《The Magic God Wants A Disciple》Chapter 1: I Quit!



It wasn’t a power that was unknown to humans. From the dawn of creation, Humans, Demons, Spirits and Magical Beasts alike were able to wield magic with ease. It was as easy as breathing to the inhabitants of the world. Some people used magic to light up candles, others used it to plough the fields. It was the most rudimentary of things, but yet… it seemed so abstract.

No one was able to solve the puzzle of magic. Theoretically, a human could reach an absurd level through magic itself. They would be able to move mountains and split oceans with nothing but a thought. They would be capable of bending the sky to their will and destroying the continents with a breath. The potential that magic had was immense.

Even the strongest Magical Beasts on the planet, the Dragons, had yet to obtain this level with their magic.

However, all of that changed three years ago.

A human emerged and announced himself to the world during the Great Magic War. A war between the human and demons that spanned almost fifty years with no winner in sight. In the beginning, no one took the man seriously. The rumours about him slaying a Dragon with a single hit was too far-fetched for anyone to believe. They had all underestimated his capabilities and brushed off his abilities. Even the humans were sceptical of the powers of the young man.

But as they all say,… actions speak louder than words.

The moment the man entered the battlefield of the Great Magic War, the entire Demon Army was pushed back. Tornadoes whirled around him while lightning bolts continually hammered against the wretched land-locked demons. He turned the vast plains into an ocean of fire and generated earthquakes with a wave of his wrists.

Annoyed by the rain and overcast skies, the man summoned out a ball of fire to change a rainy day to a sky of sunshine. Angered by the heat of the desert, the man froze the sandy terrain in ten-metre thick ice and changed the season. Because he didn’t like the rocky terrain of the mountains, the man created an ocean above the sky and turned the mountain range into the world’s tallest lake.

The man had continued to perform miracle after miracle. Because of his influence, the Demons were finally forced to hold back on their aggressiveness. The Demon Emperor, formerly known as the greatest living magical being, even acknowledged his inferiority to the man publicly.

From that day on, the man wasn’t just a nameless man that no one knew of.

From that day on the man was known as... the Magic God.

People often wonder. What kind of personality does the Magic God have?


Was the Magic God a cold and aloof person that only saw war as a mission? Was he a noble hero that would sacrifice everything to save humanity? Or perhaps, was he a charming and charismatic figure like all of the beloved figures of old?

Only a handful of humans had seen the Magic God in the flesh, and an even less amount had spoken to him. So there were only speculations of his real personality.

Ranked first on the Heaven’s Listing, a list consisting of the top hundred most powerful humans alive. The Hero of humanity who brought the losing war back in favour of humans. The world’s most powerful magician and potentially, the greatest magical being of all time. Demons would weep at the sound of his name while humans would bend the knee in reverence. So… What kind of person was the Magic God?

“I quit.”

A young man in his twenties spat in a restrained voice. Directly opposite of him, there was a massive bulky man, who looked in his fifties, seated down and burying his face with paperwork. Draped in a regal red robe, the muscular man looked at like the pinnacle of power and influence.

It was as if the man could control everything with his hand, and the world would bend if he simply snapped his fingers. However, the moment he heard the young man’s claim, his muscles cringed, and his pen dropped flat on the table.

“Roan… I’m in no mood for jokes. Unlike you, I have a mountain of administrative work to do so please tell me what you’re really here for.”

“I’m not joking, Kassadin. I’m quitting.”

The man named Roan didn’t bat an eyelid and repeated his sentence.

“Here’s my letter of resignation. I’ve signed it and everything.”

“... You’re drunk again. Talk to me when you’re sober, please.”

Kassadin reached out for his pen and attempted to continue with his paperwork. He’d heard this story many times before. Kassadin had known Roan for almost twenty years now and had seen the guy grow from boy to man. And throughout those twenty years, he’d heard Roan mutter groans of resignation multiple times before. It wasn’t anything new to Kassadin.

However, the muscular man grossly underestimated Roan’s resolve today.

“No, I’m really resigning. I’m leaving the Alliance and vacating my seat on the Council. Please relay that to the other members.”

“Hold on… You’re serious?” Kassadin was unable to concentrate on his work anymore. He wasn’t even able to pick up the pen that was right in front of him. All he could do was stare the young man straight in his hazel eyes.

“Yes, I no longer belong here.”


“No longer belong here? Nonsense!!!”

