《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 21


Ria did nothing but worry the whole day. Milly tried to cheer her up but she was inconsolable it even made Milly cry a couple of times. Even lord Vermillion tried to help. He knew better than anyone what it felt like to lose the love of your life. In the end he just cried with her bringing back all the bad memories. It was truly a depressing day in the castle. Laying in bed at night made it worse she missed his warmth and the safeness she felt.

Ria was having just as much trouble sleeping as Yuuta. Who could blame her the love of her life had been torn away from her not sure if she would ever see him again. It made her want to vomit even thinking about it. By the time morning came she maybe got 20 minutes of sleep.

If Yuuta didn't come back or get word to Vermillion tonight she was going to be sent off to a village on the outskirts of the kingdom. Vermillion could only do so much if the king got involved so if he sent her away he could plead ignorance.

Tears started to well up in her eyes at the thought of leaving without Yuuta she kept thinking she would rather die with him then be separated.

Milly was the first to knock on her door Ria had to drag her self out of bed she dreaded today. Opening the door Milly and her guards where waiting. Milly's eyes moistened as she saw the state Ria was in. Her face was puffy and red eyes bloodshot hair tangled and messy it was truly a sad sight.

"My dad wants to talk to you."

Ria didn't even change her clothes still wearing her nightgown she walked to a private room with Milly. Entering the room Vermillion was sitting on one of the two couches as a maid poured tea for him. Lord vermillion gave a slight nod to Ria as she sat down on the opposite couch. Milly cozied up next to Ria wrapping her arms around her side. If only a little bit it made Ria feel some comfort.

"Well, I got word from Celis that one of the S rank adventurers is dead and Yuuta was apart of it."

Ria fought to hold back tears. Different scenarios shot through her mind. She could barely let the words spill out.

"What does that mean?"

"I'm not sure yet he doesn't seem to be in trouble so I'm feeling optimistic for now we will wait and see. "

He let out a hefty sigh before continuing.

"If he doesn't get word to me by nightfall I'll have to send you to Village on the border of the kingdom. I know it's not ideal but he made me promise I would protect you. I will do everything in my power to see your safe."

Without saying another word Ria got up and walked out of the room Milly called out to her but Vermillion stopped her.


She walked back to her room and slipped back into bed burying her face in Yuuta's pillow. Milly couldn't stand around and do nothing it had only been a couple days but she thought of Ria like a sister.

Deciding to sneak into her room she cuddled up to Ria rubbing her back. Ria couldn't control the tears as she dry heaved she felt powerless as her exhaustion took over and she fell asleep.


Yuuta stared at the ceiling as sunlight started to shine through the window of his room. He decided to go to the guild and finish up his test before he left with Ria.

Before leaving he noticed he was still wearing his blood covered shirt with two separate holes in the chest. Quickly changing to a new black T-shirt and washing off his black jacket and drying it he made his way to the guild.

Walking in he saw the familiar face of Cerona sitting at the reception desk. She looked up noticing Yuuta a look of worry was obvious it seems something is wrong.

"Yuuta are you ok we had some troubling reports that you were being hunted by Absolute Dominion."

"I'm ok Ro-Ro it was just a misunderstanding they just needed my help with something. I came to finish my promotion test."

Yuuta handed over his guild card and the paper he got from Lord Vermillion with a shocked face Cerona received it. Yuuta decided to keep Uriks death a secret for as long as possible.

He decided he should leave the kingdom of Hartford for a while maybe even permanently.

Looking over the paper Cerona went to the back room and after a couple minutes returned with his updated guild card.

"Thanks for everything Ro-Ro I'll be leaving for a while so if we don't see each other again I wanted to say I really appreciate all the help."

Cerona tried to pry out more information about what he meant but in the end, it was hopeless. She walked across the desk and gave Yuuta a hug.

"Please come back and visit sometime."

Everybody in the guild was looking with jealous eyes. Yuuta didn't respond he quickly left without wanting to spare a moment he used wind magic to fly directly from the guild house to Yuart.

He flew faster than he had ever gone before he made it to Yuart in less than an hour. What would take 12 hours in a carriage only took 30 minutes for him. He thought about flying directly into the castle but he restrained himself and stopped at the castle gate.

He gave the guards a serious scare floating down in front of them. After some light scolding, they opened the gate. Walking across the courtyard to get to Ria's room he was stopped by Vermillion.

