《Powers of Majin Buu in a Fantasy World!? (COMPLETED!)》Bailing and Finding A New Purpose!?
Prima pointed out the various flaws in Jacob's techniques and once he was worn down enough chopped him on top of the head, knocking him out of the fight. The rest of her students finished up their sparring and Prima released them for the rest of the day, but not before reminding them once again that tomorrow will be very tough and to get a good night's rest. After they all left except for one, Thalamus.
"Ah yes Thalamus?" She asked.
"I finished the books. I need materials now." He said while avoiding eye contact with her.
She smiled.
"Well go get them. They are in the forest."
He was about to say something rude but quickly shut himself up. Prima knew that Thalamus needed her knowledge to better his life and treating her wrongly was not one way to do that. During the first couple of days of being rude to her he realized that he was being treated much more intensely and had to work harder than his fellow students. By the fifth day, he apologized to her in private and received a hug from her. He blushed heavily at that moment but Prima never brought it up again.
"Will you accompany me teacher?"
"Nope. But you can take Tuff with you. He's real tough." She joked while flexing her smooth, muscle less arms.
"Thank you teacher…" He bowed and with Tuff hanging on his shoulders went off into the forest.
'I guess it's time to start giving this village some money. After we start receiving a stable amount of money, I need to start advertising! Can't have this village stay this tiny forever. I hope this plan works though. I don't even know if dirt can take in mana.'
Prima then went around the entire village filling everyone's soil to the brim with mana. She kept out of sight from the villagers while doing this so that they wouldn't ask her why she doesn't always do this or something similar. After finishing that task up, she had to wait to see the progress in a couple of days to see if it would even work. Prima returned home hours later and sat on her bed thinking.
'It's kind of boring making a village… I mean when I came to this world I was thinking about the adventures, the fighting, the magic and more! But now I'm trying to create a kingdom? I don't know how the heck my train of thought derailed so quickly.' Prima thought before coming to a decision.
"Let's bounce Tuff!" She said while sitting up from her bed quickly.
Tuff jumped on her shoulders and wrapped his arms around her neck.
"Seems like your ready to go too huh buddy. But first I have to make sure this village doesn't fall to ruin because of my sudden disappearance. I'll go take care of that baron and then leave a clone here just for appearances sake. Although these people were nice and the kids were cute, I didn't feel that attached to them. I'm kind of strange huh Tuff?"
Tuff shook his head and Prima smiled.
"Let's get out of here." Prima said before leaving an identical clone and teleporting herself out of the village on her way towards the Baron's city.
The two walked along the dark and boring road together and looked up into the beautiful clear night sky.
"I wonder if this world has different planets. I don't see any stars or anything.."
But then suddenly as the two were walking along the empty road, they saw a carriage racing down the road.
"GET OUT OF THE WAY! MOVE!" The driver shouted.
Prima was interested in what they were in such a rush about so instead of heeding the man's warnings, she stood directly in the path of the carriage.
"DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME! I SAID GET OUT OF THE WAY!" He yelled anxiously.
Prima stood there looking as if she didn't hear a word he was saying and started whistling while looking elsewhere.
"YOU FOOL!" He cursed as he was forced to stop the horses.
Prima was surprised and didn't expect the man to actually stop the carriage.
"Hey what's the big rush friend?" She asked as if the situation wasn't dire.
"Let me take a look. I'm a healer you see." She said while having a white glow over her hand.
He changed his attitude almost immediately and begged her to save his lady. He let her inside the carriage and she took a look at the sickly pale and nearly dead beautiful young girl. Prima saw that the skin above her heart turned purple and was slowly spreading over her skin.
'This fool could've gotten this girl killed. I showed him a little light magic and he let me in. He must be real desperate.'
Prima honestly didn't know the first thing about removing poison or what this poison even was but decided to do the only thing she knew. She placed her palm over the purple area and with her infinite mana started blasting healing magic into her entire system. The result seemed to have worked out in her favor because the purple poison was instantly evaporated and she looked perfectly healthy now.
