《Game of Thrones FANFIC: Lycan》Let it burn like fire!


Emilly felt weak as William's strong arms enveloped her, the warmth of her body increased, something inside her was giving way, it was every second closer to showing her instincts.

Even if it hadn't been too long for the two of them, that moment of connection would have lasted a long time, even if they decided to stop at that very moment, the memory would be recorded in their minds.

Even if until then, only an act of affection, a simple gesture of appreciation, a demonstration of their feelings, even if physical, had happened. It was a memorable moment.

The first step to start a fire could undoubtedly be caused by a glowing ember.

From the moment she contacted William in King's Landing, Emilly had already felt something different, and every time she tried to get his attention, by bad luck, when she had the first chance to get close to him, her sister turned out to be faster.

She hadn't minded, after all it was just an attraction, an appreciation for beauty, nothing more certain?

But she was wrong, how silly was she?

Every moment she lied to herself and said that he was a little brother, a naive attempt to deceive herself, but he was not, he was the guy, Mr. Perfect.

With each day that passed, she felt more fascination for him, it was such a strange thing, she knew that she did not love him, but she began to fear that she was falling in love, something that was never under her control.

It was initially an attraction that passed for a naive affection, but then, after one night, all her dreams there was a man, and in all the days that followed, she and that man became closer, and had even done shameful things.

How daring was she? How dirty was she?


He was just a young man, even though he was already at the age of marriage, he was still so pure.

Well, that's what she thought until she found out that he was not so naive, she could not forget those eyes, those eyes that wanted to devour her.

The fire had gained fuel and was close to an explosion.

While she let his body be embraced by him and listened to the seductive whispers he spoke to her, she was giving herself up, she was close to letting her desires possess her.

Maybe, just maybe... even if it wasn't forever, even if it was just once, she wanted to feel... she wanted to feel the passion burn and even if there weren't even ashes left, she would still be happy.

Even if it became just a memory, it would be precious to her.

A soft wet lip slowly touched the skin of her neck, the heat she began to feel was increasing, her body was shaking, it was all so new, she had never given herself up to this point before, but it was good, she didn't regret it.

After the first touch of Emilly, William wished for more, wished to devour her right there, it was an almost uncontrollable urge, he felt the sweet reactions she had to every touch, to every kiss he gave.

When his lips joined it was electrifying, a flame was gathering strength, the passion of the moment was deadly.

Between kisses and hugs, they were getting lost in each other's contact.

But then reality struck them hard, they weren't in the right place, many eyes were looking at them, damn them, they were gone, didn't they see that something special was about to happen?

With vigor, William held her up in his arms, just as a princess carried her, ran like a madman, he needed to get to his room it was a matter of life and death.


The life or death of an unforgettable moment!

As they ran, they wouldn't stop exchanging kisses and caresses, in case William wasn't who he was, they wouldn't get out of the alleyways, and they'd end up like animals, getting lost in that intoxicating passion right there, in front of all those curious bastards.

Luckily the inn was close by, with one hand William opened the door, with the other carrying a beautiful maiden.

He hurriedly closed the door, locked it and forgot the rest of the world.

With a feral movement, far beyond a human, like animals they began to act.

William hurriedly tore Emilly's clothes wildly, and she responded accordingly, vigorously tearing his as 'revenge'.

A sweet revenge, an intoxicating passion.

Even if hearts were not in perfect sync, their bodies began to stay.

After a time of burning passion, a sweet groan of pain from a young woman was heard.

After that?

A hallucinating battle, so epic and enduring, followed.

From late into the night, they didn't stop.

That night no one slept until dawn, they just burnt that passion together.

A memorable moment, a memory they would never forget.

Even if it wasn't love, was it impure?

I tell you no, it was a form of purity, it was beautiful.

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