《The End of Forever》Chapter Three


(Eleanor) All the girls giggled as they centered themselves around the stage where the king and queen stood. The guards had moved everyone out of the ballroom and into what looked to be a stageroom of some sort.

I rolled my eyes at the giddiness and lack of dignity the girls were displaying. They made it seem like the royal wives were going to be chosen and announced or some shit.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," the king announced rather abruptly. "I trust you’ve been enjoying yourselves, but let’s not forget the main reason we are gathered here today."

The crowd responded to his words in a low murmur.

"My queen and I have decided that it is time our sons find adequate wives who will produce strong heirs to the throne," he continued. "And we hope that they will be chosen from amongst the young ladies gathered in this very ballroom."

I blinked.

Well, I guess they really are announcing the royal wives.

I looked around the ballroom in search of anything to distract me from the loud and obnoxious chatter of the fangirls.

Then I hit my forehead on a stone wall.


Not this guy again.

I glared up at Jaxon. “What the hell do you want?”

I pushed my hair away from my face, and, in doing so, my fingers brushed against a necklace I was wearing.

Jaxon's eyes narrowed in on it. Something unreadable crossed his face.

“Your necklace." His voice was a low rasp that was very unlike the mocking tone he'd just been using. "Where’d you get it?”

I played with the charm on my necklace absentmindedly. It'd been a gift from someone who had once been very dear to me, but I wasn't about to tell this bloodsucker anything about that.


“None of your business,” I hissed.

He stepped to the side, blocking my way when I tried to walk past him.

I had to use every ounce of self control that I had to refrain from punching him in the jaw. It’d probably hurt me way more than him, anyways. Vampire strength and all.

Jaxon brought his face closer to mine. I wanted to take a step back, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

“Tell me where you got the necklace, love,” he whispered, his eyes boring into mine, obviously trying to compel me.

Luckily, I'd drank an extra dosage of vervain before I came to the ball, so I simply raised a brow at him. If he was surprised at my resistance, he didn’t show it.

I got even closer to him, until my lips were brushing his ear.

“Bite me."

I pushed past him and walked away as quickly as I could, breathing hard. When I felt that I was a good distance away from him, I glanced back over my shoulder, only to find him staring after me with a shudder-inducing smirk.

Swallowing hard, I faced forward again. There was a herd of furious girls standing in front of me, glaring daggers. I folded my arms against my chest and leaned against the wall.

“Who the hell do you think you are?”

“Were you about to kiss my prince?”

“Don’t fool yourself. You’re not special, Eleanor Moreno.”

“She’s playing hard to get so he'll pick her.”

They all hurled insult after insult at me, and I felt my blood boil.

I scoffed. “Bold of you to assume that I give a single fuck about who gets chosen to be the royal blood bags."

Tess, a wannabe mean girl from high school, stepped to the front of the group and shoved me backwards, hard.


“You stupid bitch,” she said in that nasally voice of hers.

Oh, she is so in for it.

But before I could say—or rather do--anything, a clinking sound echoed through the entire room.

Everyone turned to the source of the sound, almost creepily in sync, and we all stared at the queen. She continued to tap her champagne glass lightly with a golden spoon until she had the attention of every single person.

Then she smiled brilliantly.

“My sons, come join me and choose your lucky ladies.” Her voice was much softer than I had imagined.

I felt a presence to my left and looked over to see Ava shuffling into a seat beside me. She offered me a small smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

Jaxon sauntered up the stage, and all the girls swooned. He was followed by the blond vampire who had danced with Ava earlier. I gave her a startled glance but she continued to stare grimly ahead.

Huh. I wonder what had happened.

Jaxon’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

“I would like to thank you all for coming tonight," he was saying. "It’s been an honor getting to know so many of you stunning and bright young ladies. I think I speak for my little brother as well as myself when I say that this was no easy choice to make."

I didn't bother covering up my disbelieving snort. He probably didn't remember the names of any of those ‘stunning and bright young ladies.'

Ava elbowed me in the ribs to keep quiet, but I kept grinning. This nightmare is about to be over. I can finally go home.

Then, Jaxon uttered the words that would change my life in ways that I never could've imagined.

“I choose… Eleanor Moreno.”

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