《A Goblin's Blade (dropped)》(10) The forgotten village - The Morgars


Morgar- Friss

Friss looked at all the organised papers in front of her, two stacks of them to be precise. One of the stacks contained all the information they had on the goblins while the other stack had the same for the trolls. The two of them were just too powerful… It had not been like this a few years back, but then again the Morgars then wouldn’t have ever dreamed of fearing goblins and trolls. But the rebellion had been unstoppable in their nation, which had been the strongest nation… Why couldn’t the other elders just accept that? Instead they still wished of living in the past…

Friss felt anger bubble inside of her as she thought of the other elders, all stubborn mules with pride stuck up where the sun won’t shine. Her scaled arms flipped through the countless pages while her bright yellow eyes scanned the pages. The trepidation deep inside of her mind only grew as she kept reading: the other two races were building power too quickly.

The goblins had 3 powerhouses: their leader figure who seemed to be the one behind the massive progress they had made, and was also evolved though he didn’t seem to excel at fighting according to her scouts. The next one was the evolved bright green goblin who was apparently the largest goblin the scouts had seen, standing at 2.0m tall, and his body was fully ripped with muscles. The only comfort Friss had was that this goblin had only come back to the village a few short years ago, so it was possible that he would once again run away if he saw his chances at winning low.

But that wasn’t the same for the third powerhouse, the dirty red demon-like one. At first the scouts hadn’t even known he was a goblin until further investigation, but that had been terribly difficult as they had lost 5 scouts at the hands of this goblin. He was the most elusive but also the most dangerous, Friss felt this one was at the least a high tier 2 goblin due to what she could read, but then again she wouldn’t be surprised if he turned out to be a high tier 3 goblin instead.

A thought wiggled into her brain that made her chuckle; it was the fact that all the powerhouses of the goblins were men. It was the opposite for the Morgar, a matriarchal reptilian race where the women decided everything. This wasn’t for some kind of psychological reasoning, but rather because the females were much bigger and stronger than the males, meaning the males were much more suited to jobs to do with agility like scouting.

But her chuckle came to an abrupt stop as her eyes wandered upon the paper detailing powerhouses of the trolls: the elite and the king. The elite had been named such by the scouts just because they seemed to be on a different level compared to the rest of the trolls, since they were bigger, faster but most of all very strong. On the other hand, the king was…

The king was a monster, a true monster!

He was a domineering tyrant, a monster that was definitely the peak in this area. Perhaps in the Morgar towns he would be just the average warrior, but he was something their village could not handle. The scouts had noted down how he had killed tier 4 monsters and worse still, how he had noticed the scouts… And yet he took no action, the madman took no action despite catching enemies watching him. It was almost like he wanted them to come at him…


Friss looked upwards to see her hands shivering in fear; deep in her heart she hoped she would never have to see this monster. It wasn’t until a few minutes had passed that she calmed down, she had to calm down. After all she was going to the village meeting between the elders, where she would convince those fucking bastards through whatever means necessary. After all they didn’t have much time left…

Goblins- Krackal

In front of Krackal was a massive stone structure, in fact the biggest one in the village as it dwarfed even the village hall. The stone from which it was made from were all yellow to brown, only varying shade from one to the next. The building was shaped in a box shape and had no air vents whatsoever including windows. This was Absinthe’s lair…

Krackal stared at the building in front of him, unable to do anything else as his legs refused to move. But move they did as his legs eventually gave way in the knowledge that Absinthe would come and get him either way. Opening the harsh wooden door was like walking into a new world, with the dirty outside of the building such a contrast to how clean it was inside. He immediately spotted Absinthe who was currently cutting up a plant or something.

Absinthe was fairly tall for a goblin female, reaching a height of 1.7m, but also very thin to the point that you could see her bones sticking out. Her hair was let loose behind her head, resulting in long messy strands all across her head. Prettiness was clearly something she cared little about as her face instead gave of a very sinister vibe as she cut through the plant with violent vigour. It wasn’t until a bit later that Absinthe even noticed his presence.

“Ahh. You are here young goblin, why would you wait there silently?”

Her voice was high pitched and filled with a bubbliness that was definitely lacking everywhere else.

Absinthe immediately lost interest in Krackal as instead she started to rummage through some storage cupboards, before taking out a container which inside of it was a clear liquid. Within seconds she had opened the bottle, poured a mouthful and forced Krackal to drink it, clearly very practiced at the procedure.

What followed was Absinthe walking through the building to another part of it, where stood another door. She let Krackal walk in first, although he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw in the room was just a stone bench, only it was surrounded by blood stains. Not allowing him to have too deep a though, Absinthe pushed him inwards and made him sit down. She then left the room once more, mumbling to herself in excitement about some kind of drug.

Krackal melted down as Absinthe left, sweat oozing out of all his pores as his body rushed to cool himself down. His heartbeat went like crazy every time she spoke, not in love though but fear. It was as he cooled down that he began to notice energy draining out of his body. In reaction, he instantly tried to jolt his leg out, only to notice he couldn’t move it. The draining only carried on as Krackal even began to lose control of his body, making him feel almost like he was outside his own body.

