《The science of magic universe - The saint》chapter thirteen - getting ready


Chapter thirteen

The next day Sergei went home and found out that the meeting had concluded with the decision to hire all the mercenaries and hired guns available in Russia to eliminate the new threat, apparently the mob was unable to kill even one of them so they decided to outsource the work. The invitation was sent out to every assassin and killer with a simple message, come one come all. To make sure that the offer looked attractive enough the mob promised total immunity from the local cops and a hundred thousand dollar reward per head of any enemy combatant. There was going to be another meeting five days from the first one to discuss specifics with interested parties. Kazimir decided that this was going to be a perfect opportunity to insert myself in with the mob.

On the date of the mission I was in the underground bunker getting my hair cut and makeup done by Kazimir. Who would have thought that the hard as nails forty year old KGB agent would be an expert makeup artist, but then again the most important part of being a spy is disguising yourself and blending in so in the end it really wasn't all that surprising. He was changing my appearance to look like a certain assassin who goes by the name Persephone.

Ms Persephone was a member of a female only assassin organization called sweet poison. The notorious group was famous for impersonating prostitutes to get close to their targets and poisoning them with a special slow acting poison that was nearly undetectable. In three days the unsuspecting victim who would be completely fine except for some light coughing similar to a cold, would suddenly drop from a painful heart attack and die. The group was highly successful and operated in Moscow, apparently always one step ahead of the authorities, but they got too cocky and accepted a contract on the son of one of the president's dear friends.


They never even got close, before they could even make the attempt their whole organization was systematically found and destroyed. Very few people know what had happened to them and today we were going to take advantage of that fact. I was going to go to the meeting as Persephone, the youngest member of sweet poison. She was currently in a black site KGB facility in Siberia along with the rest of her colleagues so it was unlikely that they could blow my cover. As the newest member she had not had the time to make herself known in the underground community so it should be alright if I go in posing as her.

As for how I was going to transform into her, I left that part to Kazimir and he didn't disappoint. By the time he was done I had very short black spiky hair(at first he was going to use a wig but after he learned that I could 'heal' my hair back he cut it for real), my green eyes were covered by contact lenses that made them an eerie shade of violet, and he put expert makeup on my face that made me look like I was ten years older. He also made me wear tight leather pants and a black top with small intricate blue flowers stitched along the sides and the edges of a flaring collar framing a large cleavage that was showing off my rather impressive bust that was further emphasized by a special bra. I was also wearing a thick and billowous leather jacket with a fur collar to keep myself from freezing to death in the chilly weather. As a finishing touch he put several fake tattoos here and there and put a clip-on on my nose to make it look like a piercing.


After he put on the finishing touches I couldn't even recognize the woman in the mirror, and going by the expression on Sergei's face neither could he. He stared at me and said,"I know we have been through this in the sixth grade but would you go out on a date with me?"

"Answer is still no Sergei, but thanks for asking."

Kazimir cleared his throat to grab our attention , "Alright , there are a few things you need to know before going in and I've put in a short summary inside of this folder so study this for the next hour and a half. This gum I'm about to give you was designed specially to alter voices, as you chew the gum it slowly releases a compound that acts as a mild tissue relaxant. It will loosen your vocal chords a little and make your voice deeper. Other than that there are two guns in the holsters on your belt and a very small caliber gun in an inside pocket of your jacket. You are not to take any action when in that meeting, this is only a fact finding mission. Your job is to collect information on what the mob have on the Atelli and how hard they have been hit. I would advise that you just go there and listen with minimum interaction with anybody there. Here is your invitation card to the meeting, it's genuine so you don't have to worry about getting in. Be careful, this isn't a very high priority mission so safety first. I wish you luck on your first mission."

"Wait , how do I get there?"

He held up a key that had the famous logo of the golden bull on it.

"You're getting there in style."

A.n. Just had an awesome exam , thanks everyone

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