"Thank goodness you are alright Yuuta me and Milly have been terribly worried about you."

Ria had really rubbed off on the two of them. They were oddly happy to see Yuuta return.


"Yuuta please tell me what happened should we be worried."

"I will tell you later first I need to see Ria."

Lord Vermillion stepped in front of him putting his hands on Yuuta's shoulders stopping him.

"Let's talk first Milly and Ria are sleeping I have a feeling she really needs the rest."

Vermillion escorted him to the same room he used to talk to Ria. Making a fresh pot of coffee they sat on opposite sides. Yuuta requested something stronger so the maid brought in what tasted like whiskey.

"So how did it go? What did Absolute Dominion want."

Yuuta didn't feel like lying to Lord Vermillion so he decided to be mostly honest.

"To be honest I still don't really know they didn't give me much time to talk they attacked as a soon as they saw me. For some reason, Urik their leader had a grudge or vendetta or something. He lost his mind in the fight even attacking his friends it got out of control fast."

Vermillion was on the edge of the seat as if he was hearing some enthralling story. Yuuta thought it was anything but that.

"If that's the case how did you survive surely you didn't beat S rank adventurers in battle."

"Well I did and I didn't I knocked them out and waited for them to wake up to try to have a normal conversation no good would have come out of me killing the three of them."

"Certainly not you would have had the whole kingdom hunting you down."

Vermillion had a look of shock.

Yuuta felt content that he made the right decision not killing them.

"After Gildi woke up she was more reasonable than Urik and gave me a chance to explain my side of things."

Yuuta continued with the rest of the story the same way he told Emmy adding that he was leaving the kingdom for a while to stay out of the brewing drama that was coming.

By the time he finished with all of Lord vermilion's questions he was several shots in and felling a little tipsy for once.

"Listen Yuuta feel free to do anything you want but I could offer you a government position. We are always looking for powerful people to help protect our city."

"You have already helped me so much Lord Vermillion I don't think I take advantage anymore."

"As if, haha I would be the one taking advantage of you. Someone of your strength doesn't come along very often and please call me Vermillion when it's just us or Milly and Ria. I consider you a friend so think nothing of it."

"If I decided to stay what kind of position would you offer me?"

"Well off the top of my head we could always use instructors at the adventurers guild. Most kids enroll at 10 and train till their 16. If they are deemed suitable at 16 they can become E rank adventures and immediately take requests outside the city. Or the more elite students can become knights in my army.

"Hmm let me think it over. It would be nice to settle down somewhere can you guarantee our protection."

"Of course I can do as much as a Lord the only person who has more authority than me is the king of Hartford. Not to mention you will stay in the castle as you have been and I will make Ria a personal maid to my daughter Milly. To be honest I've never seen my daughter take such a liking to someone before ever since she lost her mother she hasn't been the same. With Ria around, I see a little more of that light in her eyes coming back."

Yuuta couldn't help but think this was a good deal I mean with this arrangement we would be protected by a lord and Ria will have a stable future if something happened to him.

"Let me talk it over with Ria if she agrees then I don't see why not."

Vermillion face light up his motives couldn't be more clear but Yuuta didn't mind.

"The only other thing I ask is that if my city is every under attack you will help us defend it."

"Of course I will help. Do you take me as a freeloader?

That both laughed at his comment.

"The only thing I ask is that if something happens to me you will protect Ria and let her keep her job."

"Of course don't think of something so dreary Ria will always have a place in my castle."

They talked long into the evening about future plans they hadn't noticed but it was almost sunset when Milly opened the door.

"Yuuta you're back!!!!"

Milly threw herself at him and gave Yuuta a big hug. Yuuta rubbed her head and flashed her a smile. Milly's smile quickly disappeared and a serious look you would never see on a 10-year-old took its place.

"You should go talk to Ria she's really sad she wouldn't stop crying all day go apologize now!"

Yuuta started laughing trying to his the tinge of sadness in his heart.

"You're right I should. I'll be taking my leave I'll give you an answer tomorrow Vermillion."

Lord Vermillion nodded his head in agreement as Yuuta walked out of the room and headed for Ria. He could never get used to her crying it always made his heart feel like it was tearing apart. It made him nervous.

He mumbled his practice apology as he walked to their room making it to his door he gave a heavy sigh pushing open the door.

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