The girl's eyes opened dramatically and she rose up quickly. She took heavy gulps of air before taking a look at her and her knight who was bowing his head towards Prima. Prima grinned.
"Too easy." Prima said.
The previously nearly dead noble girl calmed herself and took on a serious look.
"I assume you are the one who saved my life?" She asked Prima.
"What is it you wish as a reward for saving me?" She asked as if Prima automatically knew who she was and what kind of rewards she was capable of giving.
"Hehe.. I want….."
The carriage was suddenly under attack as magic blasts and arrows shot through, killing the young knight and injuring the young noble even more. A few arrows bounced off Prima's skin and she hurriedly grabbed the young noble lady and burst from the carriage, right into a magical circle. The magical circle glowed bright blue and a blue barrier formed around Prima, Tuff, and the girl. Multiple armored knights and staff wielding mages came from the surroundings and looked at them.
'What the heck did I just get myself into…' Prima said while smiling inwardly.
'Exciting….' She thought in her heart.
"We got the princess." A mage who was wearing fancier robes than the other ones said.
"Good. Once we have her in our hands, we'll be able to eat like kings for the rest of our lives!" A hairy man with a scar on his face said.
The men laughed evilly as they looked at Prima and the girl over her shoulder.
"I just got this princess and you're already taking her from me?!" Prima yelled as if wronged.
The princess soon fell unconscious due to blood loss.
"Take the woman and sell her off as a slave." The scarred man said as the mages started charging their staffs with mana.
"Not very responsive huh? Sorry to break the news guys, but this princess is in another castle for the time being. SEE YA!" Prima shouted while laughing before teleporting away in a random location.
Prima, Tuff, and the princess appeared high in the sky above a large town and Prima used her gravity magic to slowly float to the ground. She healed the princess while falling but it seems one of the many soldiers on the large stone wall saw her and began firing at her.
'Come on! Seriously?! Firing bolts at me just because I'm floating above your city!? If I wasn't trying to protect this girl I would definitely beat you all up in retaliation! But first I have to get to the bottom of this princess quest I just started.'
Prima teleported to the guys shooting at her with huge mounted crossbows and took them out with swift kicks. Torches then lit up all around the wall and inside the town.
"GIVE YOURSELF UP INTRUDER! RELEASE THE PRINCESS AND WE WON'T HARM YOU!" A voice shouted at her from below with magic.
She rubbed her head with her free hand and smiled.
'Becoming a fugitive of the kingdom sounds pretty fun. Even though I don't really know this girl, I know her life isn't turning out so well if she was escaping from the town she lived in. Eh. I'll get the whole story from her later. For now, let's have some fun in this town!' Prima decided as she teleported Tuff and the princess elsewhere and hopping down towards the man who shouted at her earlier.
Prima smiled as the knights shot arrows at her and mages shot elemental magic through their staffs at her. Prima's heart started racing like a thundering drum for a festival. She landed on the ground unharmed and charged towards the group of magicians first, but before she could land a punch on the first one, she hit a barrier in front of them.
"A barrier to protect the squishies. Smart, but not enough for this OP girl!" She pulled her fist back struck the barrier as hard as she could without infusing any mana in her hand.
The force of her attack blasted the mages away with wind and the knights began attacking her with their swords.
Prima easily dodged the soldiers and continued to knock out the mages and any soldiers that blocked her way while laughing.
'Fun..! Fun..! Fun! More!' Prima thought as her Majin instincts began feeding into her mind.
A giant of a man stood in front of her as she was heading for the guy that looked like a noble. He stood in front of him and pulled out an equally as large sword.
"You won't be able to life a peaceful life anymore." The large man said.
"Who said I was looking for a peaceful life in the first place? A nice chaotic life sounds kinda fun don't ya think?" Prima said while smiling.
"Crazy fool. It's too late for regrets." He slashed the air and caused a wind blade to come from it.
Prima dodged and a few seconds later she was sliced in half!
