《The Cheater》Chapter 8: Spreading Chaos
The village of Sortie, a safe haven of various people ranging from outcast, refugees and those that have nowhere else to go. It's isolated from the rest of the world and is self sustaining as the villagers plant their crops and raise animals to eat, only a few venture out to the outside to avoid troubles caused by the outside. They lived a peaceful life well until
Screams of people are heard throughout the village as well as clashing of blades as the brotherhood of the mountain came into the village to plunder. The streets are covered with blood and corpses of men that tried to fight and run away from them as women are taken and locked in cages.
"Berk, seems like the rumor was true........we can take a lot from here and stay for a while, some of the villagers can be sold as slaves as well, after we have our fun that is"
A bucktooth bandit dressed in rags spoke next to the leader of the group. He snickered at the sight of people dying and licked his lips at the sight of the women that were being carried into cages.
"Kuhahaha that's right!"
A loud laughter came from the Berk as he surveyed the area, the fire they created spread from several houses and the flame only grew stronger as it burned the field as well reducing the crops to ashes.
"Too bad that some of the fields got burned but we're making a good catch, who would have thought that there would be a village out here hehe....ah hey!"
The large man dressed in wolf's fur pointed his large blade towards two bandits carrying a woman in her 20's.They stopped walking and looked back to see a large claymore pointed at them.
"That one is mine, find another for yourselves"
The two looked at each other and spoke
"b..but boss I like this one, pick someone else eh?"
"That's right we saw er first that's why we should keep he- ack!"
One of the bandits head got cleaved open by the claymore of the bandit leader, the man beside him stared at the sight of his friend dying and was going to attack but his throat got sliced from the man that was standing beside Berk. The girl screamed as she was covered in the blood of the two men, she tried to run away but was grabbed by the bear like man by the hair.
"Well hello there pretty bird, where do you think you're going? we're gonna have a good time later on kekekeke...."
He threw the girl over his shoulder and glanced at his partner
"Buck, Clean this shit and make sure the others don't get any ideas....."
"Got it"
The girl struggled to free herself but to no avail, the scene could be seen from several parts of the villages as children clung to their parents crying bitterly at the sight of bandits taking away the women. He went around the village as several houses were burned down and made sure the others wont make too much trouble that would result in losses. He walked towards the cages holding several women with various ages inside as some wept bitterly while others glared and shouted towards the bandits.
“Please let the children go! Just let the children leave!”
An elder woman grabbed the ankle of Buck as he was eyeing the women, he grimaced and slapped the granny across the face making her moan in pain.
“Don’t fucking touch me, you old bag!, and that goes for the rest of you! If you make any trouble we wont hesitate to kill you all!”
He shouted making the captive villagers feel despair and could only pray for their safety.
Tsk…I have to keep watch while the others have fun….well beats getting killed by that giant barbarian….maybe I can get second helpings later kekeke..hmm?
A bandit walking around the edge of the village guarding the surroundings stared back at the burning village, he saw two figures running towards the forest and could only lick his lips in happiness.
“well well well….I was feeling bored guess I can have a little bit of fun kekeke”
The bandit looked around before dashing towards the direction of the two people running away.
Rough breathing of two could be heard inside the quiet forest, two siblings ran away from their burning village with tears streaming from their faces.
"huff huff.......run faster, huff huff we need to ack!"
The older one’s feet got hooked on a root and made her fall as the little boy accompanying her tried to help her up.
"Ah sis! Are you hurt? *sniff*”
“N..no, I’m fine Chris I can still ru- kuh!”
The girl grimaced as pain shot through her legs, after falling he sprained her ankle which only made their situation more dire. Fighting the pain she stood up and used a stick to help her walk as they continued to go deeper into the forest, after a while rustling of leaves behind them could be heard, panicking the two hid inside a hollowed tree waiting for whatever’s following them to leave.
“Sis are they going to-“
“Shh… everything is fine, don’t worry I’m here okay? Just keep quiet….”
The elder sister hugged her brother as they kept quiet as the rustling kept getting louder and louder as it got near them. Suddenly the rustling stopped and after that it could be heard going away from their position.
The elder sister gave a sigh of relief as she felt the danger pass away but felt a chill down her spine as something was staring at them.
“Nice try hiding girly, but maybe next time make sure that you’re not leaving a track keke”
Before the two could even speak the bandit grabbed the boy and pushed him aside while pinning the girl to the ground.
“My my my~ such a lovely bird running away, now I can’t have that….consider yourself lucky, I’m more of a gentleman compared to the others”
The bandit licked the defenseless girls face making her shiver in disgust, he quickly moved his free hand down to her legs and caressed her while his other one held her down.
