just as happy
“Well yeah, but in mind I’m totally your age.”
“I very much doubt that, young one.”
I do to human
“Hrmpf, you're just saying that to tease me”
“Aowch, why so blunt?”
“Because it is the truth. Now young one, would you like a tour of our city?”
I’m sorry for our elders’ bad behaviour. I promise that most of us are not this unsensitive
“Why yes! That would be absolutely amazing!”
As she said that, we moved outside
Human walking with a spring in her step, a smile still clinging on
I awkwardly took my step beside the elder
Keeping the human on the opposite side.
After that we started walking.
Small talk that did not pique my interest
Instead, glancing at the human.
Huh, she seems
She seems
How is that possible?
Then she yelled, something truly absurd.
I gawked, without realising
Our eyes met
She smiled at my reaction
And I kept staring.
How can she be so carefree?
Has she not...
Is she not-
The elder answered, looking to not even be bothered by the question.
“Follow me.”
This is absurd, how...
It does not matter
I should be happy.
My debt can be repaid, I can be
I can be
And as I thought that
Something felt lighter
My steps taking me further
And a aching heart pumping faster.
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