《Creed》V1. Ch5 - Proved them Wrong


Zeke was standing in the bathroom of Zoe’s place staring at the mirror.

“Why the fuck are my emotions running amuck?”

He thought he had them under control after he woke up in the forest near his family’s old estate. There was a massive blank in his memories of what happened after the explosion that was supposed to take out the land the estate sat on, including the small hill a few miles away. He had planned it that way. He was supposed to get revenge for Stephanie and then the explosion was supposed to consume him as well.

She was the only thing in his life that made things worth living for after he found her with his sperm donor. If it wasn’t for her smile and carefree attitude, he would have taken his life long ago. He trained to protect her, he trained to provide for her, he trained to be there for her anyway she needed. It wasn’t enough though. That monster got a hold of her and did those twisted things to her.

When he found her body in the cellar of their estate, mangled and abused, it took everything he had in him not to run upstairs and kill his so-called father. He knew that he was the culprit, because he was the only one that tended to do twisted things like this. Zeke never really said anything or cared about what his father did to the random women and men that he tortured.

Almost all of them were targets or enemies of the family. Stephanie though. Stephanie was his reverse scale. Anyone who has read a fantasy novel, or a translated Chinese novel knows what a reverse scale is, but to explain it in laymen terms. His father done fucked up. Zeke started his plan after burying Stephanie on the hill a few miles from the estate. Stephanie was innocent. She didn’t have any part in the family business. She was free from the guilt that constantly plagued Zeke’s mind.

Strangely enough, he didn’t feel any of that guilt since she died. It was like a part of his being was shut off. He felt nothing as he killed that scum for Zoe. He felt nothing for his dead life givers. He felt nothing up until Zoe and Victoria seemed to spark something inside of him. He wasn’t in love or anything. At least not yet. He felt it was too soon for that, but he was finally feeling something.

He planned for a couple of years. Digging hundreds or even thousands of holes to hide the explosives. Linking them together with wireless transceivers, using batteries that would last a few years if need be. When the night finally came to execute his plan, he shut down. All emotion and thought fled his body as he mercilessly killed every single living soul in the estate. Not even the cooks and the maids made it out alive that night.

The look on his life givers faces were so satisfying that it almost caused Zeke to scream in joy. He kept himself under control though and when he pushed that button on the remote. He felt like everything that was pressuring him just slinked off of him. He smiled as the explosion reached him and then that was all he remembered before waking up in the forest a few dozen miles from the crater that was his old home.

When he realized that he was in one piece he curled up in a ball and wept. All of the bottled-up emotions that were poking around at the wall surrounding them crashed right through. The guilt, the sadness, the anger, they joy. All of them just racing about in his mind like an out of control roller coaster.


After calming down, he checked himself over. He made sure everything was in one piece and made a huge discovery right off the bat. When he concentrated on anything, he could literally see everything about it. There was a Heads-Up Display, or HUD for short, layered over his vision. It was interesting to say the least.

Zeke changed what he was looking at and the HUD highlighted the object. It told him the name, age, weight, size, and many other information that may or may not be needed. He spent around a year trying to figure out how to use everything he found out. His body was stronger, faster, and hardier than it used to be. His dick had grown in size as well, which he wasn’t complaining about at all.

He actually could pull up a window that acted as a sort of status screen for him.

** Status **

Name: Ezekiel Morningstar

Title: The Universe’s Most Wanted

Class: Techno-Reaper

Strength: SSS

Dexterity: SSS

Intelligence: SSS+

Perception: SSS

Charm: SSS

Endurance: SSS

Harem +

Properties +

Creations +

Scrapped Creations +

Support Functions +

Based on Zeke’s knowledge of most role-playing games, his stats were top tier. He could open the last three by concentrating on them. They were all empty at the time and he was wondering why Harem would even be an option. Properties pertained to real estate and objects, but Creations didn’t really give him an explanation of what it was. He had an idea, but he wasn’t a hundred percent sure if he was right.

He opened the support functions tab and it listed a whole slew of options. There was even one that said something about controlling emotions. He decided against it and closed the menu. That year was a real eye opener for what he was now capable of. Fast forward a few weeks, and we find him staring at the mirror contemplating his emotions.

“Come on Zeke. There are two hot women out their waiting on you to stop being such a little bitch.” He smacked the sink with some emphasis and ended up cracking the porcelain. He looked down at the sink and cursed a bit, “Shit.”

