《Infinity/10》Chapter VI: The Existence of Melancholy
After arriving in 3 days, the two riders, still on the carriage, let's out an inelligible moan, attempting to understand on what to do.
Nishio: ...
Nagumi: ...
But, no one could find the courage to break the ill, wicked, and tiring mood. Until...
Nagumi, taps his fingers on the seats with a rhythm. Playing a beat of an anime song in mind.
Nagumi: *hums*
Nishio: ...?
Nagumi: Sing-a-long with me, mademoiselle! Baguette is lookin' fresh and delicious, there's a whole day ahead!
Nishio: Is... that an anime opening?
Nagumi: What do you think? Does it ring a bell for you?
Nishio: C-certainly not! I'm not an anime fanatic like you are!
Shrugs the Nishio. The mood has finally been cured.
Nagumi: ...
Nishio: ...? What is it? Do I have something on my face?
Nagumi: Nope. Nothing like that.
Asks Nishio, as Nagumi stares at her glistening eyes.
Nagumi: ...
Nishio: You know, you should cut it off before I-
Nagumi: You look cute for a knight. Adorable, and beautiful at most. Hehe~
Nishio blushes after hearing the facts given.
Nishio: Are you... Looking for some trouble?
Nagumi: That's the first statement I heard from you when we first met, but without the "looking" in it.
She slaps him on the back as hard as he could, still in the carriage. The boy screams the loudest he ever could. This moment, reminding him of his past life with Tsumi Yuuki during their countless encounters. Finally, he's broken of the chains connecting him with her, telling himself to move on.
After heading out the carriage and parking, right in front of them lies a beautiful sight to behold.
Nishio: Welcome to the Capital! Known as, Seuphico' of the Outlandish!
Nagumi: That sounds too cool for a place, and this is a beautiful sight!
Nishio: Right? Though, I've grown tired of it. So it doesn't really move me much anymore.
What lies right in front of them, is a countless architects of stone buildings. The technology here looks very more advanced than the previous world. With magic at hand, anything is possible to reimagine. Nonetheless, this is nothing to get tired of, hence it is very moving.
From the distance, a young meek maid girl approaches the two with clumsiness.
Maid: G-greetings, Nishio-senp- I mean, Nishio-sama and g-g-guest! It-it's been awhile!! Please, let me a-accompany you two!
The girl, blushing for no reason. Could be what anyone would call a deredere.
Nishio: Same as ever, Thera. You're too shy on introductions!
Thera: I- My apologies! Please, forgive me! I wi-will do better!
Nishio: Hahaha, you're toooo cute, Thera! No one is as pure as you are! Your cheeks are sooo soft and fluffly! I love you to deaaath!
Nishio brushes Thera's cheeks with her own, leading for Thera to become overly reddish.
Thera: Nishio-sama! Stop, please! This is too much! I don't deserve your satisfactory compliments! I am not wooortthhhyyyy!
"They look VERY close with one another. Too close! And speaking of, holy shit she's cute! Short hair, maiden outfit, thin thighs, and small hands and feet! She's an ideal angel! I think, she's the same age as I am? We're both the same height aswell!"
Nishio: Oh right. Ahem. Sorry for the inconvenience, Nagumi-kun. I would like for you to introduce yourself to her.
Nagumi: Shouldn't it be the other way around?! You're not very knightly at all!
Thera: Uh-uhm... I'm... Theresa Hanabira! I-I'm....
"She's shaking to her core, and her anxiety are off the charts! So cute!"
Thera: You.. can call me Thera. I-it wuld bi en honur!
She covers her mouth as she bit her tongue. Too cute.
Nagumi: Thera-san. Are you... biologically connected to royalty by any chance? You're too cute for a maiden, and you're more like a young princess blooming to me!
Thera: N-no! Sincerely, d-don't speak highly of me in f-front of our Knight!
Nishio: You really are too cute, Thera! Nothing else would satisfy me other than you being weightless! I can swing you around without problems at all!
Thera: N-nooo! T-this is too much!! I can't handle heights!!!!!
