《Hello Nightmare》12


Anzu and Himiko caught up to Hiroshi and met him in front of his house.

"Hiroshi, can I come in?" Anzu asked.


"We should just get in, why are you asking his permission?" Himiko whispered to Anzu.

"There's a risk… and you said it like he will not hear you…"

"As he cares, he's not even mad…"

"I don't have enough bullets, if you want to trespass, don't expect me to do anything."

"It's just his house, what kind of danger is waiting for us? Let's go follow him after he enters."

"Huh… you said that but cowardly hiding behind waiting for me to enter…"

As Hiroshi unlocked the door and opened it, Anzu and Himiko followed him. Weirdly, Hiroshi is not even blocking them from entering his house.

"Look, he doesn't even care…" Himiko said while hiding behind Anzu.

They entered the house with a shocking revelation. It's entirely different from the condition of the house they entered before. There's furniture and all other things that should be in a house.

"How come? Didn't it empty before?"

"Hm, I heard about this before…it's definitely his Region," Anzu said.

"What? Is that possible?"

"Wait, didn't they teach you about this at training?"

"Huh? No…"

"You must be sleeping in the class then…"

"What? No way! We never get informed of something like this! How did you know about it?"

"Oh, it seems like there's a difference between the Fantasion way and the Daymare way."

As they were chatting while checking the house, Hiroshi got lost in their sight.

"Where is him?” Andy asked.

" I don't know... where did he go after he entered? I didn't notice it."

They inspect every part of the house but don't find him.


Did he get out? We were too focused on the house itself that made us lose focus on him.

"Hey, there's some weird red book here," Himiko checked the book on the table.

I didn't see that earlier…

"Wait…" A disturbing sensation filled Anzu's heart after she saw the red book.


An old memory was surfing through her mind.

"Huh? Hey, what's wrong Anzu?" Himiko realized Anzu was acting weird.


"Hey!” Himiko grabs Anzu's hand as she doesn't react to her call. All the words playing in Anzu's mind are gone but she still doesn't come to her senses.


"W-what happens?" Himiko is frightened by a sudden earthquake.


Hiroshi's house unreally shrinks like it is being folded from the outside. Himiko, who is panicking, goes into the window to get out but it won't open the same as the house door. Anzu still has not moved from her position earlier, trying to get back to reality.

"Hey! Anzu! Do something! The house is oddly shrinking! What's happening here?" Himiko tries to get Anzu help but she still does not react.

"What? Why can't I transform?" Himiko tries to transform into her fox form but fails miserably.


"Anzu! Do something! ANZU!!!"

The two of them standing in the middle of the living room as the house consumes itself squeezing everything in the house including themselves.


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