《Trouble!》[Survey] Favorite Trouble! Waifu? and Trouble! Discussion Thread


Hey everyone, Alizoned here. Like what the title suggests, this will be a survey and generally a discussion about your favorite female character and anything about Trouble! in general. You have an idea on how to improve your Waifu's character? Share it. You think your waifu is better than the other waifus? Tell us why! Theories on which Waifu is a Goddess/Demon Avatar?

Think Keith is an idiot? Tell us why!

Everyone is welcome to speak here and all of your comments and opinions count. Let's have an intelligent and healthy discussion everyone!

Also, Trouble Volume 2, Chapter 2 coming up in a bit so while we wait, let's exchange some ideas! I will also be here to answer questions every now and then.

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