《Game of Thrones FANFIC: Lycan》King's Landing - Road to Lorath - 3 º Part


Sure enough, this was the biggest city William stepped into in his life, it couldn't compare to some cities it was in his past life, but here it really had a special charm.

When we speak about Winterfell we see a medieval place, but very near rustic and because of the weather the culture was more rigid, however, when we speak about Capital of the 7 kingdoms we speak in a place that fervently manifested a glorious point in a medieval world, The culture here was much more open, much more hectic.

Happiness was something William couldn't help but feel.

Finally a damn hot place, that's what he needed.

Even accustomed to life in the North, William never liked to stay there, even if he liked the people there, the damn place was too cold for him, after a while he had stopped complaining to himself, but now with this mild temperature was impossible for him not to be happy about.

William felt a great urge to relax under the sun.

Well, it wasn't the right time for that.

Before going to meet his uncle, William wanted to wander the busy streets of the capital.

Sometime later.

William was sitting in a chair while eating, in front of him was his uncle Ned Stark just watching him.

"Did you like King's Landing?" Ned.

After swallowing a chicken leg.

"Yes, very nice weather," William replied as he focused on the food.

Ned looked at him with humor.

"If you wanted to, you can stay here." Ned.

Didn't wait for William to answer himself and questioned.

"Are you sure about the order in White Harbor? Are you really wanting to do this? "Ned.

"Yes, it is necessary, but it will take some time anyway, don't worry," William replied as he finished eating.

"Well, it was something of your choice, don't regret it if it goes wrong" Ned.

William nodded as he sipped the rest of the drink into his glass.

"The trip must have been tiring" Ned.


"It was good, a little time consuming, but it was good. Where are the girls? "William.

Ned started to laugh.

"Well, Sansa is with her friend somewhere learning about court life, Arya insisted she wanted to learn how to use the sword, I found a master for her," Ned.

The conversation continued for a few more topics, William eventually said he would stay shortly before leaving for Braavos, his uncle already knew this decision of William, so he just tried to get William to take some Starks guards with him, William thought about it.

But, he declined and said he could hire some mercenaries so his trip wouldn't get too much attention. Ned eventually agreed to a little concern about that.

Night came and William was finally in a place where he would get his subjects to test.

Careful not to be seen William stole secretly out of his room through the window and ran silently into the partially lit streets of King's Landing.

While walking William was trying to choose, unlike the North, there was plenty of prey here. Trying to get to the outskirts of town looking for a location that was slightly accessible to him, William trapped his target in prey.

Sollam was walking after beating and robbing a couple, hiding in the alleys while counting his profits. The day had been good, he and your friends went beyond profit, some fun

'Shit, that bitch was tight, I should have dragged her into the alleys until tomorrow, too bad the damn bitch wouldn't stop screaming. 'Sollam thought with satisfaction.

Sollam along with his friends were part of a gang, acted mainly at night, but today had been a busy day in the capital and luckily they saw some distracted travelers, the man was chubby and old, an appearance of a rich merchant typical together to him was a beautiful young woman, an appearance that made her almost as much like one of those Ladys. The boys enjoyed it.

Sollam vulgarly scratched his groin as he walked, remembering his crimes.


It was a common occurrence on the periphery for him, but it was not normal to find such clean women. He couldn't stop congratulating.

'Today not having to pay for these whores' Sollam thought.

As he walked down the alleys he saw another easy target, a young nobleman walking slowly toward him.

'Shit what luck, the brat chose the wrong place to get lost' Sollam.

Sollam was very excited tonight, wanted to close the day with some blood.

'Oh nice would be to kill one of those cocky nobles' Sollam began to plan his future actions.

Slowly Sollam brought his hand to his dagger that was stored in his pants.

As the young nobleman was passing his side Sollam made a quick blow with the dagger, aimed at the neck.

William was following his target, a robber, but it stank of blood, surely the right guy.

While following his target through the alleys William was surprised by a passerby strike.

It was a dagger thrust aimed at his neck.

Well, unfortunately, the target of this attack was a Lycan, not anyone, but the first of all those would come.

Only with his reflexes did William prevent the attack.

The damn boy had held his arm, how the hell was that possible.

Sollam tried to move his arm, but it was impossible, with a quick thought he decided to take another blow, but before he could react he saw something scary.

The young nobleman's eyes were something dangerous, something monstrous, he was paralyzed only to find those eyes that were as cold as the steel of a sword against his neck.

His vision went black.

Sollam woke up a few moments later, tried to move, but could not, looking at the environment he saw only trees.

He felt a chill in his back.

Looking at his hands, they were tied, he also realized that he was shirtless and strange symbols were painted on his chest.

His fear just grew.

Sollam tried to speak, but no voice came out of his mouth because in front of him was the young man, partially naked, wearing only his pants and looking at him with a cruel look.

Sollam knew death was very close.

To Sollam's horror the boy began to squirm and the thing that happened in front of his eyes was simply hellish.

The boy's fingers, hands, feet began to change and sharp claws came up, slowly the boy's face began to lengthen and look like a wolf.

Sollam couldn't stand it and ended up peeing himself.

With slow steps the monster began to walk towards Sollam, he began to shake trying as far as possible to run away, but he could not.

The monster grasped his neck with one hand and lifted him into the air.

To Sollam's surprise, the monster began to speak in an animalistic voice that only a reminder of a human voice was felt.

The monster speaks strange words, it seemed that it was not talking to him.

The monster brought his other hand toward his chest and then slowly began to dig a hole in Sollam's chest.

The pain was horrible, the finger slowly entered his flesh, blood trickled, rumbles of pain came out of his mouth, but he could do nothing.

When the monster stopped talking Sollam began to bleed out from his mouth, his body ached everywhere, his limbs began to twist, tried to turn something, after a while even one of his eyes began to leak blood.

It wasn't long before Sollam died.

William was looking at the bandit that attacked him, now all covered in blood and with twisted limbs, such a horrible sight.

No doubt William knew that trouble would arise, but the result was far more brutal than expected.

With a sigh, William tried to comfort himself, at least there was a lot more trash to clean in this city.

Looking at the night-covered sky with no sign of any sunlight, well he had time until dawn, maybe finding a snack was good.

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