《Gifted》Chapter 8 - Facilitated Growth
He felt the sun's warm light shining down on his face. It was so bright he could barely stand to open his eyes. He was standing in front of his Store, only it wasn't as it used to be. No, it was precisely how it used to be when he had just reopened it after his father's passing. He felt extremely nostalgic as he read the "Richard & Son's Cornerstore" sign above the entrance.
Inside stood a young man with blonde hair, inspecting his wares. Goldie had entered the store on autopilot and was caught by surprise as the youngling spoke to him.
"Who are you? Do you have any business with me? I'm sorry, but the store in not open yet."
Goldie reflexively tensed up. Seeing himself from 25 years ago was an uncomfortable experience to say the least.
I'm dreaming.
That must have been the case. Either that, or he had in fact traveled back in time. But what should he tell himself, if anything at all?
With nothing better to do, he decided to tell his past self about everything terrible that had happened.
The only response he got was that "nothing like that ever happens in Flousshire".
Of course, the younger version of himself wouldn't believe him. He was after all still under the city's emotional control. He didn't even recognize the grown version of himself. Of course that would be the case after all the physical changes he went through, but it was still strange, considering this was a dream. He looked at his reflection in the store's window and noticed a shadow creeping out of his body. After fully oozing out, the shadowy pool morphed into a cloaked humanoid shape.
"Hey man, the sun's already up. Can't be wasting any time if my paycheck depends on it can we?"
After his short message, Xander's avatar disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Goldie opened his eyes. This time he was staring at the roof of the wagon he had slept in. Originally Xander prodded him to look for any valuables that may have 'slipped' out of their containers during travel. However, even had he no moral qualms with theft, all the goods in their wagon were cheap foodstuffs like grain or dried fruit. There was nothing that merited incriminating himself.
He shot a short telepathic message to Xander explaining which skills he wanted to level. There wasn't a lot he could practice in a wagon, so he opted to continue bettering their telepathic communication, and Essence Concealment. He had also gained enough Path-Points to finish the Ascendant Path and did so.
Congratulations, you have completed the Ascendant path!
+1 to all attributes.
Some people are born special. They have a natural gift of potential and can rise to incredible heights. In contrast, some people work hard their whole life and push forward even with the odds stacked against them.
Anima gain increased by 10%.
You were born without power and yet managed to ascend beyond the limits imposed upon you...
Maximum level increased to 35.
...and your soul has become far more adaptable because of it.
Gaining skill levels has been further facilitated.
You have risen higher than anyone would believe possible, but you are now standing among titans. Tread lightly!
Huzzah! Never underestimate my planning prowess.
Yeah yeah, you lucked out. Though no joke, those are some insane benefits. As far as I know only the Newbie Path should make skill leveling easier. But I guess nobody knows about your path since it probably requires you to have been a Gemeen beforehand.
The benefits were truly a sight to behold. Having an even easier time acquiring and leveling his abilities would be a huge boon in the long run.
He decided that holding telepathic conversations instead of their normal talks would be a practical way to train the skill while getting to know each other. However, holding a complex conversation turned out to be a lot more difficult than anticipated.
For example Goldie tried to ask, 'how was your life growing up?', but Xander understood 'how does being young make you feel' to which he answered with a telepathic 'why ask me something so strange?' followed by a spoken 'a lot better than being 42 probably feels'.
It was easy for them to telepathically command each other or describe menial tasks. Anything else would need a great deal of practice, much more than they currently had. Trying to formulate their thoughts was like being stuck in an animal’s body, with nothing but hand gestures to get their message across.
Nevertheless they kept at it, mostly utilizing telepathy to explain what topic they wanted to talk about, but then sticking to normal thoughts throughout their discussion. Xander was strongly against talking about his childhood, but more than happy to tell Goldie of his romantic experiences.
Why would you ever try that? That's just disgusting.
It's not that bad, don't denounce it before you've tried.
I'll just take your word for it. By the way, when I learned your skill and memories flooded my mind, there was a certain one that stuck out to me. I cannot believe you'd sneak into a changing room. Where are your manners?"
Oh, that? Well it's a funny story. One of my friends, Dean I think, had actually given me the idea.