"What the!? What is a A-rank knight doing so far out from the capital!?" Prima shouted before reconnecting herself.
"A demon! I definitely can't let you escape now." He said after watching her regenerate.
Wind started to coat his entire armor and sword. With a wave of his blade and another air slash, he started to take this fight seriously.
Prima decided to dodge the wind attack this time and noticed that the knight was able to control the wind blades shot from his sword.
'So that's how he got me… I wonder what else he can do.' She smiled.
He appeared in front of her and with the agility someone of his size and stature shouldn't have and nearly slashed her in half once more, but Prima managed to counter attack the man with a light magic blast at the cost of her left hand. He was forced backwards and the flying sharp winds from his blade nearly took her neck from behind. Prima suddenly realized the nearly invisible wind blades have increased in amount and are making it harder and harder for her to focus on taking the knight out.
"Your end was decided when you revealed yourself to me. Blame your fate and heinous nature as humanity's enemy."
Prima suddenly teleported away from the determined wind magic and kissed the knight on the cheek by surprise.
"Guh!" He used his blade's hilt and struck Prima in the chest, knocking her away.
He hurriedly tried to wipe where she kissed his cheek at before suddenly feeling a fierce heating inside his body. Prima smiled as the razor-sharp winds died down and the knight fell to one knee with his entire body steaming. She slowly walked to him and stood over him.
"No… No… That's impossible! He's a A-ranked knight! You can't be that strong for a demon!" The noble shouted before trying to escape.
Prima shot four energy rings that locked the noble's hands and legs to a nearby building.
"Don't worry. You aren't going to die. I'm not that type of person… But. You will show a change of heart to a demon like me." Prima said to the struggling knight.
"You.. won't get away…. With this…" He struggled to say.
"Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. I guess we'll see together my new follower." Prima said while rubbing his face.
Suddenly a mushroom popped from the knight's head and his glaring eyes of hatred turned into calm blue bead of servitude.
"My lady… I am yours to serve.." He said.
Prima smiled.
"Good. Now let's go. We got a princess quest to solve uh….."
"Yeah Marky."
"What should we do about him?"
"He'll come with us of course!" Prima said before ripping out the noble's soul and adding it to her collection of souls, leaving his soulless body trapped on the building.
They soon left the town and met up with Tuff and the princess.
"My lady. Where should we head to now? It won't be long before the entire kingdom is after us for the princess."
"We decide that once the princess wakes up and tells us everything. This whole quest is based around her ya know. We can't just blindly go around without knowing the quest details. I do plan to take out a certain Baron though."
"I see.."
"But for now, just get some rest. We'll wake up the princess in the morning." Prima told him before almost immediately falling asleep with Tuff in her lap.
With an expertly timed deflect of the badly taken care of blade, Satana pierced through the throat of a human bandit with her dagger and stood with a conflicted look on her face among the multiple bandit corpses surrounding her. She was transformed into a red-headed human female and had blood staining her figure and clothes. A hunched over figure emerged from the darkness.
"Do you think leaving the demon's army was the right decision...?"
"I was getting bored. Taking these guys out for a quest from the humans is much more fun." Satana lied. She actually didn't feel that the barbaric and cruel acts of the demons really aligned with her spiritually. She would be damned if she continued to do something when she disliked it, especially in this world where she had the choice of doing whatever she pleased.
After abandoning the squad and taking with her a deformed demon with a heart of kindness, Satana and the boy, Riff, started off as adventurers in a random human town. The two demons had no plan for the future but for now they would just live and see where their adventures take them.
They just completed an extermination quest for the Red Hood Bandits who were known for robbing carriages and weak adventurers, even sometimes killing them afterwards. The two started walking back towards the town but then something came barreling towards them. Satana saw a C over the head of the creature and shouted.
"I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!" And the world around her and the creature paused.
[Satana has challenged Himitsu Tatsumi to a duel. Since Hitmitsu Tatsumi is being challenged, he shall set the stage of the duel and the rules.]
