《Song of the Phoenix》Chapter 12


She dashed toward the treasury vault, using the terrains, walls, and decorations to her advantage against patrolling guards. Lady fortune seemed to be fond of her today because the two night guards on duty in front of the treasury vault were slacking off. Baihe slipped pass the two undetected, her eyes scanning the massive rows of treasures stacked inside. Isn’t this a bit too easy?

Her heart was slightly unsettled because it was too easy, almost without any obstacles. Without giving her the chance to access the situation clearly, an excited voice chirped inside her mind. “There, there! Quickly! I feel a strong fluctuation of energy coming from that shelf!”

Following his guidance, she came upon a mysterious scripture and grabbed it off the shelf. The moment the treasure was removed, the floor beneath her feet opened, trying to swallow her whole. Baihe’s survival instincts kicked in and she instantly activated her inner-energy, rotating her body to jump on the shelves, using them as stairs to navigate her toward a safer spot. She watched hopelessly as each shelf dropped down into the hole and disappeared into god knows where.

Of course it wouldn’t be this easy! It got a fucking self-build security system and I just happened to trigger it! What good luck? What lady fortune being fond of me? Bullshit! All bullshit!

Her feet never stopped moving as she jumped from one place to another. Panicked voices were heard from outside. It didn’t take a genius to figure out an army of soldiers were heading this way to skewer her alive. “Intruder! Intruder!” loud voices shouted as multiple heavy footsteps marched closer and closer.

Just as she landed safely in the second layer of the vault, arrows darted out of the walls, heading toward her from all directions. With quick reflex, her body bent backward at 90°, narrowly saving her head from being pierced with multiple arrows; leaping off from the floor, she somersaulted in the air, escaping the peril of being crippled in this lifetime. Her slim figure spun in mid-air, twisting and turning as she dodged the numerous arrows. Some scraped past her and chipped off pieces of fabric here and there, but overall, she was unharmed.


Darting toward the third layer of the vault, a new trap was awaiting her. Large rocks and boulders were swinging toward her at a rapid speed. Trying to crush me to death?

Gathering spiritual energy on her palm, she struck hard against the incoming boulder. Not only was it futile, her body was also knocked back as the immense force slammed into her body. The right hand she extended to smash the boulder was now broken and a trickle of blood flowed down the corner of her lips. Sharp pain vibrated throughout her body once more as another boulder from behind sent her flying forward.

Unwillingly to be treated like a ping-pong ball, she dropped flat on the ground and started rolling toward the next section. “Careful!” Qian shouted, “There’s danger ahead!”

No more than a second after his warning, she heard a loud bang from behind her as the door closed. Laser beams in crisscrossed formation advanced toward her and she had nowhere to go. This was the last section of the vault and all exits were cut off. From the beams of laser, she could sense strong spiritual energy.

Nightmare! Utter-fucking nightmare! I’m going to get sliced to death into little meat pieces! Stupid bird! Fucking stupid bird!

Baihe cursed him a thousand times in her heart, lamenting over her shitty luck and regretting not making him into phoenix nuggets. In the past three months of intense training, she had broken through to Mid Dao Stage 2, but not even that would save her now. The spiritual energy emitted from these lasers were much stronger, but to accept her fate and die here, her heart was extremely unreconciled.

The phoenix wasn’t any better off. Qian was panicking inside the guqin. If this girl were to die here before releasing him, how many more thousands of years would he have to wait before another comes along with an affinity to this stupid instrument?


Lost in their worries, an unexpected strong force of energy blasted through the walls and sent her body flying across the far distance right before the lasers reached the tip of her nose. Baihe landed unceremoniously on the hard ground outside, but her heart leaped in joy. Accepting her stroke of good luck and pushing aside the question of where that blast came from, her feet immediately started running.

A lone guard stood in her way, blocking her path. Luckily, he was one stage below her in cultivation. She lifted her arm, preventing the spear from piercing her body as she gathered spiritual energy into her other hand. Curling her hand into a tight fist, she jabbed his stomach as she grabbed the other end of the spear and pushed it deep into his heart. Noticing a small dagger tucked in his boots, she looted it off his corpse and leaped to the rooftop.

The sounds behind her were getting louder and closer; she quickly urged her feet to quicken its pace using qigong. The second manual Xiao Bao got her had imparted the knowledge of qigong—the ability to move at inhuman speed, ranging from skills such as being able to leap from tree to tree, glide through the air, and run across water. The level and speed of qigong depended on the ability of the user. Baihe prayed there were no experts among the troops pursuing her; otherwise, with her Mid Dao Stage 2 cultivation, she probably wouldn’t be able to lose them.

As she leaped from rooftop to rooftop, an elegant blue-clad man blocked her path. He stood before her, with his hands clasped behind his back; his blue brocade robe flowed gracefully in the breezy night; and his long, jet-black hair fluttered in a carefree manner as the playful wind passed by.

This man had an inherent aura of a person with nobility, but also carried a deep sense of solitude. He had a cold and unapproachable personality, yet was gifted with a face like he was the favorite son of heaven — high cheekbones, sculpted into perfection; chiseled jaw, strong and masculine; clean eyebrows, sexy and seductive; and endowed with a peerless face like he’d escaped from an art masterpiece.

In her previous life, she met her fair share of handsome men; the number of male models and celebrities she assassinated was more than she could count, but none of them lit a candle to this man before her. Even the flowers would hide in shame when he passed by.

Dark royal blue eyes scrutinized her like a hawk, sparkling like beautiful sapphires in the twilight. She was mesmerized by those blue orbs, finding it hard to extricate herself, momentarily even forgetting her own dire situation.

She suddenly had an impulse to kidnap him back home and raise this pretty boy, but it was a shame she refused to be restricted by this era’s rules and regulations. In a world where it was normal for a man to take three wives and four concubines, her modern perspective on a monogamous relationship would be scorn upon.

Baihe knew she would most likely end up assassinating her husband in his sleep if he dared cheat on her. Quickly, she curbed the absurd idea of taking him home with her to raise.

If he were privy to her thoughts at the moment, he would probably end up strangling her to death. Did she think he was a pet?

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