It wasn’t but 2 minutes later that Absinthe came back, not at all surprised by the physically frozen goblin on the bench. In her hands she held a container with crushed up herbs within, which she took some of before placing into Krackal’s mouth. Knowing he was incapable of chewing, she forced him to swallow it instead by pushing his jaw upwards. Following this, Absinthe walked away from Krackal as she began to watch him from a distance.


The herb mixture had an instant effect as Krackal could straight away feel some kind of energy begin to rush into his body. This energy was mana and it seemed to hold back nothing as more and more bombarded into his body. If able to move, Krackal would have been at least twice as strong as usual and the multiplier was only increasing as further mana rushed in.

But this wasn’t without side effects… Rather his muscles began to slowly bulge outwards as his whole body began to get bigger. The strain began to tear at his bones as he could feel his pectorals growing outwards, creating a rift in the middle of his chest and this was only one part of his body. If able to scream, he would have but the whimpers and violent noises made from his body jolting in pain did a good job of showing his wellbeing anyway. His muscles began to reach their peak as one actually exploded… followed by another and another. Within a second, half his body had disappeared from the other half as they had instead fled to the walls of the room.

Absinthe grimaced in annoyance as she looked at the scene, but it was not the least directed at gore that had been splattered all across the room or the extra pieces of flesh that stuck to her body. Rather she walked out, completely nonchalant about what had just happened as she instead mumbled to herself.

“That drug was clearly too powerful. I need to dilute it more, but then the effect won’t be as great. What if that goblin was just too small of a medium to carry all that mana? Perhaps I should test one of those variants instead!”

She carried on her monologue as she walked out of the building. She would have to talk to Roger about sending the next trainee for the “new training program”, the old one had been met with some unforeseeable circumstances meaning he could no longer attend.

Goblins - Damon

Damon lurked through the shadows of the trees with great patience as he slowly tailed a troll. The blue muscular monster was quite a lot taller than him, with it being around 2m compared to his 1.75cm. He had hunted trolls before and knew that they lived somewhere north of his village, but they hadn’t been much of an interest for the goblins who saw the trolls as a poor source of food and vice versa. The trolls had been weak but that had changed…

The Troll in front of him was completely different to the troll he would have seen before his evolution, as all the ones he saw in the past 3 years had only gotten bigger and stronger. This wasn’t just size wise but Damon had watched a couple of them fight, only to see their viciousness and bloodlust increase as time went on. A bit after his evolution they had been like deer to him, who were easy to hunt, but now he would rather not even fight the trolls. But that wasn’t much of an option he would make right now as the troll was actually tailing the same target: the giant boar.

The giant boar wasn’t actually very strong since it was only a mid-tier 2 but it was a great source of food due to its size. Therefore Damon was currently just tailing the troll who was in turn tailing the boar, as he was waiting for moment when both were weakened to kill both of them.

His body moved so easily through the forest, nothing like he had been just after his evolution. He had even fought Gregal when Gregal had decided to come back to the village, which turned out to be because he saw that Withil was actually a decent leader. Damon had fought him then in front of the whole village, only to be trashed. It was also then he had been told by Gregal who had evolved years prior that there were others ways of using mana than just by strengthening your muscles.

What followed that was Damon actually trying to figure these out, as he would shame and disgrace if he was to ask Gregal. It had been extremely difficult due to the fact that the other applications were all unnatural but he had done it in the end. After that he had fought Gregal a few more times, in which he had gotten better each time until he walked all over Gregal.

Breaking out of his stupor, Damon focused himself as he prepared himself. The boar had stopped at a bush in order to munch on some berries, and he could see the troll edging around the side. Being only 15m away now from the boar, the troll exploded forwards, sprinting with all its power. Initially frightened at the sudden surprise, the boar’s fear instead turned into anger when it saw that what was assaulting it was just a troll, who was smaller than the boar.

They seemed to clash as the boar jumped forwards with its tusks aimed at the troll while the trolls smashed his axe downwards. The boar pulled out of the confrontation in the end as it tilted its head in order to use its tusks to stop the axe whereas the troll had no intention of backing down.

It was at this moment that Damon moved from where he was hiding, a knife ready to throw in his hand already. Neither of the two monsters fighting noticed him due to their battle high, nor would the boar ever get that chance to, as within the next second there was a knife in its brain…

Seeing the boar instantaneously collapse, the troll realised something was wrong as it flicked its head upwards only to see a red demon-like creature waving a sword at his neck. But this troll was trained, he was one of the elites the King had trained up and it showed as he instantly reacted to the glint of the sword before his brain even got a chance to register it fully. The sword brushed past the neck, barely missing it as the troll leaned its body backwards in order to dodge. But it was already done… Lopping off, the troll’s head free-fell onto the floor with his face still in shock: he had been sure that he had dodged the sword but an intense pain embraced him within the next second with no care for his feelings.

Damon walked casually over towards the boar as he retrieved his throwing knife, which had incidentally melted through the boar’s skull in order to reach its brain. After doing so, he cut of the best parts of the boar before he left the way he had come. The scene left behind was too clean to be called that of a fight inside the great forest, the sides had never been even to begin with.

He was Damon, he was the strongest goblin!

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