《Gifted》Chapter 14 - Stab opponents in the Eye
If Goldie had to pick an adjective to describe Gale's fighting style, it would be honest. He didn't rely on any fancy attacks or tricks. He simply swung his sword at Alvon at varying angles over and over. As opposed to Goldie, who only had nine Strength, Gale's attacks hit hard enough to slightly push the defending Avon back. Though they were fierce, the strikes never managed to pierce Alvon's shield. Any damage done to the aururum was constantly regenerated.
Gale was eventually worn out and his movements became sluggish. Knowing he no longer stood a chance of winning, Gale opted to surrender before getting pummeled by Alvon's warhammer.
"The first match of round two has concluded. The next candidates please enter the ring."
It was once again Goldie's turn. This time he'd be facing an opponent that would fight back from the start and Goldie had no defensive ability to speak of.
I guess now's as good a time to learn as any.
Goldie's mind was suddenly aussaulted by resounding laughter.
What's so funny?
Ahem, nothing much. Just that any other moment would probably be a better time to learn than during an exam.
You bring up a valid point, but it's not as if I had much of a choice.
That's not really true, but I shouldn't be one to judge. I did the same thing multiple times back in school.
At least I have a bit of an excuse. You, my good sir, were probably busy chasing after women instead of studying.
No, I wasn't chasing them. I was catching them.
Goldie rolled his eyes as heavily as he possibly could, ignoring the fact that Xander wouldn't be able to see it.
"Think you're hot shit, huh?", his opponent stated.
"Rolling your eyes at me like that. You think you're better than me?", Tynes accused. "I saw you fight, utter trash. You're lucky your opponent was such a showoff."
Well that's just rude. Now I feel like he deserves to get an eyeroll.
Why did you give him the original one?
It wasn't meant for him.
What else were you reacting to?
HEY! Don't roll your eyes at me!
Goldie audibly groaned.
"I'll show you to take me seriously!", Tynes hissed.
The magical shield once again enclosed the two applicants. Goldie gripped his dagger in anticipation and quickly sent a telepathic 'shush' to Xander. He needed to pay attention. A lapse of concentration would be his downfall.
The plan was simple: Dodge and parry until he adapted to his aggressor. Perhaps throw in a spell or two to throw his aggressor off-guard.
Plans rarely survive first contact with the enemy.
Throwing caution to the wind, either in the hopes of getting a better grade or because of rage, Donald instantly launched his offensive. The man's stance seemed straightforward enough. However, Goldie knew better than to trust him after watching the first fight. If he were to try and block the swipe, a second sword would cut at his undefended half.
Therefore, he instead rushed towards his opponent's left side to preemptively deflect the shortsword in Donald's left hand. He successfully knocked Donald's left arm back but felt stabbing pain in his side, shortly followed by trickling blood.
He clenched his jaw to suppress a scream and rushed backwards away from his opponent.
What the heck was that? Did you think his right arm would just cease existing if you ignored it?
Not helpful!
Goldie tried to focus on healing that spot, but his foe gave him no time to catch his breath. He instantly appeared in front of Goldie and executed a flashy duel-wielding combo. Goldie's body moved on its own and he surprisingly managed to get away nearly unscathed.
Was that helpful enough for ya? Maybe you should leave this one to me, pal.
That wouldn't do. He couldn't just hand over control of his body to Xander. Even if Goldie weren't terrified by the prospect of having his body taken over, it was a scummy way to win the fight.
No! I need to win this on my own, if I can't manage this how will I ever hope to compete with Garen!?
I... guess you're right. Suit yourself.
His moment of respite was short-lived, as Donald snapped out his stupor.
"I have no idea what sort of zone you just entered, but it won't be enough!"
Contrary to his confident demeanor he was getting desperate, making the incoming attacks far more ferocious and less refined than before. Meanwhile, Xander stayed true to his word and Goldie was forced to fend for himself.
By the time Donald relented, Goldie's arms were full of shallow cuts and he had light stab wounds all over his torso.
"Heh, that's more like it." Tynes gibed.
Goldie need to remain vigilant. He knew he was steadily growing more proficient, it was only a matter of time before he could strike back. The third flurry was far easier so avoid and by the fourth, Goldie was barely getting hit at all.
This ever-increasing skill didn't go unnoticed by Donald, and the man decided to end it before Goldie got a chance to retaliate. Goldie's eyes widened in surprise as Donald flipped backwards into the air and the blade of his right sword shot straight out its hilt at Goldie's head.
The fight should have ended then and there, but Xander intervened, steering Goldie's head slightly to the side. The blade still sliced through his left eye.