Why would you listen to that suggestion?
It wasn't like he told me to do it. In fact, he was originally the one who wanted to learn the skill, even though he was a healing major. At one point I asked him: "Why would the healer need an ability like that? You'll be getting protected the whole time."
Ah, he must have had quite some trouble explaining himself.
That's the thing, he didn't even hide it! He simply stated: "I don't need it for combat. It's to peek at girls!", as if it were the most natural thing in the world to do. That was also the day I learned my studious friend Dean was a huge pervert. He didn't want to become a healer out of altruism. It was because he hoped to ogle girls in torn up armor!
None of this changes the fact that you did the very thing you're criticizing him for.
You got me, I surrender. But in my defense, while I'd heard of the skill from him, I originally wanted to learn it because it aligned well with my planned build. Just... once I actually got the skill, I couldn't resist the temptation. I mean, some of the girls at the academy were really hot. I'm sure you'd understand as a fellow man, right buddy?
You sir, are total scum.
Oh screw you! Would you have me believe you've never had dirty thoughts? Sinful temptations?
Goldie suddenly felt like the wagon had become a few degrees hotter.
Well... I... I've never even attempted to court a woman.
So what, you prefer guys?
Nono, nothing like that. At least when thinking about it now, I am quite certain I prefer women. It's just the thought had never crossed my mind.
Good Gát'machá I guess the saying rings true. A Gemeen's only true love is their work.
I'll have you know I was in fact brainwashed my whole life! I've worked from age 11 onwards without question. All because of that dammed emotional control.
Waaaait a second. You mean to tell me the reason you all work so hard is because of mind control? No wonder everyone's always so creepily happy in that town. That's extremely fucked up!
Indeed it is. I guess I should thank you in some sense, for pissing me off to the point of breaking free from the constant 'soothing’.
Yeah, no kidding. No wonder you wanted to know about my childhood, you totally missed out on yours! I should help you get laid once we're in town. I'm sure there's a bunch of people who'd dig your whole 'spliced' schtick.
It didn't take Goldie a lot of effort to understand what Xander meant by 'get laid'. Causing him to almost shout "you can't just say these things" at the top of his lungs.
He resisted that urge by instead refusing to continue the conversation for the next few minutes, before switching topics to what sorts of classes Xander had attended back in school and comparing them to his own education.
After spending the next few hours on such discussions, Goldie gained two Lvls each in Telepathy and Essence Concealment. The spell leveled quite quickly considering he had only used it for around 45 total seconds. However, the skill was simply far too costly. He only regained 23 Energy per hour and the skill needed an insane amount of it to be kept active. He could barely use it for five seconds per hour. He opened his skill window and read through both of the skills' entries.
Essence Concealment Lvl 10: Activate to obscure your presence. Onlookers will naturally ignore you while the skill is active. Costs 4,55 Energy per second. Skill dependent on Lvl and Charisma.
Telepathy Lvl 4: Mentally transmit your thoughts to other beings. Skill dependent on Lvl, Charisma and Willpower.
He needed to find a quicker way to regenerate his lost Energy. What really happened to his inner Energy when he used it? He decided on checking the effect with the aid of his Introspection skill. He once again, looked at his soul vessel. It had grown quite a bit, but the golden glow it used to emit had been tainted by a darker energy. It was likely some of Xander's that had been absorbed in some fashion. Ignoring the soul's changes he delved deeper underneath its shell. Once again, he couldn't make out any details within the mass of swirling power.
It didn't make any sense. Had he not fully emptied his Energy reserves? Shouldn't the amount inside his soul have been far less? Logically the energy within his soul was partially used to enhance his body, meaning there must always be some amount of energy flowing within it. Then what exactly was Energy?
He once again activated Essence Concealment, but this time he closely inspected his soul as he did. The streams of power continued swirling in the same rhythm as before. Then again perhaps the change was so minute, Goldie just couldn't discern the difference.
He left his soul and noticed a popup informing him he had gained two Lvls in Introspection.
What exactly is Energy? Why don't I notice its absence within my soul?
