《Ashes of the Unforgottable (OLD)》Chapter Ten:The Battle Between Sun and Moon...


(The Group drive to the temple that they used to go to as kids They had alot of memories when they used to be there alot....)

"William:Alright kids..Pray for your grandfather and grandmother..."

"Jeron:Why did they die.."

"Uyeda:They were probably in the great trait war.."

"William:Heh..Theh really were..But their traits ended up killing them..It was devastating for your mom and me.."

It was a 2 hour drive from Tokyo..They all thought of how this is gonna end... The car finally arrives to the temple..Uyeda kicks the ground..ashes went everywhere..)

"Uyeda:It's destroyed...Our memories...All gone.."

"Jeron:Yeah..Still can't believe that our father was evil.."

(Uyedas eyes start to glow as he hears talking nearby...He runs around the corner and sees William and 3 corrupted humans..)

"Uyeda:Quiet! They are here!"

(Uyeda focuses his powers as his eyes started to glow even more...Their conversation became more clearer...)

"William:In the last city everything is gonna change..The countries will start to fuse together from the force of my powers..People will die...Civilization will cruble...No more technology..And a special suprise for the finish..."

"???:Understood...So when will the last attack happen?"

"William:6 hours from now...Alright lets get moving otherwise people will see us-"

(Jeron teleported in and cut Williams face and cut the 3 corrupteds in half..William starts laughing and looks at them...)

"William:Oh..Its you guys...I guess you heard our plans..But you CAN'T STOP ME ANYMORE!"

(Williams eyes glow red and purple as the ground starts the shake...Jeron tries to get one more hit in but William dissapears into dust...The others run down the hill and look at Jeron..)

"Kikuchi:The fuck man!? Uyeda was listening to them..We could've missed some important info!"


"Kikuchi:Shut up Chloe! I swear to god Jeron if we all die..."

"Toda:Students be quiet..! Look we got ourselves into this and now we have to save the world...Which was the last city he mentioned in his announcement..?"

(Everyones phone pings as all of the attacks were moved to today...Some of them being attacked right now..Except..)

"Jeron:Washington...It's happening in Washington!"

"Uyeda:How are we supposed to make it overseas in 6 hours!?"

(The ground starts the crumble beneath them..Chloe falls down one of the cracks, but Jeron catches her with one of his wings..They glide into the air and see Japan colliding with Eurasia...)

"Toda:Damn...The world..."

"Kikuchi:Look out!"

(A sword flies at Toda from out of nowhere..They look to the distance and see 2 masked men..)

"Masked-Man:Targets in sight.."

(One of them holds their hand out and suddenly moves it up as spikes come out of the ground and try to impale them..Jeron and Uyeda dodge but the others were grabbed by them and pulled into the ground..Uyeda dashes at one of them and knocks him away...Jeron looks at the other one while the person is holding a spear..)


"Jeron:Well this is gonna be fun..!"

"Masked-Man:Affirmitive. Prepare to die.."

(Jeron charges a blast in his hand and teleports behind him..He hits the man but he dissapears..Jeron looks around him but sees no one..It turned into complete darkness...A flashing red light was approaching him fast...It looked like a train! He tried to move, but he couldnt..It felt like he had 600 kg weights on his legs...The train hits him...He feels nothing..He opens his eyes again and sees his body full of cuts..The man holds a blade and then drops it..Jeron finally feels the pain and spits out blood..)


"Masked-Man:Your weak still.. You really thought you mastered your trait... Jeron.."

(He starts charging thunder and electricity in his spear and his mask slowly crumbles...He slams into Jeron and he gets flung into the ground.. He flies up to him and removes his mask..It was...Jack..? He slams the spear thru Jeron and uses his corrupt side to heal him...Jeron rubs his eyes and could'nt believe his eyes..)

"Jeron:Jack..? How are you alive.. Chris killed you.."

(Kikuchi uses his teleportation techique to teleport next to Jeron and looks in the sky..)

"Kikuchi:So it did work.."

(While smirking he grabs Jeron and teleports to Jack and grabs him too and then moves them to the others..... Uyeda uses his energy to summon a sword into his hands..The man tries to hit Uyeda with his scythe but Uyeda blocks it and uses a energy bomb to blast him away..)

"Uyeda:Heh..Your just another one of my fathers slaves! Why are you even working for him?"

(Uyeda holds his sword tight and charges at the masked person...He slices its mask off...It had no face..It was just smoke...)

"Masked Person:Heh..Tried to find out my identity..? I don't even have one..I was just summoned to serve Lord Takeshi.."

"Uyeda:Oh yeah? He is a shitty fucking father and probably a worse lord..Now excuse me now as a kill you..."

(Uyeda points to the sky and blades start falling down...The person laughs)

"Masked Person:Your ability is useless against my speed!"

(It uses its sleed to slice Uyedas arm...It didn't go thru the bone..Uyeda looks at it and his eyes start glowing and as he tried to attack again..one of Uyedas wings piece through the person and the blades cut it into pieces...)

