《Red Mantis and Avenger Doll》Gig 1: Part 3 - I'm Walking on Hawking Radiation~ ♪
Senka's part is simple. She has to sabotage the command module's connection mechanism, which the guards will use at the end of the day to return to the station. In order to do so, she will have to perform a space walk without a suit - as not only will there be none for her size, but also will there be none provided on the side of the prisoner's block. The guards inside the module are watching everything happening within the entire prison, so her actions will surely be noticed, even if not by the prisoners themselves. To that end, Olethea is creating a diversion to keep their attention occupied to a certain section of the screens - which is far from the one that overlooks the control panel Senka has to tamper with.
"Diversion... right. She's just a nymphomaniac out to have some fun." The doll-like girl comments quietly to herself. "But really, where did she get all the knowledge of this prison's layout from?" She asks herself in skepticism, while speeding through the crowded hallways, dodging brawls and falling people left and right. She may not wish to admit it, but her tiny stature in this place filled with overwhelmingly large alien beings is a blessing, as it allows her to go practically unnoticed. Paired with her incredible reflexes, she can easily navigate through narrow openings left by moving bodies and flailing limbs.
According to the red-head, the connection mechanism is hidden behind walls, and only exposed when the command module is detached. However, with exposed she means that it lies in open space and while Senka is able to walk in space without problems, the real difficulty lies in getting through the blast doors that seal off the rest of the prison from the vacuum outside. But she was not an intelligence officer and infiltrations expert in one of her previous worlds for nothing.
"I would appreciate it, if you refrained from mentioning that world ever again." She mutters in irritation while ducking under a flying leg, maintaining her speed without slowing down at the sudden obstacle appearing in her way. Jumping up and rolling across the large back of a bent over gray-skinned man being locked in a chokehold by an even larger, red-skinned woman, she continues on towards her destination unhindered.
As far as Olethea is concerned, she seems to know what she is doing. The fact that she commands magic interests Senka, considering the science-dominated universe they seem to be in, but she has been through so many dimensions that seeing different world systems mixed together does not surprise her at all. Among them was one that uses both technology and an individual's inner energy in conjunction to create the strangest of miracles.
"I told you to stop mentioning that world!" Senka shouts and spins around the corridor's corner, just in time to not be caught by someone's face getting smashed on it. Sliding across the floor to dodge a bunk bed, that has somehow been ripped out of its fixtures on the wall and is being used as a weapon, she continuously avoids everything that gets in her way with expert timing.
Finally, she reaches a corridor that is completely empty, as it only leads to a dead end - the blast door she has to get through. Walking forward, she scans the walls closely to see if there are any hidden control panels or covers that could reveal wires underneath - which will open the door when short-circuited. However, as expected of a prison that supposedly boasts a history of zero prisoner escapes, it does not have something so convenient. After all, Olethea cannot be the first prisoner to know the interior layout so well.
"Ohhh, a little girl!" The deranged voice of a man comes from behind Senka and she rolls her eyes before turning around. Approaching her is an exceptionally tall but extremely slim alien being with pale white skin and a bald head. His eyes are covered with cybernetic lenses, which are clearly zooming onto her small, underdeveloped body. Even upon seeing the gruesome scars that cover her face, his excitement is not dampened in the least, and instead grows. "Those scars! If I cut the stitches, that mouth will be able to fit all of me! Brilliant!!!" He runs forward, a makeshift knife in one of his six-digit hands.
"Damn you lolicon!" Senka ducks under his opened hand trying to grab her and lunges at the slender man, using her head to collide with his crotch at a tremendous speed. The crunching sound emerging from it signals that his species shares that obvious weak spot with seemingly all humanoid races. Doubling over from the impact, the alien very nearly buries the little girl under his body, but she sidesteps him skillfully. She catches the knife he drops in favor of holding his crushed manhood, and unhesitatingly slashes his throat.
She licks the alien's reddish purple blood from the blade unceremoniously and a skull-like shadow flashes over her face a split second after she swallows it down. The man's movements stop abruptly, even though the wound was not enough to make him bleed out within seconds. Senka wipes the blade on his uniform, before stabbing it through her own, weaving it in to create an improvised sheath. What was a simple knife to him is almost as long as her wrist, and will surely serve her well.
