《The science of magic universe - The saint》chapter five - leaving the nest


Chapter five

I was baffled by what he had just told me, it didn't make any sense. What did he mean I made myself exist?

He seemed to sense my confusion and continued,

I suddenly woke up from my dream. Now that I knew that I had powers and how they worked I started to think about the monster that I saw, I no longer thought that it was a figment of my imagination. Whatever it was it looked scary and mean so I had to do everything I could do to stop my adoption. First I went to Veronica and tried to tell her everything I saw but she just thought I was making it all up because I didn't want to leave the orphanage. The same thing happened with Alexandra and even Ms Blatova, they all thought that I wanted to stay at the orphanage so badly I was willing to say anything to stop the adoption. They all insisted that they loved me and also wished that I could stay but the adoption was the best thing that could happen to me. Mr Andrei was a respected doctor who came from a very rich family and Ms Marina was an executive in an international company . According to them , they were one of the best adoption candidates that they have ever seen and they would do everything in their power to make sure the adoption was as successful and swift as possible.

So despite my many complaints two weeks later I stood in the orphanage driveway having a tearful goodbye with my friends especially Anna while Andrei loaded all my meager belongings that actually all fit into one small bag into the back of an expensive looking black Mercedes. Thankfully Marina hadn't come with Andrei because she was too busy, but it wouldn't have been too bad anyway because I had prepared for that eventuality. Still it was a relief that I didn't have to deal with her at the same time I was saying goodbye to the people I loved.


I was finishing up my farewells with Anna who made me promise that I would call every night when Andrei came from behind me and picked me up, "Come on , it's time to see your new home and don't be so glum. I bet you are going to love it there, plus I have a surprise for you on the way there!"

I couldn't help but smile at the man who was holding me. It was like he was a giant child himself. Even though he had the expensive car and serious suit , I could tell from the bright smile he always wore and his slightly goofy hairstyle that he was more of a whacky character than a serious man. I really liked Andrei, I was sure he was a really good person and would be a really good father, but I wonder why the monster chose him to marry? I decided then and there ,as he twirled me around and put me in the front seat of the car, to keep an eye on him and protect him anyway I could.

The car turned around and drove away from the orphanage and for the first time in my life I was leaving the place I had called home for six years. As the ugly green building started to shrink away and fade into the distance I felt sad that that chapter of my life was coming to an end, I had many happy memories in that orphanage and even though I was leaving I promised myself I would cherish all the memories for the rest of my life.

The orphanage finally vanished from view and I turned to face forward with a smile on my face. It might be a little scary but as Anna always says, it's time for a new adventure.

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