“no need to cry, you’ll enjoy this a lot more than I will, well I’ll enjoy it a lot more hehehe no let’s see what’s underneath that top…ack!”
As he moved his hand underneath her shirt the bandit fell side wards suddenly as he gripped his head, blood flowed from his wound as another rock struck his head.
“Si..sis quickly let’s run!”
“Chris? Ah!…I can’t run you need to go by yourself….”
“No! don’t say that I wont leave without you sis!”
The little boy lifted her sister up and she barely stood as they tried to get away from the bandit.
“You son of a bitch!”
The bleeding bandit quickly followed them as his face was dyed with his own blood.
“Oh no he’s back go sis I’ll ahhh my neck!”
“Chris! Let him go!”
The sister tried to free her sibling but only got slapped away by the madman
“I planned on being nice but you fucking threw a rock at me?!”
He then threw the boy to a tree making him moan in pain as he tried to get away but the bandit stepped on his chest as he brandished his blade.
“After I’m done killing you I’ll thoroughly enjoy your sister, now die!”
The boy could only close his eyes at the sight of the sword coming down on him, but after a few seconds he was still fine. He slowly opened his eyes and couldn’t believe what he saw.
A large black snake coiled around the bandit and was slowly squeezing him, the bandit couldn’t even utter a noise as his lungs was slowly getting crushed by the snake. The man went limp and the snake opened it’s mouth wide to swallow the bandit whole.
The boy uttered in amazement as he stared at the snake, it then gazed upon the boy and the girl in silence. He quickly came back to his senses as her sister shielded him from the snake.
“Chris….run away right now…..don’t look back and run okay?”
“But it saved us…it doesn’t look bad”
“Don’t argue and just run!”
“Ehem…..If you think I will eat you then do not worry, I was instructed to eat only those that emit a sinister aura, so do not be alarmed”
The boy looked in awe at the snake as it spoke but the girl froze and couldn’t utter another word as she suddenly fainted from the shock.
Suddenly rustling could be heard from besides them as a man dressed in black appeared holding a knife dripping with blood. Chris froze in fear at the sight of the man as he hugged her sister tightly. The man stared at the two and then at the snake and gave a sigh.
“Slitherin…..did you scare the girl to death?”
“….I spoke so they would not fear me yet the girl fainted, I think I shouldn’t have uttered a word….”
“You think a giant talking serpent with wings is normal? It’s amazing the kid isn’t crying, anyways I took care of the lookouts be sure to clean them up later”
“I’ll do it no-“
“Carry the two first, eat later”
“Yes master…..”
The man in black lectured the giant snake, the sight could only be described as a father scolding his son. Chris was dumbfounded as he saw the two but suddenly remembered something at the words of the man.
“The village is in chaos, carry the two back and after that clean up the rest of the scum that Lilac missed, I’ll be dealing with the big shot”
He was about to leave when the boy spoke
Edward turned his head at the child, the boy tried to speak but was pressured bu his stare, he stumbled his words before finally speaking.
“Ple….please save the village, my parents and friends *sniff* please help them!”
The boy started to cry as he remembered what happened to their village, he ran away with his sister but he couldn’t abandon his village. He continued to cry as he begged the man to save them and his crying stopped at the mans next words.
“Don’t worry kid, I was going to do just that…..”
With those few words he was filled with a belief that the man could definitely save the village, the man then walked through the bushes and disappeared from his sight.
Just outside the village screaming of people could be heard but this time the ones screaming was the bandits.
“Da-damn it! who is that bastard!? She just came from the bloody sky and started to kill us”
A bandit running away could be heard speaking. He stopped near a file of barrels to catch his breath but suddenly tensed up as he heard footsteps coming towards his direction.
Clang clang clang
Sounds of steel boots could be heard as it got closer to his position, he peeked through a hole in the barrel and saw a masked woman with plated armor walking through the alley as she was covered in blood. She was holding a sword with several blades that seemed to have a life of it’s own
Crap crap crap! Just what is she!? There was 20 us and she completely massacred them! And that sword damn it looked like a damn snake attacking the others if I was at the front at that time….kuh….. I’ll stay quiet for a while and make a break for it after”
The sound of footsteps stopped as the masked woman went to the west side of the area away from his position. Seeing this he let out a sigh of relief but regretted it a second later as a blade suddenly sprang from the side and struck the barrels he was hiding in.
“Kuhak! Fuck! Ho..how did you see me?!”
He screamed at the one who stood a couple of steps away from him, he saw the sword dangle from her hand.
“The spirits around told me you were hiding there….now…”
She spoke and then raised her blade to strike the one down but stopped as he quickly kneeled down.
“Please have mercy! I had no choice I was forced to join this group and if I refused they would kill me! I had no choice please don’t kill me!”