"Now it'll be a walk in the park. How convenient for him to show up here." She mutters, her voice dripping with sarcasm, and walks towards the blast door once again. Without hesitation, she steps right through it, her body seemingly becoming completely intangible, allowing her to pass through solid matter. On the other side, the darkness of space greets her. Luckily, the accretion disk of the black hole emits enough light to illuminate the station itself. Above her floats the command module, in which the guards are most likely watching the spectacle while enjoying themselves.
Apparently the simplest way to sabotage the docking mechanism is to block one of the small power outlets with a piece of conductive material or to jam a brittle piece of debris into the air purifier that pumps oxygen into the command module the moment it reconnects to the station. The former will cause it to short-circuit and result in a power outage within the entire station. The latter is more gruesome and may involve the death of several guards from shredded pieces of whatever she puts into the air duct causing an explosion in the module's interior.
Weighing her options, Senka goes for the former. While she has absolutely no qualms about killing people, whether they be humans or aliens, a power outage will be a much better distraction. Under those circumstances, the mechanism for cell blocks to be purged into the black hole will be deactivated, which also means a higher chance of survival, in case one of the guards gives in to his anger and performs an impromptu mass-execution in retaliation.
Sticking the knife into the power outlet, she can feel electricity coursing through her body and disappearing into the hull of the station through her other hand without causing any harm. She would have been hard-pressed to find a piece of conductive metal out here otherwise, but she was lucky to have appropriated that weapon from her assailant.
"Yes, so lucky..." She rolls her eyes once more and speaks, although her voice is not transmitted anywhere in the vacuum of space. Just to make doubly sure, she breaks off the knife's tip and leaves only a small piece stuck inside the outlet, before moving onto another one to repeat the process. With several of them blocked this way, the likelihood of a proper short-circuit is higher. Olethea did say that it is only meant as another layer of distraction, since their main goal lies elsewhere.
With this, she returns to the blast door and once again turns herself intangible, before simply passing through it. She walks by the dead long-limbed alien while yawning from sleepiness. "I hope everything is going alright on that perverted eldar's end..."
"Oh yes, do it harder~ ♡" The perverted eldar named Olethea moans with an ecstatic expression on her face. With several tentacles secreting one of the most potent aphrodisiacs in the galaxy jammed up her important bits, she is unexpectedly able to retain her reasoning. Yet, her reasoning at all times seems to consist of wishing to experience even more pleasure, to the point where her self-preservation instinct seems to have been completely shut down. Both her mouths are salivating uncontrollably, to the point where she will be left extremely dehydrated soon.
Even Xil'Aiol is perturbed by how she appears to be enjoying herself. He is a member of the hermaphroditic and one of the galaxy's most promiscuous species, the Zenoshans. He utilizes his biological advantage and well-developed techniques to their fullest, fixing her body to the wall with one tentacle hand and plunging into both her lower holes with the other, but she has not climaxed even once. And while Xil'Aiol has yet to use his strongest weapon, he never met anyone who was still able to retain the amount of fine motor control to speak properly after this much.
"Come on, you're capable of more than that, right?" She encourages him, but all he hears is mockery. He is surrounded by other prisoners whom he has come to rule with both charisma and an iron fist, so being questioned like this makes it seem like he is weak. "This won't be enough to keep me satisfied for long~"
"Shut up, bitch!" Xil'Aiol growls and rams two more appendages into either of her lower holes, eliciting an euphoric squeal from Olethea. Her stomach is bulging from the inside as the squirming of tentacles can be seen on her belly. Even then, her eyes have not lost any of their will, as she stares into his large black ones while licking her smiling lips of the mucus left behind from his previous oral assault. Rather, she seems to be asking for even more.
"Something like this isn't going to cut it~ ♪"
"That does it! Let's see if you can still laugh when I give you this!"
Ripping his pants open, he frees the mass of tentacles that form a Zenoshan's reproductive organs. Looking down at them, Olethea notes that many of them appear to resemble sex toys in their shape, and an excited expression appears on her face. As a race with excessively dominant genes, Zenoshans can impregnate practically any living being to bear them viable offspring. To that end, they are able to mimic the forms most suitable for intercourse with those races.