Nishio swings Thera by the arm pits, left and right, too focused on the side subjects than the tour. Thera being too flustered, flaps his arms trying to fly away, but fails to do so. Afterall, human beings can't fly.
"In her heart... Nishio-san's, there's no place for me.. huh? I've pushed her and relied on her too much after only meeting her in a day. Is this.. how I will repay her? But at the same time, it feels like deep inside her... There are regrets."
Nagumi deep into a void of thinking, frustrated on what to do and how to resolve their gap. Nishio glances on Nagumi's side, unnoticed.
"Did I... make things uncomfortable between us? I should apologize to Nagumi-kun for my misbehavior. I cannot be forgiven for such things, and it is all the more reason why I don't deserve to be a knight. All I do is make mistakes, and resent on other people to push my problems to them. I am unforgiveable."
Both stuck into resolving the issues on their own... Theresa stuck mid air on Nishio's threshold. Not noticing, the playful and cheery Thera manages to ensure encouragement once more.
Thera: A-ahm uhm... Excuse me! But... I-if there's any matters I can h-help with... Please, sincerely! L-lend me y-your pain once in a w...hile. I, don't mind you guys... sharing your... sufferings... w-with me!
Shyly asks Thera.
The two stares at each other's eyes, not realizing that they were too obvious with their gaps, finally have the resolve to exchange "sincere" apologies and gratitude with each other.
Nishio: W-wait! This problem is our case. You don't have to go that far! We're very sorry for the inconveniences we've caused you, Thera-san! We were too open about the issue! Right, Na-ga-mi?
Nishio forces Nagumi to bow, unable to help herself move, she lets him do the disciplinary.
Thera: ...hehe!
The girl, extends a sincere smile towards the two. Speechless and at awe from their relationship, turns her back and leads on the tour. The past is finally no more.
Nishio: Now that's all done and said, let me show you the route around! We'll get started on your training after.
Nagumi: T..rain? You're gonna train me by any chance?
Nishio: Sadly, no. But don't think too negative of it. She's a high spirited partner of mine, and you might like her once you get to know each other!
Nagumi: Oh, cool.
"Somehow, every friends I meet are only girls and so. Starting with Yuuki-chan.. unto the next is Nishio-san, and finally Thera-chan. Can this get anymore livelier and so? This feels like a dream for every harem king blooming!"
Without Nagumi noticing the real world situation, he is deep into thoughts, gazing towards the blue sky without a care in the world. The two girls present, grabs onto each of his arms to lead him on the entrance while he's unaware of the circumstance.
The boy, immediately fired up after realizing what he's been up to. Feeling a burning touch to both left and right arms, he notices-
Nagumi: Wahh! Nishio-san! Thera-san! How did I end up here?!
Nishio: Stupid, Nagumi. Stupid! You've been daydreaming the whole minute and couldn't be the least patient about waiting for you to finish your damn thought process. Is that how slow your brain works?
Thera: Y-you've been.. gazing at.. space without noticing, Na-Nag-kun.. *gasps*
Nishio: Nag-kun? That fits more and plays off like him! Stupidgami-kun to top the cherry off.
Nagumi: That's not really funny anymore, or rather that's bullying. You should stop, Nishio-san. And you too, Thera-san!
The boy wimps, and Thera seen visibly panicking, confused on how to apologize but couldn't.
Nagumi: Anyway, put everything aside... Where are we?
Nishio: This is the main corridor, as you should be able to tell.
Nagumi: Ohh? Is that right. This is one long corridor! I didn't even noticed going in front of the entrance even.
Nishio: We'll go back to that later, but for now...
As she shows the whole interior of the facility, the main corridor firstly --
Nishio: As you can see, this is very much like one of the movies you see during your timelyhood at Earth. An example to confirm that is, every step you take, the armor displays are there for decoration, surrounding the side ways. The only main difference is-- wait, don't touch him!
