《Ashes of the Unforgottable (OLD)》Chapter Three: Violence Uprising..


(Jack starts charging even more thunder into himself and flies at Jeron..

Jeron tries to shoot a focused blast of fire at Jack, but Jack dodges and appears behind him. Jack hits him with a thunder punch and charges electricity thru Jerons body.. Jeron feels like he got tazed with a stun gun,he keeps trying to hit Jack but he keeps dodging...)

"Jack:Come on,try some real moves on me!"

(Jeron grabs Jack and throws him down at full force and tries to summon some spikes in the ground,Jack stops in the middle of the fall and points his hand at Jeron.)

"Jack:Thunder Viper.."

(A huge viper filled with lightning comes from the ground and tries to eat Jeron. Jeron looks at the viper and charges at it...)

"Jack:What are you doing.."

(Jeron goes inside the viper and blades start to come out of his arms and he starts to cut up the viper with all of his speed..He screams his loudest and his black energy starts to devour him and he focuses a huge blast in the blades to cause an explosion to kill the viper...

Jeron slams his blades together and the blast causes the viper to explode into lots of thunder bolts and explosions filling the place with smoke...)

"Jack:What is this trait..."

(Jeron appears from the smoke and focuses a blast in his arm... His clothes are ripped and one of his wings is gone...He looked at Jack and his face was covered in cuts and blood...)

"Jeron:I am gonna finish this..."

(He turns around and fires the blast at Jack,the blast starts spinning turning the blast into smaller blasts that surround the main blast...

Jack focuses his thunder and fires back... but its too late...The blast hits Jack and he starts flying to the sea...


Jeron appears behind him and starts hitting him with a volley of blasts from every direction...)

"Chloe:Jeron is doing seemingly good..."

"Kikuchi:True..He just awakened his trait and he is trying his best against Jack.."

(Jeron hits Jack into the sea and follows him to the sea..He keeps hitting him until he feels electricity going thru him...Jeron looks down and sees Jack holding his leg...He tries to hit it off but its too late...From the beach..the ground is shaking...)

"Kikuchi:Don't tell me this is...."

"Chloe:Yeah... Thunder Bullet.."

(A huge bolt of thunder hits the sea and hits them both out of the water and back to the beach..Jack walks up to the bruised up Jeron)

"Jack:You did good,Jeron..You almost had me there.."

(He smiles and holds a hand out to Jeron....He grabs it and looks at Jack with his eyes glowing...)

"Jeron:I never said,I was done..."

(The ground starts shaking and a tree came out of the ground,pushing Jack to the sky...

Jeron flies up to him and tries to stab him with one of the blades...)

"Jack:Thunder Wings..."

(Wings come out of Jacks back and shock Jeron. He feels like he can't move..until...)

"Jack:I am sorry Jeron...I am ending this battle...Thunder Arrows.."

(The arrows come from the sky and impale Jeron and he falls to the ground as they explode...)

Kikuchi:"Well...Final time:45 minutes and 25 seconds."

(Kikuchi runs to Jeron and uses a part of his trait to heal Jerons bruising and cuts...Jack comes down and Chloe runs to him)

"Chloe:Good job..Jeron almost had you there though.."


"Jack:Yeah..He is gonna be a good fighter one day! We just need a name for that trait.."

(Jeron looks up at them and says..)

"Jeron:How about...Demon Strike..?"

"Kikuchi:I like that..What about you guys..?"

"Chloe:It sounds cool so,yeah I am all for it..Jack?"

"Jack:Yeah sure..Demon Strike it is!"

(They help Jeron up and walk him home...It got a little bit cold on the walk back,but atleast Jeron now had friends who he could trust and devout his life to...Jeron waves goodbye to them and he walks home..William is nowhere to seen and Jeron just walks to the bathroom and looks at himself...)

"Jeron:So this is the new me huh..The new chapter of my life..."

(He takes his phone out and looks at the picture of Uyeda)

"Jeron:You caused this...I promise to get my revenge on you.."

(Jeron stares into the mirror and sees Uyeda as his reflection...Jeron puts his hand in a fist and prepares to punch the mirror until he hears a knock on the door..Jeron walks down the stairs and opens the door..)

Chloe:"Hey Jeron! You want to study together?"

"Jeron:Oh hey Chloe..Sure,why not.."

(Chloe walks in and hugs Jeron)

"Jeron:You want some tea or a sandwich?"

"Chloe:Yes please.I'm feeling a little hungry."

(Jeron grabs the tea pot and fills it with water and places it on the stove to boil...He grabs some bread,cheese,tomatoes,ham and makes Chloe a sandwich..)

"Jeron:So..Why didn't you go to Jacks or Kikuchis place..? They are smarter than me to be honest.."

"Chloe:They were busy so...I thought I would come to your place!"

"Jeron:Oh alright thats understandable.."

(The water starts to boil and Jeron takes it off the heat and pours the water into cups and puts the tea bags in...)

"Jeron:What are we studying then?"

"Chloe:Oh,just maths.."

(Jeron finishes the tea and hands it to Chloe with the sandwich..)

"Chloe:Thanks Jeron.."

(Jeron calls Kikuchi and puts his phone down on the table...He suddenly feels like the temprature raised by a lot...Chloe looks out of the window and screams)


(They both fall on thr ground as a blue blast comes from the window and hits the table...)

"Jeron:The hell..."

(Jeron looks out of the window and sees 2 people standing outside and one on top of the house holding a blue fire...)

"???:Time to kill the Takeshis.."

(The 2 people walk to the window slowly..)

"Chloe:You ready..?"


(Jeron gets up and summons spikes from the ground that almost impale the intruders..)

"???:The Boss didn't say he had a trait...Boys,Use your traits against them!"

(To be continued...)

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