"Uyeda:Hey! Did you see that!?"

(Time skips ahead a few seconds and Uyeda feels a sharp pain in his chest...He looks down and sees its arm thru his chest...He looks behind..He had completely white skin..like snow..and long dark red hair...He throws his corpse into the ground...Chris hears it and runs there...He floats down and grabs Uyedas sword and holds it at his head...)


"Masked-Man:Goodbye..Master of Unholy Heaven Trait..."


(Chris tackles him but when he is about to punch him he turns into dust...Chris breathes slowly and scans the area...)

"Chris:The Power of Sun...Help me win this battle...Unleashing Charge!"

(The Person tried to attack from above but a huge beam came down and went inside Chris...His eyes started glowing alot and his sword turned into a scythe...)

"Person:Intresting...I guess we have the same abilities..But a different side! Power of the Moon... Astral Moon..."

"Kikuchi:Wait.. Astral Moon..? Rikiyuki Benjishin!?"

(Name:"Rikiyuki Benjishin" , Trait: "Astral Moon" , Age:???)

(He starts glowing and his eyes turn dark red, his scythe fuses with his hand and he charges at Chris while he does the same to Riki..They slash blows at eachother and a strong aura starts emitting...Kikuchi teleports to Uyeda and teleports him away...Chris slices Rikis face and he hops away...)

"Riki:Heh..Thats a fine scythe kid.."

(He slides his hand over his face and the cut heals...But it emits smoke a little bit..)

"Riki:You arn't at your full power still...The moon is out..So your gonna die here TONIGHT!"

(Riki turns his scythe into his hand again..He dashes at Chris and tries to punch his chest.. Chris blocks last second and gets knocked back...He keeps dashing him and Chris's block breaks and Riki punches his face and Chris flies back 10 meters...He holds his jaw and it feels broken and shattered...He stares at him and reverts the damage...)

"Riki:Heh..This is getting fun..I actually have to try against you.."

"Chris:Power of the Sun...Mighty Sun Rays!"

(Strong rays start coming from the sky aiming at Riki..He keeps hopping around and dodges them..Riki jumps back and realises Chris is no where to be seen..He looks up and sees Chris attacking him..He quickly blocks but loses his arms...Chris turns his blade around and cuts Rikis throat and jaw open and charges his scythe with energy and slices his chest open.. He uses a blast to blast Riki away...)

"Chris:Heh..Come on..Fight me!"

(Chris charges at him but he turns into dust again..He quickly looks around and can't see him..He hears running and turns around quickly and gets a strong punch in the ribs...Chris flies into a boulder and Riki starts laughing..)

"Riki:Stop talking..No one cares about you.. Moons of Catastrophe.."

(He picks up Uyedas sword and it turns black and spikes start growing on the blade.. He steps back and slices thin air 6 times..Chris looks at him confused..Riki licks the blade and does it again and slices full of moon energy hurl towards Chris...

Chris snaps his fingers and his blade turns into fragments and blast towards the slices and breaking them... Chris stands up and gets in a fighting stance... Riki does the same...)


(They dash at eachother...Chris's scythe turns into a sword as the sun slowly rises...His blade starts to glow....)

"Kikuchi:Heh..The battle between Sun and Moon...This will be cool.."

(Kikuchi flies a little bit more closer..)

"Chris:Clear Yellow Sight.."

(Chris jumps in the air and tries to slice Ruki, but he ducks and tries to stab Chris..)

"Chris:Sunlight Embodiment.."

(Sunlight absorbs him and practically making an armor around him..Rukis blade breaks and Chris lands on his feet..The blade regenerates and he stares at Chris..)

"Riki:I guess we have the same strenght now..Mirrors of the Moon god.."

(A dome appears around them and it was full of mirrors...Riki was no where to be seen...)

"Chris:Mirrors..? What is this supposed to do..."

(He looks around and sees nothing happen..only darkness...A few seconds later diffrent images of him appeared..He tried slicing the mirrors but even more appeared...Then it all went black...)

"Riki:Peek a boo!"

(Chris opens his eyes and gets his chest sliced as he tried to dash back..)

"Chris:We are supposed to be fighting.."

"Riki:We are fighting though!? I just fight like this.."

(Chris holds his sword in the sky...)

"Chris:The Flames of the Sun...Give me your power!"

(A beam sets down on his sword and he points it at Riki..They dash at eachother and start trading strikes until impaling eachother...Riki tries to slice up, but his blade wont move...Chris smirks and sets his blade on fire...He slices it out and then into his shoulder and cuts through the bone to the heart...)


(Chris holds his hand out and a blast starts growing in size...)


(Riki pulls his blade out and impales him in the throat...Chris ignores it and hits hin with the blast...Riki's body starts glowing and it explodes...

Kikuchi tells the others to come and they all run to the site of the explosion...Chris is on one knee and holding his sword in the ground...He looks at them and smiles...He heals his injuries and drops the blade..)

(To be continued...)

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