Kassadin slammed both his hands on the table once he realised that the man in front of him was dead-serious. His palms started to sweat, and his pupils were shaking. Kassadin had been the Alliance Chief of Defence for almost half a decade now. He had faced threats far beyond what a regular human could comprehend.

Repelling the Demon Emperor’s forces. Fighting against stray Magic Beasts that could level a fortress. Kassadin had seen it all. Yet, at this very moment, Kassadin felt that he was facing his biggest crisis yet.

“There is no need for me to remain in the Alliance anymore, no?” Roan wasn’t intimidated by his friend’s show of power and just smiled innocently.

“Don’t be ridiculous! The Demon Army may have retreated for now, but the Great Magic War hasn’t ended yet! Eventually, the Demon Emperor would rally his forces and launch yet another conquest on our lands! When that happens, we need you on the frontline Roan. No, Magic God!!!”

Roan’s eyes twitched a little after hearing his title blasted right in his face. Still, the man kept his calm and replied with a calm tone.

“When that happens, I have full trust in your capabilities. You also have the other guys on the Heaven’s Listing that can fight toe-to-toe against the Demon Generals. You don’t need me around for that.”

“Roan! You should know that the others can’t compare to you! What if the Demon Emperor personally attacks?”

“Let the old lady take care of that. Despite her age, she really knows how to move a muscle. You would be shocked.”


Kassadin raised his voice once more, but it was to no avail. Roan’s mind was made, and he couldn’t care less about what his old friend and mentor had to say.

“You should really stop with the yelling… It only makes you look like the stereotypical tyrannical boss in all novels that the main character has to overcome for happiness.”

“I wouldn’t be yelling if you would stop with the jokes!”

“Hah, how many times must I repeat myself. This ain’t a joke.” Roan sighed and pushed his letter of resignation deeper into the man’s desk.

“I’m bored with this life, Kassadin. I have served the Alliance for twenty years now. Killing demons, training magic, killing demons, training magic. Rinse and repeat. Those are the only things that I’ve been doing since I was five. I’ve never been out of the Frontiers. I’ve never explored the four corners of the Eusora. I’m tired...”

“Still… Eusora needs you! The Alliance needs you! Humanity needs you! Think about it! This is our home, the home that you’d worked so hard to defend and love! You are-...”

“Arghhh, enough with this cherry talk! I know it works on your wife, but it will never work on me! I ain’t into those disgusting smelly muscles.”

Roan stopped the Alliance Chief of Defence before he could pull out his signature move, Talk-no-Jutsu. It was a power that wasn’t suited for an Aura Emperor like Kassadin, and that was what made it dangerous. Who would have expected that this beefcake knew how to speak to the heart rather than speaking with his fists.

Therefore, Roan had to run away before Kassadin seized the initiative.

“Anyway, I didn’t come here to seek your permission. I’m just here to inform you and bid you farewell.”

Roan leapt back from his chair and rooted both his feet onto the marble floor. A low-toned rumble shook the floor, and Kassadin’s opulent chambers started to tremble. Blue light dripped out from Roan’s feet and drew a line about a metre-wide. Soon, the blue light spread out and a complicated magic circle formed underneath the Magic God.

“A transfer circle?!”

“I had to come prepared, you see. There’s no way that I can beat you if you tried to restrain me.” Roan chuckled. “Say bye to that crazy witch for me!”

“Wait! Before you leave, tell me what you are going to do now! You owe me that explanation at least!”

Kassadin knew that once the transfer circle was activated, there was no way of preventing Roan’s escape. Unlike teleport which had a restriction on distance, a transfer circle linked two coordinates together, no matter how far they were. There was no telling where Roan would transfer to, and once the spell was activated, Kassadin would have no way of tracing the Magic God.

“Hmmm, I don’t see why not!”

The Magic God shut his mouth for a moment before flashing an impish smile.

“... Disciple.”


“I’m going to find a disciple and lead the life of a lazy master!”

“Wait, what? What do you mean by disciple?”

“Hehe, I’m not falling for that anymore! Adios~”

Kassadin had more questions, but Roan had no intentions of staying any longer. Completing the transfer gate, the Magic God’s figure faded away with blue particles dissipating away into nothingness.

For the first time in twenty years… Roan Erymneus was free.

For the first time in twenty years… The Magic God was going to do what he truly wanted.

For the first time in twenty years… Roan was going to find a disciple.

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