《How it became a Magical journey》Lee Currie


Lee Currie was the middle child of a humble farmer family of five children. The family owned a small farm in a tiny village named Tusk in Bagalia's kingdom. Lee always felt like the odd one out in her family. Her brothers and sisters never really cared about school or learning and loved to help their parents around the farm. For Lee, it was quite the opposite. She was still doing her part, but she hated it so much. All she eve rwanted to do is leave this small town and go a little bit to the east, in Boroks kingdom... She knew it wasn't possible, but atleast her parents let her go to the village's school. She would spend hours in the school librairy to learn even more since the classes were only teaching the basics of writing, reading and counting.

One day when she was ten years old, her teacher told the class that some scholars would come by the school soon. Once in a while, the scholars like to go in small villages and towns outside of their kingdom to see if there was any promising students hidden every then and there. Lee couldn't be happier! It was her dream that was about to come true! But her happiness faded away quickly when the teacher said that the kids that would like to meet them would only need one of their parents to come to scool on that day to meet the scholars. 'There is no way any of my parents will leave the farm to come with me at school...' Lee thought.

At dinner time, when all the family was eating at the table, Lee decided to still give it try. Maybe they will listen for once. She looked at her parents and asked them ''Is there any chance that one of you could go to school with in two weeks from now for...''

''We can't leave the farm, there is too much work to do'' his father said, interupting her.

''You didn't let me explain why you...''

''There is no explaination needed.... We can't go and that's it''

That was enough for Lee. All those years she would do her chores without saying a word. She never asked for anything and there he was, not even listening to her. She stood up and punched the table with her hand. ''That is ENOUGH! I'm asking for one day of you to pretend to care about me and you can't even give me that!?''

''You will learn how to behave in front of...''

''Dad!' 'Lee's biggest brother shouted ''I think you and mom can go for one day. We can take care of the farm on our own for one day. Whatever it is, it seems important to her... You should go.''

Lee looked at his brother in shock. She never thought he would care about her. She mouthed a thank you and stared back at his father, waiting for his answer. Her father stood there in silent, thinking. After a few seconds he sighed and agreed to go. Lee was so happy, she thanked her parents and her big brother and they all finished eating dinner peacefully.


Around bed time, as all the brothers and sisters were in their shared bedroom, Lee's big brother went to sit on her bed beside her. ''What is so important for you to stand your ground in front of dad like that?'' She explained everything to them since all the others also gathered around to hear her story. Once she was done telling them her dream of leaving the farm and that those scholars could give her that opportunity, they were all really happy for her. ''Let's just hope mom and dad will be as happy for me as you are...''

The two next weeks passed by so slowly, it was almost torture to Lee. But finally, the day came and there she was, in the hall of her school with her parents. There was five other kids also there to meet the scholars. Lee looked around and recognised one kid that was in her class 'Oh dear, Dylan is here!? What is he thinking? He can't even count without using his fingers!' Lee thought, smiling to herself. She didn't know the other kids since they were older than her, but she still thought she had her chances. When her turn came to meet with the scholars, she stood up and had to restrain herself to not run to the classroom and decided to follow the slow pace of her parents. She introduced herself and her parents and she was asked lots of questions about differents subjects. She was able to answer to all of them. She was really proud to have read all those books! One of the scholar then looked at her parents and told them ''Your daughter is such a brilliant individual! We would be honored if your offspring would join us so she could pursue her learning process with us.'' Lee was trying not jump around, she was so happy! She couldn't believe it! She looked at her parents to see what they would say. But they looked so confused. Her father scratched his head and said ''I'm sorry, can you speak normal?'' Lee hid her face in her hands in embarrassment when the scholars let out a small laugh. ''If you agree, your daughter could come with us in Boroks to be a student in our school instead of here.''

''Ooh, why didn't you say it like that right from the begining!?''

''Please dad, just say yes...''

Her parents both agreed and the scholars put out a form so Lee could officially become a student. Since the family didn't have much money, Lee would have to do some work around the school to pay for thes cholarship. But she didn't mind, some handwork wasn't a big deal fo rher anyway. When came the time to sign the form, the scholars were even more impressed by Lee's intellectual capacity. His father only put a big X since he couldn't read or write. Her mother wrote her name like she was some 5 years old.

