《Game of Thrones FANFIC: Lycan》So scary! I need to run...


Lorath and its territory, which would be several islands of different sizes, were located in the northern portion of the continent, near Braavos, to the east to be precise, being on the Trembling Sea, the city was on the largest of the three islands, which was surrounded by stormy waters.

Lorath might be small, sparsely populated, but it was developing, even there was a small colony on the continent, which was called Morosh.

This place was once populated by a people known as the 'Mazemakers' who created various mazes, most of them being made in the Lorath region itself.

These people, as strange as they may seem, were mainly made up of the people called 'Hairy Men', who somehow remembered the Homo Neanderthalensis taught in history classes. The second people were the Andals.

But all of this was a long time ago today, due to the 'Purge of Lorath' these peoples were no longer part of the islands.

It is currently governed by a well-known council of magistrates, which are made up of nobles, priests, and merchants.

William set foot in the small port of Lorath, looking around he could see only simple people, poor merchants, and many fishing vessels and one military man at sea. It was a very poor place, known as the poorest free city, somehow reminded William of the North.

Slowly he walked toward the city, watching the city and the people, it was easy to see that it was not common to have many visitors here, with each step taken a new pair of curious eyes looking toward his group.

The crowd left a distance from the group, those closest to it tried their best to pull away, after which they turned their eyes to William and stood like statues.

It was somewhat disturbing, but it made sense, something that would happen anywhere in this situation, which would be, William's ethnic difference to the natives, William's pale white skin stood out easily, glowed so brightly that it could blind their eyes, something totally different from the dark people of this place which shone in a beautiful bronze in the sun.

William had not faced such a situation yet, in the North, all were fair skin, while in King's Landing, he was short time, but still there were many northerners there.


Well, even if William was famous now, he could say no less about Emilly, but as funny as it sounds, the men in this place are shy, just looking and turning their faces quickly, afraid she would see their eyes.

Well, the same could not be said of women, perhaps to make up for this 'failure' of men, they acted more aggressively, locked eyes on William and nearly stripped him right there.


William wondered if Emilly was born here, is the personality so similar?

But with a slight glance to the side, Williiam realized that the beautiful mercenary was disturbed, holding the sword at her waist with one hand and in a defensive position, ready to attack.

William decided to distill some poison to get revenge a little.

"Who would say brave Lord Emilly fears a few glances," William says with a teasing look.

Emilly looks at him and the crowd and then responds with concern in his voice.

"It would be bad for my reputation if my employer gets abused in the middle of the street, that's my damn first job," Emilly said with concern and a little anger in her voice.

William paused for a second, his mind blank. He didn't expect that answer, things weren't that serious, were they?

Looking around a frightening sight was glimpsed by William, many women were agitated, some rubbed their thighs rhythmically, others gazed at him with red eyes and to make matters worse many were drooling down their chin.

'Shit' William shouted inwardly and started to stumble and run towards the nearest inn, he needed to be quick, we were talking about his dignity after all.

Only after locking the bedroom door could he control himself, the fear passed, that was scary.

A slight knock on the door sounded, with a start of the startle, William staring at the door suspiciously.

"Who is it?" William asked.

William could hear a slight cough outside and then a knock again.

William with a little more courage approached the door.

"Who's there?" William

Still no answer, but now William heard well, it wasn't a cough, it was someone holding back a laugh.

Knowing who was on the other side, William opened the door and saw a woman with a red face and watery eyes, he looked at her, she looked at him, and then a tympanic-destroying laugh sounded.


A few centuries later, Emilly had already overcome her fit of laughter but was still looking at William with amusement.

Walking over to him, she patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry maiden, I'll protect you from these beasts," Emilly said in a chivalrous tone.

William looked at her and felt helpless.

Looking at William's facial expression, she spoke again.

"Don't be afraid Mommy is here to take care of you," Emilly said now in a motherly tone.

William responded by trying to defend himself.

"It's not like that, I was just scared that something so strange happened, it was an exception" William.

Emilly looked at him and patted his shoulder again.

"No need to pretend, I know, I know," Emilly said with a careful tone.

William was already getting annoyed, but he had nothing to do.

"William the seducer, I have to tell this to my sister, well, actually she already knows, after all, she was seduced, right?" Emilly spoke back to her ordinary personality.

Some hours later.

William was rereading some books that talked about the places where the ancient people of Lorath might have hidden their treasures, diamonds and most importantly, where they might have hidden their books.

Of course, these books did not describe directly, but reported on the customs of the ancient peoples, the places of their temples, and the entry of some labyrinths, these things being partly hidden to this day and hopefully, William could find one of those lost temples.

If he was unlucky, he would have to enter the rulers' library of that place, well, honestly he would go there anyway.

Looking up at the slowly darkening sky, William wondered if he should do something today, but then his gaze landed on the bed, well, it was better to leave for another day, he was exhausted from the ship's voyage.

Other day.

William was slowly coming down for coffee.

Footsteps began to be heard behind his back, and then someone jumped and clung to him, if he wasn't a Lycan, without the increases he had, at that moment William's face would have only one destination, that was to be crushed to the ground.

Well, at least it was nice, a soft body was pressing on his back, a warm breath on his neck, his younger brother eventually waking up from his sleep faster than him.

"Wow, I thought you'd fall like a sack of potatoes," Emilly said with some sadness and surprise in her voice.

"Are you trying to kill me?" William asked, exasperated by Emilly's speech.

Still clutching William's back she kept talking.

"I thought your muscles were just for aesthetics, so amazing, you're strong dude!" Emilly spoke with some interest.

"Enjoying being there?" William said a little impatiently, the fellow downstairs was getting a little cocky.

"Of course, let's go, go little horse," Emilly said excitedly as she jumped while grabbed to William's back.

Needless to say, it was a sweet torment for William, he didn't even know if he should tell her to come down, it had been a long time since he had had contact with the opposite sex and after so many years he had even forgotten about this 'little' detail , but now that made something in him that was 'literally' asleep emerge.

When he came into this world, luckily, he was influenced by his growth stage, even though his 20-year-old mind was there, he didn't mature anymore, in fact he even regressed a few years, being a child for so long affects, inevitably.

It could be said that William's mindset was currently fully recovering, all the details he had "forgotten" began to color.

Looking at the third leg that had grown between his legs, William didn't know what else to do, shit, he needed to get away from this place without the others seeing.

The thought of pride in being so 'manly' crossed William's mind, but looking at that freak that had come up there, it was much more 'animalistic'.

Not even junior was saved, he was also a monster, William thought sadly, his fate was decided, he would be an animal at all, what the hell! ???

Realizing William's silence, Emilly was a little worried, maybe she hurt the boy, carefully descending the boy's back, without first giving a little grab without realizing it, she goes ahead and sees something disturbing.

What giant thing is this between your legs?

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