《A Mailman as a Superhero》2. How it all started...


Greenland Iceshelf

"Captain McLean please get your unit ready to deploy." Colonel Allister US Army told the Canadian special forces officer.

"Do we have contact, sir?" McLean sent a quick text to deploy his unit for possible combat.

"We've detected multiple contacts, from below and above the base. Looks like they're after the artifact the science boys are finally extracting from the ocean floor." Colonel Allister began calling other units for support as the Canadian officer quickly left the office to join his unit.

'Now who's after the package? Anyone who's anyone is already part of this UN recovery operation.' Light on his communication console lit up. He had a connection to his first line of support. "Commander Grant looks like the Intel from the fleet is good. We have multiple contacts incoming. From above and below. Let your flyboys know that they're to ensure we have complete air superiority over this base."

"Affirmative Colonel. A flight of Lighting will be at your location in less than sixty seconds. The SEAL teams will be a few minutes behind them. Your Canadians should be able to hold out long enough for us to get there." Cmndr Grant started to get his people moving. The USS America was the amphibious assault class ship assigned to this UN mission. There were other ships in the area as well. British submarines and Russian intelligence ships who were part of the security forces were already on the move. Other NATO units could be called on to assist if they weren't enough and escalation was needed.

UN Recovery Base.

Captain McLean rushed into the frigid air straight to the massive platform that was raising the Alien artifact from the ocean floor. He could see his squads racing in their combat buggies and snowmobiles. Snipers were settling into their prepared nests and the heavy units were rolling out from the prefabricated cold weather buildings.


He saw tracer fire raining down on the platform. Skydivers using arctic camouflaged wingsuits were the tip of the assault units. Above them, stealth aircraft were dropping powered combat jet suits and light frame combat planes.

"Get out of the fucking open sir." Sgt Petersen shouted from the combat buggy.

McLean jumped into the buggy next to Cpl Henderson. Cpl Henderson stopped firing the 50 caliber autocannon long enough to pull his commanding officer all the way into the back of the vehicle.

"Get us to the platform Petersen!" He didn't say step on because the Sgt already floored the combat buggy. Instead, he used his assault rifle to shoot the wingsuit troopers dropping on the base.

Other buildings began to explode as the enemy tried to isolate the platform. It was seconds too late. The Canadians managed to deploy before the assault began.

The buggy reached the platform at the same time as the wingsuited enemy forces landed on the recovery platform.

Cpl Henderson used his weapon to suppress the enemy while Captain McLean and Sgt. Petersen climbed the stairs.

They zig-zagged between the recovery equipment and ran towards the scientists who were about to load the frozen space artifact on a steel mesh palette.

"Duck..." Sgt Petersen pushed his company commander out of the way as an enemy unit tried to stop them from reaching the space rock.

"Ughh..." Sgt Petersen groaned as he took fire aimed at McLean. "Jaimie!" McLean grabbed Petersen and dragged him behind the space rock while firing at the enemy forces charging at them.

The scientists were taking cover anywhere they could as the white-clad soldiers ran straight for the space rock.

McLean threw a flash-bang grenade in desperation to slow down the soldiers.

A soldier with a face mask jumped at the artifact as the grenade exploded.

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