《Reborn in Tales of Demons and Gods》Solving the Problem?


(Jun POV)

Entering the courtyard I can see Ning'er and Ziyun talking.

"Come on Ziyun, you shouldn't be mad at big brother like that. It was my fault that it happened." Ning'er

"Sigh. Alright, I'll forgive him if he agrees to my condition." Ziyun

"What's the condition?" Ning'er

"He has to…" Ziyun

"I'm back, what are you talking about?" I cut in.

"Big brother Jun you return!" Ning'er

"Of course I did. Didn't the guards tell you what I said?"

"Yes, but we thought it was an excuse to make us not go after you." Ning'er

I hit Ning'er on the head softly. "Trust your big brother a little won't you."

"Hehehehe." Ning'er

"What do you want?" Ziyun said with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Ah yes, I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier. I..." I was about to get the cupcake out but I was stopped by Ziyun.

"I'll only forgive you if you agree to a condition." Ziyun

"What is it?" I ask

"I want you to marry me," Ziyun said seriously

"Ptui." I almost did a spit take in surprise. I would have if I was drinking water.

"What?!" Ning'er was also surprised by what Ziyun said.

Breaking out of my surprise first I ask "Wait wait wait, how did apologizing lead to marriage?"

Ziyun blushes a little. "Mother said the only one who can see me like that should be my future husband and you saw me so you have to marry me."

"No!" Ning'er yell

"See, even Ning'er know that's not how marriage work. Do you even know what marriage means?" I quickly try to think of a solution out of this predicament.

"It means we have to live together?" Ziyun said not 100% sure.


"That's not all of it, besides the people that married should like each other."

"That's right. I'll be the one to marry big brother Jun in the future." Ning'er said like it's a sure thing.

"*cough cough* What?! I think misheard you can you repeat that?." I said to Ning'er

"I said I'm going to marry Big Brother in the future." Ning'er

"No, he has to take responsibility for what happened earlier." Ziyun

After listening to the girls argue for a while I finally have enough.

"Hey!" I yelled to get their attention. "I don't plan to marry just one person in the future so if you want to stay with me in the future you are going to have to learn to get along with each other. Otherwise, I won't be marrying anyone."

Ning'er and Ziyun looks at me for a bit then looks at each other.

"We can both marry you?" Ning'er ask

"Yes, if you want to."

"Alright! I going to marry Big Brother Jun with Ziyun." Ning'er said happily. She grabs Ziyun's hand and did a happy little dance with her. Ziyun just follows along with Ning'er. They seem to have completely forgotten that they were having a fight before.

"You are not against it?" I ask Ziyun

"No, I get to stay with Ning'er so I ok with it," Ziyun said with a smile

"You know that it's not going to be just you two right?" I ask them after getting their attention

"Ehhh?! I thought it's going to be just us three together. Who is the other?" Ning'er

"I don't know yet but I'm telling you now so if it happens in the future you won't be surprised."

"Oh… I don't care how many people there are as long as I get to stay with big brother Jun and Ziyun." Ning'er


"And you?" I ask Ziyun

"I'm ok with it." Ziyun

"Great, now as I was saying before I got interrupted with the whole marriage thing. I got you two a present." I take out the cupcake and hand them one each. "Here's a little snack I made. Hope you like it."

As soon as they take a bite of it, their face lit up like they just took a bite out of the tastiest thing ever. After the first bite, they quickly eat the rest and was done in a few seconds. They look down at their empty plate in sadness before looking up and see mine with stars in their eyes.

"Sigh, here." I cut my cupcake into two and give them one each. "Slow down or you won't get to enjoy it like before."

"Thank you/You're the best!" Ziyun/Ning'er

"I'm glad that I choose to marry Big Brother in the future." Ning'er said with Ziyun nodding along. Why do I feel like I'm tricking little girls into marrying me? Not to mention the fact that I have to deal with Nie Li now. Hmm... I wonder if that'll work.

After they finish eating they ask, "Can we have more?"

"No, not unless you want to look like this when you grow up." I take out a piece of paper and draw a very fat lady on it. Both Ziyun and Ning'er pale at the thought of them being that fat in the future.

"We are not going to look like that now are we?" Ziyun asks concerned because they just ate the cake.

"No, it's fine if you just eat one every week or so." They sigh in relief when I said that. "And training help keep you from getting fat so if you train hard you can eat it two every week."

"Alright! I'm going to train harder so I get to eat more in the future!" Ning'er declared and Ziyun nodded along with her.

"Big brother Jun, are you going to make us more in the future right?" Ziyun ask

"Eh? No, I don't feel like baking every week so I'll give the recipe to the maid." When I saw a mischievous smile on Ning'er face, I add, "Don't think of tricking them to make you more either as I'll make sure they only make you two a week."

"Awww" Ning'er

"If you get fat I won't marry you."

"What?!" Ning'er/Ziyun

"That's right, so you have to train harder if you want to eat more," I said in hope that Ning'er will stop slacking off. Ziyun I'm not worried about as she is hardworking but Ning'er just wants to play all the time.

"I'll want to stay with big brother Jun. He might make more tasty things in the future." Ziyun

"That's right." Ning'er agree with Ziyun

Sigh, now I really feel like I'm tricking little girls with candy. Well, if Ziyun is going to be my wife in the future I guess I should have Long Jian accept her as a student too. That should stop any plan that the Sacred family has on her. Even if her mom is still alive right now I don't think she'll be able to stop the engagement if her dad decides to be stupid like in the novel.

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