《A Herald for Spirits》Chapter 6: This is becoming a trend
Gabriel, once again, woke up with a startle; and this time, he was pissed.
It was his room at the inn. It took a glance barely to ascertain.
"Naked again! Whoever is doing this… YOU ARE A DAMN PERVERT!" He shouted in the air, turning right and left.
Lizzy, by his side, woke up with a scare, jumping from under the bed-sheets. It quickly dug out of them and turned his head around, probably looking for enemies.
"No need to get like that, Liz, there are no flies in here… Hey! You've recovered already! Thought it would take you a few days. Look at that instead, both tail and arm fully healed! Congrats!" Before he could finish that word, his stomach rumbled.
Well, it was three meals a day for a month, right? Fuck me if I'm staying here for a month, I need to go back, mom must be despairing.
The scare of almost dying had brought him back to a normal state of mind. Before that, Gabriel was so hung up on exploring this magical world that the thought of his mother having to suffer through the disappearance of his son, too, did not even cross his mind.
"Hey, your tail is back; how long have we slept? I'm famished, so at least a few hours, I'd say."
The lizard answered, actually giving an answer worthy of praise.
It pointed at the window and made a gesture with his two clever hands; one positioned like a fist, the other as a- Mouth?
The mouth moved around the fist, then the mouth turned into a Smite? Hitting the fist.
"You… you're saying that if I- if I try to eat a ball, I'm gonna break my teeth? What the hell does that mean?"
Lizzy's arms fell on the side, her mouth gaping, then it smacked her forehead with it.
"Hey, don't get cocky. It's not easy guessing what you have to say. Anyway…" He continued, dressing up, "Do you like your name?"
The lizard nodded vigorously.
"You are a female, right?"
And here it shrugged, confusing the young man.
"How do you not know your… aaahhh," he sighed, "Spirits... what do I know." Gabriel let the argument drop before he could lose himself in it; eating came first.
As they descended the stairs, he tried guessing again for her mimicking.
"Were you trying to say that I should eat an apple and then ask someone? Maybe the Innkeeper? But… no, that wouldn't make sense, maybe if I hit my food with a chop, the innkeeper would come running, asking why I was doing that; I fail to see how it would be more immediate than asking him directly though."
The lizard kept shaking her head and shrugging as if talking to itself.
There was almost peace in the main hall compared to how it was the last time he had been in there.
"Gab! You were brought unconscious once again! You're leading a dangerous life, laddie! Maybe tone it down a little! Mugahuahuahuahua!" Laughed the Innkeeper.
"I bet yer angry though, what do ye wanna eat?"
"First things first, Commodo, who brought me back, and when? What state was I in? Was I… was I naked?" Please say no, please say no, please!
"Mmh, let me think… Around yesterday morning, you slept ever since; and you slept like an angel, even Garena, me wife says you slept like a baby, you and your lizard."
"Garena? I did not think you were married, Commodo, you didn't mention, have I seen her?" Asked Gabriel.
"Me wife? Of course, you did, laddie! She almost made you eat the door! Mugahuahua!"
The she-orc? Wow!
Commodo continued after the bout of laughter, ending it with a sip of beer. "Anywe, it was someone from the house of the Reevers."
"Who?" Replied Gabriel.
"The house the Reevers, powerful fellows? They kind of own tha place? I'll fetch your breakfast, be right backity back!" He moved away, over the entrance for the kitchen, leaving Gabriel behind.
"Lizzy? Do you remember anything about it?" But Liz shook her head.
It took less than a minute for the dwarf to come back with three plates and a mug of some syrupy substance.
"There ye have it, lad! Lamb kebab, with bread from the house, best in the whole freking town! Soup made from weeds of the River of Mana, and nectar of Gold, for yer Energy!"
"Drink a little syrup first. It'll cleanse your mouth and make you eat the whole thing; you still look kinda spent there, lad." He added after the presentation.
"Yeah; I kinda do, thank you, Com, can I call you Com?"
"Of course, Gab, call me however you want! Mugahuahua!"
He took a sip from the mug, and his body started vibrating with energy. Holy shit! At the same time, a thought formed in his mind, just in case.
"Can I have this on the go, please?" He asked the innkeeper, pointing at the mug.
"Drink that; you'll need it. I can give you some to take away. I know it's value for low levels; ye’r still below 10, are ye, laddie? I can tell!" He asked.
"Yup, still level 1."