The man groveled on the ground as tears flowed from his eyes, he begged for his life as he could see no other way to live. Seeing this the masked woman lowered her blade and walked forwards to him.
He head her moving towards him with no intention to attack and could only shink inside his head.
That’s right…a little bit closer….hehehe don’t blame me for being soft I’m not second in command for nothing…just a little bit more and I’ll put a knife to your throat..huh? wai..wait!
Suddenly he felt several blades come down on his body, before he could utter another word his head as sliced off by one of the blades. He could only look at the knight with eyes of fear as she spoke.
“You lied…..you find enjoyment in killing the children,,,, that’s what I heard from the spirits”
Lilac shook her head as she moved towards another location to find the other bandits, she stopped as she bowed towards a light that fluttered in front of her.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t have come earlier….”
The light shone a little brighter as a voice emanated from it, as a form of a young girl appeared and smiled brightly at her.
“Don’t worry, it’s not your fault….please help the others so they wont end up like me”
“I will….”
With that she continued to search for the remaining bandits that attacked the village.
Edward appeared at the entrance of the village as he saw countless corpses of elders and children on the streets as well as the corpses of bandits that were shredded to several pieces and others bitten in half. The burning of the houses continued to grow as some houses were already burned down.
He stopped in the middle of the village as he stared at the sky, dark clouds formed above the entire villages followed by thunder as droplets started to fall and stop the fire.
He changed his view at a nearby hill that had a nice view on the entire village and saw a little girl holding a staff chanting a spell towards the village.
“Hmmm… she might be a little bit better at the spells than me….well it’s fine I’m a jack of all trades while she’s a natural born mage…..anyways how about you come out? Or are you too fucking scared now that your men are gone?”
Edward turned towards a dark alley as he spoke, after a few seconds footsteps could be heard and a large man covered in wolves fur came out, he had a few slices as he growled towards the man in front of him.
“Were you the one that attack us?”
Berk gritted his teeth as he saw the bodies of the bandits on the floor, he suffered through the attacks of Lilac and lost her as a few bandits got killed in their wake.
“Do I really need to answer that? I mean your men get killed and I suddenly appear out of nowhere saving the villagers, even an idiot can guess the answer “
The large man gritted his teeth as he charged towards Edward holding his claymore, he jumped after a few steps and slammed his blade downwards where Edward was standing.
Rubble went flying everywhere at the impact of the blade, a large whole was the only thing visible at the spot Berk attacked.
“Wow... you’re quite strong aren’t ya?”
Hearing those words Berk searched around the area but didn’t see Edward anywhere.
“Up here jack ass”
Following the sound he saw Edward standing on the tip of the blade of the sword, before he could even retaliate, he was kicked upward in the face as Edward back flipped away from him.
Berk stumbled backward as he gripped his chin, he glared at Edward as he growled towards him. The moon then shone on the two, as the pale light got in contact with Berk he suddenly threw his sword towards Edward who casually side stepped to the side.
‘Woah!, physical boost…I see….”
But he was caught of guard by the force of the throw as it cut his vest, the sword stopped flying after crashing through three walls.
“You’re in for a lot of pain now….grrrrrrrr I’ll tear your body apart and eat you!”
The mans body quickly changed, his large build got even larger as fur sprouted from his whole body and his face distorted into that of a wolf.
“Grrrrr now that I’ve changed you have no chance to beat me kuhahahaha! II am a lycan kuhhahaha fI can feel you fear from all the way here….Huh?”
He gave out a large laugh that echoed throughout the village but was cut short with a knife to the back.
“All I feel is boredom, so top the chit chat and let’s get it on already, is changing into a butt ugly wolf all you can do? What’s your skill? Sit down, fetch or roll over?”
Edward struck him a few more times in the back before leaving the knife embedded into his back as Berk tried to swipe him with his claws. He gritted his teeth as Edward casually dodged all his strikes.
“You fucking bastard! Do you think that small knife is gonna kill me? You’re dead!”
He charged towards Edward with his claws stretched out, he slashed through the air as a powerful gale shot forward towards Edward. Jumping to the side the attack missed, he glanced at his back and saw several claw marks being embedded into the wall behind him.
Air slice huh…..I already learned it though
“hah your fast for a human! But that wont last long, unlike you I’m faster and stronger and now that it’s a full moon I’m at my best condition!”
The wounds he got earlier from Lilac was completely healed and the stabs in the back started to close up leaving the knife in his back the only wound left.
Damn that knife….I’ll take it out soon as I kill this fucker, this bastard is irritating me, he should be scared at he presence of a lycan but he’s looking at me with no interest!