He waved his hand over the sink and the crack started to mend itself. A few seconds later the sink was better than it was before. It almost sparkled it was so fresh. Zeke stared at sink for a minute marveling at the wonders of nanobots. The microscopic machines could do so much and there were billions of them inside of his body. He couldn’t remember what happened for them to get there. His title showed that he had done something major in the year that he was gone though. Something huge. He decided it was time for him to get back to the girls though.

Zoe and Victoria were talking on the couch when he walked into the hall.

“Come one Zoe! He is my fiancé; I should get first dibs!”

Zeke came to a dead stopped and listened.

“Vi, I agree that since you had a first claim on him a few years ago that you should be first.”

There was a bit of quiet before Victoria spoke again, “Really Zoe? You mean that?”

Zoe laughed, “Of course I mean it. I mean, if you would have saw the outline that I did you may be a little hesitant too!”

Zeke decided to step around the corner at this time, “Okay, you ladies ready to go?”

He stopped in the doorway to the room and saw the two girls curled up on the couch. Zoe was laying her head on one of Victoria’s boobs and they were just lounging there like they didn’t have a care in the world. Victoria was running her hand through Zoe’s hair while they talked. He honestly thought it was kind of adorable.


Both girls smiled at him and then untangled themselves. They stood up and grabbed one of his arms apiece.

Zoe looked up at him, “So where are we going handsome?”

Zeke thought about it for a minute before shrugging, “Where do you ladies want to go?”

The two girls looked at each other and smiled, “Shopping!”

They yelled in unison loud enough that it would have burst the eardrums of a normal person.


Samantha arrived at the terminal and disembarked from her plane. She turned a lot of heads as she made her way across the airport and towards the exit. There was a limo waiting for her with a man wearing a Pheonix Enterprises uniform.

He bowed politely towards her, “Miss Samantha, I hope you enjoyed your flight.”

She smiled at the man before sliding into the limo. Being the CEO’s personal secretary did have its perks. Some would think that a secretary position wouldn’t be all that glamorous, but working for Pheonix Enterprises was anything but dull. It also didn’t hurt that the company was also one of the biggest mercenary companies in the world.

It wasn’t their main focus, but it was probably really close to it. They made more money off of their electronics sales than anything. They mainly dealt in computers and the software side of things. They took the spot that Microsoft held before the war. She sighed as the man got in the driver's seat and drove the vehicle away from the airport.

He looked into the rearview mirror, “Would you like to go to the hotel first or head towards the target?”

Samantha looked out the window and didn’t say anything for a few minutes. She sighed, “Take me to the hotel first. I need a hot bath to unwind. I don’t think that Ezekiel is going anywhere soon. Those two girls are going to make sure of that most likely.” She laughed and continued to stare out of the window while the driver just shook his head.


Zeke sighed as he sat on one of those little ottomans that clothing stores have. He was sitting with two other guys that were playing on their phones. He was honestly doing the same thing, but using his VI. Zeke had taken to calling his HUD a VI instead, because it was more of an interface than just a HUD. He was able to interact with it and pull up multiple menus. Even after a year or so of messing with it, he still enjoyed it immensely.

He had a phone in his pocket, the same one that he used after stepping off the bus, but he really didn’t need to use it. It was more for appearance than anything. Who doesn't have a phone in this day and age? One of the guys next to him spoke, “Waiting on your girl to get done shopping too?”

Zeke looked over at the man and laughed, “Yeah, this is the first store too. If I wasn’t such a lucky man, I may be dreading the rest of our time here.”

The guy smiled, “I hear you man. Sometimes I wonder what I have done in a past life to deserve my Mindy. She makes everything better. I come home from a hard day at work and find her sitting on the couch with a smile and It just makes everything, better you know?”

Zeke nodded, “Yeah, I can completely agree with something like that. Don’t let that go man. If she makes you that happy with just a smile, you hold on to her.”

The guy laughed, “Oh, I don’t plan on it. I plan on keeping her for as long as she will have me.”

Zeke laughed and was about to respond when he heard his name being called, “Zeke honey. How do we look?”

He looked up to see Victoria and Zolette standing about twenty feet away. What he saw made him catch his breath. Victoria was standing there wearing a black skirt and top. The skirt looked like it was barely long enough to cover her ass. It had a royal purple trim along the bottom and the top had the same color trim along the neck. His eyes followed the trim of her neck down to the abundance of cleavage that was barely being contained by said top.

He looked to his right and Zolette was standing there in a pair of black jeans with a teal top. The part of the jeans on the leg where it was sewed together was teal in color as well. The pants fit well enough that if she moved just right, he thought they would possibly rip. He swallowed a bit of saliva as he tried to remember how to talk.