"Shit!", both men exclaimed.
The searing pain was unlike any he had ever experienced, and his other wounds were also starting to take their toll. His body ached all over, he was almost out of stamina, and he was continuously losing blood. It seemed that adrenaline-fueled willpower would only get him so far.
Goldie needed to end this fight as soon as possible. He may have been running on fumes, but Tûhan be dammed he would continue nevertheless.
He was sure he had a feel for Donald's moves at this point. The time to strike was now!
He dashed forwards and dished out a flurry of attacks. He used Xander's copied skills to their full effect and even added in some moves from other applicants. Meanwhile the dual wielder had planned for his earlier surprise attack to finish Goldie off and was now severely hindered with only half the usual number of blades at his disposal. The adversary was finally getting some cuts of his own and then-
Goldie ran out of steam. He nearly flopped forward but Donald kicked him backwards in desperation instead.
Goldie lied there bleeding out. His consciousness nearly leaving him. He was out of Energy, Stamina and nearly out of Health as well.
He got so far, only to be barred entry. If he didn't get certified, he will have wasted two days!
He wouldn't lose like this.
He couldn't!
He was so close.
He refused!
His body shook as he forced himself upward. He regenerated with all his might. He pulled power from seemingly nowhere as his body burned.
"Don't count me out just yet!"
He activated Essence Concealment and pressed a Telekinetic Push against Donald's astounded form. It would only take one strike to end it.
[Mythical skill Acquired: Inexhaustible Will]
Donald didn't know what happened. To him it must have seemed like Goldie had disappeared, before then being hit by an invisible force that knocked his arms to the side and his head upwards. He ended up getting a dagger stuck in his throat as Goldie's body crashed into him.
The barrier was taken down and the medics rushed inside.
"It seems like mister Jefferite has pulled off a surprising comeback", the overseer exclaimed as he walked over to the nearly dead man. "Congratulations son."
Goldie would have laughed at being called son at his age but was too exhausted to expend the effort.
He laid on the stretcher, the healer taking extensive care of his wounds.
"It's a good thing the fight was ended so quickly. Both of you were almost dead", she dispassionately stated.
"You have my gratitude for doing your job so well then, ma'am"; Goldie croaked. "But, did I really nearly kill my opponent?"
The medic threw him a stupefied look.
"You almost decapitated him. He'd have been done for in another few minutes."
Seeing Goldie's horrified expression, she added: "Don't worry, you won't be disqualified or need to reimburse him."
Goldie exhaled and awkward laugh and retreated into his own thoughts.
Sure, it was something he'd done once before, but this time it was not in a fit of rage.
He just did it to win.
Win in a stupid human on human tournament that decided whether he was fit to protect humanity against monsters.
It made sense not to bring monsters into the city, and it wasn't as if Sahíl society wasn't used to people dying and reviving daily.
Where was his trepidation? He'd taken part in a duel to the death, something he found conceptually horrendous, and didn't even bat an eye.
Even now, Goldie didn't feel sorrowful about nearly killing someone. In fact, he was frightened by his own lack of remorse.
Xander, is this your doing?
What is?
Why don't I feel worse? Why am I so... so fine with using lethal force against another!?
I don't know? Because it's pretty normal to?
But it isn't normal! Not to me at least.
What do you want me to say?
I don't know. That you've been suppressing my emotions so I don't get a panic attack, or something in that direction.
I'm sorry, but that's not the case. You seem pretty shaken up to me though.
But I'm not shaken up about the right thing!
Well, maybe it's just a side effect of your heightened will? It could also be from all my memories you sifted through. Isn't it a good change?
No! I don't want to become some guiltless monster. I feel like I've lost part of myself.
It's alright buddy, I know how you feel. I may not be the best judge about the whole 'killing is bad' thing, but I know what it's like to have a sudden influx of mental stats.
Suddenly becoming smarter? Suddenly picking up on signals you never noticed before? It can be scary.
However, like with all things, you eventually get used to it. I think your worrying is a good sign you won't lose who you are.
You know, you can be really abrasive.
Which means I can trust your opinions. So, thank you. It means a lot to hear that from you.
"Hey, are you alright?" the healer inquired. "You should be perfectly healthy by now, but you look pale."
"I'm fine, I just remembered something I'd rather forget is all."
He quickly stood up from the stretcher, and made his way back to the audience. To take his mind off his troubled thoughts, he decided to look over his skills.
His Telekinetic Push went up another level and his Adaptive Combat went up by a whopping three. His newly gained skill had also gotten to Lvl 3.