“haaaaah…..why does every bastard I face keep spouting shit when they’re only small fries…..if it’s a dragon I wouldn’t mind but a stupid mutt is talking like this….haaah…”
Edward shook his head and sighed as he started to think of something else, completely ignoring the human wolf in front of him.
Seeing this the lycan quickly jumped forward and was about to attack him when suddenly his body froze just inches away from Edward and he was quickly sent flying towards a wall.
Berk couldn’t believe he was sent flying with a slap of his wrist, he stood up and lunged towards him again but it happened again, he froze and this time he was kicked towards the wall.
“If you can’t even handle this much of fear to freeze…you’re not worth my time”
All the fur on his body stood up as a dark chill ran through his spine as he heard those words, he looked up and saw Edward looking at him as he walked closer to him he felt the increasing amount of bloodlust seep out from his body. His eyes showed a dark expression, seeing this he collapsed on the ground and tried to speak.
Who…who is this guy!?To give out this much bloodlust….he..he’s a monster!
Suddenly he couldn’t breath and gasped for air, he almost fainted due to the lack of oxygen intake but suddenly gasped for air.
He quickly got on fours and ran towards the gate to escape, judging that he couldn’t kill the guy he needed to run.
But after a few steps he stumbled and crashed to the ground as his body reverted back to a human.
“Ack!....it’s still a full moon ho..how? kuh!?”
He felt sharp pain coming from his back, the knife from earlier that got stabbed in his back started to feel weird.
“Do..don’t tell me it was because of this?”
He tried to pull the knife out but as he touched the hilt, he could feel his entire body get weaker, he lost his balance and completely flopped to the floor. He panicked as he heard footsteps coming towards him.
“Sorry about that, she gets quite hungry and it takes a lot just to quench her thirst, but thanks for being her meal, it saves a me a lot of trouble and energy”
A smile formed on his face as he looked down on Berk slowly getting drained of his vitality, his body kept getting thinner and thinner as his bones started to show.
“Pl..please don’t kill me…ha….ve mercy…”
He tried to beg for his life even if it was futile, but hope suddenly popped up his head as Edward took the knife out of his back.
“Tha…thank yo…huh?”
He was flipped over and laid on his back as a knife suddenly plunged deep into his chest and stabbed his heart. He could feel all the warmth within his body slowly leave him as he stared at the mans face.
He looked without interest as he moved his mouth, Berk couldn’t hear the mans words and could only make it out through his lips.
“Dogs like you don’t deserve mercy”
The fire had been dealt with and the remaining bandits are either chopped to pieces or eaten alive. The villagers slowly got out of their cages as was greeted by a man in black accompanied with a woman in armor and a little child holding a staff.
“Ehem…I know everyone is curious who we are….but first I need to speak to your leader….”
As Edward spoke the people were wary and even glared at them but the elder stepped forward and grabbed his hand and bowed. Seeing this the people were quiet and those that glared at him stopped.
“I am the elder of the village and I give you my gratitude stranger….My grandchildren have told me what you did…on behalf of the village we thank you”
The elder was going to kneel down but was stopped by him, surprised the man then kneeled in front of the elder, seeing this the other villagers were shocked at the mans actions.
“There is no need for you to kneel, I am but a man and not a king so you don’t need to kneel, receiving your gratitude is enough for us”
The elder cried tears of joy as he continued to thank him, seeing this the other villagers wept as well as they gave their thanks to the group that save them.
The village of Sortie’s residents affection +10
Hmmm…. It’s still low, well I just have the method to increase it
Edward then stood up and held the elders hand and spoke towards the crowd
“Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Edward Dreyer and I am a man given by a god a mission to spread his name and help those in need, I know you have been through a lot and are in pain, for those that lost their loved ones during the assault, I apologize for not coming sooner…I am sorry…”
He bowed down towards the people seeing the two girls with him did the same, the people looked at each other as a child suddenly approached them. It was the boy Edward rescued in the forest.
“Mister….I lost my mom to the bandits….but if you didn’t came I would have lost my sister aswell…I’m still sad but I’m thankful that you helped us!”
As Chris spoke a few more people stepped forward and thanked Edward as tears flowed from their eyes.
“We will help with the restoration of the village…”
“Ah you do not need to do that you have already helped enough….”
“It is the will of my god so please accept it I only wish you thank the god that showed me the way to the village”
The elder nodded and accepted his help, the bodies of the dead were gathered and given a proper burial it gave the people one last chance to say goodbye to their loved ones. They also helped with the debris caused by the fire, the beams that fell that people couldn’t lift Edward lifted with ease. Lilac also helped with the cleaning along with Aya as she used magic.
