《A Mailman as a Superhero》20. The Second Fragment...Part 2...


Queensway 417.

Ottawa, Canada.

"DAD!" Paul shook Rene's shoulder. Rene groaned.

"Uncle Pierre. What's wrong with my dad? Why is his name flashing red on the party screen?" Paul was frantic with worry.

His father slumped down in his seat a few minutes ago. At first, he didn't think much of it. His dad was a super like him and uncle Pierre.

He thought maybe he was tired. After a few minutes later uncle Pierre had to avoid a frantic motorist going too fast, and driving dangerously on the snow-covered highway.

The rush hour traffic was getting lighter. And some reckless assholes were taking advantage to drive faster. He understood their desperate need to reach their families.

He knew that his mother was fine. Doing her bit to help out at the hospital. He had talked to her and while she was under a lot of pressure at work, she was safe. His uncle was right there in the front driving the F-150 through the snow.

His Dad was fine and he was doing things that he only dreamed of. Most of the power he received, and his uncle too, came from what his dad accomplished on his own. He thought that his dad was the one person who had a handle on everything. The one person he didn't have to worry about.

Now his dad was unconscious and nothing he did was bringing him out of it.

"How long has he been like that JP?" His uncle was the only one who called him JP. He was the one he went when his mom and dad had their occasional fight.

"A few minutes uncle Pierre. Do you know why his name is flashing like that?" Pierre was about to pull to the side when Rene's name stopped flashing in the party list.


"I think it's a status indicator. Why it's flashing or why it's red? Your guess is as good as mine." Pierre parked the F-150 in the emergency lane. "Hey! Snap out of it." He shook his brother roughly.

"Stop that." Rene snapped back.

"Dad! You're awake. How do you feel?" Paul asked his dad.

"I'm fine. What hit me?" He asked.

"That's what we want to know. Your name was flashing red in the party list." As Pierre checked he saw that the name was no longer flashing and the color was cycling back to green.

"I think there's something broken with my connection to the system?" Rene lied.

"I'll say. You're pulling shit only a sys-admin should be able to." Pierre had begun to suspect that when he tried to duplicate what Rene had done, and couldn't.

"I think you're right. I tried to fix my problem with level 5 by setting up a couple of sub-abilities. I received another alert letting me know I had received a lot of experience energy for creating the largest ever recorded party in the galaxy. Apparently, no one has been able to add more than 120 beings to a party. That person was supposed to be one of their Elite powers. So when I broke the record by inviting more than a couple thousand members into the RCMP party. It gave me a shit load of experience."

"Yeah, that would do it. It also proved you have the sys-admin privilege." Pierre pulled back into traffic. "Let's keep that one quiet for now. I'm sure people are going to start asking questions about the sys-admin who created the world chat, the country chat, and the Ottawa chat." He looked at Rene, "And any other chat I should know about?"


"Too many to count," Rene confirmed.

"Uh huh. I thought so. That's gonna be a shit load of trouble. I can guarantee it." Pierre signaled to turn into the off-ramp. "Any idea how you got that?"

"Yeah, maybe one or two." Rene sighed.

"Are you going to share or what? Christ almighty! It's like pulling teeth! Out with it Rene."

"That's the Woodroffe exit you just took." Rene pointed at the off-ramp sign they just passed.

"Yeah and...Aw no. Tell me it's not you! Of course, it's you! Who else could it be?"

"HEY! It's not like I asked for a meteorite to crash and explode in my face!" Rene shouted at the unfairness of it all.

"You let me know when we get there." Pierre sighed. At least we don't have to search for the damn thing. He thought.

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