At that, the innkeeper's jaw gaped for a second, then he swiftly closed it shut.
"How does a- never mind, none of me business…" He said, then turning back once, but pirouetting right away toward Gabriel, the dwarf threw the rag with which he was polishing his mugs on the counter. "Great Hammer! I won't make you go out there like tha', it's improper! You just wait here, no, eat your food; I'll be right back, laddie!"
By his own, Gabriel, mouth full, raised his gaze, arching his brows at him; then he turned toward Liz, nipping at the meat on its plate; "What's got into him?" He asked before noticing her.
Oh, what the hell… she's supposed to be part of me, right? That's what it feels like. Why would I care if she eats from my plate?
He smiled as she raised her little shoulders; she had no idea as well.
Gabriel and Liz finished the plate, burping at the same time; Gabriel did so because there was nobody there but them. Everybody had left, and yet Liz sort of slapped him on his forearm, a scowl on her face.
"What? You burped too. I heard it!"
She crossed her arms, raising her chin up.
"Are you sure you're me? You look more like the embodiment of my mother."
She shook her head in disappointment.
Yet as Gabriel was about to comment again, a loud "thud," more like a "crash," resounded on the counter; he jumped from the scare.
"What?" He said out loud, turning toward the sound.
The innkeeper was there with a frown, then his face shifted in one of mirth as he eyed the plates and the mug.
"You liked my cooking, did ya, laddie? Look at that! I might not need to wash these!" He said, picking up a place and inspecting it close.
"Mugahuahuahua! Anywe!"
He turned serious once again. "I couldn't bear having you go around, unarmed, unfed, unprepared, it's unethical, you're like a damn kid out there! One of those flies might take ye out!"
Ha! He doesn't know how right he is!
"So, here, these, I can borrow ye!" He said, pointing at the bag on the table.
It was a simple leather bag, with a few pouches and straps; the straps were crossed, and they needed to be fastened and unfastened like a belt; however, they looked sturdier than anything he had ever seen.
"What is this? It looks like one of those products with fifty years of warranty tag!"
"Those shoddy Earthen things? Mugahuahuahua! No, no, laddie! This is Core made and tested; it was tha' bag I used long, long ago! It has much more than fifty measly years!"
If Gabriel was drinking something, he would have spit it out at that statement; but Lizzy, licking the bottom of the glass, did it for him, only to lick it once again since nobody had noticed her.
"I'm kinda scared to ask this, but… how old are you Com? I know shit about dwarven age, but you don't look more than forty to me."
"Forty! Forty, he says! Mugah! No, laddie. I'm one hundred- one hundred and…" He frowned, "Garena, sweet pie!" He shouted, turning over the kitchen, his voice booming, almost like wind blowing on Gabriel's hair, "How old was I again?"
A strong voice humming in cheeriness got closer, and a beautiful lady orc peeked her head over the frame of the door leading to the kitchen; it was the she-orc from the day before; she was really a beauty, short, violet air on darkish green skin, small tusks coming out of her upper maxilla.
"One hundred thirty-seven," she said, her head disappearing again, then sprouting back out, "Hello, dear, you're the new guest booked for the whole month; a pleasure to meet you; I'm Garena, as you might have guessed."
"The-the pleasure is mine, ma'am," he answered, a little taken aback.
The sound of her voice was soothing, strong, yet every single one of the words she uttered was heartfelt. I wonder how orcs age. Is it disrespectful to ask for her age? I mean, we're all adults here, no?
Lizzy responded to that, biting his forearm.
Ouch! Well, not really, but you do read minds then! Little fucker!
"I'll leave you, two boys, to your things; pastries need cooking," she said, blowing a kiss in the air.
"I'm booking a pastry, no! Make it two!"
The dwarf smiled. Nodding.
"Now looky here, laddie; this bag of old is how I left it."
He started taking things out of it, placing them on the counter.
"Dwarven short sword, maybe a knife for ye, tall folks, but it does be sturdier than yer hands be!
Throwing knives, three were all I had left, sorry 'bout tha'. And long dwarven pistol, best of its kind; of course, none of this is enchanted; I had no money back then; I was but a kid, at least I had me twenty levels with me though, you haven't even got ten on yer shoulders, laddie!"
Woah… That gun… For some reason, I thought they hadn't got firearms in here. I wonder what kind of logic brought me to that.
