《Strongest Ninja In A Hero Society》Chapter 18: An Oddly Normal First Day Of Lessons


"Soon I will find my mother? Bullshit! This is fucking ridiculous!" Cursing in a manner that he had not experienced in a long time, Takezushi slammed his fist against the floor. He found it hard to accept how difficult it would be to learn Sage Mode. However, with only a quick look at his status, the reason immediately became obvious.


Name: Takezushi Sakuraboshi


Chakra: Extreme (Comparable to Mid Kage Level Ninja from the Ninja World)

Control: Absurd (Comparable to Peak Kage Level Ninja from the Ninja World)

Nature Chakra Control: Worthless (If Not For Your Mastery Of Yang, You'd Be A Stone Celestial Being)


Naturally, as a total beginner when it came to manipulating Nature Chakra, Takezushi would struggle as he did when he was a three-year-old trying to control his own regular chakra. He didn't have a teacher to help guide him, nor were there any resources he could have used from the Ninja World to help him master Sage Mode. The only thing Takezushi had going for him was the fact that his normal Chakra reserves and control were outrageously strong. Since it was a direct consequence of him having a veritable sea of spiritual energy, he found it relatively easier than most to follow the cultivation method for training Sage Mode.

Becoming completely sit and attempting to resonate and control natural chakra were just about the only things Takezushi could easily do. From there on, however, he was as hopeless as a complete novice. Imagine training for over a decade to become insanely strong only to have a new aspect of your training take you back to the very start; anyone would be frustrated.

In any case, the night had already come and gone and it was once again time for school. Evidently displeased, Takezushi somehow managed to angrily put on his school attire before making his way over to his homeroom class. Since he already knew the precise spatial coordinates, he took the Kamui Express to school. With literally a single step after entering his Kamui Dimension, he found himself another step away from sitting down on his chair in Class 1-A.

Again, Takezushi found himself to be the first person in his class to arrive. Thus without anything else to do, he returned to training his mastery of Nature Chakra Control as he was still far from able to even attempt a Partial Sage Mode Transformation. As a complete beginner to Sage Mode Training, Takezushi also didn't feel it would be safe to keep an army of shadow clones training with him as he could very well become completely petrified if he was startled mid-meditation. Of course, it would take several disruptions and a period of being stunned for any threat to become real. Thus, Takezushi didn't feel worried about a student walking into the class and interrupting his training.


Takezushi continued to struggle against reigning the arcane nature chakra for another half an hour before students began pouring into the classroom. It didn't take long for Takezushi to get pulled into a conversation as he had become entered good graces with over half the class yesterday.

Tsuyu, being the second to arrive again, did not waste her chance to learn a bit more about Takezushi. Like the rest of the class, she was curious as to the extent of Takezushi's power, so now that they were alone, she walked up to him with the intention to learn a bit more about him. Before that, however, she greeted, "Good morning, Takezushi."

Upon hearing the door start to slide up, Takezushi had stopped meditating. So by the time Tsuyu saw him and gave him a greeting, he was ready to return the courtesy, saying, "Good morning, Asui."

"You can call me Tsu," Tsuyu said, as she already saw him as a friend.

"Oh, ok then, Tsu..." Takezushi said, as he reminisced about the time his mother called him by his nickname, "Zushi."

Tsuyu couldn't exactly see that Takezushi was lost inside his own little world, so she continued the conversation by getting his attention. "Say, Takezushi..." She called to him.

"What is it?" Takezushi asked, having come back to reality.

"I didn't get around to asking this yesterday, but what else can you turn your chakra into? I already know about Yang as you discussed when treating Midoriya and when we first met you said something about Wind Release. You also have that strange energy that lets you warp, so I'm really curious as to how versatile your Quirk is."

"Mhmm… why don't I give you a demonstration?" Takezushi proposed. He was met with Tsuyu nodding in affirmation, but was stopped just like yesterday as more and more students entered the class and kept derailing Takezushi from actually showing or explaining his various Nature Transformations.

