《Her Beautiful Fractals》Chapter 1: Something Comforting
“Fresh Bread and Ryeclaw’s, we’ve got it all! Only the best baked goods can be found here in Mariusz Bakery!” The caller advertised outside the store. This must be the place, I just hope the baker was in.
I opened the door only to be welcomed by a subtle yet sweet aroma that filled the air, the faint taste of yeast rising baking in the heat of the oven. If I could, I would stand here all day taking in the pleasant smell, but I got no time to waste. It looks like the shop isn’t too busy, I might just make it back in time. Two women were waiting for the baker to take their orders, it sure must be nice being able to afford such fresh bread. I’d be lucky if the bread we got where we live was the least bit stale…
"God Bless, they've finally lifted the sanctions on imports of grain from Phreark. I hear Rye is finally back in the hands of the baker.” The thin woman gossiped.
"But what about the Ergot plaguing the land? Aren’t they worried the grain might be tainted?" Her hefty friend added.
"I thought the same thing, but it seems they’ve found a cure to the disease and the tainted crops. I heard it was thanks to some salt brine made by the Order of St. Antoinella, I hear those alchemists are dedicated and quite privy to the disease.”
“I feared the disease might have made its way here. I hear it burns like fire, those poor people. Thank the lord it didn’t spread here.”
The baker had just finished buttering some rolls he put on display. “Sorry about the wait, so what would you ladies like?”
“Could we get a half-loaf of Rye?”
“Oh, and a helping of flat cakes and a jar of honey.” The hefty lady chimed in.
“Sure thing, just a moment.”
There were plenty of baked goods on display, the smell of freshly baked bread wafted through the air and on the racks behind the stall were large round loaves, honey, salted knots and flat cakes. I keenly watched as the loaves of Rye were cut, its sturdy crust grinding into crumbs as the baker sawed it into even halves.
“Here you are, a half-loaf.”
“Thank you. Oh, and for tomorrow could you put aside a jar of meat?”
“Sure thing, anything else or is that all?”
“That should be it, thank you fine sir. May the Lord bless you and keep you.”
“Uh-huh, so long now ladies.”
Waiting for the ladies to finish up, I stood to the side and pretended to look at the shelves lined with jams and jarred meats. I made sure to avert my gaze lest they catch me gawping. “Hey, did you see that boy back there?”
“To think those filthy bumpkins have the audacity to come to the east district. You can’t help but pity them, though I’d rather they stay where they belong.”
“Right? Wouldn’t want them roaming around here, that last beggar had what was coming to him.” Their words lingered on my mind as they went out the door.
I clutched the letter and approached the counter. “Good day, Sir.”
“What’s this lad, come for a bite? Do any of your ilk even have any coin to purchase with? I doubt it.”
“No, Sir. That’s not why I’m here. I’ve come with a letter for delivery.” I proffered the letter to the Baker before he quickly swiped it from my hand.
“A letter? And here I thought I was gonna make a sale…” He sighed. The bread looked awfully good, especially the one knotted pastry with salt… I hadn’t even noticed that the baker eyed me curiously. “Hey boy, just what are you waiting around for? Unless you have got the coin, step away from the counter. I need paying customers, you and yours only serve to stink up the place.”
“Ah, apologies Sir. I’ll be on my way.” I hurried out the door.
That was the last delivery for the day, if I’m fast enough that person said he might treat me to something! That was the fastest I’ve done the work, that’s gotta be worth something. He said he’d be waiting for me at the usual spot, by now he’s probably finishing up his last pick-ups. It was here at the stairwell near the fountain square that we’d meet up in the morning before he’d send me off to make deliveries. It was a nice spot with a view that overlooked all the people going about their daily lives. As I huddled over the railing, I imagined what life would be like if I only had the money to do whatever I pleased, to be able to provide a better life for the both of us, I’m sure that would make her happy.
“Ah, there you are! Didn’t think you’d arrive before me, that’s a first.”
“Dayrek!” I shouted. “I finished my deliveries early, I did real good!”
“Well ain’t that something, you’re certainly getting better at this. You might just be the fastest helper I’ve had… at least for a kid. Still, you’ve got a long before you can compete with the big boys. Being a porter ain’t just about delivering packages in time, you sure all the packages were intact?”