Satana didn't get the chance to look at her challenger before dueling him but figured it would be a good change of pace. Since he didn't look human he had to wish to be an awesome creature. She's going to find out for herself.
Satana was transported into strange hallway that definitely didn't match the time period of where she just came from.
"Am I in a god damn spaceship!?" She yelled before looking outside a window and seeing nothing but space.
"Oh my god. This is so awesome! I need to look around the ship!" Satana shouted before dashing all throughout the ship and ignoring her desperately chasing opponent trying to keep up with her.
"Whoa! Space pods! Sleeping chambers! Metal walls!" Satana yelled while exploring the ship.
Eventually she saw enough of the ship and finally faced her opponent. A xenomorph.
"Honestly. This is the best thing I could've gotten right now…" Satana said while crying.
"The past week has been a bit stressful and this gift you gave me really means a lot…." She said while the xenomorph just ran towards her and tried to pounce her.
A pink goop shot towards the incoming xenomorph and captured it as it was pouncing midair. It struggled and made shrieking noises while trying to tear off the goop. It even sliced open it's skin and tried to use it's blood to melt the goop off, and it worked for a moment, until Satana stood over the creature and healed it's wound with light magic.
The creature was soon absorbed by Satana and her current human form began to morph and change. She reverted back to her original form. Green skin, antenna dragging on the ground, small Kid Buu like figure, and full of power. Before having more changes happen due to absorbing the Xenomorph.
Satana grew a long serrated green tail with a sharp tip at the end. An inner mouth, hiding in her throat long enough to punch through a skull of any creature. Acidic blood that could melt steel. Outwardly she didn't look very different with the exception of the tail, but now she wondered what other kind of abilities she gained from the alien.
"Can I make those little spider things that makes aliens!? I'll have to find out!" Satana excitedly said while thinking about Demon Xenomorphs, Magic Xenomorphs, Monster Xenomorphs, and more.
[Congratulations Satana. You have won a Destiny Battle duel. As a special prize for defeating your opponent you will be gifted an additional choice with your prizes. Choose one of these three items and be prepared for the very near future.]
[Sleep Magic]
Satana just giggled as she looked at the choices.
"I already have three of these!" Satana said before choosing sleep magic and returning back to her human disguise.
Satana was taken back to the forest with Riff and started laughing loudly and slightly crazily. Riff was freaked out because this was the first time he's heard Satana laugh ever. Ever since leaving the squad and killing her first human, she didn't seem to enjoy much of anything anymore. He wondered what made her so happy..
Satana crouched on the forest floor and poked her finger in the ground, something pulsing and moving through her arm to her finger was being planted in the ground. After a few seconds, nothing happened and Riff looked over the spot where Satana poked waiting for something to happen.
"Give it a second boy.." Satana told him.
And just as she said that, a leathery brown fleshy egg sprouted from the ground. Sitting at nearly 2 feet tall (60 cm) four 'petals' sat neatly atop the egg.
"Stand back!" She yelled once she saw the petals opening slightly.
Riff hurriedly and clumsily ran away and waited until Satana gave him the okay. The petals began closing and Satana wiped her brow.
"Okay. We'll check on it tomorrow Riff. Let's go turn in this quest and go to sleep!" Satana decided.
The two started walking away and Riff finally gathered the courage to ask about what did she create back there.
"I never seen any demons create eggs.." Riff said.
"Don't think too much about it kiddo."
"But what is that thing? Why did I have to stay away from it?"
"Because it's dangerous. The creature in that egg could kill you within 2 or 3 days of it's birth with ease."
Riff shivered at the thought of some baby demon killing him.
"I understand… I'll be careful." He told her.
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| I DO NOT OWN ENCANTO OR ANY CHARACTERS FROM THE MOVIE ITSELF, ONLY Y/N OR ANY OF HER FAMILY MEMBERS |pronouns for reader will be at the top of the imagine so you can see it before you start reading, enjoy guys
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