Affection rose by + 5
Edward then moved to the middle of the village and took out a large pot and started to cook, seeing this Lilac asked
“Are you going to cook for them master? How nice of you, allow me to help”
“Aya will help too”
He smiled and answered
“A meal will help them relax, even if it’s just a little bit it will help with their hunger I know it helped me back then, ahhh… you can cut the vegetables and prepare the bowls for them”
Lilac nodded and helped him cut some of the vegetables while Aya laid down the bowls for the people and left the rest to him.
Edward told Lilac half the truth
Feeding them will increase the affection by a hefty amount, and after that making them accept that jack ass will be a piece of cake~
As he was cooking he remembered when he discovered one function of his eye, to see the affection of other people towards him. Base on his actions the affection could increase or decrease, after learning about the function he was delighted as it could be used in various ways.
As he cooked the aroma of the stew was carried by the wind and the people slowly gathered around him to see where the smell came from.
“Wow…it smells good”
“Ahhh look! He made such a big helping…is he going to feed us?”
“I want to eat the stew it looked delicious!”
“Mom! I want to eat that”
The villagers gathered quickly as they watched him cut the meat and put it in the bowl, he added several spices as well and every movement he made was like a well choreographed dance.
After a few more minutes the entire village gathered around him including the elder. Every time he added ingredients to the pot they swallowed their saliva, seeing this Edward smiled and as he mixed the stew he fired some meat at the side as well.
“Okay, now who wants to-“
Before he could even speak the villagers stretched out their bowls and fought to be in front of the others, the villagers were in disorder and seeing this he sighed as he used his skill, despair.
“Now now, there’s plenty for everyone so line up properly or you wont eat~”
His smile was in contrast to aura he emitted as the people quickly tensed up and followed his words, like a drill sergeant commanding his troops.
“Now, Aya if you please”
A bright light shone on the little girl beside him as a magic circle appeared on top of the pot, after a few seconds the circle disappeared and the contents of the pot flew up in a straight line and flowed towards the bowls of each person in the area. The people watched in awe at the magic of Aya as she made the stew flow to the bowls without dropping one drop.
“Good job, you’re getting better and better controlling it”
He patted Aya’s head as he praised her, the little girl could only be happy at his words.
“Aya did good praise me more!”
“haha Aya is getting too spoiled master….ahh?”
“You did a good job as well Lilac”
He patted Lilacs head to which the girl blushed but enjoyed it inside without showing it.
The villagers were awestruck at the sight as they forgot about their hunger but as Edward ate they gulped down the stew he made and was surprised at the taste.
“So..so good!!!”
“this is even better than my wife’s cooking!”
“I’m hurt but it’s true”
“Another bowl I want another bowl”
Affection rose by +2
Affection rose by +3
Affection rose by +2
Edward ate happily as he saw the messages popped up in front of him, he fed the villagers their fill until they couldn’t eat anymore as the whole pot got emptied by the villagers.
The people enjoyed the meal and some returned to their houses to rest while others stayed near the fire as their houses got destroyed, but they rested in tents and hammocks made by Edward.
After that they rested in the house of the elder, Lilac and Aya stayed inside the house and rested while Edward was taking a stroll outside.
If only I arrived sooner….no…it’s good this happened….thanks to this I can convert the village easier, goddamn it! Fuck! Stop thinking like this I’m no different from others if I think like a bastard, I did what I could….I should have moved sooner….
He was in deep thought as he walked through the village, he then stopped as he saw two people near a grave they made.
It was Chris and her sister, crying on top of a grave of their mother. He stopped as he stared at the two and shook his head and he moved towards the forest and came back after a few minutes with some flowers and laid it on the graves of the fallen.
The next day came and the people gathered around the village elders house and waited for their benefactors to wake up. They waited for an hour but nobody came out.
The people kept waiting in front of the house and as the door opened they finally smiled but quickly disappeared as they saw the elder come out instead of Edward.
“They left early to train, is what is written in the note, they’ll be back later”
The people couldn’t believe they waited for an hour in vain.
“Lilac on your right take the hide bears, Aya take the left and deal with the tri-emus while I take this Giant fish”
“Understood master”
“Aya will do her best!”
The three went on a hunting spree in the nearby forest, after waking up early they started their training and finished up with hunting for some lunch, they didn’t need to gather any more ingredients but Edward decided to feed the villagers as well.
Lilac approached the hide bears as they were busy drinking in the nearby river, she swiftly ran towards the back of one hide bear and brandished her blade and attacked the nearest beast.
Corpsemaker coiled around the beast as several blades dug into it’s fur, the hides of the bear were thicker than it’s normal counterpart and was quite a valuable material for lightweight leather armor. Several blades couldn’t penetrate the fur but the few that did cause pain to the bear.
