《Game of Thrones FANFIC: Lycan》The Road to The Wall


A boy would jump and climb over several places, slowly, his actions were leading him toward a special place, a place where two people were living a burning passion.

There would be nothing special about this information except for one detail, that being, they were a pair of brother and sister who lived an incestuous love.

The boy jumped, and with every leap he made, he quickly approached the spot. He could already hear some sound from this room, some words, some small clues.

This boy was William, of course.

The fate of 'The Broken' was changed a long time ago.

Whenever possible William told tales to Bran, the tales of a dragon's son, others about a boy who were jinchuuriki, all these stories made something change inside Bran, he was continually becoming closer to a new path, the path of scholars or more precisely that of an otaku, was unequivocally often better than breaking or losing one's own personality, right?

William was there for one purpose only, listening to the lovers' conversation, listening to things that might help him, but eventually receiving nothing more than information about their incestuous relationship, the trip was for nothing. This is not new to him.

Well, at least he went after it, trying was the least he should do.

On the morning of the new day.

Time passed and the hunger was returning again.

"This is not the time yet." William was vaguely trying to convince his senses.

Looking at the 'The Hound' Clegane, William wondered what to do with him, this man was the bearer of such a sad and tragic past, but he was without a doubt a cruel individual who killed without thinking, in the future he would help Sansa and Arya and in the end would end up helping Winterfell against the White Walkers and their wandering army, but the question was, what should William do with him now?

Wouldn't the future be exactly like in the movie, was it necessary to give this Clegane a chance to prove himself, or was he just food? 'The Hound' was a sinner after all.


But there was no need to decide now, and there are so many other sinners to serve as Lycan's ration. It can be said that there is no shortage of food for William in this world.

Some hours later.

William was currently leaving Winterfell, the road was a long way to the Wall, but it would be a good time, even if it wasn't good, he had to go.

Looking around at the forests, hills, rivers and sky is so liberating the feeling of leaving Winterfell on an adventure definitely gave a wonderful feeling, that sense of freedom was amazing. Best of all was the thought that his story was beginning.

When he was in Winterfell, the king gave Ned no choice, using friendship to put pressure on how the North Lord did not escape, inevitably he was eventually taken to King's Landing, next to him were the girls, Sansa and Arya

William had spoken to his uncle so many times that things would definitely be better, just needed a little luck and touch up and things would be done.

The reason he took this opportunity to leave Winterfell was because of what he read in the library books, there he said clearly and clearly, there is something hidden in the Black Castle library, with that information he needed to be quick.

One of the bonus benefits of this trip was the ability to make Tyrion a friend. But Tyrion was still an idiot. He was metaphorically and literally a bastard.

Curse you.

At all times when William tried to start a conversation, Tyrion used something cruel to answer and justified himself with abstract lines that implied he was helping William, but it doesn't work, not that way.

It just seemed to tease, it was so annoying.

It was really hard to resist, especially due to the fact that William was a fourteen-year-old, too many hormones to help him be calm ...

However, William would try again, but perhaps the next attempt will have to wait a while.


Jon, on the flip side, was happy with his choice to become a crow, had some doubts, but was firm with that. Well, that's what he said, but anyway, in a while, everything will be all right, the future Lord of the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch was born, just needed some time for that, maybe a push or two.

The trip is very difficult, but it was even harder to find someone who wants to do it.

Looking at the guards around us, it was possible to feel only coldness. These men only accepted this work because it was the order of their Lord, so they were in a bad mood, especially against the nobles, so all the way they just talked to each other and avoided talking to William as much as possible.

These guards weren't here to make our trip safe, they were actually here to take the prisoners who opted for severe punishment for serving on the Night's Watch, all kinds of men ended up here.

But obviously, there were some guards here to protect me and others to protect Tyrion.

Had Ned chosen some trusted men to do this job, to make William safe, so funny, a big predator 'safe' because some men protect him? So funny.

But William had to accept, for all people he was just a teenager, nobody knows what he really was and there were also benefits to having guards, they turn out to be 'stewards' too.

In fact, if he were alone, after leaving Jon on the Wall, the trip would be faster, but that wasn't a problem, even if he was faster than a horse, it wasn't necessary to run all the way back.

It was time to rest, a fire had been made, and the makeshift camp was already waiting for them. Walking close to Jon, William wished, or rather needs to talk to someone normal or he will go crazy.

Jon looked at him with a humorous look as he saw the glorious 'show'.

"I see you and Lannister are friends, so pure friendship I'm jealous," Jon said with a mocking look.

"Don't tease me man, if you don't stop, I'll stop you," William said with a face of mock indignation.

Jon laughs and moves his hand to the sword in his belt.

"Come on, make me stop" Jon gives up a challenge with eagerness.

More happily, William begins to pretend to be angry, a pity he was not a good actor.

"Oh man, I'll make you pay for it, you'll cry" William said with a happy face.

In combat position, Jon moves his sword, William just moves sideways and dodges easily, Jon is surprised, but quickly fixes his stance and attempts a new blow, wishing to make William use his sword to defend himself.

Unfortunately for him today, William needs to relax and that's why he wanted to play with Jon.

"I'm here, hit right here" William points to his nose.

Jon was surprised by this action, it was not William's style, it was necessary to say that Jon was the best with a sword in his hands among the boys, William even though it was always fast, it was not so, and in a fight, especially against Jon, he was more serious.

The common method of the past was this: Whenever the boys dueled, William tried to protect himself mainly, and so remained in defense, only attacked if it was a right blow. Dodging was undoubtedly a very useful move, but William doing so was rare.

Jon tries another blow, but William moves fast and disarms him.

With Jon's sword in his hand, William made a mocking expression and ran into the trees, Jon was shocked, but returns to the excited mood and follows his cousin.

"Give me back," Jon demanded, but his action was more like a plea.

The only thing he heard was a laugh.

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