《A Goblin's Blade (dropped)》Update (Not a chapter)


However after I edited it, I noticed that I did not like it. It was my first proper chapter with the second MC, and I realised it was not working. There is no point in have multiple MCs if it adds nothing to the story, and mine added nothing. It was simply the stories of two MCs which I could have written 2 novels about. Thus that 4000 (around) word document went down the drain as I decided to start again from the fresh slate, only this time carrying on with Damon as my one and only MC.

I am also throwing the word aim per week out of the window, I feel as it was limiting my story as I was writing phrases that were quite frankly redundant, just to make sure the document was sizeable. Once again, that is useless considering that adds nothing to the story or the feelings you as a reader get since you could very well skip it and not miss anything.

So the new chapter on Damon's evolved state will be released by tommorow/ the day after that. Sorry for breaking my schedule, I just felt it better to not give myself more work than I could handle, which would end up with me burning out and quitting the story as I did the other one.

Cheers for reading this far!

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