The bear roared out in pain as it tried to attack Lilac, she swiftly dodged the strikes of the bear and pulled on corpsemaker grinding the blades deep into the beast causing it to bleed. She circled around the bear while digging the blades deeper to it’s skin.She couldn’t relax as two more bears appeared besides her and lunged to attack her.
She jumped to avoid the first bear but couldn’t dodge the second ones charge, she quickly pulled out the blades from the other bear and joined it together to form a single large blade and blocked the claws of the charging bear as dark smoke covered her blade.
She was thrown to the side at the impact and crashed into the tree, but she quickly got up without any major injuries while the bear the charged her was lying on the ground gripping it’s head. Due to the harsh training and armor Edward gave her, Lilac was now comparable to a hulking warrior because of her strength so the bear head butted her was like head butting a large boulder.
She quickly dashed towards the downed bear and pierced it’s head with one swoop, seeing the death of it’s kin it went into a frenzy and started swiping it’s paws toward the culprit. She dodged a few swipes but couldn’t block the rest and could only guard using her sword but that wasn’t enough and she got moderately mauled by the strikes. Dodging the last strike she slid under the bear and ran towards a tree, the bear followed in suit and was going to charge her again but she dodged by running upwards the tree.
The bear crashed head first into the tree and was disorientated, she quickly took advantage by coiling her blade on it’s neck and using a branch as a balance he pulled on corpsemaker raising the bear from the ground as the blades dug deep into the neck of the beast until it dismembered it’s head.
She gasped for some breath as she walked towards the last bear that was down on the ground bleeding, and quickly ended it’s life with a stab to the head. After hinting the tree she took in a deep breath and sighed.
“I got hit….master might make me do more laps…haaaaah”
Lilac then took some rope and tied the bears together and pulled them towards the village.
Compared to Lilacs fight, Aya’s was straight forward as she faced 5 three headed emus. She floated in the air out of the reach from the birds as she started to recite her spell.
“Oh sky come down and smite those that oppose me, let them feel the power of your wrath, black lighting!”
As she chanted dark clouds appeared above the emus and they could only watch the change with curiosity, after a few seconds a black light struck an emu and it collapsed on the ground, seeing this the others quickly panicked and tried to run but was stopped as vines started to wrap around their feet.
“Earth bind!”
A spell to prevent movement that she learned from the books Edward gave her, almost all of her spells need time to activate and could give the enemy a chance to fight or escape so she was taught to learn a few crowd control spells.
The birds got toasted by the lightning until a few more emus came due to the noise only to be killed by their curiosity.
After seeing the birds collapse Aya gently floated downwards and smiled at the sight of fried chicken in front of her.
“Aya did great! Big brother will praise me later!”
The sight of a little girl dancing around the corpses of monsters could only make someone shiver.
Leaving hunting on the land to the girls, Edward dived into a nearby lake and fished or so he said he used the best bait for fish, live one, namely himself.
He waited under the water and saw a few giant school of fishes swimming around, seeing his prey he quickly swam towards the fish, any fish that got near him was sent flying into the land and after catching few basketfuls of fish he finally rose from the water and dried himself with the use of some magical fire.
After finishing the hunt, the three returned back to the village with their spoils and was greeted by the villagers. It seems like after eating his cooking they wanted to eat more of his meals, he could only smile at the sight of them.
He left the food they caught and walked towards the gathered villagers as he decided to tell them his goal.
“As I said previously I was sent by a god to this village to save it from destruction, it’s due to him that I was able to stop the bandits from causing further harm…but I was still late…”
He paused and continued after a few seconds.
“My mission is to spread his name across the land of Eos, ofcourse I will not force you to serve him as he wouldn’t want to force someone to worship him out of force but by your own free will”
As he spoke the villagers listened intently to him, then the elder spoke.
“We would be honored to serve the god that sent you, I would like to build an altar as well but for now we can utter our thanks to him, may we know his name?”
Edward smiled hearing his words but he still felt some worry.
Here goes nothing
“The god of Chaos, Merrick has sent me to help you and spread his name”
Silence, the villagers stared at the man before with a look of amazement but now could only gaze at him with uncertainty and some mockingly. The elder coughed and looked at him without a change of face.
“Is what you said true? Did Merrick the god of chaos and mischief really sent you?”
“yes, he has and if it wasn’t for him this village wouldn’t have been found by me”
More murmuring could be heard around the villagers but Edward’s face didn’t change, he was prepared for this and was expecting a worse reaction compared to this. It just shows that their affection was high towards him otherwise he would have been mocked openly and throw out of the village.
Lilac and Aya stayed quiet and let Edward speak, they believed he wouldn’t fail to convince the villagers to believe him.