“I made sure to be really careful with them, the rest were letters so I had no problem handing them out. I’ve also gotten better at reading the names off the list thanks to your help!”
“That’s what I’m talking about, you did good.” Dayrek offered his fist in approval.
“Yeah!” I gestured in kind, bumping fists.
“Now then, how about we go ahead and eat some chow. Sounds good?”
“Alright, come on bud. I hear they’ve got Rye soup with smoked sausage back on the menu, haven't had it in ages!”
Dayrek brought me into the tavern he casually frequented, it was on the days I finished early that he’d bring me here. They had some of the best food in town, then again I haven't been to many places in the city, they don’t take too kindly to me being around.
“Nothing like eating a hearty meal after a hard day’s work. Ain’t that right kid?”
“Yeah! The food here is so good, I wish I could eat here all day!”
“Heh, I’m sure one day you will kiddo. Oh and before I forget, here’s your cut.” He handed me 3 Burszl. “Don’t go spending it all now, y 'hear me?”
“I won’t. I’ve been saving up so that one day we can afford to live somewhere nicer.”
“Good, that’s the smart move. I’m always looking out for you, I know how hard you have it. It’s not easy living in the slums, being an orphan and-” Those words stung a little much, I couldn’t help but look down at my empty plate, the grease stains served as a decent distraction. “Ah, that’s not what I meant- Shit, look kid I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.”
“Nah, I’m used to it by now.”
“Right… Well, I wouldn’t want to keep you here, it’s getting late. Wouldn’t want to worry a certain someone. You best get back before sundown, the guards are just about ready to start their patrol.”
“Yeah, you’re right… Well, thanks for the meal!”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” He asked.
“Yep, see ya tomorrow!”
“Alright, good to hear.” A smile formed on his face. “Catch you later, bud.” He wished me well. And with that I ran out the door, with in hand there was something I wanted to buy.
Rushing through the city streets, I could smell the fresh bread from earlier… If I'm lucky, perhaps the baker still has his doors open.
“Well now, if it ain’t the boy from earlier. Got another delivery for me?”
“No, Sir.” Placing the money I had just earned on the counter. “I’d like to buy something.”
“That so?” Picking up the Burszl to take a closer look, the baker smirked. “Heh, alright then. What would ya like?”
I pointed to one baked pastry he had on display. The knotted delight, sprinkled with salt.
“I’ll have that one!”
“Sure thing. Here you are, one pretzel.”
The sun had begun to set as I ran through the Southwest Ward, the only part of town where the city folk rather not go. A place ripe with unsavory folk eager to pilfer from the Upper Ward citizens. This was a place where the poor and sick reside, a place I know well and most importantly the place we call home. A place where those of us, strangers to the city, struggle to make a living. And to think, I spent 2 burszl on the pretzel… Dayrek wouldn’t be happy to know how I was spending my money. But it’ll all be worth it, just around the bend, I was almost there. There on the corner, a young woman exchanged flowers for money. Greeting every potential customer that walked by with a smile, I recognized her immediately, we shared the same blonde hair after all. Turning her head she saw me, her grayish-blue eyes locked with mine, I couldn’t have been more excited to see her.
“Alena!” I shouted.
“Alek? I’ve been worried sick, where have you been?! You haven't been with that porter have you?”
“Of course not, but look what I got!” I pulled the salted delight out of my bag. “A pretzel!” I grinned.
“Really now…” She sighed.
“W-What? Is something wrong?”
“If you wanted a pretzel, you could have come to me, I would have bought you one. And the fact you were able to buy one proves to me that you’ve been hanging around the porter again.”
“So what? With the coin he gave me, I was able to buy this for us. I can take care of myself, and besides… the pretzel was for the both of us to share…”
“Oh Alek…” She kneeled to hug me. “I didn’t mean it that way. I just worry about you, we’re the only family we’ve got left… I’m just trying to look after you.”
“But you don’t have to worry Sis, I ain’t going nowhere! I’ll be there for you the same way you’re there for me!”
“...Thank you.” Realizing just how much this meant to me. “Hey, do you mind sharing some with me?” She smiled.
“Hm? … Oh, of course!” I ripped the pretzel haphazardly into uneven halves. “Here, you can have the larger half.”
Putting her basket of flowers down, we sat beside each other on a couple of worn boxes piled nearby. The days were getting colder, clouds in the distance seemed to gather. The pretzel had long lost its warmth, but the taste helped to improve my mood. It was the first time I had tasted something this good in a long time.