Eventually, Aizawa came just in time for the day of classes to begin. Takezushi could only helplessly smile and tell those wondering about the versatility of his Quirk that perhaps he would be able to show them during the Foundational Heroes Studies class if not after school. Thereafter, nothing particularly exciting happened as morning classes in U.A. were essentially the same as a regular High School's.

After thirty minutes of homeroom, Aizawa traded spots with Present Mic who taught the class English for about an hour. Then came Cementoss, the hero who manipulated cement, who taught Class 1-A about Modern Literature. After another hour of class, Cementoss was replaced with the "R-Rated Hero," Midnight, who looked more like a seductress than the Modern Hero Arts History Teacher she was supposed to play the part of. Finally, before lunch, the last academic class the students of Class 1-A had to weather through was Mathematic who was taught by the ever-monstrous looking Ectoplasm.


After a lengthy four and a half hours of pure academic learning, Takezushi followed some of his peers into the cafeteria to eat lunch. Growing up as a slave, Takezushi wasn't a picky eater, but it really surprised him how delicious the food from the school was. Apparently, there was a Hero, Lunch Rush, who worked to serve all the students of U.A. and he was famed for being able to make cheap meals at a gourmet quality.

Takezushi quickly finished his meal within his Kamui Dimension so as to not be disturbed as he quickly got in an extra couple minutes to train in acquiring Sage Mode. It was only just a minute before classes were to resume that he warped out to the side of his chair within his homeroom. A couple seconds later, as the class was just about to settle back into their studious state, a loud voice announced, "I am.. walking in like a normal person!" It was obvious that he wasn't, as All Might appeared taking steps towards the front of the class in an almost robotic manner.

As the class erupted into excitement from the arrival of the #1 Pro Hero, Takezushi finally understood where the old man got his confidence. As All might was being revered like some sort of myth, he continued his announcement, "It's time for the Foundational Hero Studies Class! So let's jump right into with… A Trial of Battle!"

The class was thus divided into two groups. One group was made up of students that were eager to begin with the rather advanced sounding lesson, while the other group felt apprehension in jumping straight into the throes of conflict. While the students were processing All Might's words, he added, "Now, to go with your first Battle Trial… We've prepared the gear we had you design to complement your Quirks!"

He pointed at the students whilst donning his trademarked smile and said, "Go get changed and meet up with me at Grounds Beta! Your Hero Costumes will be vitally important for the Trial of Battle!" He then handed out the cases which contained each students' hero equipment. The class immediately lit up with excitement regardless of their feelings towards the impending battle trial and without hesitation, everyone practically ran to the changing rooms.

Once again, Takezushi was the first to change and arrive at the meeting location designated by his teacher. At the moment Takezushi was smiling contently as he approved of all the equipment he received. Going over his clothes first, Takezushi was wearing a set of white martial arts fitted robes that parted below the sash which was tied by his midsection. He had a long black headband strapped to his head which was plated with steel along his forehead and on the steel, there was the engraved symbol of an eight-pointed sun ray.

Under his robes, he wore a black undersuit and from his hands to the base of his forearms, there ran tightly wound up pieces of cloth. Aside from what covered his body, under his robes, he was fitted with several traditional weapons like shurikens and kunai that could be readily retrieved. But the extent of his weaponry didn't come close to ending there, as he carried a scroll that would later be filled out with his seals to hold more weapons.

On Takezushi's back there lay the crown piece to his hero equipment. It was a Gunbai which was connected by linking metal rods that ran from the bottom of the fan's handle to the Takezushi's right hand. For years now, Takezushi had been cultivating a tree in North Korea while he trained, all to create the spiritual wood necessary to create this legendary weapon. He had been infusing the tree with chakra since he could create multiple shadow clones and before leaving the country he had stored it away in his Kamui Dimension.

One can imagine how content Takezushi was to see a near-perfectly recreated Gunbai after just sacrificing a small segment of the cultivated chakra-infused tree. With most of the tree still remaining as he had only donated a meter and a half segment to U.A. to create the Gunbai Fan Armament, Takezushi thought about reserving what was left of the chakra enhanced wood to create other legendary weapons should the need for one in the future arise.

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