“I know what you are thinking, the god of chaos sent someone to save this village, even I wouldn’t believe this if I was at your position”
Hearing him speak the crowd was silent
“But let me ask you, is chaos really evil? Just because of his title people often think that he does nothing but bad deeds but I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him, truthfully I would be dead if he didn’t save me, it is the same for my companions. “
He stopped again and gazed towards the crowd, at his looks several women blushed at the sight of his face.
“I who was nothing but a weak man with no redeeming features was left for dead on the streets, I prayed to the gods but no one answered, I lost the will to live and accepted death …..yet he answered and chose to have mercy upon me now I ask you all! Is being labeled something like the god of chaos mark you as evil? I think not!”
He looked towards the crowd as tears started to form within his eyes, to anyone else it was him speaking through his heart while Lilac and Aya could only know the truth that he faked his tears.
Affection has risen by +1
The villagers hearts were captured by his performance but he couldn’t relax and continue to show them the good sides of his god.
“I came here to help this village to rise again but I will not hold it against you if you if you ask me to leave, I will quickly disappear here and leave you alone if that is your wish”
The people then murmured once again but was silenced as the elder walked forwards and held his hand.
“I…remember a tale from long ago, my grandparents told me of how dreadful sickness struck the land and left countless people to die unable to gain the cure for the sickness due to it’s price”
The villagers and Edward listened to the elders story with full attention.
“Dozens of people continued to die and my grandmother almost lost his life due to the sickness, my grandfather desperately did everything he can to acquire the cure and ventured towards the city to acquire one but it was only sold to the nobles leaving the common fold to die. He wept bitterly as he went back without the cure but as he returned to the village he saw the sick people outside walking and smiling brightly.
He was dumbfounded and was surprised to see a patch of dark flowers growing in the middle of the village, it wasn’t there when he left but he quickly ran home to his wife and saw her sitting outside their home smiling happily as her sick figure couldn’t be seen anymore.
He asked what happened when he left and my grandmother told him, according to some people that saw it, that a few days after he left, a man dressed in black strolled into the village holding a dark flower, he planted the flower in the middle of the village and wrote something on the ground and quickly disappeared in the night. In the morning the single flower bloomed into a patch and spread throughout the village. Seeing this the elder walked towards the patch and saw some writing and it read, mix a petal with some honey and drink it- Merrick, he immediately followed what was written and miraculously it worked.
The elder gave the cure to every villager and spread the flowers throughout the area for others to use, the people where saved and could only be thankful to the one that planted it, the story has been passed through out the villagers and passed to their kin to remember the one that saved the people when others didn’t”
The elder finished his story and the people looked at him with a strange feeling of awe. Edward could only smile as he saw the faces of the people and a few pop ups appeared.
Affection has risen by +5
The elder then spoke again
“I would be honored to serve under a merciful god and I speak for the people that all of us would like to serve him”
The elder kneeled down and along with the villagers the entire village accepted the god of chaos as their benefactor.
Huh….I didn’t know that story….I can use it to piss him off later hehehe…ahem well that’s one village converted
Edward asked the people to rise
“My heart is filled with joy hearing the story of the elder, in commemoration of this day I would like to hold a feast in the name of Merrick, the god of chaos!”
“hooray! Praise be to Merrick!”
“Merrick! Merrick!”
The people quickly shouted in joy praising Merrick mostly due to getting to eat his cooking again but he didn’t care.
He prepared bear rib steak, fried emu chicken and demon fish fillet for the entire village to eat.
After that he helped the people make an altar for Merrick in the middle of the village, he took out a huge jade mold from his ring and placed it on the ground. He told the villagers to gather some mud from the nearby river and pour it into the hole above the giant mold.
As the mold was filled he raised the earth to cover the entire mold, making a large furnace as he filled it with some wood he then used a spell.
With a snap of his finger dark flames sprouted inside the furnace and covered the whole mold. Surprisingly the mold didn’t melt from the flames he used
The people watched as the flames danced inside the furnace and after an hour he made the flames disappear along with the furnace and the only thing left was the mold. With a wave of his hand the mold split open and revealed the figure of a man striking a pose in the air, a finger was pointing towards the sky as if he was at a disco.
Anyone who would see it would laugh at the sight but the people applauded in awe at the statue. Edward gave out a sigh as people loved the statue, he continued to control the earth to make a makeshift gazebo from the soil and heated it with the flames to strengthen it, for the meantime it would serve as an altar until they could make a new one but it was a pretty decent work.
I have no bloody idea why he told me to make the statues poses like this....
They also helped with the fields that got destroyed by pouring some liquid in the well and watering the fields. As the water came in contact with the soil the burned parts were restored and several plants sprouted.
The villagers were once again thanking him for the miracle, he only used the water from the spring in the forest, as well as a few seeds given by the loli goddess.
After that he held a meeting with the elder on a couple of advices to improve the village.