When they came back home, she was greeted by her brothers and sisters congratulating her. Lee looked at them in shock, they even made a big dinner with all the food she likes ''How did you know that they accepted me?'' His big brother gave her a big hug and said happily ''There wasn't any chance that they wouldn't accept you, sis! I mean, look at you!... or your brain!'' Lee found it ironic that the moment she finally felt loved and accepted by her family, she had to leave them. But she didn't regret her decision. She couldn't wait to move in Boroks and finally be able to spend all of her time learning instead of feeding the animals.


They brough her to the city of Bishalint. It wasn't the biggest city of the kingdom, but she still enjoyed staying there. She put all her small belongings to her new room and headed to the librairy. That is where she would have to work to pay for her scholarship. Work was an overstatement though, she actually enjoyed it. Putting all those books back in the bookcases, helping other students find what they were looking for... And the classes she could go to. One word : AMAZING! Finally she would actually learn something new! It was so great. The only thing that was obscuring her perfect dream was the other kids. Some were rude to her and belittled her since she was a farmer. But she still managed to make some friends, so that's all she needed.

One day, in the librairy, she went to ask if those students needed help with anything and this boy looked at her from head to toes several times. He then looked at his friends and back at her with a devilish smirk ''Nothing a farmer could help with! I wonder why they keep accepting low classes like you!''

Lee quirked her eyebrow and crossed her arms. She felt good and confident that day, so she decided to speak back this time ''Well considering the fact that you made two... no three arithmetic mistakes on that quite easy homework that I already gave back to the teacher and got 100% on it.. I think I could help you more than you think.'' The other boys let out an impressed ''ooooohhh'' while the other one was looking back at the homework that he was holding in his hand. He didn't think he made any mistake. This farmer girl was telling non-sense for sure. But after looking carefully, he did see the mistakes. He looked back up at Lee impressed. How did she managed to calculate that fast? He rushed out of the librairy out of shame, his friends following him still laughing. Lee was feeling proud of what she did. Maybe they would treat her with more respect from now on. The librarian tapped her shoulder and told her ''You have to be more gentle with the boys, sweety. How will you find a suitable husband if you scare them all away?'' Lee made disgusted face and walked away from the librarian, she had books to sort out. 'Why would I want a husband? Lee thought. I'm fine by my own... And I'm still too young to think about that...'

The years went by really calmly, Lee was now twenty-one years old. The other students saw how smart Lee was and finally accepted her like one of them. Even the one that was bullying her when she was ten. Adam Policar. He was smart and nice and he was always in this booth at the back of the librairy, working on various things. Since he was now much more mature and gentle, she enjoyed his company a lot. And today, she decided that it was the day she asked him out. She wanted to for a long time, but she felt like something was off about her feelings. When she was talking about love and relationship with he rfriends, it was never like what she felt... But when she was around him, her heartbeat would go up, she would have hard time thinking, she would feel her blood rush to her cheeks. According to her researches, those symptoms meant that she was in love... So let's say she was really happy to learn that he came in the librairy that morning to work on a way to ask her out too.

The two young scholars were in a relationship for almost a year and they have yet to get intimate with each other. Lee wasn't feelingc onfortable anytime they would be laying in bed together. She would really enjoy cuddles and little kisses, but when things were getting more heated, she would always ask to stop. Adam was nice and always respected her. But she still felt bad about all of this. Why was she feeling this way? She loved him so much, what was wrong with her? She never wanted to have sex with anybody when she thought about it. To her, sex was to procreate and she was not ready to have a baby yet... One day she found a book about genders and sexualities and she read about the asexuality spectrum. She got an illumination. That is whats he was : asexual. The only problem was, the book didn't explain what to do when you were in a relation with a non-ace partner... She thought for a while of what she could do. She only came to two possibilities 1) force herself to do things she didn't enjoy or 2) end the relationship since she couldn't give him what he wanted. She settle on the second one even if it was breaking her heart. For her, at the time, it was the most logical thing to do. She thought he wouldn't understand and she decided to not tell him about it.

It was a few weeks after the break up and the Principal of the school went to tell her about this King that needed help with her daughter. He thought that she was the perfect woman for the job. Lee accepted right away. Not only because this was intriguing and she wanted to know more, but also it was giving her the chance to put some space between her and Adam... As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind...

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