Nagumi, stupid about listening decides to ignore the explanation, proceeds to interact and touch one of the armor's bums-
??? Armor: Oy, whe'e youth' touchin.. boy? T'ats hellavuh ro'd to do! Has yo' mothe' been kiss'n that pr'ckly hends?
He says, after dropping ass first to the ground.
Nishio: If you'd atleast let me finish talking, then yes. They are possessed by the lost "Familiars" who have lost their owners, and as a result, they have their own free will to do anything as long as they are suppressed to their own desires. They're more like a living being who lives in this world, but they do not have their own possessing vessels, only this armors, which our Royal Government has provided. If you're curious enough and don't believe me, you might aswell check what's inside the ar-
Armored Familiar: Oy, oy! Wait, stop right there! I have my own dignity too, you know!
Nagumi: You have too many accents! Which is your real one?!
Sighs Nishio, as she finishes explaining. The familiar has it's own way of talking, and its voice to explain is rough, much like a middle aged person's. However...
"That attitude is like mine. I feel like I could relate to him in some ways."
The armored familiar leans close, to whispher though Nishio's ears.
Armored Familiar: Who is he, mademoiselle? He looks strange for a newcomer. Is he from around here?
The clad scratches its own cheek, as a sign of confusion.
Nishio: Nah, you can say he's from uh... Other world but you wouldn't believe me after all the progress he's made, as you can sense his aura from your viewpoint.
Armored Familiar: Now that you mention it, he has.. the darkness aura surrounding him. Looks dirty, hopeless, and stinks like shit. Nothing like I've seen before, or rather... This is my second encounter to it after a certain jackass attacked our vicinity.
Nishio: That's right. He is unnatural, but at heart, he is a good person. So let's for now give him hope.
Armored Familiar: Soo, how did it come to be? How did you two meet each other?
Nishio: You could say, it was love at first sight.
After realizing what she said, she immediately gives out a reaction and a correction.
Nishio: I mean... Not in the way of loving him romantically! It's hard to explain... But it's got nothing to do with it being mentality and physicality!
The girl waves her hand, in response to taking back her statement.
Nagumi: So, knowing the dire situation I'm in, all I got to hear from you guys is how I look like trash in your perspective. Never knew you both had that kind of sides.
Nagumi shivers in response to the misunderstanding, altogether without hearing the last part.
Armored Familiar: Now, now... Don't let it get to you too easily. After all, knowing everyone's true selves would only give you a better hope to improving yourself!
Nagumi: Like hell I asked for it!
As usual, the atmosphere's at high spirit once again. However...
Nagumi: By the way, since you have your own personality, what do I call you even?
Armored Familiar: Call me?! I figured there's a better question to ask than that shitty statement. You can call me whatev's you like. I don't care either way.
Nagumi thinks...
Nagumi: I think it's only right to call you Bob. Ain't that right?
Armored Familiar: I'm sure there are better names you can call me other than that shitty and half-assed name. I'm a Familiar, I can't be called Bob. Otherwise, I'd be a laughing stock!
The two argues, as Nagumi is really crappy at giving Familiars name.
Armored Familiar: Oy, Nishio-sama! Please, say something to this dumbass! I don't feel safe being close to him or whatsoever. And even so, you're the one here who's gotten to know me the most!
Nishio: Right... uhm...
Nishio: Would... Toru do it?
The Armored Familiar and Nagumi both looks at each other's eye, asking for a mutual agreement.
Both nods in this suggestion.
Nagumi: Toru sounds good. As expected of the greatest sage sama!
Nishio: Please, your praises are worth nothing for me. Save your discrepancy for something else.
Nagumi: As expected, of the horrific old hag sage sama!!
Nishio: Fuck off! And why is that louder than the first one?!
Other armored familiars:
- Great Old Hag Sage Sama! In here! Please, lend us your strength! We also want names! (Pooru)
- Y-yes! We'll t-trust you in all ways more than uhm... one to give.. us better names! (Oru)
- A name would be great. But it's not like I'm asking for one or anything! Hmmph! (Tsunderu)
Nishio: Which one of you shitheads called me an old hag?! But whatever, I'll give you all the names you want. Don't complain to me if they sound shitty enough for you, because I don't give a fuck about how cool it is or shit is. Otherwise, I prefer it to be the other way around from the cool-side as you all pissed me off too much.