But Xil'Aiol does not seek to impregnate Olethea; he aims to use his sperm, an even stronger aphrodisiac than the one secreted with the mucus from his other tentacles, to break her mind completely. Aligning a gigantic curved rod with bumps all over it against her front and a corkscrew-shaped one against her back, he gurgles a jeering laughter. They are actually shaped for other, usually more resilient species, but she has shown a complete lack of regard for her own safety, and the look in her eyes as she sees the things soon to enter her is filled with anticipation rather than fear.
Without warning, he pushes them inside her until he can go no further without ripping her apart, violently bulging out the eldar's stomach in the process. She coughs out the air in her lungs and for the first time, the smile is wiped off her face as she gasps for oxygen. Laughing in triumph, Xil'Aiol begins to thrust in and out of her, not caring that she appears to be gasping for air.
"Not so tough anymore, huh?"
"... you just... surprised me." Olethea brings out between short breaths and once again, a grin that reveals her slightly pointed canines flashes over her face. "If you... want to make me cum... you'll have to... use quite a few more at the same time~ ♡"
Xil'Aiol grabs hold of the red-head, spins her around and folds her legs up, before inserting as many of his reproductive organs as he can without utterly destroying her body. At the same time, he forcefully shoots out his first load, which will immediately take effect and ravage her senses. The reason he has not used his mouth appendages to shut her up is to hear her voice at the moment of her complete breakdown. Judging from the unintelligible scream emerging from her throat and the delirious expression as he turns her head to face him, that seems to have been accomplished; her eyes reveal that she has just experienced a mind-melting climax, and her body twitches from the waves of pleasure running through her nervous system.
However, he is far from done, and begins to thrust each of his tentacles at a different rhythm, every motion sending a shiver across her spine as her voice devolves to hot, mindless moans. She has broken completely.
"Haha, where is your attitude now, huh?" His laughter is shared by those around him, who look like they are unable to hide their excitement. As expected, most of them came here a long time ago and have not had an outlet to relieve their stress with since the last Recreation Day. And no matter how foul-mouthed and disrespectful this eldar is, her body is one to kill for. Her insides are the most pleasurable ones Xil'Aiol has ever experienced, and he feels that he can enjoy himself thoroughly with her. "I'll give her to you when I'm done. Do with her what you want."
"Woohoo! Thank you, boss!"
"You're going to completely stretch her loose, boss! Hahaha!"
"Let's keep her around as a sex slave!"
"Oh, I would love to do that, but it'd be getting old quite fast~ ♡"
For a moment, the elated mood in the room continues unabated, until Xil'Aiol realizes whose voice just said the last line. Looking down, he sees that Olethea's consciousness appears to have returned after her mind-blowing climax, and she has somehow freed her hands from his grip. Before he can react, an elbow buries itself into his face and he lets go of her legs. Kicking off of his body, all the tentacles still deep inside her are pulled out forcefully, as he falls to the ground.
"Oh! ♡♡" The eldar makes at the sensation, before landing on her feet and slipping on her own bodily fluids. She is unable to maintain balance due to the spine-arching pleasure from just earlier which cause her legs to be still wobbly, so she hits her head against the wall. "Owie!"
"Why are you standing around with your dicks in your hands?! Get her!" Xil'Aiol commands angrily while moving to stand up again. The prisoners react to his voice and begin to step forward, but stop when they see Olethea reach down and stick her hand into her overflowing flower. Watching in fascination and horror as she pulls out a weakly squirming maggot-like creature the size of her palm, everybody is frozen in place. Even the Zenoshan stares in disbelief; she should not have given birth to his spawn that quickly. "What-"
"Oh no, that's not one of yours. I just needed you to fertilize it for me~ ♪" The red-head winks and points the thing at him while squeezing it hard. A hole filled with sharp teeth opens and a high-pitched screech emerges from it. An expanding shockwave blows away the Zenoshan's head, along with several other prisoners and the entire wall behind him. "Oops, that may have been too hard~ ☆"
Once the first shock at the immense destruction is overcome, the surrounding men scramble away in terror, as Olethea points her organic weapon at them with a childish giggle. With every squeeze and ear-piercing screech, one or more of the alien prisoners are blown away, some exploding into pieces while others splatter against walls when their bodies survive the initial blast. Walking leisurely while slinging the creature around like a gun, the red-head walks out of her ruined prison cell.
"That's what I'm talking about! Now we have ourselves a party~ ☆"
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