Victoria laughed, “Are you okay babe? Your drooling a bit.”

Zeke wiped his mouth and coughed, “You both look stunning.”

Zolette smiled, “Good. Let’s pay for the cloths and then go get something to eat.”

They checked out and left the store. Victoria and Zoe each grabbed one of Zeke’s arms, the guy that was talking to Zeke just a few minutes ago felt his jaw drop and was wondering why life was so unfair.

A few minutes later and the party of three was sitting at a table in the dining court with their meals. Victoria had a double bacon cheeseburger with mayonnaise and ketchup while Zoe had some lo-mien from one of the Chinese shops. Zeke was scarfing down a big plate of sushi with fried shrimp and eel sauce. He was even using chop sticks like he had for his entire life.

He looked up at the two girls, “You know. Using chops sticks can be considered an art in my opinion.”

They both looked at him with confusion written across their faces.

He smiled, “Think about it. Anything can be considered a work of art based on how a person perceives it. Some consider Blacksmithing a work of art. Some consider Car Design a work of art. Art comes in many forms and art is beautiful in all forms to the right person. Think about the amount of effort and training required to catch a fly with a chop stick. Some may say it’s impossible, but with hard work and effort, anything is possible. To me, if it requires hard work and effort to complete it a work of art.”

Zeke sighed, that’s why I could never create a piece of art. With the bots inside of me I can basically create anything I want. It’s far too easy. The nanobots danced around his fingers, unseen by all but him. He could basically see in every spectrum of light, sound, vibration, and even at the microscopic levels. There were plenty of spectrums he could see in that the scientists on earth haven’t even dreamed of yet.

Zolette brought him out of his head, “Hey, are you gonna finish eating today?”

Zeke looked up and saw that both girls had finished their food and were staring at him. He looked down to his plate and saw that he was only about halfway done. He laughed and then scarfed the food down like a vacuum. The girls giggled at his antics and they decided to leave the food court.

The trio left the mall a few hours later after shopping in a few more stores. Zeke couldn’t fit all the bought merchandise in his Chevelle, so he paid for a delivery service to deliver everything to Zoe’s place. They were traveling down the highway when Zeke an alarm started buzzing in Zeke’s head. He checked the rearview mirror and discovered that there was a pitch-black Dodge Durango following them.

He had always appreciated the look of the Dodge Durangos after their redesign somewhere in the 2010s. The early model was decent looking too, but the mid 2000s model was horrendous to look at in his opinion. He pushed the random thoughts to the back of his mind as he zoomed in on the car. It was a few car lengths back and was matching his speed almost perfectly. There were two people in the front seats and after switching spectrums he saw that there was a third person sitting in the middle of the bench in the third row.

His vision returned to normal and he smirked, “We are being followed.” Zoelette stiffened up, while Victoria reached behind her back. He shook his head at Victoria as he turned to Zoelette, “Babe, things are about to get a little... violent. If you don’t want to watch I can make that possible for you.”

She looked at him and shook her head, “No, that’s okay. If we are going to stay together, I can’t get scared of the protective side of you.”

He smiled and then kissed her on the forehead, “That’s my girl. Now hold on.” Zeke slammed on the breaks and the car’s tired locked up. The Durango quickly caught up and was right next to the driver's side of the car. Zeke rolled the window down and waved, “Howdy y’all.” The two goons in the front of the car looked at each other and then the one on the passenger side aimed a pistol out the window. Zeke sped up and the bullets tore into the trunk of the car. Zoe squeeked as she hunkered down in the seat.

Zeke pushed a button and a handgun popped out of the center consol. It was a .50 Calibur Desert Eagle painted in solid black. There was writing on the side that said, “Castigo del Infierno”. He pulled the handbrake and put the car in neutral as he spun the car. He slammed the car into reverse as he aimed the gun out the driver’s side window.

The look on the goon in the driver’s seat of the Durango was priceless as the bullet left the Deagle and hit him between the eyes. The SUV lost control and slammed into the guard rail as Zeke spun his car back straight. Zeke put the handgun back into its holster as it slid back into the center console. Zeke looked back and noticed that Victoria was breathing heavily while staring at him. She had a predatory look in her eyes like she had just seen the juiciest piece of streak on the grill.

She smiled at him, “That was so hot! You just shot that man between the eyes from a car driving in reverse at eighty-five miles per hour! With a Desert Eagle no less!”

Zeke just smirked, “I was lucky.”

She snorted at him, “No, that was all skill. I could tell. You are lucky though I will give you that.”