The unnamed familiars, frightens as they face off Nishio without any intentions of insulting her, as they heard the insulting phrase from Nagumi itself. Like in the real world, they're more on baby steps than matured ones. Finally, they are named after everything's cooled down. Pooru, for the guillible type. Oru, for the Deredere type, and Tsunderu for... Tsundere.. type.
The chill wind's finally moved on. After finishing the introductions on the corridor ways, more Knight Armor displays are shown. More or less, it is estimated that they have met around 23 Armored Familiars around the way, with the other armors only being an empty vessel, waiting to be found by a wandering Familiar.
On the way, he is shown the lounge room, dining room, guest rooms, kitchen, laboratories, and a garden. They have finished their tours, and Nagumi's finally awaited rest has arrived. It is currently 26:30, close to midnight.
Nishio: Ah, right. I almost forgot. This is my primary household, though I'm not the headmaster of it. So you will be living here from now on to relieve yourself of your duties.
Nagumi: I figured on the way, so I'm not the least bit surprised about it.
Nishio: Well you should be. Anyways, I'll introduce you to the Headmaster of this mansion tomorrow, he'll be coming back soon, so you'll have to wait until then. That way, you can train yourself on your way to knight hood.
Nagumi: Got you. So, where should I be sleeping exactly?
Nishio redirects Nagumi to his bedroom, found on the very far corner of the 3rd floor of the mansion. This is where all the male resident's sleep, or one can call this floor to be it's own Male Dormitory. The 2nd floor for guest vicinity. The 4th floor for female's dormitory, and lastly the 5th floor... restricted to only authorized personels.
Nagumi, lays softly on the bed like a broken child in his own bedroom. Tired from the roamings he's went through. Along the way...
A knock is heard from the door.
???: N-Nagumi-sama... M-may I come.. in?!
Nagumi: Ah, sure. You may.
Thera: Uhm... since y-you haven't eaten yet... P-please uhmm... help yourself!
She offers a tray of fancy foods at hand, with a few servants behind operating a cart, the same class as Theresa Hanabira.
???: Help yourselves out, Nagumi-sama.
Nagumi: Ah, thank you, Thera-san.. and you are?
???: Ah, forgive me for not introducing myself while you were on your way to inspect the mansion. I am the senior of our female class, Alphys Reverene. Behind me is a butler, the same league as I am, a senior... Ino Phlores. I was reminded by Nishio-sama while you were on your way here.
Ino: H-hello! I- I mean... Greetings, Nagumi-sama!
Alphys Reverene. A mature looking woman. A violet hair, good body, and is atleast 5'9 ft tall. May be in her 20's, basing from her beautiful look. Her voice is soft, and maturish, beautiful per'se.
Ino Phlores. A gorgeous model of a butler. White hair, 5'7 ft tall. Comparing to Nagumi, Ino is a little taller than him, but more or less, it is debatable. Might be the same age as Nagumi, as he is currently at 17. However, he is more clumsy than he looks, but very approachable.
Nagumi: Ah... yes. I'll introduce myself then. I'm Nagumi Shiruto. I'll be on your care from now on!
Alphys: Same for us. Thank you for participating yourself as a Knight. We will be expecting more from you from now on.
Ino: Mhm! What she said!
The servants bow in gratitude and exits the room, leaving only both Thera and Nagumi.
Nagumi:Uhm, is there anything else you need?
He scratches his head as he asks while seated on the bed, and Thera standing in front of him.
Thera: Uhm... yes! I, would like to ask you something. J-just to get to know y-you better, of course!!
Nagumi: Sure, what is it?
Thera: W-why are you... joining the ranks of.. "The Excalibur's Patronage?"
Nagumi: Ah, so that's what it's called. I guess you can say, I owe a friend for guiding me move forward throughout this world.