Inexhaustible Will Lvl 3: You are able to drag anima directly out of your soul space through sheer force of will as soon as you reach 0 Stamina or Energy. Regeneration of Stamina and Energy stops until negative points have been fully restored. Skill dependent on Lvl and Willpower.
Thankfully the negatives would not hinder him in his next fight, as the healing procedure fully restored all his pools.
"Mister Hayes and Miss Sklendé, please proceed to the arena."
Hayes? That was the one who was instantly surrendered to, no? Goldie closely examined the young man as he changed into his combat gear, if the cloak could even be called that. He was barely more than a bag of bones and so pale it made you assume he'd never left his house. At this point, however, Goldie knew looks could be deceiving.
The overseer clapped his hands and the match begun. Zoe quickly pulled an arrow from her quiver, but before she could nock it the fight was already over.
"HOLY FUCK!", Gale shouted next to him.
HAH! I knew it!
Without warning, a red beam had erupted from Samuel's fingers and split Zoe straight down the middle, even creating large cracks in the dome behind her.
Don't be crass! A person just died.
Yeah, and I totally called it. I knew there was something off about that guy.
It was doubtlessly the most gruesome scene Goldie had ever witnessed. The healers quickly rushed into the ring, but it was quite obviously far too late. Zoe's charred remains were transported away and, Samuel was left standing in the middle of the ring with a troubled expression.
"Sorry about that everyone", he said, while nervously adjusting his glasses. "I only recently got... here. I didn't know what power-level to expect."
Goldie could lightly sense the ranger's departing soul and now saw the unassuming young man in a completely new light. Samuel Hayes was on a different level.
"You fucking asshole! Don't you have a single clue about holding back!?", Gale yelled in outrage.
"Now now, no need to get unruly", overseer Nubondi stated and turned towards Hayes.
"As per our ruling, you now owe Ms. Sklendé 200 gold and our disallowed from further participation in this tournament. We will receive her at the temple and you will hand over the payment", Nubondi pointed out and ordered the guards to escort Hayes outside.
"The tournament will now continue with a battle between Lucas Savar and Rhona Ramus."
Goldie was taken aback at how unfased everybody, except Gale, seemed about the occurence. These sorts of incidents must happen more often than he'd presumed.
Deciding it was none of his business, he sat down on a bench and returned his gaze to the two current contestants. Paying close attention was especially important, as this fight's winner will be his next opponent.
He'd seen Lucas fight before, but Rhona's style was a total mystery to him. Goldie was certain she somehow knew about Samuel's strength beforehand, which explained why she instantly surrendered. This raised the question: How did she find out? Was it a special skill? Perhaps this fight would deliver some insight.
Lucas walked into the ring, wearing the same outfit as before. It was then that Goldie realized the armor everybody wore was fixed after every battle and noted down that he should ask about it later. Rhona wore a strange kind of light brown robe and she had her arms and legs wrapped in bandages. The design was unlike any Goldie had seen before and befit the woman's stern look. Her weapon of choice was a wooden staff. Before the fight began, she unwrapped her arms and revealed they were covered in tattoos the likes of which he'd only seen on items.
Are those runes?
Oh damm, she's a prasmian monk.
So, she's part of some religious cult?
To my knowledge their religion is less about gods, and more just a set of moral guidelines. One thing is universally true though: They're a bunch of badasses.
So, Rhona was part of an order of fighters.
And off they went. Once again Lucas was the one to approach his opponent. It didn't pay to be cautious with a weapon such as his, so he dove straight in. Compared to his wild jumping and cleaving, Rhona's movements were mesmerizing. Instead of a fighting style, it reminded Goldie of a dance. Goldie was certain this woman would have been able to get close to the arrow-firing Zoe without problems.
"What the heck?", Gale said next to him. "Her eyes aren't even open!"
As he heard those word Goldie did a double take and focused on Rhona's face. Her stern expression from earlier was gone, replaced by one of pure calm. Her eyes truly were closed, and it didn't seem to hinder her in any way. Goldie's chest became heavy as he watched his potential next opponent countering such an impressive fighter without even opening her eyes. All it took for the battle to end was a single misstep. She made none.
After 'dancing' for a few minutes she belatedly opened her eyes. Her rigid expression from before returned, and she speedily slammed her staff against Lucas' kneecaps. Shortly after, she efficiently ended the fight with a swift whack to the back of his head, knocking him out.
Goldie wasn't sure what to think of the flawless display. He was blown away. He was terrified, but at the same time felt an eagerness he had never known before.
He was itching to prove himself against such an overwhelming opponent.
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