

Well, here it is. Took six months longer than originally expected, but book 2 is finally completed. My biggest concern in this book was it getting bloated like the first one. It ended with a good size at 75k words, though I feel it could’ve used a few more chapters for the classes and also Nevil, who rarely appeared after the first half.

That’s something I want to get around to, but first I need to clean up book 1, which should have already been done long ago. After that, I want to start working on book 3, though first I need to make a proper outline for it. Book 2, and most notably book 1, only had scattered notes on my phone with the main plot points. A proper outline should make the next book easier to write.

Also, I plan on having a few chapters in reserve before I start posting book 3. First, it should allow me to keep regular releases. And second, because I can actually post earlier chapters to the discord.

But don’t expect it to happen soon. I got a job at the town hall and will start working there next week. Better pay and hopefully less stressful, though I’m not sure how it will impact my writing. If everything goes well, I plan to start releasing book 3 this year. Don’t quote me on that though.

And… that’s it I guess. Thanks for sticking with me and my pet project.

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