Thera: I-is that so... Uhm...
Nagumi: ...?
The hesitance grow slightly bigger and bigger, unable to come out from Thera's thoughts of exchange. Until...
Nagumi: Is there, something the matter?
Thera: It's that...
As she said in a melancholic tone.
There: I believe... you should atleast decide the right course of action in all sincerity. Timing is an important aspect and... I believe you deserve to know atleast a little bit of details.
Nagumi: ...
Unable to comprehend on what it means, has given Nagumi a new better perspective of the Excalibur's Patronage. What could it mean?
Nagumi: Is it... something I.. wait, could this be what Nishio has been worrying about ever since?
Thera: I'm afraid I can't answer that, but... Think hardly through it.
Nagumi: What is this about a wish that I must fulfill?
Thera: That's enough. My apologies, Nagumi-sama but I'll be leaving you in your own care for now. Let us talk tomorrow until then.
Nagumi: ...
She leaves Nagumi's room, leaving despairity and hopelessness on Nagumi's eyes.
He comfortably places his own body on the master's bed. Head on the pillow sunken, and laying on his side view. Saddened to know with curiousity, whatever have they experienced that he doesn't know, cannot be asked appropriately.
Despair. Resentment. Hatred. Greediness. Envious. Wrath. Destruction. Appalling. Callous. Annoying. Oppressive. Pain. Rejection. Shocking. Sinister. Terrifying. Repugnant. Repulsive. Poisonous. Obnoxious. Naive. Monstrous. Nasty.
Nobody. Zero.
Nagumi let's out a tear on his left eye, the same scenario that has happened during his childhood. He cares for everyone, yet he despises his own self. Knowing their true selves would only lead to distrust and disgust. To care for them, is nothing much different to knowing oneselve. It is truly painful. Because he know's what it's like to bottle up a painful memory of being alone, unable to express the pain to words. In their case, it is different compared to him, he believes. As there might be something that disabling them to protest against the system.
He glances on his right ring finger, and notices his sk%%&in abo½ve the riµ£ng is comple<>¶TElY tOr°^~N oFf.
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BL | Full Crematorium After Heartthrob's Death [Quick Wear]
⚠MACHINE TRANSLATIONTitleFull Crematorium After Heartthrob's Death [Quick Wear]/萬人迷死遁后全員火葬場了[快穿]AuthorZhou Mian Meng Jun/day sleep dream gentleman/晝眠夢君Status146 Chapters (Completed).INTRODUCTIONBefore Lin Xiaodong crossed over, the system told him that he must be a good person for seven generations before he could be reincarnated.But he seems to have gone too far by accident.Even if he has been betrayed, misunderstood, trampled on, and wounded all over again, he still shows a gentle smile without haze to those who have hurt him, forgives them unconditionally, and spreads the glory of the Holy Father all over the earth.But suddenly one day, he stopped smiling at them.And then, he died.-Everyone is crazy.[Bai Yueguang's stand-in brother is mainly attacked by President X Jin] √On the day of the funeral, people from all over the city spontaneously came to see him off.[Silly White Sweet Mermaid is attacked by X Amnesia (temporary) Marshal] √He saved a civilization. But when the bell of peace rang, the mermaid's singing became a swan song.[Women's tycoon succubus was attacked by X demon slayer (pseudo) stepson] √Jealousy, forbearance, moths to flames, and sleepless nights.[The painter of the side of the little sun is mainly attacked by the X disabled gangsters] √*Prepare father and son to become husband and wife, you are the sunflower blooming in my life;[White-haired, black-skinned, fallen son is attacked by X abyss evil god] √* It is an angel of vengeance with blood on its hands, and a docile lamb in the arms of the gods;[Sacrifice rebirth disciple is attacked by X Ruthless Dao Immortal Master] √*In the past years, the flowers and the moon have been together, but now things are different;[The U.S. human rights minister is attacked by X's deep scheming new emperor] √- "Your Majesty, after a hundred years, take a look for the minister, this Haiyan River
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