The Energy you see displayed on your status screen is the amount freely available inside your physical body, not the amount within your soul. Most of the energy within your soul gets used for the non-stat-benefits your attributes give you. The Energy and Stamina stat are really just two different pools of power that are readily available in your body. Stamina is a 'watered down' version of Energy and very restrictive. It can only be used to fuel physical processes like running or swinging a weapon. Energy on the other hand is the unrefined and pure version of Stamina, which means it can be shaped to do incredible things like summoning a fireball or flying. This pure variety is comparatively difficult to transport from your soul to your body, which is why it regenerates so slowly.
So it seemed every living creature had power within it in the form of Stamina, including any Gemeen. However, only the Sahíl possessed this 'raw' Energy. He returned his focus inwards, this time not viewing his soul, but his physical frame. It was far more difficult to notice anything, as he didn't really 'see' as much as feel. He spent nearly twenty minutes trying to sense the power within him until he noticed it.
It was everywhere, he just couldn't tell since his reserves had been so low. It felt strangely foreign, like it didn't belong to him. Goldie realized this was likely because he had spent the first 40 years of his life without it. In fact, having been born without this energy made it incredibly simple to distinguish.
But having been born without it wasn't quite the truth was it? He always had some amount of power within him, it was just in the form of Stamina and his general bodily functions. This meant whenever he ate, he really just absorbed a different lifeforms power to nourish himself with. Did this mean with enough regeneration he never had to eat? He definitely felt a lot less hungry lately, so perhaps this was the case. He resumed concentrating on his body. He felt every single fiber of his being, from his skin into his bones.
In a moment of clarity he made a huge breakthrough. He recognized that everything within him was made up of densely woven energy, arranged in a complex pattern based on what must be an extremely detailed blueprint. He could tell the different energies apart with ease, each of them responsible for their own tasks, but truly understanding their structure's every interlocking part was far beyond him. By concentrating on specific areas he was able to increase their efficiency, however losing some Energy in the process. He wasn't certain what effect it had on those spots, but it definitely did something.
Spreading his awareness, he imposed his will to evenly open each of the small connections between his body and soul. He could feel the Stamina and Energy rapidly entering his body. The feeling was exhilarating. He spent at least another five minutes in this closed off state, before returning to his senses.
A tide of messages blocked his sight.
[Standard skill: Introspection has changed to Complex skill: Anima Sense] [Complex skill Acquired: Empower] [Complex skill Acquired: Rapid Replenishment]
Breakthrough! Anima Sense has risen to Lvl 25!
Empower has risen to Lvl 2!
Empower has risen to Lvl 3!
Rapid Replenishment has risen to Lvl 2!
Rapid Replenishment has risen to Lvl 3!
Rapid Replenishment has risen to Lvl 4!
Who knew that discovering new skills was so simple?
It typically shouldn't be...
If you learn so easily, why not try and come up with some way to combat that terrible Perception of yours?
I've already thought of that. Goldie proudly stated, flipping open his notebook.
See, 'find a way to cover your weaknesses'. Just above 'find method to utilize your high Willpower'.
When did you even write that down?
Can't explain, I just had an idea.
He sat down with his legs crossed and relaxed his body. He remembered a southern merchant explaining his meditational techniques and copied them as good as he could. He steadied his breathing and calmed his thoughts, his high willpower making this a relatively simple task. He felt the light breeze on his face as he redoubled his efforts at sensing the wilderness.
[Standard skill Acquired: Meditation]
Even after sitting still for what seemed like ages, he still couldn't feel a thing.
So was your idea to doze off?
Can't talk, busy trying something.
He was doing his best to use his newly learned Anima Sense outside his body. But it seemed like his awareness simply cut off right outside his body. Instead of waiting for information to stream in, he opted to force his perception outwards.
He gave one final push and heard clattering noises all around him.
[Complex skill Acquired: Telekinetic Push]
He looked around and noticed that the boxes, that had originally been lying around him, had been pushed against the wagon's wall.
"Well that's just dandy", he mumbled. I guess this means we can check off 'find method to utilize your high Willpower' at least.
Even if it wasn't what he had been aiming for, the outcome still pleased him.
I guess my Perception attribute is too low for something akin to an aura of awareness.
That fucking path really wasn't kidding when it said you'd learn skills even more quickly.
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