Zeke furrowed his brows wondering what she meant. She just said it was all skill, which is was, well... skill and a shit ton of technological modifications.

Vi tapped on Zoe’s shoulder, “Hey swap me seats.” They proceeded to climb over the seats as they swapped places.


Victoria asked Zoe to swap seats with her and based on her comment about him being lucky she could figure out what was about to go down. She would be lying if she said that she wasn’t a tiny bit jealous, but it’s not at the fact of what she was about to do. It was because she was going to get to do it first. Victoria leaned towards Zeke and started undoing his pants.

Zeke raised an eyebrow, “Uh, what are you doing.”

Victoria just smiled, “I told you that you were lucky. Holy shit this thing is huge!”

Zoe leaned over the seat as she looked down at what was in Victoria’s hand. Her eyes widened as she saw what quickly disappeared into Victoria’s mouth. Zoe started to breath heavily imagining what it would be like for that monster to invade her. Victoria was bobbing her head up and down his tool as Zeke was squeezing the steering wheel.

She popped her head up, “Oh god, it’s getting bigger.”

She quickly resumed her ministrations and Zeke let out a moan. Victoria popped his cock out of her mouth and then licked down to his family jewels. She sucked one into her mouth as she pumped her hand up and down his length. Zeke bent crushed the steering wheel a bit which Zoe barely noticed as she was pleasuring herself. Zeke tensed up and as his cock started to bulge Victoria quickly slid it back into her mouth.

Zeke put his right hand on her head and held it there as he began unload in her mouth. Victoria squeaked in surprise for some reason and had to swallow a few times. She lifted her head and licked her lips as she swallowed again.

She moaned briefly before looking at Zeke, “What the hell man. Tell me you secret!”

Zeke raised an eyebrow, “What are you talking about?”

She pointed at his deflating cock, “Your fucking baby gravy tastes like strawberries! There was so much of it as well. It was like strawberry yogurt in my mouth. Absolute best experience during an oral creampie I have ever had!”

Zeke shrugged, “I haven’t done anything personally to change the flavor of my spunk.”

Victoria shook her head, “Damn. There are guys and girls that would pay handsomely to have a way to make their stuff taste that good.”

Zeke honestly couldn’t believe that there wasn’t something out there like that already. It was 2043 surely, they had the medicine or technology to do that? He never really had a reason to look any of that information up so he really didn’t know.

Victoria smiled, “If it’s going to taste that good, I’ll go down on you anytime you want. I don’t care if the pop is watching.”

Zoe moaned loudly as she collapsed in the back seat. Zeke and Victoria looked back and saw her sprawled out with a tit hanging out and her hand between her legs. They both laughed as Victoria put Zeke’s tool away and they continued to head back to Zoe’s place. It was like the murder that was committed never happen.

*Ding* Mission complete master, evidence destroyed.

Zeke smiled at the notification that popped up.


A Black Chevrolet Tahoe pulled to a stop on the side of the highway. A couple of goons in suits stepped out and after making sure the area was clear they opened one of the back doors. A woman in a purple dress stepped out and surveyed the scene.

She looked towards another man that was standing behind her, “Drogol, You said the signal disappeared at this location?”

The mand she addressed nodded his head and answered in a heavy Russian accent, “Yes.”

He bent his six-foot ten-inch frame down and showed the woman the last few minutes of the GPS signal on a tablet. It was traveling down the highway and then suddenly stopped. A few seconds later and the signal just disappeared. Drogol put the tablet away and started directing the rest of the men to search the area.

The woman looked around and then walked over towards the center of the highway. She looked around for a bit and then sighed, “Why are you hiding from me Zeke.” She looked up the highway in the direction that traffic was traveling. Hoping to spot anything that would lead her in his direction.

“Lady Slvette, we need to get going. Your father is waiting for you.”

She sighed as she nodded towards Drogol, “Fine, let’s go.”

She climbed back in the car and pondered on what she could do. Her men told her that someone looking like Ezekiel arrived in ArchAngel, but then that was it. They lost sight of him and none of her team could find any trace of him anywhere. Why was he hiding from her? They were childhood friends when they were little. Back before her father decided to take her across the planet. She sighed and looked out the window as the Tahoe pulled away from the area.

She reminisced on memories of her, Zeke, and his sister playing at his mansion. His smile was radiant back then. Back before his father tore his world apart. She had pleaded her father to kill the man, but he said that he couldn’t. He said that there wasn’t anyone on the planet that could kill Zeke’s father. Until Zeke proved him wrong. He proved everybody wrong.

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