“Open the village to the outside?”
“yes, as you said you are currently closed off from the world, it has helped you in some ways while harming you in several others….I know it is a big change from your ways but I can vouch for some villages and if you say my name they will be glad to help”
“….we have been closed off for too long, being outsides and those that wished to flee from the outside, we have been to narrow sighted, it will be a while for others to adjust but I will firmly accept this offer”
“good, you can bargain for some trained people from Grahham to be hired as mercenaries here, while they have good people there they lack some agriculture so some raised crops would establish a good connection with them”
They talked on ways to connect to some villages around them, Edward recommended the villages he already went to as it will be better for them to start establishing a trade route there.
They stayed for a few more days helping with the rebuilding and training some of the men , and exchanging a few good weapons and armors for their crops. And the day of their departure finally came.
The entire village came to say goodbye to them as they lined up early in the morning to see them off.
“You have our gratitude Edward, if you haven’t come this village would be gone for good, we thank you”
The villagers bowed and gave them several gifts, the men gave several flowers towards Lilac while the kids gave toys to Aya. The women wept bitterly as Edward was going to leave but with a few words he comforted them.
“Do not cry, a smile suits your beautiful faces better than a frown”
The women were completely captivated by him, as he spend a night with a couple of them to help them of course.
They finally left on a carriage pulled by 6 horses and ventured towards the next destination.
After getting a good distance from the village Edward finally relaxed
“ahhhhhh……man that was tiring in more ways than one”
Edward slouched on the seat as Lilac held on the reins of the horses, seeing him act sluggishly the two giggled.
“You did a good job master, so where are we off to?”
“Will we visit another village? Aya wants to go to another one!”
The two asked him as he stared at the sky and the passing clouds before speaking.
“Hmmm…..before I pick the next spot….Quest window”
Quest Alert: The Rise of The Church of Chaos
You have been given the wonderful task of starting a new religion in honor of the most wonderful chaos god,Merrick! Considering the fact that several thousand religions are currently active in the world of Eos, you're going to have a hard time just making a new disciple, but Merrick knows you can do it!
P.S You have do it
Quest Progression:
Number of converted individuals:
“Ahhhh…..this is going to take forever…..”
He sighed as he went back to the few days going to several villages to spread Merrick’s influence on the people. But some villages rejected the god of chaos with several reasons ranging from hate or other religions against it. He took out the map he bought from the last city and opened it, several marked spots could be seen and he looked for the nearest city.
“Hmm….the nearest city, Coron…. A city of adventure eh? Guess that’s where we’re headed”
He decided to postpone on going to another village and go straight to a city for something else, to get an adventurers license.
“We need to get a license first if we want to go through the border, set the destination to Coron!”
With a smile Lilac nodded and stirred the carriage towards the northwest to their destination, Aya hummed a tune as she was reading a few grimoires to increase her spell list, while Edward continued to stare at the horizon feeling something brewing across the land.
Stomp stomp stomp
The marching of thousands of soldiers could be heard as they marched on the field. Cavalries, foot soldiers and archers along with siege weapons could be seen within the large army. And the one leading them was a man clad in crimson read armor riding a black horse as they made their way towards their destination.
A man riding a horse approached the man in armor holding a parchment.
“Sir! Message from the scouts”
He quickly took the paper and read it
A deep musky voice came from his helmet as he stared at the messenger, the man could feel a cold gaze look at him and felt his back sweat.
“The scouts spotted a herd of wilder beast in our direction?”
“ye..yes sir, they numbered a couple dozen and would come in contact with our troops in 2 days time, what are your orders sir?”
The man crumpled the paper and raised his large battle axe, he stopped and troops skid to a halt as they stared at the one in front of them, his red armor reflected the sun and as a crimson aura covered his weapon.
“Men! Who are we?”
The voice of the commander could be heard across the plain and the ground shook with his words.
“We are the Crimson Blades!! Led by Caleb the Great!”
The troops shouted in unison.
“And what is our mission?”
“To eliminate the evil that opposes the god of war!”
“And what do we do to those that stand in our way?”
“Eliminate! Eliminate! Eliminate!”
The booming voice of thousands of soldiers stretched out towards the land as the monsters that heard them ran away in fear.
The messenger gaped in awe at the man in front of him as he had the aura of a true commander.
“As you heard, we will fight, and head straight to our destination, anything that comes will be wiped out, understood?”
“Y…yes sir!”
The messenger told the lieutenants what he said, as the messenger left Caleb looked towards the horizon and spoke.
“We will reach our destination within the week! Now move!”
The soldiers started to march again and would only stop when night came.
Coron…. we will reach it in a week or so….and when we do it will be reduced to nothing but a rubble
The red knight thought as he marched onwards.
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