"Com, this is a lot… I can't accept this, nor borrow it now; you see, I'm heading home; I can't leave my mother like this; she's going to think I'm dead, I bet she has long since called the authorities to look for me; she's… Already been through that, I can't let her despair once more… But I promise, if there is some way to come back here, I will, and I'll borrow your stuff for sure!" Said Gabriel with a heartfelt smile.
The dwarf expression became one of pain.
Holy shit, he really wanted me to accept them…
"Laddie… I don't know how to tell ye, but… feck, I guess someone has to… Ye can't leave the Den… not before yer Class reaches level 30. I guess if ye're really good and pass the test, ye might get special leave, but as ye are now, it be impossible."
"Wait. Wait, is it some sort of policy? There must be some workaround, no? If I explain my situation, maybe they might-"
"No, laddie, no policy or deal; the passage, the Stele; once ye're in, it makes ye leave when ye're considered ripe; an adult and your mind must not be set on making trouble, that's the test for, laddie."
"I-I don't understand… I'm stuck here? Until I make it to this level 30? And how much time does it take? How does it work?" Gabriel asked frantically.
"It usually takes around twenty or so… years for the talented kids, but ye're an adult already! It should take ye less than that!" Said Commodo, giving him his best smile.
"What!" Gabriel's hands shot to his hair, pulling on them. Lizzy looked between Gab and Com, lost for words.
This can't be! I can't leave her alone like this, I can't spend twenty years of my life in this prison! My life is on Earth! Wait!
"A message! Can I send her a message?" He asked, shooting up.
"A message? To yer mother? I guess that be doable. Ye need to ask for the Waterfronts, though; they are the leaders of The Cradle."
Waterfronts? Gaia Waterfront!
"Ye already know lady Gaia though, eh? The one that brought ye here? Have ye met her yet? I guess not."
"I need to reach the River of Mana to meet her!" Gabriel said, connecting the dots.
"Then iìI guess that's your test, laddie. Maybe she'll give yer mother a message for ye."
Gabriel sat back heavily; the tall yet comfy stool didn't as much as budge at that.
"What a mess… It seems our course is set then, Liz. We do need to meet this Gaia."
I just hope she's not the one constantly undressing me; that would be… weird.
"Have ye calmed down a little?" Asked Commodo; voices could be heard in the back of the hall.
People had entered, yet Gabriel hadn't heard them come in at all.
"Now listen here, lad; and don't worry about borrowing or what not; take the bag with ye; it's yers and here;" He handed him a bottle made of steel, some weird transparent steel, with a golden syrupy liquid in it; probably Nectar of Gold. "One sip of this gives ye 1 Energy back, though if ye abuse it, ye'll feel like shite the following day; I made ye launch on the go as well; Spirit can't be restored with food, but if yer hands on a Mana Skill ye'll be more than welcoming those weeds; now go; get that sweet experience, and I suggest visiting yer class' branch, laddie; ye don't want to go around knowing shite about yer possible Skills."
"I… I don't know how to thank ye- I mean you, Com; I've never met a friendlier barkeeper. I'm deeply indebted to you."
"Mugahuahuahua! Keep yer barkeeper to their bars, then 'cause I'm an Innkeeper!"
Gabriel left soon after that; he went back to his room to sort his mind out and wash and relieve himself. The services were almost entirely like on Earth; they just looked more rustic.
Then as he latched the bag on his back and hung the long pistol and the shortsword to the sides of the buckle which had come with the back, he remembered something important; and dashed back to the inn.
It was around midday, and people had started coming in droves.
There were all kinds of people. However, they were different from the day before. It had definitely been late afternoon when he departed yesterday, and there was some sort of game; however, now the clientele was different; and what more, not everybody had weird animalistic features; he thought everybody had one, but maybe he was wrong. And since he was armed, he started comparing equipment with the rowdy bunch.
These are real-life adventurers. Look at that! That's a massive sword, Gatsu style!
But, he had to hurry. He looked for the innkeeper, carefully slaloming through the crowd coming and going from the counter to take their beers to their tables.
"Com! Hey Com! I need to ask you something!" He shouted.
The innkeeper heard him and quickly finished spilling a few more beers before getting to him. "Tell me, laddie, but be fast. It's almost lunch time."
Gabriel lowered his voice, not to be heard.
"How do I access my Anchor Page?"
At that, the innkeeper's eyes widened before he passed a wet hand over his beard; "Ye just think about it, kid, how else would ye?"
Gabriel was taken aback.
Anchor Page?