“It’s so good, right?!”
“Yeah.” She agreed, taking slow bites.
Scarfing it all down, I failed to realize how fast I would finish what little of the half-pretzel I had. “That was good!” I looked over to see Alena had yet to even finish.
She must have noticed me staring at the delicious salty treat. “Are you still hungry? I can give you some of mine-”
“No, I’m okay! That half is for you!” I insisted.
“Oh okay, if you say so.” She continued to take it slow, a subtle expression of joy with each bite she took. It made me happy to see her sharing in my delight. “You know, time really flies, to think it’s already been 5 summers since that day… Hey Alek, do you remember anything from back then?” I watched as she finished her pretzel.
“Hm… not really. Only that you were there for me every step of the way.”
“And I always will be.” She smiled.
“What about you, do you ever think of Mama or Papa?”
“All the time. I sometimes wonder how they’re doing. Sometimes in my dreams I can still feel Mama’s hand on my cheek while Papa is smiling from behind her…” Sis turned to face the sky, wiping something from her face. “Hah… the sun looks to be setting now.”
“Oh yeah, it is.”
“How about you, do you think about them? Do you miss them? Because you know… I really miss them.” She turned to face me once more, yet it was hard to see what expression she made, the glare from the setting sun hurt my eyes.
I looked down to cobbled ground. “Hm, sometimes. I can’t really remember them all that well… I wish I knew what it was like having them around now.”
“Thinking of it, you’re about the same age I was when it all happened. I know I felt really sad when it all happened… Not knowing what might happen, I held you as close as possible worried I might lose you. And now… all we have is each other.”
“You were the same age, huh… I think I get it. I can’t imagine you not being here with me. This feeling in my stomach… I don’t even want to think about it! I’m just happy knowing you’re here with me. Still, the more I think about it, I wonder where Mama and Papa are now.”
“Heh, I’m happy to hear you feel that way. But you don’t need to worry, I’ll always be there for you, as siblings we’re inseparable.”
“You promise?”
“Hold your two pointing fingers out.”
“Huh, why?”
“Just play along, please?”
“...Okay.” I held two fingers out and in response she locked her fingers around mine.
“See, it’s a promise.” She grinned. I couldn’t help but smile as well. “As for Mama and Papa, wherever they are, I’m sure they’re more than happy to see we’re alive and doing well… No doubt they’re watching over us as we speak, and continue to do so. At least until…”
“...until? What do you mean?”
“No, nevermind.” She shook her head. “But hey, it sure is cold tonight, huh?”
“Mm, I guess.”
“The clouds seem to be gathering in the distance, it seems it might even snow tomorrow…”
“Snow!? Really?”
“Yep, it just might…”
“But I hate the snow!”
“Let’s hope the snow is kind enough to only show up for a few days this Winter.”
“Will we be alright? I mean-”
“Yes.” She interrupted me. “We should be fine, I’ve been saving up enough for us to stay fed and warm through the winter. It should be enough, it has to be.” She seemed downtrodden.
I couldn’t stand to see her worry. “I believe you. If we made it through last Winter, we’ll make it through this one. We’ve got each other after all!” I grinned.
She paused before chuckling. “Hah, you’re right. We’re gonna be okay.”
“Yeah!” I exclaimed.
“About before, It’s not that I mind you working for that Porter, I just worry about you finding dangerous work. Being a Porter is dangerous work, especially when you deliver things outside these walls… I just worry about you.”
“Don't worry, I know how to take care of myself. And soon enough, I’ll be the one taking care of you, just you wait!”
She laughed. “I’m happy to hear it. Just remember to take it easy-” She started coughing uncontrollably. “Mm… Take it easy, hear me?” She continued to cough.
“Hey, you alright?!”
“Mm… I’m fine. It’s just a small cough.” Covering her mouth.
“Oh, okay…”
“Hey Alek…” She paused. “Earlier, I didn’t mean to scold you. I just worry, you know? You’re growing up so fast… I love you so much, you know?” She held me close.
“I know, I love you too.”
We sat there for a time watching the sun set. “And Alek…”
“Thank you again for the pretzel.”
I couldn’t help but smile. “You’re welcome!” I was just happy to be there at that moment. I only wish it could last forever…
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