《Duality》06 - 10 years old


John woke up the next day, his body no longer tired from the awakening.

As he wasn't able to understand what he saw, John chose to ignore it and focus on his training instead.

During combat training, he no longer used two sticks, but a pair of real shortswords, albeit blunted ones. After his body awakening, John now had the physical strength of an average teenager, despite only being 8 years old.

His mother taught him about the two cultivation paths, the Warrior and Spellcaster. The Warrior path focused on the body while the Spellcaster path focused on the mind.

A stronger body meant greater physical strength, stamina, regeneration, among other things. It was even possible to increase longevity if your body was strong enough.

On the other hand, a stronger mind would give a better memory, faster rationalizing, and even quicker reactions, all things essential to manipulate the mana to cast spells.

Although the paths were independent of each other, as a person could just focus on one and forget the other, it was customary to dabble a bit on the other.

The reason was that despite being independent, they were also correlated, meaning that one path could offer benefits to the other.

Quicker reactions were extremely beneficial to a Warrior, as in combat, even a split second could mean the difference between life and death. And greater longevity, coupled with being able to withstand more mana into the body, was of great help to a Spellcaster.

Therefore, both Warriors and Spellcasters had a bit of knowledge about the other path.

John was outside, sparring with his mother. He was quickly approaching her level in combat techniques, forcing Dene to use ever more intricate moves to defeat John.

But that was just sparring, where she didn't truly use her strength. Even with his awakening, John wouldn't be able to truly defeat her as she was a Crusader realm Warrior.

The Warrior path was divided into realms, each more powerful than the one before. Each realm had 10 levels. It began with the Fighter realm, then came Crusader realm and beyond it was the Paladin realm.

As a newly awakened Warrior, John was only a level 1 Fighter, and he didn't really feel proud about it, seeing as practically everyone in Greenflower was a Fighter realm Warrior or greater.

From the drunkards to the hobos, all of them were Fighters, while the strongest guards were in the Crusader realm already.


While John didn't feel special about his awakening, Dene was extremely happy, although she didn't show it on her face.

'With the full support of my tribe, I was able to have my second awakening at 8 years old. John, on the other hand, didn't have access to any of the resources I had, and only has me as a teacher, but he's already a level 1 Fighter...'

'Not just that, he also is very talented with the twin shortswords.'

Dene knew how good this speed of progress was. Although a noble kid would be more powerful than John, that would be because they had access to better resources and teachers than him. If they were commoners, most would still not have achieved their awakenings.

'With such a pace, it would be possible for him to reach both the Crusader and Wizard realms before his thirties. If so then...' Dene's eyes began to shine.


"Now, pay attention." Dene spoke.

The sun had already set, and John was now learning more about spells.

Dene slowly recited the spell incantation to demonstrate it to John. He could feel the mana moving around him, although he wasn't able to see it.

When it was done, she uttered the spell name.

[Shadow Cover!]

Dene began to blend with the shadows. By the end, John could no longer see her, although he knew she was there.

"This is a Mage level spell, useful to better hide at night, though it won't help you a lot against someone on a higher realm than you."

Just like the Warrior path, the Spellcaster path was also divided into realms further divided into 10 levels. First Mages, then came Archmages, and then there are Wizards.

"This spell belongs to the Darkness element, and was one of the most commons from our tribe, as we used it to hunt at night."

"But as you know, to cast a spell takes more than just uttering the spell incantation, the most important being how you guide mana into forming the spell. In fact, you can cast it even without it, if you're strong enough. Let me show you."

Dene dispelled the [Shadow Cover] and John could once again see her.

"Now watch." She said, before gradually blending with the shadows once again.

"See? As an Archmage, I'm able to ignore the chanting for such a low-level spell and cast it directly. That's because the chanting is actually a form of self-hypnosis. During it, the Spellcaster is able to focus their full mind on the spell."


"Wait if the chanting causes self-hypnosis, doesn't the Spellcaster becomes vulnerable then?" John spoke for the first time since the lesson began.

"That's right. In a direct fight between a Warrior and a Spellcaster, the Warrior is the most likely to win."

"The Spellcaster is only able to ignore the chanting for low-level spells, which aren't able to threaten a Warrior by themselves. On the other hand, if the Spellcaster tries to chant a spell, the Warrior is free to attack the Spellcaster."

"That's why most Spellcasters try to hire bodyguards, or tame magic beasts to protect them while they chant their spells."

"But while it's certainly true that Spellcasters are weaker on direct confrontation, they can make a huge difference in a group fight, as a single Archmage level spell is able to kill a group of Crusader."

"But that's how it's done here at the north, as they have much stronger spells. But the southern tribes only have weaker spells, that although are easier to cast, also have less power."

"The way our spellcasters fight is by focusing on the Warrior path and using weaker spells as support. Although no single spell will be able to defeat an enemy of the same level, they can create an opening for you to attack with the swords. Understand?"

"Yes." John answered.

"Good. Keep working on training your mind and you'll be able to have a mind awakening in 2 or 3 years."

Dene continued her teachings for the night before both went to sleep.


The days of training continued, and John kept steadily improving. 2 years passed and John was now 10 years old. As a half southern boy, John was naturally taller than most at his age, already being 1.5 meters tall.

Now, Dene was no longer able to teach him any new combat moves as he already knew everything she did about it. If not for their level difference, and not including spells, he would be able to fight her to a standstill now.

"Alright, that's good enough." Dene stopped the spar.

"What's wrong?" He asked confused.

It wasn't noon yet, so it shouldn't be time for lunch.

"John, you have been progressing very quickly." She spoke with a rare smile. "In just 2 years since awakening, you're already a level 4 Fighter, and your mind awakening should be quite close am I right?"

"Yes mother, I feel that in 1 or 2 months I'll be able to step into the Mage realm."

"That's good. Now, wait here, I want to give you something." Dene spoke before heading into the house.

A few minutes later, she came back carrying a locked, wooden chest and placed it on the ground.

John was a bit confused, as he never saw that chest before, so his mother should have bought it recently.

"What's in the chest?"

"Open it and you'll know." She said before handing John a key.

John was eager to see it, so he knelt down and entered the key into the lock. With a clink, the chest opened, revealing its contents.

Inside the chest was a pair of sharp iron shortswords, not like the blunted ones he used for training.

The hilts were covered with leather for a better grip, and the pommels had three white concentric circles at the bottom. He knew this as the symbol of the Yao tribe.

Along with the shortswords were also a pair of arm guards, a tanned leather armor that he could wear under his clothes, plus dark leather pants, and a pair of soft sole boots.

"Wow, is all this for me? Why?" He asked excitedly.

"John, you're already 10 years old, which in our tribe means that you're old enough to learn how to hunt."

"So you'll take me to go hunting?" John asked.

"No, you'll have to go by yourself." Dene looked into her son's eyes.

The tribesmen usually had dark brown eyes, similar to their skins, but John inherited his father's light hazel eye color.

"My son, when it comes to sword techniques, I've taught you everything that I know. Now, it's time for you to experience real combat. Your training is over for today. I want you to be well rested."

"Tomorrow, you'll head into the forest and you're only allowed to come back after slaying a magical beast."

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