Gabriel Walker
1 (14.4%)
Class Level
1 (9.6%)
Spirit of The Lizard
Spirit Level
1 (7.2%)
2.2 (2)
The writing birthed by fire appeared in the air in front of him, all at the same time, as a born on his retina; it overlapped with his sight but caused no obstructions at all; it was transparent enough to be bare of impairment.
You know what? He thought to himself, studying the Page, I've still got no idea what these damn Attributes should be.
"Com, can I bother you for a minute?"
Com looked troubled, "Not, right now, laddie, maybe come back in a while?"
"Even if I might die not knowing the answers to my questions?" Gabriel asked back, mustering as much puss-in-boots eyes power he could.
"Die… wait! Garena! Love, please come here, sweet-mush!"
Gabriel chuckled. Sweet-mush!
"Listen to the laddie for a little. He has important questions," he said, though he had to add something when his wife fulminated him with her fierce orcish eyes, "if he dies, the month-long deposit vanishes, ye know?" Commodo, turned winking at him.
Money over life, yeah! It's like back in the Bronx! Who am I kidding? I've never been to the Bronx!
"Alright, newcomer, spit it out. I haven't got much time for this," said Garena. Her beautiful mug rested on her palms as she sat, putting her elbows on the counter.
"Okay! What are Attributes!?" He spat as fast as he could.
Garena's elbows slid from the surprise, and she beat her chin on the counter; a crash resounded.
"Ou-ou-ou… what kind of jokes are these, Gabe?"
"No jokes, real stuff, it's all real in here," he said, passing a hand on his body, then smacking his hip.
She spat from the laughter.
"Alright, alright… you have me… she said. Attributes uh… where should I even start?"
"You know nothing about them? Like, at all?"
"Nisba, zero, zilch, non, nein, nihil, nie, la', no… alright, my knowledge stops here."
Garena was increasingly humorous.
"Alright, then I'll be sharp and painless," she breathed in. "Affinity measures your convergence with your Spirit and Mana. The more you have, the better you can use magic, the faster it recharges. Alacrity, it is reaction speed, thinking speed; in some measure, you can magnify your Power with it. Power measures the extent to which you can use your physical and spiritual mass to affect the world around you. If Skills are Bound it, their strength scales with it. Recovery is your ability to recover not only your health but your sanity, too; it goes hand in hand with Resilience, which is the toughness of your body. It increases your physical density, your resistance to magical damage, and outside effects. Stamina, your ability to keep on going, fight through certain situations, pairing it with Power and Alacrity. Some things to take notice of; some cultures identify the trio Power-Resilience-Stamina as Willpower, others think of Affinity-Alacrity-Recovery as Intelligence. But everyone has its own beliefs."
She took in a big breath, "Okay?"
Gabriel was left there, a little stupefied by the she-orcs mature beauty, but most importantly, he had understood little to nothing of what she had said.
"Emh… Liz, did you get any of that?" He asked.
The lizard nodded vigorously.
"Then we're good! It's our thing, you know, she's the mind, I'm the brawn. Don't mull too much over it!" He said, to the surprised and a little bit unbelieving she-orc.
"Alright! Thank you, Com," he shouted to the dwarf, who simply raised a hand waving at him not to worry about it, "thank you, Garena. You are as beautiful as you are wise… if only you weren't married…" he shook his head as she chuckled.
"Well, I'll leave you to your clients!" Said Gabriel, hurrying out. He wished to take a good look at his personal page; Lizzy followed him on her little legs.
"I hope he's not gonna kill himself… that one's a good lad, if I've ever seen one," he said out loud.
"Then why don't we make him work here? He said he has the experience. The Blessed Land knows we need one!" Said Garena, getting close to her man-err, dwarf. "I bet he's really good with customers."
"Well… let him have his time to relax. He has a month entirely paid for him if he hasn't resolved his things by then, maybe…"
There was much more movement that day. The city almost looked like a different place with all the folks coming and going; he swore he had even seen a dragon flying in the sky to descend somewhere close; Gabe stopped to awe, but he did not wish to stop. He needed to hurry and meet this Gaia waterfront.
It was time they had a nice chat.
"Come on, Lizzy, we're gonna smash a few more flies, though maybe I should have asked how this pistol works. It doesn't look like it has a hammer, nor bullets of any kind…"
The lizard stopped, looking at him in defeat and scratching her nose. She hadn't thought about asking as well.
"Oh well, we'll figure it out."
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